Tacticslion |
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Lisamarlene, you'll also notice that Captain Yesterday has so many aliases, that he could, if he wanted, have a thread with just him and all of his aliases arguing with each other, for comedic effect.
Leaving for work soon. Everyone have a good day. :)
I have enough that I could keep a whole thread going. At least, a thread with the usual amount of posters inside of it. And I don't focus on the aliases that much!
Captain yesterday, on the other hand, has enough aliases to have an entire sub for him running, with all sorts of unique aliases combinations, and conversations, all happening at the same time! And it would be populated by about the same number of unique and individuals and faces, as any other sub for him you might come across!
EDIT: sigh. Typical. I get dressed.

Tacticslion |
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What... DANG IT, FaWtL: did you really want me naked so badly as to force me at the top of the page, too?! I was so careful! How did I manage to snipe myself?!
I thought forum code even orevented that kind of silliness!
(That silliness of posting the exact same thing twice with no differences.)
EDIT: well, at least you get to see the most absurd rule in action, lisamarlene. ... sorry. >.<

Wei Ji the Learner |

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome's Shameful Admissions, Part 384:
When I listen to Macklemore's Thrift Shop and the guy with the really deep, really jolly voice starts singing...
...I think that's EXACTLY what Freehold sounds like...

Trinam |
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DANG it, Trinam, I am not going to let you guilt me into running Hell's Rebels... again!
... maybe!
I promise I won't play a barbarian or anything...
Makes the biggest, roundest puppy dog eyes of all time
Plus I want an excuse to try playing a character with the Accursed story feat. It's cool.

Tacticslion |

DANG it, Trinam, I am not going to let you guilt me into running Hell's Rebels... again!
... maybe!
I promise I won't play a barbarian or anything...
Makes the biggest, roundest puppy dog eyes of all time
Plus I want an excuse to try playing a character with the Accursed story feat. It's cool.
... I hate* you. I hope you're aware of this*.
... dangit.
... solo or group play.**
I'm running two other games. One PbP and one real-life.
Both are Rise of the Runelords, and each would have to come first in priority ("first come, first serve" deal; also the IRL version is the one I'm playing with my wife, so).
Also, it could be upwards to a month before I'm prepped for such a thing.
Here is an explanation of some of the things in my life, right now.
See, especially, caveats one, two, and five, as they are relevant to this.
Especially as this will be a third game I'm running (and the only AP different), I can't guarantee I won't burn out on it, or that I'll be the bestest GM ever, but, even if I'm wrong, any my rulings I make in a given situation will stand for that situation and, until we review and discuss stuff in the Discussion area afterwords.
And barbarians are fine, but given you've got a character concept already, I'm pretty sure you weren't planning on that anyway.
stupid* friends and their stupid* puppy-dog eyes guilting me into doing stuff
If someone else comes along first, that's more than fine - it's literally something I'd be happy about, as that means you've got a (probably more dedicated) GM on your hands. Also, I'm posting this here, instead of as a PM because there are lots of fine folk in FaWtL who are quite skilled and might enjoy putting their hand to GMing PbPs. Hint.
Also, also, feel free to turn me down. I won't be offended if you decide otherwise. :)
That said, I'm going to be running Hell's Rebels eventually, anyway (and maybe Hell's Vengeance, though neither of us are as into an evil campaign, really, at present) as a sequel-of-sorts to our Council of Thieves game; so this will just be early familiarization, as it were.
* No. This is untrue.
** You're responsible for the group, if it's a group game. If it's solo, I'll work with you to make that not only feasible, but practical.
I'm not running anything right now, except maybe aground.
Dang it, captain, we're talking about Hell's Rebels, not Skull and-... oh, right, nevermind.
Edit: on account of my head cold. I try to read books but just find myself staring at it.
I know how that is...
Once I finish playing my halfling vigilante in it, I could run Hell's Rebels. Of course, we're still only in book one or so...
So... three years to AP conclusion, or ~four days to TPK, or six months to AP fatigue and dropping it? ;D

Freehold DM |
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NobodysHome's Shameful Admissions, Part 384:
When I listen to Macklemore's Thrift Shop and the guy with the really deep, really jolly voice starts singing...
...I think that's EXACTLY what Freehold sounds like...
... I don't sound like that.. ;_;

Trinam |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Stuff about hating me*
*actual hate content may vary
My character idea is a very much CN lady who doesn't normally trust people and I was thinking she'd get better at it as the adventure continued, but dealing with the stresses of leading a rebellion would give a pretty interesting arc too, tbh.
EDIT: and I may already have a second. No idea what he's playing yet.

