captain yesterday |
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How oblivious is Captain Yesterday.
Last weekend Tiny T-Rex had a big party and the General got to take him, so I warned her "these are some super chatty moms so don't be surprised if they talk your ear off the whole time"
After the party I asked her if they chatted her ear off, she said "no, I guess they like Tiny T-Rex's dad more than his mom"
That was Saturday. I just today figured out what she was saying.

lynora |
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Grr. Nothing like reading through news articles and coming across one spreading dangerous misinformation about a poorly understood medical condition you happen to suffer from to really make you want to punch things. >:[
Protip: never take medical advice from Elle.com. Apparently they don't know how google works. Or fact checking. :/
Extra points for coming across this on a day when I dislocated a knee and a hip as well as dealing with the after effects of overdoing the PT exercises for my thumb. Which didn't dislocate today in spite of the intense muscle cramps. Progress! Painful, painful progress...

lynora |
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At least I got to be not totally mean mommy today. Kidlet is almost through all of his end of year tests. Just math exam part two tomorrow and then he's done. Friday is the 8th grade promotion ceremony thingy, and then it's the school trip next week, which I don't even have to go on. I still made him study some for math tonight, but I also let him have some not school focused time to clear his head. I appreciated the chance to have some interaction that didn't involve me yelling at him too. Especially after the massive fight that we had yesterday.

NobodysHome |
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Grr. Nothing like reading through news articles and coming across one spreading dangerous misinformation about a poorly understood medical condition you happen to suffer from to really make you want to punch things. >:[
Protip: never take medical advice from Elle.com. Apparently they don't know how google works. Or fact checking. :/
Extra points for coming across this on a day when I dislocated a knee and a hip as well as dealing with the after effects of overdoing the PT exercises for my thumb. Which didn't dislocate today in spite of the intense muscle cramps. Progress! Painful, painful progress...
Having just spent 20 minutes talking with suicidally depressed kid, bringing him down one more time, and listening to the fricking amazingly terrible advice he's getting from his therapist, I can totally grok that frustration.
(He is so similar in personality and history to me that it's frightening -- there but for the grace of a chemical imbalance go I, so I can hear what he's saying, say, "Yes, yes, YES!!! I'm JUST like that! You need to do THIS!", and he says, "Oh, my Goodness! Yes! That is EXACTLY what I needed to hear!"
So it's kind of unfair to the therapists, but seriously, if I can hear what he needs and tell him how to cope and I'm a frigging mathematician, couldn't a trained therapist please help him? I'm getting an hourlong phone call a week because I'm helping him more than his family or his therapist, and that just irritates me. I'm not trained! Someone HELP THIS KID!!!)

NobodysHome |
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Okay, Hulu is really irritating me. Can we please not have anymore pregnancy test ads? Please, please, pretty please???! It's been over a month of listening to this same irritating and awkward ad during every commercial break...Let it go already!
I laugh because I have my "Girl Power" Pandora station that I listen to: Taylor Swift, Rhianna, Nikki Manaj, Britney Spears... and OK, a bit of Evanescence and Florence and the Machine to add a little Goth, but the ads that start, "You don't listen to top 40 hits" just make me giggle...
...yeah, I'm a 50-year-old punker, but I can still appreciate bubble gum pop...

captain yesterday |
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Okay, Hulu is really irritating me. Can we please not have anymore pregnancy test ads? Please, please, pretty please???! It's been over a month of listening to this same irritating and awkward ad during every commercial break...Let it go already!
Commercial free is absolutely worth the extra cost.

Tacticslion |
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I'm tired.
I'm sick. (So is my wife.)
I hurt in my everywhere.
I was totally wrecked by a young college girl.
My son's violin and Wednesday TKD schedules are cause for a whole mess of headaches.
My shin has an oval about as long as a softball is wide on it for some unfathomable reason. It's been hurting after a clash since before the tournament. And my TKD master told me to stop for the day, because I was "done" - his words, not mine. Those are things kind of bitter to hear, even if delivered in kindness.
... but my wife, and Eldest are both taking TKD with me, and my wife, on her second day ever, fully finished memorizing all five of her tapes, and received them, doing so well that the Master is trying to think of "fair" ways to test her out of White Belt.
Over-all, it's a good, good day.

