lisamarlene |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm torn.
Maybe 1/3 of me is saying "mumble mumble what are their parents teaching them grumble".
But the REST of me is saying, "I'm sorry, you just spent *how* much money on the Hawaii trip and you're kvetching about four wasted slices of pizza?"
EDIT: Puts pajamas back on. I can't go shower or do anything else until the stupid Wimbledon final is over so I can find out who I get to hate for the next season because he's not Peter Capaldi.
I hate the BBC for making me watch a tennis match to find out what face the new Doctor will have.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Best use of Bull Rush EVER.
And it may not have been strictly legal, but it was the most brilliant tactical move my son has ever made without help, and I allowed it.
The party was entering the Big Fight just before the Biggest Fight at the end of the AP book. They were on the third floor of a building with a central arena and balconies on the second and third floors open for observation. The CR6 demonically-possessed djinn and the CR3 flind were the monsters in front of us. They were standing next to the balcony. The special text at the bottom of the flind's box said that he liked to use his flindbar to disarm his opponents, then kick their weapons over the balcony. I told the kids this, saying that Undrella the Harpy had warned them about this.
And my son rolls the highest initiative, and he looks at me and wrinkles up his nose and points to the flindbar on the pawn.
"He's gonna try to knock my sword with that and then kick it off the balcony?"
"Okay, then, I run at him and push HIM over the balcony."
"Okay, give me a d20."
(He gets a 27.)
(Me, madly googling "Flind CMD")
"His CMD is 17. (rolls another d20) And he fails his reflex save. Um, yes, you pushed him over the balcony."
(Son does a happy victory dance in his chair.)And, YES, I know Bull Rush doesn't technically work that way, but it made a four-year-old happy.
Er... why not? Sounds totally legit to me:
- Technically, the flind should have gotten an attack of opportunity when he was bull rushed- Otherwise, the bull rush was enough to push him into a frail structure (the balcony), and it's the GM's call as to what happens. You ruled that the flind got a Reflex save. Seems like a legit ruling to me.
So I don't know what you think isn't rules-legal about what you did, but other than the missed AoO, sounds legit to me.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm torn.
Maybe 1/3 of me is saying "mumble mumble what are their parents teaching them grumble".
But the REST of me is saying, "I'm sorry, you just spent *how* much money on the Hawaii trip and you're kvetching about four wasted slices of pizza?"
LOL. You know darned well it's the wastefulness of it, not the money. The "throwing away dollar bills" simile just seems to work well with people in explaining wastefulness.
If it had been $200/ounce caviar I'd complain about the money (and wonder what the heck I was doing feeding kids caviar). But I hate thoughtless waste with a passion.
EDIT: And where's Freehold to drool over your nudity?

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

...dons "Grumpy Old Man" hat(TM)...
I don't know whether this is a "this generation" thing, or something I've been fortunate enough to have missed my entire life:Yesterday as part of Impus Minor's very late birthday party, I provided a massive amount of pizza for the guests. (As lisamarlene can attest, running out of food is never an option at my house.)
So the kids piled enormous heaps of pizza on their plates -- 3-4 slices at once, not just covering the plates, but leaking off the sides....and then they barely ate half of what was on their plates and threw the rest out...
I'm talking entire, untouched slices of pizza thrown in the garbage because they took more than they could possibly eat.
I'm pretty pissed off, as it's pretty much like taking dollar bills out of my wallet and throwing them out. WTF?!?!? You're so lazy you don't want to make two trips, so instead you're going to throw food away?
All in all, for 6 kids there were around 4 full slices of pizza in the trash. That's a LOT of waste.
Gets my dander up.
EDIT: And yep, since they're behaving like 3-year-olds, at Impus Minor's next party I'm going to serve them ONE slice of pizza at a time, and condescendingly explain that, since they couldn't manage to feed themselves properly the last time, this time I'll help them...
I had that happen growing up. Completely normal lesson.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm torn.
Maybe 1/3 of me is saying "mumble mumble what are their parents teaching them grumble".
But the REST of me is saying, "I'm sorry, you just spent *how* much money on the Hawaii trip and you're kvetching about four wasted slices of pizza?"
nude protests of NobodysHome fiscal policy is the way to go!