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
What... DANG IT, FaWtL: did you really want me naked so badly as to force me at the top of the page, too?! I was so careful! How did I manage to snipe myself?!
I thought forum code even orevented that kind of silliness!
(That silliness of posting the exact same thing twice with no differences.)
EDIT: well, at least you get to see the most absurd rule in action, lisamarlene. ... sorry. >.<
TL, I think I know what happened. Perhaps you accidentally double-clicked the submit post button. This has happened to me several times. Just delete the second post.

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So I have enough aliases to populate three towns I've lived in. Combined.
I can stop whenever I want to.
Edited to remove my head cold's sabotage... damn it! Now I have to listen to The Beastie Boys.
Thing is, it probably wouldn't stop. I heard that some of his aliases are spawning new aliases without his knowledge, as an example of some sort of AI emergent behavior. We just have to find out which ones are running rampant.

Life Sized Tacticslion Prop |
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Captain Yesterday's Phallacy wrote:Thing is, it probably wouldn't stop. I heard that some of his aliases are spawning new aliases without his knowledge, as an example of some sort of AI emergent behavior. We just have to find out which ones are running rampant.So I have enough aliases to populate three towns I've lived in. Combined.
I can stop whenever I want to.
Edited to remove my head cold's sabotage... damn it! Now I have to listen to The Beastie Boys.
[initiating Terminator protocol.]

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
John Napier 698 wrote:[initiating Terminator protocol.]Captain Yesterday's Phallacy wrote:Thing is, it probably wouldn't stop. I heard that some of his aliases are spawning new aliases without his knowledge, as an example of some sort of AI emergent behavior. We just have to find out which ones are running rampant.So I have enough aliases to populate three towns I've lived in. Combined.
I can stop whenever I want to.
Edited to remove my head cold's sabotage... damn it! Now I have to listen to The Beastie Boys.
*Readies a Star Wars "Droid Popper"* Here, catch.

NobodysHome |
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More Things that Puzzle NobodysHome:
So, I think I've commented before on how confusing I've always found it that if you:
(a) Show up to work on time,
(b) do your job,
you're considered the "best employee EVER" by your management.
Last night was something similar. My brother made a surprise visit to the Bay Area, so 7 of us hobbled over to Sushi 29 for a nice dinner.
I don't think we were particularly "special". We were polite to our waitress. When she tried to hand out the drinks we passed them around for her. When she asked us to wait a moment so she could pull out her order pad before we ordered we waited.
Yet within 15 minutes of being there, the owner was out, chatting with us, making sure we were happy, etc. And we weren't the only large group there; just the only one getting all the attention. By the end of the meal, we had a 10% off coupon for our next visit, and an encouragement from the owner to come by for Valentine's Day so she could make us "something special".
So I wonder: What gives? Is it really so unusual to have a group show up, be polite, and enjoy themselves that we merit special treatment? Is listening to and being courteous to the staff a thing of the past?
It was just a really surreal experience. We were left wondering what the heck we did to merit such great treatment. But it happens to us at a lot of places, and I really can't figure out what we do that's so "different".

Tequila Sunrise |
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Got my Rise of the Runelords hardback in the mail this week, finally started reading it last night!
Not sure how I feel about Golarion goblins, but I'm just going to go with it. If I start modifying fluff-things I may never stop, and I've got enough work converting this to the PoL ruleset as it is...

NobodysHome |
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Got my Rise of the Runelords hardback in the mail this week, finally started reading it last night!
Not sure how I feel about Golarion goblins, but I'm just going to go with it. If I start modifying fluff-things I may never stop, and I've got enough work converting this to the PoL ruleset as it is...
Let kids play the goblins... it's the oooooonly way...