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Silver Crusade

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Edit: Woot! Destroying boxes and clothing!

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Please cover up and show some modesty! Nudity should not be encouraged!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

I'd gleefully hug a lion :3

No matter how big, kitty is still kitty.

the panther looks pissed that he didn't get a bigger box .

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Fakehold DM wrote:
Please cover up and show some modesty! Nudity should not be encouraged!

fires shotgun repeatedly

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Whoa evil twin moment.

Silver Crusade

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Fakehold DM wrote:
Please cover up and show some modesty! Nudity should not be encouraged!

Ima fite you.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:

I'd gleefully hug a lion :3

No matter how big, kitty is still kitty.

the panther looks pissed that he didn't get a bigger box .

I would be too.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

*Starts petition to get Rysky a bigger box*

Silver Crusade

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
I've got the feeling that I'll be extremely busy for a while. On the order of eleven hours a day, every day busy. One of my fellow guards quit, and the other may or may not show. I may not post as much as I used to. So forgive me for the delays in postings.

Its okay john, we'll wait around for you.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I wait for no one!

Blasts across the Alkali Salt Flats in a rocket powered dune buggy.

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Hey, Cap! You played S&S too, right? Have you got a Campaign Journal? If you do I'd like to check.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I GM it, yes.

I'm not a good writer, so no campaign journal, sorry!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not either, but that doesn't keep me from doing it xD

It's easier when you are not a native speaker because you can say: I am an awesome writer, but I keep writing crap because English is sooooo difficult xD

When you posted on the thread where they were asking about Isabella I thought about it and that's why I am asking. I like comparing my experience with other people's and I was curious.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

I'd gleefully hug a lion :3

No matter how big, kitty is still kitty.

Aaaaw. Adorable. I wonder if they play around with paper bags as well. :) Thanks Rysky. That photo made my morning.

Edit: Naturally, I saved the photo. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Everything I learned about writing, I learned on here.

Just keep at it and don't be afraid to ask for advice or a critique (which is the extent of my advice).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Whoa evil twin moment.

Nah, Freehold received a Mirror of Opposition as a gag gift.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You should see what happened to Joss Whedon in this dimension after he had Captain America die tragically just as he was about to catch Iron Man when he fell from the sky at the end of The Avengers.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

*Sends Rysky the shipping box for my brand new 20,000 dTon Battleship (from GURPS Traveller, about 10,000,000 cubic feet). Enjoy. *

Silver Crusade

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Thankies :3

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
You should see what happened to Joss Whedon in this dimension after he had Captain America die tragically just as he was about to catch Iron Man when he fell from the sky at the end of The Avengers.

I wouldn't put it past whedon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Big enough for you? If not, I can get more. Or one up to 50,000 dTons, about 25 Million Cubic Feet.

Silver Crusade

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

Handy chart for how to differentiate the different branches of Napoleon's cavalry.

...and for some reason I feel I should point out I have a moustache and am of a small build...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, going to get ready for work now, just in case I get called in early. I'll stay on-line up until I have to leave. Even then, I'll let everyone know I'm leaving. Sound good?

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stentorian Patrick Stewart voice

Proceed with the operation, Mr. Napier.

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*Mimics Scottish Accent, trying to sound like Scotty* Aye, sir.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The storms last night have really kicked up my allergies, but Tiny T-Rex didn't cough all night, so I'll take it!

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Okay, people. I'd like a show of hands. Everyone knows about the Gamemastery Combat Pad, right? The metal sheet you place magnets on, right? Who thinks that it's a good project to implement one in software?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

Handy chart for how to differentiate the different branches of Napoleon's cavalry.

...and for some reason I feel I should point out I have a moustache and am of a small build...

Cavalry? Those weird guys that ride on their food and charge artillery?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

Handy chart for how to differentiate the different branches of Napoleon's cavalry.

...and for some reason I feel I should point out I have a moustache and am of a small build...

Tell me about it.

[Shivers under thin blanket}

Come on, you can spare one of those twins. Don't be greedy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

Handy chart for how to differentiate the different branches of Napoleon's cavalry.

...and for some reason I feel I should point out I have a moustache and am of a small build...

Cavalry? Those weird guys that ride on their food and charge artillery?

Hey, hey, hey! As a former Infantryman (mortar) assigned to an Armored Cavalry unit, I object to that. It's kind of hard to eat a tank. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

Handy chart for how to differentiate the different branches of Napoleon's cavalry.

...and for some reason I feel I should point out I have a moustache and am of a small build...

