Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Look, guys, we've had nine 10 out of 35 sign up! NINE TEN OUT OF THIRTY-FIVE!

That means we've got 26 25 people not yet signed up~!

Those odds are ridiculous~! It's like you all want me to just make off like a bandit with free stuff! FREE STUFF!

Get yourselves out there and get some free stuff, dang-it!


Huzzah~! What an awesome Christmas!

EDIT: For number alteration due to someone else signing up! Yay, Raven!

Thanks for thinking of me but I don't need any free stuff. To be honest we aren't even playing a d20 anything right now. Lovable munchkin GM loves Palladium games stuff, so we have been playing the other PF (Palladium Fantasy). Best the free stuff goes to someone who will get enjoyment right away from it.

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Go on...

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you said boob. I think I just turned 12 again. LOL

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Tacticslion and Freehold really need to shorten their LOOOOOOONG all in caps wordses. It plays havoc with my phone. :-) Damn side to side scrolling annoys the bejesus out of me.

What is a bejesus anyway? I certainly hope it's not essential for bodily function...

Anyway, not a big deal just something to be aware of.

It's really my stupid phone's fault.

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F$@% you too captain! At least I know how to put caps in a name!

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I wonder if, since we got a batch of Hatchimals and NES Classic last week, people will expect us to get more this week.

Yeah, that's not happening. :-)

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Looks up from counting gold, swearing he heard a faint knock. Gets up to put another piece of coal in the stove, sits back down to count his money once again.

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Here in Pittsburgh, there's a light dusting of snow on the sidewalks. I found my WEG Star Wars Hideouts and Strongholds book. There's a comic store Downtown that also sells gaming products, so I can get additional books there.

Arrana, he could also have been in a hurry and used the font that was used by the last person that used that machine. Or, he could have been a complete computer neophyte and not knew how to change the font setting.

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Captain Yesterday, Boob Brained wrote:
Go on...
Butthead wrote:
Uh-huh-huh-huh. Uh, you just said BOOB. Uh-huh-huh-huh.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

World News Tonight...

Blood of Beasts Held Hostage, Day Seven!

Post office twenty miles away from my house has processed the package *twice*.


We're talking a Post Office that is *never* on the normal distribution routes to the quaint little village that Wei resides in...


TL: I would sign up for a thing, but I didn't note a thing that would grab my interest enough plus I'd want to contribute and I don't know anything I can contribute right now?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

World News Tonight...

Blood of Beasts Held Hostage, Day Seven!

Post office twenty miles away from my house has processed the package *twice*.


We're talking a Post Office that is *never* on the normal distribution routes to the quaint little village that Wei resides in...


TL: I would sign up for a thing, but I didn't note a thing that would grab my interest enough plus I'd want to contribute and I don't know anything I can contribute right now?

At this point, I'd complain to the Post Inspector General.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:


Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
TL: I would sign up for a thing, but I didn't note a thing that would grab my interest enough plus I'd want to contribute and I don't know anything I can contribute right now?

That's fair! But you don't need to, and aren't expected to, contribute, even if you don't want anything!

Aranna wrote:
Thanks for thinking of me but I don't need any free stuff. To be honest we aren't even playing a d20 anything right now. Lovable munchkin GM loves Palladium games stuff, so we have been playing the other PF (Palladium Fantasy). Best the free stuff goes to someone who will get enjoyment right away from it.

... uh... I, uh... I hope you enjoy that, then! But!

Get hype anyway~!


EDIT: Oh, coding, my old nemesis...

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Tacticslion wrote:

Oh! And reminding FaWtL to sign up for taig's Twelve Days of Third Partymas Year Two! Make it less likely (statistically) that I'll win anything and more likely (statistically) that you will*!

* By virtue of the fact that, at present, if you're not signed up, you're at 0%, and, therefore, any chance whatsoever increases from that. XD

Part ELEVEN, is here, everybody~!

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New Page, new Roll-call!


It has been brought to my attention that not enough of you are paying attention. To me. ... also to taig, I guess, or whatever.


FaWtL (kind of current) ROLLCALL~!
as in has either posted within the last five ten twenty five twenty-sixseven(!) pages, or I've been reminded they exist and are "still around" somewhere within that time-frame by something, and stuff

1 - NH! (get home and get signed!) Already bowed out!

2 - TriOmegaZero! (it's another voluntary sign-up, like you like (>.>), but you get to stay home, this time!) Indeed, no breaks, sir, whatsoever! XD

3 - Drejk! (Dragon! Look! Shiny!)