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:Best use of Bull Rush EVER.
And it may not have been strictly legal, but it was the most brilliant tactical move my son has ever made without help, and I allowed it.
The party was entering the Big Fight just before the Biggest Fight at the end of the AP book. They were on the third floor of a building with a central arena and balconies on the second and third floors open for observation. The CR6 demonically-possessed djinn and the CR3 flind were the monsters in front of us. They were standing next to the balcony. The special text at the bottom of the flind's box said that he liked to use his flindbar to disarm his opponents, then kick their weapons over the balcony. I told the kids this, saying that Undrella the Harpy had warned them about this.
And my son rolls the highest initiative, and he looks at me and wrinkles up his nose and points to the flindbar on the pawn.
"He's gonna try to knock my sword with that and then kick it off the balcony?"
"Okay, then, I run at him and push HIM over the balcony."
"Okay, give me a d20."
(He gets a 27.)
(Me, madly googling "Flind CMD")
"His CMD is 17. (rolls another d20) And he fails his reflex save. Um, yes, you pushed him over the balcony."
(Son does a happy victory dance in his chair.)And, YES, I know Bull Rush doesn't technically work that way, but it made a four-year-old happy.
Er... why not? Sounds totally legit to me:
- Technically, the flind should have gotten an attack of opportunity when he was bull rushed
- Otherwise, the bull rush was enough to push him into a frail structure (the balcony), and it's the GM's call as to what happens. You ruled that the flind got a Reflex save. Seems like a legit ruling to me.So I don't know what you think isn't rules-legal about what you did, but other than the missed AoO, sounds legit to me.
sounds like she tacticslioned the situation.
Because one of the first things you get in final fantasy tactics is rush.
Which pushes someone one space when you use it.
It's a take on a video game that tacticslion loves and has named himself after.
It's probably less funny as I have explained it too much.

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:Best use of Bull Rush EVER.
And it may not have been strictly legal, but it was the most brilliant tactical move my son has ever made without help, and I allowed it.
The party was entering the Big Fight just before the Biggest Fight at the end of the AP book. They were on the third floor of a building with a central arena and balconies on the second and third floors open for observation. The CR6 demonically-possessed djinn and the CR3 flind were the monsters in front of us. They were standing next to the balcony. The special text at the bottom of the flind's box said that he liked to use his flindbar to disarm his opponents, then kick their weapons over the balcony. I told the kids this, saying that Undrella the Harpy had warned them about this.
And my son rolls the highest initiative, and he looks at me and wrinkles up his nose and points to the flindbar on the pawn.
"He's gonna try to knock my sword with that and then kick it off the balcony?"
"Okay, then, I run at him and push HIM over the balcony."
"Okay, give me a d20."
(He gets a 27.)
(Me, madly googling "Flind CMD")
"His CMD is 17. (rolls another d20) And he fails his reflex save. Um, yes, you pushed him over the balcony."
(Son does a happy victory dance in his chair.)And, YES, I know Bull Rush doesn't technically work that way, but it made a four-year-old happy.
Er... why not? Sounds totally legit to me:
- Technically, the flind should have gotten an attack of opportunity when he was bull rushed
- Otherwise, the bull rush was enough to push him into a frail structure (the balcony), and it's the GM's call as to what happens. You ruled that the flind got a Reflex save. Seems like a legit ruling to me.So I don't know what you think isn't rules-legal about what you did, but other than the missed AoO, sounds legit to me.
According to the Core Rulebook (p. 199), "A bull rush attempts to push an opponent straight back without doing any harm."
I would assume that pushing someone over a 40' drop is doing them harm.Or does this sentence just mean that the bull rush itself does not cause any damage? (Technically it was the floor below that caused the damage.)
And, yes, I forgot about the attack of opportunity.

captain yesterday |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

If anyone cares, the third set of the Wimbledon final is 3-3, Federer won the first two sets, and as soon as he finishes mopping the court with Cilic, the BBC is making the Big Announcement.
It's like going to a crappy movie just to see the trailer for another movie.
So, it's The Hobbit then.
Looks around hopefully for Martin Freeman.

