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Off-Topic Discussions

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New weapon; Numbing Taclash.

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Shirren Starships definitely have an Invid aesthetic.

Idaran (Kasathan) are also pretty sweet, reminiscent of some of your sleeker Star Wars ships.

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captain yesterday wrote:
New weapon; Numbing Taclash.

I am uncertain how I feel about this naming scheme.

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"When I grow up I'm going to get a car and a low rider motorcycle!" - Tiny T-Rex

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Weaponized chainsaws are called Fangblades.

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I also really like the Envoy class.

Tiny T-Rex is going to make a Vesk Mechanic with a combat drone.

I'm undecided so far.

The rest haven't are waiting for the book.

I also really like the adventure so far.

After working at a toy store as long as I have, every time I see a Ratfolk with cybernetics it reminds me of Five Nights At Freddy's.

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One of the swords of sin was turned into a machine gun with a bayonet on the front.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Ratfolk have cheek pouches!!

I'm so making one that stores grenades or small weapons in his and spits them out ala Rico from The Penguins Of Madagascar. Except Ratfolk instead of Penguin.

*makes a note*


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The Game Hamster wrote:
Captain Oblivious wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Pea Bear never really got into MLP (despite her love for and desire to be a horse) so I've never actually seen it, ever.
I turned it on just to see what the big deal was, and it was decent enough for me to continue with. I will admit, "watching" it mainly meant having it on in the background while I did other things, so I wasn't paying the closest of attention, but I think I got the gist of it.
I hardly think you can get the gist of a cartoon without paying close attention to it.
Actually, in this case Cap oblivious is right. If you did the same thing with the other great cartoons (Gravity Falls, Avatar:the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra) to come out recently, you'd miss allot of the humor, or the important stuff in the background THAT DOES get referenced later.

I liked Avatar. Haven't seen Korra, but want to. Not really interested in Gravity Falls.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Ratfolk have cheek pouches!!

I'm so making one that stores grenades or small weapons in his and spits them out ala Rico from The Penguins Of Madagascar. Except Ratfolk instead of Penguin.

*makes a note*


Do Penguinfolk have a special ability of having Morgan Freeman constantly narrate for them?

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Or maybe they should get bonuses in formal occasions since they're wearing tuxedos.

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Are you going to make an anthropomorphic killer whale race to act as a racial enemy? Or maybe say that since bullettes are basically land-sharks, they have a real taste for penguinfolks.

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A man goes into a seedy-looking bar. The menu on the wall reads "Cheese Sandwich $1.50 Chicken Sandwich $3.50 Handjob $10.00". He checks his pocket to be sure how much money he has, then goes up to the bar. He sees three busty waitresses serving the customers, and he motions one over. She slinks over and purrs "What can I get for you, Sweetie?" The one leans in and whispers "Are you the one that gives the handjobs?" The waitress smiles and whispers back huskily "I sure am." The man leans back and says "I thought so. Now go wash your hands, because I want a cheese sandwich."

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A trucker who's been on the road for two months straight goes into a brothel. He walks up to the madam, hands her $500, and says "I want your ugliest woman and a burnt grilled cheese sandwich." The madam says "Why, for that money you could have my prettiest girl and a steak dinner!" The trucker says "Lady, I ain't horny nor hungry, just homesick!"

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
Captain Oblivious wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Pea Bear never really got into MLP (despite her love for and desire to be a horse) so I've never actually seen it, ever.
I turned it on just to see what the big deal was, and it was decent enough for me to continue with. I will admit, "watching" it mainly meant having it on in the background while I did other things, so I wasn't paying the closest of attention, but I think I got the gist of it.
I hardly think you can get the gist of a cartoon without paying close attention to it.
Actually, in this case Cap oblivious is right. If you did the same thing with the other great cartoons (Gravity Falls, Avatar:the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra) to come out recently, you'd miss allot of the humor, or the important stuff in the background THAT DOES get referenced later.
I liked Avatar. Haven't seen Korra, but want to. Not really interested in Gravity Falls.