Cavalry? Those weird guys that ride on their food and charge artillery?
Hey, hey, hey! As a former Infantryman (mortar) assigned to an Armored Cavalry unit, I object to that. It's kind of hard to eat a tank. :)

I guess it means you weren't left with MREs only long enough...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

MRE - Meal, Ready to Eat. Also known as "Meals Rejected by Everybody." I had plenty of those. My favorites were the Beef Patty and Gravy and the Spaghetti. Had a bad experience with the thermostabilized cartons of Milk. Had a Chocolate Milk once that actually became Yogurt. *blegh*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, the morning guard didn't get relieved. That means that I'm going in early. I'll try to be back on-line later, but no promises.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"NobodysHome, why do you go with a big-name company like State Farm instead of going with cheaper insurance?"

NobodysHome calls State Farm about the property management company's request to be put on his insurance policy.
It takes two rings.

"Hi! This is State Farm! How can I help you?"
"Hi! It's NobodysHome, and I have a couple of questions! My property manager wants to be on my insurance policy. Is that normal, and what do I have to do?"
"Yes, it's completely normal! Just give us their address."
NobodysHome gives the property management company's name and address
"OK! You're all set! You don't need to do anything else! We'll contact the property management company and let them know. Is there anything else you needed?"

So on the one hand, I'm probably spending maybe $500 more per year than I absolutely have to on homeowner's insurance.

On the other hand... TWO RINGS and I spoke directly to someone with the power to take care of everything on my behalf. And she knew who I was, knew my insurance details, and took care of everything in under 60 seconds flat.

Considering where I work. competence is worth a LOT to me...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

I'd gleefully hug a lion :3

No matter how big, kitty is still kitty.


I dunno, though, I've not been the cardboard type since Inwas really young...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

[A single tear falls down his cheek.]

[Initiating Terminator protocol.]

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Finally got my tablet to where I can make a post. Good afternoon, everyone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

So, I started watching Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon, relatively reluctantly* but feeling compelled nonetheless** and... it's surprisingly sweet. I really like the protagonist. I like the people around.

Though there has been, like, a single moment of fan service so far (in four episodes), it really isn't out-of-character (considering she's explicitly trying to get his attention in that manner, which is consistent with her characterization).

The number of women that deeply care about the kid is... quirky and anime-tropey, but, simultaneously, I also like their characters, and find most of their reasons for (most of) them to do so to make sense. I also suspect something at play other than just anime tropes, based on his one skill***...

Anyway, based off of four episodes, it's solid, and surprisingly tender.

* Mostly because I assumed that it would be mostly fan-service with little plot and/or containing a perverted protagonist.
** Look, let's be real. I'm a D&D nerd. I like D&D. If things are like D&D I am compelled to give them a try.
** spoiler omitted **

EDIT: added a parenthesis and a spoiler

Finished it!

It was good! It didn't really "end" so much as, "Well that was that adventure." but it was a solid story, for what it was. There were... several moments... or maybe entire episodes... of fan service. >.<
(This is especially awkward once you realize Bell is... FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. >:|)

Some of it was kind of legitimate. Some... notsomuch. ANYway, I still really liked the characters and their personalities, over-all!

John Napier 698 wrote:
Finally got my tablet to where I can make a post. Good afternoon, everyone.


Life Sized Tacticslion Prop wrote:

[A single tear falls down his cheek.]

[Initiating Terminator protocol.]

Please, my robitdude. Don't even. We both know we're too fat for that nonsense.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
MRE - Meal, Ready to Eat. Also known as "Meals Rejected by Everybody." I had plenty of those. My favorites were the Beef Patty and Gravy and the Spaghetti. Had a bad experience with the thermostabilized cartons of Milk. Had a Chocolate Milk once that actually became Yogurt. *blegh*

Have you seen Skippy's List, aka The 213 Things I am no longer allowed to do in the US Army?

Item no. 207, "The chicken and rice MRE is not a personal lubricant."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So in totally random, "I finished 23 minutes early and now I have to sit around with my computer on in case something comes in" nonsense...

I finished watching the first 8 episodes of "Legion".

And while the first 2-3 episodes were an absolute marvel of exploring the nature of insanity, making you constantly wonder what was real and what wasn't and thoroughly enjoying the battle to fight for your own sanity, I felt it went steeply downhill from there.

I think it was episode 5 where it really finally seemed like the plot was going to start rolling along, only to deteriorate into another full hour of explorations of insanity. 2-3 episodes? You had my attention. By episode 5, I'd really like to see other things happening, thanks...

And then there's the whole...

One HUGE plot detail:
"He's insane because he's been invaded by a hostile presence" angle. Why why WHY did there HAVE to be a "bad guy"? I think the series would have been MUCH better having him battle his own demons. Instead, he had something concrete to battle, so he fought it, he won, the season ended, and everyone got to go home happy-happy-joy-joy, with an obvious hook into Season 2.

I hated it. The monstrous invader, the Astral plane nonsense, the lost traveler? It was all hopeless BS to me, and I was hard-pressed to finish off the series.

So yet another issue of, "Loved the beginning, hated the end."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

So, I started watching Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon, relatively reluctantly* but feeling compelled nonetheless** and... it's surprisingly sweet. I really like the protagonist. I like the people around.