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:If anyone cares, the third set of the Wimbledon final is 3-3, Federer won the first two sets, and as soon as he finishes mopping the court with Cilic, the BBC is making the Big Announcement.
It's like going to a crappy movie just to see the trailer for another movie.
So, it's The Hobbit then.
Looks around hopefully for Martin Freeman.
Peter Jackson is an unprincipled whore.
This, this right here is why I never saw any of his Hobbit movies:http://www-images.theonering.org/torwp/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Dennys-Do fS-menu.jpg
Although, I have to admit, the Hobbit licensed pinball game is probably the best film-themed pinball game since The Addams Family.)

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

...dons "Grumpy Old Man" hat(TM)...
I don't know whether this is a "this generation" thing, or something I've been fortunate enough to have missed my entire life:Yesterday as part of Impus Minor's very late birthday party, I provided a massive amount of pizza for the guests. (As lisamarlene can attest, running out of food is never an option at my house.)
So the kids piled enormous heaps of pizza on their plates -- 3-4 slices at once, not just covering the plates, but leaking off the sides....and then they barely ate half of what was on their plates and threw the rest out...
I'm talking entire, untouched slices of pizza thrown in the garbage because they took more than they could possibly eat.
I'm pretty pissed off, as it's pretty much like taking dollar bills out of my wallet and throwing them out. WTF?!?!? You're so lazy you don't want to make two trips, so instead you're going to throw food away?
All in all, for 6 kids there were around 4 full slices of pizza in the trash. That's a LOT of waste.
Gets my dander up.
EDIT: And yep, since they're behaving like 3-year-olds, at Impus Minor's next party I'm going to serve them ONE slice of pizza at a time, and condescendingly explain that, since they couldn't manage to feed themselves properly the last time, this time I'll help them...
They did WHAT?!
Who the f*** throws away uneaten pizza slices? They are perfectly good to put into fridge and eat later!!
Not to mention that you pull a slice from a box, put it on plate (or just hold in hands), eat, pull another slice... Repeat until pizza is no more or you are too full to fit any more of it...

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:I heard this in school too. The teacher said this was proof of bravery, not stupidity.John Napier 698 wrote:Vidmaster7 wrote:I remember from my High School History class that the Polish tried to stop the Wehrmacht with Horse Cavalry. Using lances. The Polish formations were torn apart by the Luftwaffe before they even made contact with the tanks. This seems to be the basis of all of the Polish jokes.Ah got it. Its like how the British have Scottish jokes and vice versa.
or Americans having the polish jokes back in the 60's (never understood that one I have polish friends their good people. must of had to be alive in the 60's)...
Successful propaganda is successful...
Initially it was German war propaganda misrepresenting the actual events, later the Soviets continued repeating the myth to smear pre-war government.
** spoiler omitted **
Fun fact: pre-WWII Polish cavalry saber was of such sharpness and weight that supposedly it was possible to cut through barrel of cannon that '39 German tanks were armed with. Of course one needs to remember that those tanks were lightly armed according to standards that developed later: Panzer II—20 mm cannon, Panzer III—37 mm cannon). Panzer I had merely a twin 7.62 mm MG in its turret.
Getting into right position to attempt such feat would be the hard part.