4 - Rysky! (feel the love!)

5 - John Napier! (extra awesome stuff to read during boring hours!) Yay, a third edit for sign ups! :D

6 - captain yesterday has signed up several times!

7 - Wei Jei the Learner! (something new to learn all about!) feels guilt-!? :/ Don't worry about it, man! Saying, "Hello!" is awesome, 'cause it gives the thing more exposure and traffic - and that helps, too! So you're literally helping just by saying, "Hello!" or whatever in that thread! :D

8 - Aranna! (what better or more glamorous way to show off to all your friends!) demurred... :I

9 - Limey! (... think of the children 3rd party babes!)

10 - Freehold! (... think of the children 3rd party babes! Like Limey!)

11 - Rant Raptor Syrus! (think of all the rants you can make!)

12 - ... and his brother! (I've forgotten who's who, so, sorry...)

13 - Solnes! (It's nice to meet you, get free stuff!) Woo! Signed up since posting! XD

14 - gran rey de los whatever! (you can actually be earning money-equivalent [good only for gaming] while moving! ... good luck with your move!)

15 - Celestial Healer fortunately already signed up! Congrats!

16 - lynora! (such coolness to be haaaaaaaaaaaaaad~! So many inspirations for wrrriiiiitiiiinnng~!) signed up! Huzzah! *Badger-badger!*

17 - Sissyl! (you can do it! ... I don't know how to tempt you, dang it!)

18 - Raven Moon! (... uh... FREE STUFF~!) BOO-YA, another signatory! Yay!

19 - Sharoth! (Lookit the shiny treasure, dragon!)

20 - Tin Foil Yamakah! (I know you're out there - I saw you favorite something of mine!)

21 - baran von whatsit! (sign up, you Imperialist scum!)

22 - Kajehase! (I sometimes blend you and Limey together, even though you're a boat and he's an elf!)

23 - Vidmaster7! (WASSAAAAAAAP?!)

24 - Tequila Sunrise! (Hope you're recovering well, my friend!)

25 - Rosita! (Hope your coming trip goes well; this could make it better!)

26 - Rawr! uh, Mike!, er... taig! ... wait a minute it's your own contest... DOESN'T MATTER, TAIG, SIGN UP! GET HYPE, SON!

27 - thegreenteagamer! (MY GEEE-EEEEHHHMMMM~!)

28 - TheDoomkitten! (FaWtL buddy, even though I kind of vanished from that one game!)

29 - Hmm the S.H.O.D.A.N. overlord computer undine librarian! (let it go!)

30 - BluePidgeon! (you were here nine pages ago, so you're "still around" for now!)

31 - BitterThorn! (You basically just got here!)

32 - Crusinos! (I think I sometimes blend you with either gran rey' or John Napier... sorry!)

33 - Emperor7! (I... don't actually know who you are, but I'm glad you're here, nonetheless! Tree hug!)

34 - IcyShadow! (hope things are going well for you, man!)

35 - Ambrosia Slaad! (dang it, stop eating lunch, and start hanging out with us again, I miss you!)

Now that I've gone through the last ten twenty-fivesixseven pages for trawling FaWtL people, I think I may have miscounted my numbering somewhere! BUT I DON'T CARE!

Also, I might have missed some of you who already signed up! I DON'T CARE! I want as many people as possible to have a chance at awesome! :D

It's Christmas, and I love you guys! Sign up for taig's love, too! ... that sounded weird, but WHATEVER! Merry Christmas!

Also, I might have somehow missed someone! I DO care! Get yourself signed up on that puppy right away!

(Also, remind me, so I know what a moron I was! Sorry!)

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You blend me in with Crusinos and Gran rey? I'm moderately amused, but the multiverse can handle only one of me. More than one of me would start a self-reinforcing oscillation of snarky sarcasm until there's another Big Bang. Wouldn't want that, now would we? :) :O :)!

P.S. It has started snowing here again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday, Boob Brained wrote:
Go on...


~gets redressed~
That page break can sneak up on a person.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's why I just learned that I should go off and do something else for a couple of hours when near the page break. Like sleep.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just embrace it.

Also I almost never see it coming and evidently you have to make a big production about putting your clothes back on so I've theoretically been naked for a couple of years, or three...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was going to post something snide and sarcastic, but I think I'll let it slide, for now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Why wait! Embrace it with both hands.

John Napier 698 wrote:


You blend me in with Crusinos and Gran rey? I'm moderately amused, but the multiverse can handle only one of me. More than one of me would start a self-reinforcing oscillation of snarky sarcasm until there's another Big Bang. Wouldn't want that, now would we? :) :O :)!

