Durkon Thundershield

Tobias Funke, Actor, M.D.'s page

16 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Yuugasa wrote:
Been watching Arrested Development with my ex-wife recently, it's a super funny show but so, so awkward and filled with misunderstandings, I literally wince sometimes when watching it.

It sure is a mouthful isn't it!

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Don't be fooled, from that angle they always look like scenery.

Oh i mostly blue myself for money these days.

Hey! I blue myself way before he did!

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Maybe whoever is on top should smurf themselves.

Oh dear, now I've gone and blue myself.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I could not write that many words about my genitals.

Trust me, once you start it all just sort of comes out.

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Why wait! Embrace it with both hands.

Just start from the top and work your way down, that's what I do.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

Just spent 20 minutes trying to help some people who had lost their key cards, but they weren't in the computer. Eventually figured out they were at the wrong hotel. The one they were supposed to be at is 45 miles away.

They blamed Uber for taking them to the wrong hotel.

"Excuse me good sir, I'd like to go to The Gothic Castle!"

Cab driver (in a British accent) "The Gothic A+!%!$*?"

"Yes, that's what I said"

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C'mon Hiding, you haven't lived until you've smurfed yourself!

Edit: Would you look at that, I blue myself again!

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Oh dear, it would seem I put my foot in the wrong mouth again!

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Unreliable Narrator wrote:
Gob Bluth, Magician wrote:
Are you really going to ignore the guy with the four thousand dollar suit.

In fact, Gob had started to alienate some of the FaWtLees.

On the next Arrested FaWtLopment, Freehold finally gets a call from the Bonchon Group with a life-changing opportunity. But Alton Brown had stolen his cellphone, and his life stays the same.

Wow! I thought I had a mouth full!

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I really need to work on my phrasing, I keep shoving things in my mouth.

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They'll find out, they always do.

It's best if you just out yourself now rather than they catch it in the back side later.

please tell me you've seen Arrested Development and get the joke

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I blue myself!

Isn't that smurfy!

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Boy do i suck at math!

... Suck like a fox!

112 aliases, 112 i say!