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Drejk wrote:I heard this in school too. The teacher said this was proof of bravery, not stupidity.John Napier 698 wrote:Vidmaster7 wrote:I remember from my High School History class that the Polish tried to stop the Wehrmacht with Horse Cavalry. Using lances. The Polish formations were torn apart by the Luftwaffe before they even made contact with the tanks. This seems to be the basis of all of the Polish jokes.Ah got it. Its like how the British have Scottish jokes and vice versa.
or Americans having the polish jokes back in the 60's (never understood that one I have polish friends their good people. must of had to be alive in the 60's)...
Successful propaganda is successful...
Initially it was German war propaganda misrepresenting the actual events, later the Soviets continued repeating the myth to smear pre-war government.
** spoiler omitted **
Fun fact: pre-WWII Polish cavalry saber was of such sharpness and weight that supposedly it was possible to cut through barrel of cannon that '39 German tanks were armed with. Of course one needs to remember that those tanks were lightly armed according to standards that developed later: Panzer II—20 mm cannon, Panzer III—37 mm cannon). Panzer I had merely a twin 7.62 mm MG in its turret.
Getting into right position to attempt such feat would be the hard part.
You know, before I found out it was merely propaganda, I thought it was bravery, too, but for a different reason.
I remembered the folk tale about King Boleslaw and his knights asleep in the mountain, and I thought, "What if charging out to die was the only alternative to dying a coward's death? And what if you knew the story wasn't true, but you and your mates told yourselves that it was true to give yourselves courage when you knew you were about to die?"
Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Drejk wrote:I'll see whether I can get him to look at it... NobodysWife is the raven lover.A smart kid plays a bird-brain? Not really surprising...
Goth has a thing for ravens... Who would have guessed that?!
*hands Freehold a bucket of glue and a sack of raven feathers*
I'll just set my black manliness to "misunderstood", it should have the same effect.

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Drejk wrote:I heard this in school too. The teacher said this was proof of bravery, not stupidity.John Napier 698 wrote:Vidmaster7 wrote:I remember from my High School History class that the Polish tried to stop the Wehrmacht with Horse Cavalry. Using lances. The Polish formations were torn apart by the Luftwaffe before they even made contact with the tanks. This seems to be the basis of all of the Polish jokes.Ah got it. Its like how the British have Scottish jokes and vice versa.
or Americans having the polish jokes back in the 60's (never understood that one I have polish friends their good people. must of had to be alive in the 60's)...
Successful propaganda is successful...
Initially it was German war propaganda misrepresenting the actual events, later the Soviets continued repeating the myth to smear pre-war government.
** spoiler omitted **
Fun fact: pre-WWII Polish cavalry saber was of such sharpness and weight that supposedly it was possible to cut through barrel of cannon that '39 German tanks were armed with. Of course one needs to remember that those tanks were lightly armed according to standards that developed later: Panzer II—20 mm cannon, Panzer III—37 mm cannon). Panzer I had merely a twin 7.62 mm MG in its turret.
Getting into right position to attempt such feat would be the hard part.
You know, before I found out it was merely propaganda, I thought it was bravery, too, but for a different reason.
I remembered the folk tale about King Boleslaw and his knights asleep in the mountain, and I thought, "What if charging out to die was the only alternative to dying a coward's death? And what if you knew the story wasn't true, but you and your mates told yourselves that it was true to give yourselves courage when you knew you were about to die?"

Kajehase |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm torn.
Maybe 1/3 of me is saying "mumble mumble what are their parents teaching them grumble".
But the REST of me is saying, "I'm sorry, you just spent *how* much money on the Hawaii trip and you're kvetching about four wasted slices of pizza?"
What I'm thinking is, "you can freeze pizza and warm it another day."

Syrus Terrigan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think they could have held off on the female Doctor lead for one more iteration, perhaps. Seems just a bit too obvious, given the Master/Missy progression of recent seasons . . . .
That said, though: Cool deal!
I hope the Xmas special and next season are better than the previous ones . . . . Wasn't until the last two episodes that I experienced anything resembling an emotional investment in the story(stories) being told, this time around . . . .
Am I alone in that?

Drejk |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:What I'm thinking is, "you can freeze pizza and warm it another day."I'm torn.
Maybe 1/3 of me is saying "mumble mumble what are their parents teaching them grumble".
But the REST of me is saying, "I'm sorry, you just spent *how* much money on the Hawaii trip and you're kvetching about four wasted slices of pizza?"
New rule!
Whenever they throw away a slice of pizza, they have to, as a fine, send me via pay-pal pizza money...
Think of starving game designers in the Eastern Central Europe!