lynora |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

lynora wrote:Grr. Nothing like reading through news articles and coming across one spreading dangerous misinformation about a poorly understood medical condition you happen to suffer from to really make you want to punch things. >:[
Protip: never take medical advice from Elle.com. Apparently they don't know how google works. Or fact checking. :/
Extra points for coming across this on a day when I dislocated a knee and a hip as well as dealing with the after effects of overdoing the PT exercises for my thumb. Which didn't dislocate today in spite of the intense muscle cramps. Progress! Painful, painful progress...Having just spent 20 minutes talking with suicidally depressed kid, bringing him down one more time, and listening to the fricking amazingly terrible advice he's getting from his therapist, I can totally grok that frustration.
(He is so similar in personality and history to me that it's frightening -- there but for the grace of a chemical imbalance go I, so I can hear what he's saying, say, "Yes, yes, YES!!! I'm JUST like that! You need to do THIS!", and he says, "Oh, my Goodness! Yes! That is EXACTLY what I needed to hear!"
So it's kind of unfair to the therapists, but seriously, if I can hear what he needs and tell him how to cope and I'm a frigging mathematician, couldn't a trained therapist please help him? I'm getting an hourlong phone call a week because I'm helping him more than his family or his therapist, and that just irritates me. I'm not trained! Someone HELP THIS KID!!!)
Oh, don't even get me started on the truly terrible state of mental health care. I've had clinical depression since I was 14 and I have a child with severe anxiety who gets debilitating panic attacks. I have had more than my fair share of run-ins with this. Everything from the therapists who don't believe you when you say there isn't any trauma triggering it (at least not the way they mean it), to the ones who view you as a potential experimental subject instead of a patient, to the ones who simply don't listen because they're overbooked and can't keep patients straight. There are good therapists out there, but you have to go to a lot of bad ones before you find one. Bluntly, I often get better therapy from a yoga class than from a therapist. But that's also part of the issue where the same things don't always work for everyone making the whole problem even more complicated to solve. And if the kid's family don't have problems with mental illness, they may not understand at all even if they mean well.
All that said, having once been a suicidally depressed kid, I can honestly say the reason I didn't go through with it is because I had people around me who were willing to help me. Some of them people I barely even knew who would make a point to check on me so I wasn't alone too long or who would stay up all night talking to me about anything. Sometimes the most powerful thing in the world is having someone there who cares enough about you to let you know that you're important.
lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

lynora wrote:Okay, Hulu is really irritating me. Can we please not have anymore pregnancy test ads? Please, please, pretty please???! It's been over a month of listening to this same irritating and awkward ad during every commercial break...Let it go already!Commercial free is absolutely worth the extra cost.
Yeah, I haven't quite been able to justify it since we also have Netflix and Amazon that we watch more often. But these awkward ads are starting to make me rethink that....it's like they're actively trying to find the most inappropriate ads they can possibly run with the subject matter...like, dude, seriously? wtf? this is a kids show! the ads were for pregnancy tests, HPV vaccines, and cancer drugs....o.O

lynora |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm tired.
I'm sick. (So is my wife.)
I hurt in my everywhere.
I was totally wrecked by a young college girl.
My son's violin and Wednesday TKD schedules are cause for a whole mess of headaches.
My shin has an oval about as long as a softball is wide on it for some unfathomable reason. It's been hurting after a clash since before the tournament. And my TKD master told me to stop for the day, because I was "done" - his words, not mine. Those are things kind of bitter to hear, even if delivered in kindness.
... but my wife, and Eldest are both taking TKD with me, and my wife, on her second day ever, fully finished memorizing all five of her tapes, and received them, doing so well that the Master is trying to think of "fair" ways to test her out of White Belt.
Over-all, it's a good, good day.
I hope you and your wife feel better soon.
Extracurricular scheduling is pretty much always a pain, yeah.
Use Epsom salts on that shin. It will help. Trust me. Also ice it. Preferably right after giving it a soak in a hot epsom salt bath. That combination is the best for quicker healing.
Glad to hear that your wife is doing so well at TKD. :)

gran rey de los mono |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Bubba saw Cletus walking down the road in their little Arkansas town with a bag in his hand.
Bubba: "What's in the bag, Cletus?"
Cletus: "Chickens."
Bubba: "If'n I can guess how many are in the bag, will ya give me one?"
Cletus: "If'n you can guess how many are in there, I'll give ya both of 'em."
Bubba: "Deal! Hmm....five?"

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

lynora wrote:Grr. Nothing like reading through news articles and coming across one spreading dangerous misinformation about a poorly understood medical condition you happen to suffer from to really make you want to punch things. >:[
Protip: never take medical advice from Elle.com. Apparently they don't know how google works. Or fact checking. :/
Extra points for coming across this on a day when I dislocated a knee and a hip as well as dealing with the after effects of overdoing the PT exercises for my thumb. Which didn't dislocate today in spite of the intense muscle cramps. Progress! Painful, painful progress...Having just spent 20 minutes talking with suicidally depressed kid, bringing him down one more time, and listening to the fricking amazingly terrible advice he's getting from his therapist, I can totally grok that frustration.
(He is so similar in personality and history to me that it's frightening -- there but for the grace of a chemical imbalance go I, so I can hear what he's saying, say, "Yes, yes, YES!!! I'm JUST like that! You need to do THIS!", and he says, "Oh, my Goodness! Yes! That is EXACTLY what I needed to hear!"
So it's kind of unfair to the therapists, but seriously, if I can hear what he needs and tell him how to cope and I'm a frigging mathematician, couldn't a trained therapist please help him? I'm getting an hourlong phone call a week because I'm helping him more than his family or his therapist, and that just irritates me. I'm not trained! Someone HELP THIS KID!!!)
you are helping him. More than any therapist. He needs someone who has been there before. Most therapists have not.