P.S. It has started snowing here again.

It's because none of you have avatars, and I have ADD* and dyslexia. So I just see a blue line-name and go, "Oh, yeah, that guy!" if one of you has posted more recently, though sometimes I notice.


(And, for all we know, there's been more than one of those already, just beyond our effective edge of the universe**.)

* Also AD&D, but those are unrelated.
** Because light doesn't travel fast enough past that point that, by the time it would have gotten to us, the universe will be accelerating away at such a fast rate we can no longer see it. Whee~!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:


... I really need to see Civil War...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, yes you do! It's a great movie!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

9 - Limey! (... think of the children 3rd party babes!)

Matey, I've posted in that thread. You can cross me off the list :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:


You blend me in with Crusinos and Gran rey? I'm moderately amused, but the multiverse can handle only one of me. More than one of me would start a self-reinforcing oscillation of snarky sarcasm until there's another Big Bang. Wouldn't want that, now would we? :) :O :)!

P.S. It has started snowing here again.

It's because none of you have avatars, and I have ADD* and dyslexia. So I just see a blue line-name and go, "Oh, yeah, that guy!" if one of you has posted more recently, though sometimes I notice.


(And, for all we know, there's been more than one of those already, just beyond our effective edge of the universe**.)

* Also AD&D, but those are unrelated.
** Because light doesn't travel fast enough past that point that, by the time it would have gotten to us, the universe will be accelerating away at such a fast rate we can no longer see it. Whee~!

I know. Physics is fun, isn't it?

John Napier 698 wrote:
Physics is fun, isn't it?



Especially given that sometimes we find things that fundamentally challenge everything we thought we knew!

(I'm not saying the drive is legitimate - only that, if it is legitimate, it's a really big deal.)

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Saw that. Will reserve judgement until it has been shown conclusively that it works. It seems to violate the Law of Conservation of Momentum.

Well, I'm off. Got a few things to do before tomorrow. Like, get my weekly bus card renewed, have some pizza and a beer, browse the adjacent bookstore, and so on.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Saw that. Will reserve judgement until it has been shown conclusively that it works. It seems to violate the Law of Conservation of Momentum.

I agree - that's why it's so weird!

If you read my posts there, I want to believe, but find it worth being skeptical until proof is definitively shown. Still, there's a looooot of weirdness with it.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Well, I'm off. Got a few things to do before tomorrow. Like, get my weekly bus card renewed, have some pizza and a beer, browse the adjacent bookstore, and so on.


Also, does anyone know how much this thing has been studied? I'm afraid that my eyes are un-focusing (along with my brain) every time I try and read the article thoroughly. :/

I think it's a really cool concept - I'm just wondering if the effects of the thing also lend itself toward indoctrination.

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Off to work I go
Through the snow
Late, of course.

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Hi HOOO!!!

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Wow! The amount of traffic fleeing town as the snow storm grips the city is amazing! Some whiteknuckle driving home to the sticks for many a person tonight.

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I hurt. Moving sucks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hurt. Moving sucks.

I feel your pain. No really my toes seriously hurt from those evil shoes. It may be time to draw the line with my boss.

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No pain, no gain!

Which is why I spritz my face with Kevin Sorbo's sweat!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He does!

It's pretty gross, even for me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hurt. Moving sucks.

I feel your pain. No really my toes seriously hurt from those evil shoes. It may be time to draw the line with my boss.

holds up playboy bunny outfit

You know... Just a few phone calls and I could really help out on the foot pain front.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

New Page, new Roll-call!


It has been brought to my attention that not enough of you are paying attention. To me. ... also to taig.


FaWtL (kind of current) ROLLCALL~!
as in has either posted within the last five ten twenty five twenty six(!) pages, or I've been reminded they exist and are "still around" somewhere within that time-frame by something, and stuff

1 - NH! (get home and get signed!) Already bowed out!

2 - TriOmegaZero! (it's another voluntary sign-up, like you like (>.>), but you get to stay home, this time!) Indeed, no breaks, sir, whatsoever! XD

3 - Drejk! (Dragon! Look! Shiny!)

4 - Rysky! (feel the love!)

5 - John Napier! (extra awesome stuff to read during boring hours!) Yay, a third edit for sign ups! :D

6 - captain yesterday has signed up several times!

7 - Wei Jei the Learner! (something new to learn all about!)

8 - Aranna! (what better or more glamorous way to show off to all your friends!)

9 - Limey! (... think of the children 3rd party babes!)