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Drejk wrote:I heard this in school too. The teacher said this was proof of bravery, not stupidity.John Napier 698 wrote:Vidmaster7 wrote:I remember from my High School History class that the Polish tried to stop the Wehrmacht with Horse Cavalry. Using lances. The Polish formations were torn apart by the Luftwaffe before they even made contact with the tanks. This seems to be the basis of all of the Polish jokes.Ah got it. Its like how the British have Scottish jokes and vice versa.
or Americans having the polish jokes back in the 60's (never understood that one I have polish friends their good people. must of had to be alive in the 60's)...
Successful propaganda is successful...
Initially it was German war propaganda misrepresenting the actual events, later the Soviets continued repeating the myth to smear pre-war government.
** spoiler omitted **
Fun fact: pre-WWII Polish cavalry saber was of such sharpness and weight that supposedly it was possible to cut through barrel of cannon that '39 German tanks were armed with. Of course one needs to remember that those tanks were lightly armed according to standards that developed later: Panzer II—20 mm cannon, Panzer III—37 mm cannon). Panzer I had merely a twin 7.62 mm MG in its turret.
Getting into right position to attempt such feat would be the hard part.
I very much doubt that you could, even if you wanted to; 32" blade and a weight of under a kilo isn't anything out of the ordinary, and even if it was super sharp, it wouldn't make much difference, and it certainly wouldn't be sharp any more after you'd whacked a cannon barrel with it. All you'd have it a blunt sabre and a dead cavalryman.
EDIT: If you could cut through a gun barrel with it, you could also cut through a sword, which would mean that no-one would be able to parry at all without both blades suddenly falling in half.
Also, I know very little about artillery, but surely a barrel that could be cut in half with cold steel wouldn't stand up to the rigours of firing very well at all? This is a question for John, perhaps, or TOZ...

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

One of the listed tests for that model of sabre was cutting through 5 mm thick steel bars. I wonder what thickness had walls of 20 mm caliber cannon.
Still, it's a pipe... Which is stronger than a bar of the same weight.
Don't we have 20 mm WWII aircraft cannon somewhere around in one of the hangars?

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Curiosity-killed-cat. It had no more lives left, and yet, it still lingers around...

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:lisamarlene wrote:If anyone cares, the third set of the Wimbledon final is 3-3, Federer won the first two sets, and as soon as he finishes mopping the court with Cilic, the BBC is making the Big Announcement.
It's like going to a crappy movie just to see the trailer for another movie.
So, it's The Hobbit then.
Looks around hopefully for Martin Freeman.
Peter Jackson is an unprincipled whore.
This, this right here is why I never saw any of his Hobbit movies:
LinkAlthough, I have to admit, the Hobbit licensed pinball game is probably the best film-themed pinball game since The Addams Family.)
Linkified. On account of copy/paste not working for me. This was easier :)

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

John Napier 698 wrote:Vidmaster7 wrote:I remember from my High School History class that the Polish tried to stop the Wehrmacht with Horse Cavalry. Using lances. The Polish formations were torn apart by the Luftwaffe before they even made contact with the tanks. This seems to be the basis of all of the Polish jokes.Ah got it. Its like how the British have Scottish jokes and vice versa.
or Americans having the polish jokes back in the 60's (never understood that one I have polish friends their good people. must of had to be alive in the 60's)...
Successful propaganda is successful...
Initially it was German war propaganda misrepresenting the actual events, later the Soviets continued repeating the myth to smear pre-war government.
** spoiler omitted **
Also likely propigat d by the not-tied between Lithuania and Poland (both of which use the same jokes at each other)...
Oh, and K: I'm probably too late, but the idea of running an entire party of shadow adventurers could be a super-memorable experience if it turns out to be a TPK...!