Though there has been, like, a single moment of fan service so far (in four episodes), it really isn't out-of-character (considering she's explicitly trying to get his attention in that manner, which is consistent with her characterization).

The number of women that deeply care about the kid is... quirky and anime-tropey, but, simultaneously, I also like their characters, and find most of their reasons for (most of) them to do so to make sense. I also suspect something at play other than just anime tropes, based on his one skill***...

Anyway, based off of four episodes, it's solid, and surprisingly tender.

* Mostly because I assumed that it would be mostly fan-service with little plot and/or containing a perverted protagonist.
** Look, let's be real. I'm a D&D nerd. I like D&D. If things are like D&D I am compelled to give them a try.
** spoiler omitted **

EDIT: added a parenthesis and a spoiler

Finished it!

It was good! It didn't really "end" so much as, "Well that was that adventure." but it was a solid story, for what it was. There were... several moments... or maybe entire episodes... of fan service. >.<
(This is especially awkward once you realize Bell is... FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. >:|)

Some of it was kind of legitimate. Some... notsomuch. ANYway, I still really liked the characters and their personalities, over-all!

it was all legitimate to Freehold. Great series. Can you guess who my favorite character is?

Hestia. (Possible alt: Dyonisus.)

If it is anything else, I am going to be quite surprised.

Grand Lodge

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Hestia is love.

(I don't remember any of the other girls besides Aiz.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So in totally random, "I finished 23 minutes early and now I have to sit around with my computer on in case something comes in" nonsense...

I finished watching the first 8 episodes of "Legion".

And while the first 2-3 episodes were an absolute marvel of exploring the nature of insanity, making you constantly wonder what was real and what wasn't and thoroughly enjoying the battle to fight for your own sanity, I felt it went steeply downhill from there.

I think it was episode 5 where it really finally seemed like the plot was going to start rolling along, only to deteriorate into another full hour of explorations of insanity. 2-3 episodes? You had my attention. By episode 5, I'd really like to see other things happening, thanks...

And then there's the whole...
** spoiler omitted **

So yet another issue of, "Loved the beginning, hated the end."

The Shadow King is my spirit guide.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
MRE - Meal, Ready to Eat. Also known as "Meals Rejected by Everybody." I had plenty of those. My favorites were the Beef Patty and Gravy and the Spaghetti. Had a bad experience with the thermostabilized cartons of Milk. Had a Chocolate Milk once that actually became Yogurt. *blegh*

Have you seen Skippy's List, aka The 213 Things I am no longer allowed to do in the US Army?

Item no. 207, "The chicken and rice MRE is not a personal lubricant."

Oh, God. This is so funny. After this past month and a half, I needed that. Thanks, LisaMarlene. Oh, and I of course saved it, for future laughs. :)

captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So in totally random, "I finished 23 minutes early and now I have to sit around with my computer on in case something comes in" nonsense...

I finished watching the first 8 episodes of "Legion".

And while the first 2-3 episodes were an absolute marvel of exploring the nature of insanity, making you constantly wonder what was real and what wasn't and thoroughly enjoying the battle to fight for your own sanity, I felt it went steeply downhill from there.

I think it was episode 5 where it really finally seemed like the plot was going to start rolling along, only to deteriorate into another full hour of explorations of insanity. 2-3 episodes? You had my attention. By episode 5, I'd really like to see other things happening, thanks...

And then there's the whole...
** spoiler omitted **

So yet another issue of, "Loved the beginning, hated the end."

The Shadow King is my spirit guide.

I will say, based on what I'm hearing, this is all solidly "Comic book material" so far, though altered, for sure.

I don't know a lot about the show, but I'll mention some comic stuff.

Spoiler anyways, just in case:

David Haller was always one of my favorite mutants, but he was always nutso purely due to his own power (and the fact that, unlike most people, he didn't have any filters or limiters - kind of like the super-powered version of sensory overload autism, except, instead of just being stimulated by the environment, he is stimulated by living and channeling literally everyone on the planet at the same time. All of this morass of information overload - actually literally living out lifetimes of others, simultaneously - meant that he underwent not only every good thing or neutral thing, but also every trauma, every abuse, and every bad thing any living person did to another living person (it was unclear to me if animals were involved or various non-living or life-like entities were). Eventually, he learned how to deal with this: by developing and maintaining a form of purposeful disociative identity disorder that roughly categorized everyone in the world into one of three main groups.

I don't recall if he was always that way, or it was part of some trauma, or developed at puberty - it's been much too long.

Any way, he was interesting, and I always wanted him to be a hero.

(Look, I enjoyed Nate Grey for a reason...)

That said,

Spoiler? I haven't seen it:
... the Shadow King, the Astral Plane, and any lost travelers on the latter are all pretty solidly represented in the source material as things in Marvel canon.

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