Gravity falls is easy to tell if you'll like or not. Just watching the first episode will tell you if you'll like the series or not.

The Game Hamster wrote:
Gravity falls is easy to tell if you'll like or not. Just watching the first episode will tell you if you'll like the series or not.

Yes and no. While the first episode is super-nostalgic, it's... not very good, comparatively. There are a lot of dead moments and slightly awkward comedy. Now it's super-nostalgic and I love it, but as a first impression (although powerful and great), the episode just isn't as good as others.

That said, the series really takes off only after a couple of episodes are under its belt, and season two is just so much better it almost hurts.

I luuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrvvvve Gravity Falls, for the record. Super awesome, and totally recommended, but I also wanted to clarify - the first episode is great, but it's not as good as many others! :D

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Yay! Starfinder!! Whoo hoo!!!

(I assume my enthusiasm will die down, eventually.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Ratfolk have cheek pouches!!

I'm so making one that stores grenades or small weapons in his and spits them out ala Rico from The Penguins Of Madagascar. Except Ratfolk instead of Penguin.

*makes a note*


Do Penguinfolk have a special ability of having Morgan Freeman constantly narrate for them?

That would push them deep into mythic race power level...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
Gravity falls is easy to tell if you'll like or not. Just watching the first episode will tell you if you'll like the series or not.

Yes and no. While the first episode is super-nostalgic, it's... not very good, comparatively. There are a lot of dead moments and slightly awkward comedy. Now it's super-nostalgic and I love it, but as a first impression (although powerful and great), the episode just isn't as good as others.

That said, the series really takes off only after a couple of episodes are under its belt, and season two is just so much better it almost hurts.

I luuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrvvvve Gravity Falls, for the record. Super awesome, and totally recommended, but I also wanted to clarify - the first episode is great, but it's not as good as many others! :D

Please be a vampire! Please be a vampire! Please be a vampire!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Ratfolk have cheek pouches!!

I'm so making one that stores grenades or small weapons in his and spits them out ala Rico from The Penguins Of Madagascar. Except Ratfolk instead of Penguin.

*makes a note*


Do Penguinfolk have a special ability of having Morgan Freeman constantly narrate for them?
That would push them deep into mythic race power level...

Sometimes Benedict Cumberbatch narrates for them also.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
Gravity falls is easy to tell if you'll like or not. Just watching the first episode will tell you if you'll like the series or not.

Yes and no. While the first episode is super-nostalgic, it's... not very good, comparatively. There are a lot of dead moments and slightly awkward comedy. Now it's super-nostalgic and I love it, but as a first impression (although powerful and great), the episode just isn't as good as others.

That said, the series really takes off only after a couple of episodes are under its belt, and season two is just so much better it almost hurts.

I luuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrvvvve Gravity Falls, for the record. Super awesome, and totally recommended, but I also wanted to clarify - the first episode is great, but it's not as good as many others! :D

Which is why it serves well as an introduction!

It sets the plot, the characters, and lets you know that there will be awkward moments! And it's fun.

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I agree, the first episode is awesome and a classic.

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Captain Yesterday fun fact: On our honeymoon we camped in Boring, Oregon for one day.

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According to the most recent tracking projections, my actual books should arrive by the middle of next week (weather permitting).

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captain yesterday wrote:

It appears to be summer on Triaxus.


It's hard to tell while skimming on my phone.

Still dragony.

I'm not so sure on this one actually.

The picture has a sunrise on a citadel city of some sort, so it's hard to tell.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
Drejk wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Ratfolk have cheek pouches!!

I'm so making one that stores grenades or small weapons in his and spits them out ala Rico from The Penguins Of Madagascar. Except Ratfolk instead of Penguin.

*makes a note*


Do Penguinfolk have a special ability of having Morgan Freeman constantly narrate for them?
That would push them deep into mythic race power level...
Sometimes Benedict Cumberbatch narrates for them also.

I think you'll find that Bumbersnatch Chunderthighs is, in fact, narrating for "penglings".