10 - Freehold! (... think of the children 3rd party babes! Like Limey!)

11 - Rant Raptor Syrus! (think of all the rants you can make!)

12 - ... and his brother! (I've forgotten who's who, so, sorry...)

13 - Solnes! (It's nice to meet you, get free stuff!) Woo! Signed up since posting! XD

14 - gran rey de los whatever! (you can actually be earning money-equivalent [good only for gaming] while moving! ... good luck with your move!)

15 - Celestial Healer fortunately already signed up! Congrats!

16 - lynora! (such coolness to be haaaaaaaaaaaaaad~! So many inspirations for wrrriiiiitiiiinnng~!) signed up! Huzzah! *Badger-badger!*

17 - Sissyl! (you can do it! ... I don't know how to tempt you, dang it!)

18 - Raven Moon! (... uh... FREE STUFF~!) BOO-YA, another signatory! Yay!

19 - Sharoth! (Lookit the shiny treasure, dragon!)

20 - Tin Foil...

what am I supposed to be signing up for?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Look, guys, we've had nine 10 out of 35 sign up! NINE TEN OUT OF THIRTY-FIVE!

That means we've got 26 25 people not yet signed up~!

Those odds are ridiculous~! It's like you all want me to just make off like a bandit with free stuff! FREE STUFF!

Get yourselves out there and get some free stuff, dang-it!


Huzzah~! What an awesome Christmas!

EDIT: For number alteration due to someone else signing up! Yay, Raven!

Thanks for thinking of me but I don't need any free stuff. To be honest we aren't even playing a d20 anything right now. Lovable munchkin GM loves Palladium games stuff, so we have been playing the other PF (Palladium Fantasy). Best the free stuff goes to someone who will get enjoyment right away from it.

I don't even know what you're talking about and yet I am strongly compelled to agree with you wholeheartedly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, TL,

I wonder if the microwave photons are able to quantum-mechanically "tunnel" out of the chamber walls, producing the minute amount of thrust.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
what am I supposed to be signing up for?

It's like you're not even paying attention to my posts...

... as noted:

Tacticslion wrote:

It has been brought to my attention that not enough of you are paying attention. To me. ... also to taig.




Freehold DM wrote:
I don't even know what you're talking about and yet I am strongly compelled to agree with you wholeheartedly.


Tacticslion wrote:

10 - Freehold! (... think of the children and 3rd party babes! Like Limey!)


Aranna! At least post in that other thread with a "Thanks, this is generous, but not for me!" so that Freehold's pheromone-hunting nose will follow you there!

EDIT: hm, a word was missing...

John Napier 698 wrote:

Hey, TL,

I wonder if the microwave photons are able to quantum-mechanically "tunnel" out of the chamber walls, producing the minute amount of thrust.

I've thought about it, but the problem is that it's happening so regularly that it's just weeeeiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrd. Like, tunneling has not traditionally been that consistent.

On the other hand, I've wondered if there is a geometric reason - much like how superconductors at quantum levels tend to be influenced more by how many holes they have rather their actual materials, this could have something to do with it? But frankly, that's just kind of a ludicrous wondering based on the fact that it's a ludicrous claim. Also, fairy dust might be another reason... >.>

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Consider the following scenario, if you will. If the thickness of the chamber walls are thinner than the wavelength of the microwave photons, then the photons could tunnel through. So, if the photons could tunnel through, they could excite the atoms in the near-vacuum atmosphere into a plasma.. Now, if the chamber somehow accumulates a net negative charge, it could attract the positively-charged plasma. The plasma would then strike the chamber, imparting a slight change of momentum as the atoms transfer their kinetic energy to the chamber. But then, this is just conjecture on my part.

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Tobias Funke, Actor, M.D. wrote:
Why wait! Embrace it with both hands.

Well, if you insist. Embrace it, like what? Insanity?

John Napier 698 wrote:
But then, this is just conjecture on my part.

Yeah, conjecture is pretty much all anyone has at the moment!

John Napier 698 wrote:
Tobias Funke, Actor, M.D. wrote:
Why wait! Embrace it with both hands.
Well, if you insist. Embrace it, like what? Insanity?

Yes. Like I have! (Insanity, that is.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hurt. Moving sucks.

I know your pain. I moved from one area of Pittsburgh to another in June, and I was in pain from sore muscles for nearly a week.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm perfectly sane thank you! It's the other voices in my head that have the problem.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is it for me tonight. Going to bed now. Got a busy day tomorrow. And, I miss the page break. :)

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