Tacticslion |

NobodysHome wrote:lisamarlene wrote:Best use of Bull Rush EVER.
And it may not have been strictly legal, but it was the most brilliant tactical move my son has ever made without help, and I allowed it.
The party was entering the Big Fight just before the Biggest Fight at the end of the AP book. They were on the third floor of a building with a central arena and balconies on the second and third floors open for observation. The CR6 demonically-possessed djinn and the CR3 flind were the monsters in front of us. They were standing next to the balcony. The special text at the bottom of the flind's box said that he liked to use his flindbar to disarm his opponents, then kick their weapons over the balcony. I told the kids this, saying that Undrella the Harpy had warned them about this.
And my son rolls the highest initiative, and he looks at me and wrinkles up his nose and points to the flindbar on the pawn.
"He's gonna try to knock my sword with that and then kick it off the balcony?"
"Okay, then, I run at him and push HIM over the balcony."
"Okay, give me a d20."
(He gets a 27.)
(Me, madly googling "Flind CMD")
"His CMD is 17. (rolls another d20) And he fails his reflex save. Um, yes, you pushed him over the balcony."
(Son does a happy victory dance in his chair.)And, YES, I know Bull Rush doesn't technically work that way, but it made a four-year-old happy.
Er... why not? Sounds totally legit to me:
- Technically, the flind should have gotten an attack of opportunity when he was bull rushed
- Otherwise, the bull rush was enough to push him into a frail structure (the balcony), and it's the GM's call as to what happens. You ruled that the flind got a Reflex save. Seems like a legit ruling to me.So I don't know what you think isn't rules-legal about what you did, but other than the missed AoO, sounds legit to me.
sounds like she tacticslioned the situation.
Because one of the first things you get in final fantasy tactics is rush....
I chuckled! :D

lynora |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Kidlet has a friend over today. He was so excited about this yesterday that he actually cleaned the apartment. With some help, but mostly him doing the work. They seem to be having a good time and getting along well. This brings his friend count up to three, and this one can get together with him semi-regularly so that's encouraging. :)
My husband's leg is much better. Swelling is down and he can put some weight on it. So it's definitely a strain and not severe enough to need medical intervention. Kinda wish we could have done the super easy test to know that for sure on Friday, but hey, now we know what urgent care not to go to in the evening.
I spilled an entire cup of coffee on my favorite t-shirt totally ruining it, but I was able to find it online and ordered five of them on a major sale. So not so great event leads to pretty great results as I will have enough of my favorite shirt to wear it multiple times a week now. :)
And I got a surprise special treat edible arrangement as a cheer up present. So much yummy fruit. ^.^
So all in all a pretty good day even though it started out kinda crappy thanks to brain fog leading to wearing my coffee. :P

lynora |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tomorrow I have to run around and get ready to leave on Tuesday. The kidlet and I are going up north to visit my dad. I'll have to bring plenty of gluten free snacks with me so I don't starve while we're there. My sisters and their families will be there too, so hopefully numbers will work to minimize potential drama with dad. And if not we can always come home early. (That sentence in print comes across as so much more relaxed and not stressed out beyond belief than it actually is in real life. Having a bad relationship with a parent is not easy.)

Tequila Sunrise |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

How to meet gamers in a Colorado supermarket:
Step 1: Wear a gamer t-shirt, go to supermarket.
Step 2: When complimented on t-shirt, ask "Oh, are you a gamer?" and follow up with friendly convo about mutual game tastes.
Step 3: After parting ways, look down and realize you are not in fact wearing a gamer shirt -- just a funny one.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, how do we roll?
So, we're finally on the pirate council, and we were at our first voting meeting, where you can use Diplomacy rolls or spend infamy points to change other council members' minds.
So, first couple of votes went pretty much by the book, but then the third vote was initiated by the guy we'd kind of accidentally killed and then resurrected. For some reason, he doesn't like us much.
So the vote was 9-5 against him, and we wanted his vote to fail, but since it was already a "done deal", in a gesture of goodwill Captain Finn made a magnificent speech and voted in favor of the proposal, swaying another councilmember to make the final vote 8-7 against, but gaining us goodwill at no cost.
Except... Trevor, the magnificently-played dim-witted shark man. Trevor had stopped paying attention, so when he heard the captain make a magnificent speech and then vote he said, "Oh! Oh! I vote the way the captain votes! I change my vote!"
The look on Captain Finn's player's face was priceless. We had just managed to vote ourselves into having to give up 20% of all the loot we found in our next dungeon.
And we all found the entire thing and hilarious, and completely in character for the entire group.
Much fun!