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For whatever reason i've perpetually had a bunch of one dollar bills in my wallet for a couple of weeks now, whenever I depleted it I'd have to use a ten or twenty and then get more ones. But whenever I have to pay with the wad of ones the cashier makes a joke about how I'm secretly stripping in the side.

Maybe, they're on to something...

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On a video I just watched where they mentioned footage of Houdini's act, the narrator said "You don't get the idea that he had magical powers, but you don't feel like he would eat a bug if you dared him too."

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One of the starship companies is called Ringworks.

So of course my brain wants to call them Ringworms.

Bad brain!

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Negative side-effects of overheating. I am not up to playing computer games at the moment. The horror, the horror...

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And don't get me started on not writing either...

Drejk wrote:
And don't get me started on not writing either...

Don't worry, I won't get you started on not writing.

You can certainly do that, though!

I should know! (It's the same for me.)

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Thanks for the encouragement, TL. Several times, I've had to walk down Mt. Oliver and back, taking about three hours each trip. And once into Oakland, where most of Pittsburgh's Universities are, for two hours and twenty minutes for a one-way trip. Whew, getting tired just thinking about it. :)

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This Saturday will be the first G.A.S.P. ( Gaming Association of SW PA ) event that I'll be able to attend since the diagnosis of the tumor. I'll wear the eyepatch that I bought to walk from the bus stop to the event site. It's safer for me to walk if I'm not disoriented with double vision.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
This Saturday will be the first G.A.S.P. ( Gaming Association of SW PA ) event that I'll be able to attend since the diagnosis of the tumor. I'll wear the eyepatch that I bought to walk from the bus stop to the event site. It's safer for me to walk if I'm not disoriented with double vision.

You'll need a parrot, a peg leg, a hook, some pantaloons, a tricorn hat...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
This Saturday will be the first G.A.S.P. ( Gaming Association of SW PA ) event that I'll be able to attend since the diagnosis of the tumor. I'll wear the eyepatch that I bought to walk from the bus stop to the event site. It's safer for me to walk if I'm not disoriented with double vision.
You'll need a parrot, a peg leg, a hook, some pantaloons, a tricorn hat...

Nah, it's just to keep me from wandering into the street while walking beside a busy road with no sidewalks.

Daggummit! I need more caaaaasssshhhh!

Not really, but dang it: I want to be a charter subscriber! Or whatever it's called! I want Starfinder stuff! XD

Sigh: one month off from having the moolah...

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Tacticslion wrote:
Daggummit! I need more caaaaasssshhhh!

So say we all!

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Yeah, Starfinder Core Rulebook, the first AP book, my Pathfinder AP, and the Starfinder Core Pawn set has tapped me out for about a month.

Worth it!!

And next week it'll all even out again. :-)

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Surprisingly, neither kid wants to be starship pilot, and no one fought over who's captain.

Pea Bear (planning to be a Shirren or Ysoki)- Captain
Tiny T-Rex (dialed in as a Vesk Mechanic with a combat droid) - Science officer.

Still up for grabs, Engineer, gunner, and pilot.

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Sounds like territory for NPCs.

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The General with her wires crossed Android Star Shaman (or Xenodruid) Mystic folksinger has decided she'd like to pilot.

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One down, two to go. Make the Engineer and Gunner "Red Shirts." :)

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Library's closing soon. Good night, everyone.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
One down, two to go. Make the Engineer and Gunner "Red Shirts." :)

I get to be one!

I can also probably rope one of my brothers or dad into it. :-)

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Good to go, then.

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I'm at Fightcamp, though I have done absolutely zero fighting so far.

Tomorrow will be a different matter!

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Are you going to pillow camp tomorrow?

They always be fightin'.

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If anyone's ever wondered what happens if you cross J-Pop with Heavy Metal, the answer is this.

And if you then wonder what it would have been like if that song had been recorded in the 20s as a jazz number, then wonder no more.

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Pea Bear has decided on making a Lashunta Envoy.

Tiny T-Rex has apparently fixated on the Officer part of Science officer and is very much looking forward to his combat droid taking down scufflaws and criminals.

For science!!!

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