Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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It looks childish and unprofessional to many, while many others find it either endearing or (apparently, according to many) lack the aesthetic "taste" or "sense" or whatever to know it looks kind of immature, sort of.

So group two begins to mock group one.

Group three decides to be counter-revolutionaries and use it as a badge of pride. It proliferates. What's more, group three begins cultivating or protecting group one.

Group four reacts poorly to group three, and become incensed that anyone would be holding onto such outdated ideals and/or concepts.

Group five finds themselves be used by one of the most banal religious/cultural wars ever.

Group one soldiers on in ignorance of the whole thing.

That's pretty much it.

EDIT: of course. *dresses*

Also worth mentioning, Comic Sans is literally an outdated font - it was or originally developed for monitors with relatively poor screen resolution, so it would be more easily read, and would look better than some other kinds of phones on those monitors. In fact, it used to look very good on such things, however, these days, the... hm... let's say "weaker"?... aspects of the fund are more easily noticed with newer screen resolutions, and sharper image tree. That also offends the sense of many, visually making it an unpleasant experience; still, many others remember when it did look good, and us often are unable to notice the change and it's visual appearance, because technically it is still the same font, and hasn't literally changed, just the stuff around it and supporting it has. So, that's a thing.

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Like public nudity, then?

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Group me has no idea what you're talking about.

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Freehold DM wrote:


Like public nudity, then?

Nat, that's much less excepted. Or more except, depending on where you are. :-)

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There's a nude beach not too far away.

Can't say I recommend it this time of year.

Or in Wisconsin.

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There's one near me, too. It's called 'Outside 'The A******o Nightclub On Exam Results Night', although the nudity may be artistically concealed with vomit, old kebab portions, half-empty WKD bottles or policemen, depending on age, fortitude and what hour of the morning it happens to be.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I sooo hate double shifts, especially doing security. I've lost count of all the times that I had to limp home from all the blisters on my feet. Aranna, if you're able to take regular breaks, take the shoes off during them to let your toes expand and relax. It helps, trust me.

Fortunately being a supervisor means I get to retreat to my desk to do important things periodically like kick my shoes off or post to FaWtL. But I still fear for my toes. [joking] I wouldn't be surprised if the next uniform decision by our corporate masters was to make us all wear playboy bunny outfits. it would fit their warped sense of practicality. [/joking]

calls CH

Yes I know you are on your honeymoon, but I need to move my 403b into a certain company. Yes. All of it. I need to sit on the board of directors. I have big plans for this company. Big plans....

I can't stop laughing. I just pictured one of our international protection details all wearing playboy bunny outfits. Could you imagine what the Iraqis would think of our elite private guards wearing that?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I sooo hate double shifts, especially doing security. I've lost count of all the times that I had to limp home from all the blisters on my feet. Aranna, if you're able to take regular breaks, take the shoes off during them to let your toes expand and relax. It helps, trust me.

Fortunately being a supervisor means I get to retreat to my desk to do important things periodically like kick my shoes off or post to FaWtL. But I still fear for my toes. [joking] I wouldn't be surprised if the next uniform decision by our corporate masters was to make us all wear playboy bunny outfits. it would fit their warped sense of practicality. [/joking]

calls CH

Yes I know you are on your honeymoon, but I need to move my 403b into a certain company. Yes. All of it. I need to sit on the board of directors. I have big plans for this company. Big plans....
I can't stop laughing. I just pictured one of our international protection details all wearing playboy bunny outfits. Could you imagine what the Iraqis would think of our elite private guards wearing that?

world peace would break out.

At least I think it would.

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Answering fan questions about Mass Effect: Andromeda.

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I'm not sure if I should answer those.

Questions are a huge trigger for me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

D'oh! It's supposed to be "Answering" :P

And, daggumit Yesterday, I haven't seen you squeeing about Mass Effect yet! Get to it, captain!

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There's a perfectly logical explanation.

I've never played Mass Effect. :-)

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I've played it once, but there were no:

a) Sword fights
b) Beer
c) Ladies of negotiable virtue, so I moved on.

This is why I'm playing Carribean! at the moment.

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Limeylongears wrote:

I've played it once, but there were no:

a) Sword fights
b) Beer
c) Ladies of negotiable negligible virtue, so I moved on.

This is why I'm playing Carribean! at the moment.


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My life.

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Then start playing! Rar!

In other news, I have to pick up the pieces of where the characters from my campaign left it. I thought I would have a couple more weeks to find a way to redirect the campaign so it doesn't trainwreck, but the other DM is sick, so whoop-de-do.

For those curious:

The conceit of the campaign is that the PCs are monster hunters in a low-ish magic world. Anybody with the smarts and the know-how can perform rituals or brew a potion, but real magic is extremely powerful and kept out of the PCs hands.

It opened with the PCs investigating the disappearance of another team of hunters in a sophisticated city-state. Think Urbino of Renaissance Italy, but with a lot more class disparity, a council of nobles instead of a single ruler, and a lot more corruption. Over the course of the first adventure, they kept on running across the influence of this unnamed book (the prison of the BBEG) and a bunch of weird principles, which are the elements of magic. They took the physical containers of said principles into their base to study, and, surprisingly, didn't forget about them. Their dedicated arcanist (really a ranger with a high Intelligence and ranks in Craft (alchemy) and Knowledge (arcana)) began studying it and gathering more of it to figure the stuff out.

Then things started spiraling out of control.

Near the climax of the first adventure, the swashbuckler got hit by what amounted to a greater suggestion, and retrieved the BBEG book from the LSEG's (lesser small evil guy) pocket dimension. When the other party members that were with her before she "vanished" rolled improbably high on their Perception, they noticed the book that they've been chasing. She started running, I rolled on a d100 for effects that the book would have on her, and bam. She got the Hellbound corruption, plus some extra temporary stuff to throw off the rest of the party. She flung to book into the town's slums and collapsed at the base with horns on her head.

Naturally, the rest of the party threw her in the brig while they tried to figure out what to do with her. And, also, the seeds of paranoia were planted inside of the cavalier's mind.

They resolved the plot of the first adventure, and then the barbarian blew his Will save, but at least got a better result than the swashbuckler, and was thus not completely screwed.

The BBEG visited him in his dreams and made small talk, and then the barbarian flat out offered for the BBEG to take his arm and leg and the mark that the swashbuckler had as a sign of her corruption in exchange for letting the swashbuckler go. Surprised, I said yes, and that happened.

There were a few consequences.

First of all, his alignment changed from CN to CG. Then, aforementioned swapping of corruption happened. Then, the cavalier got really paranoid and locked the barbarian up. The investigator, and also the secondary arcanist, fell asleep in the middle of an unlikely situation (he had taken the Twisted Love story feat, and I determined that he was the reincarnation of the BBEG's dead brother, and thus the BBEG was pleading with him to come back), and since that was when all of the weird stuff happened to the other party members, the cavalier had another NOPE moment and locked him up too.

The next session opened with the three who blew their Will saves trying to convince the skeptical ranger and cavalier of their innocence. The investigator fell asleep again, and negotiated the relase of the barbarian from the BBEG's thrall while everybody else almost had to physically restrain the cavalier from killing the investigator. The ranger managed to pull off a combined circle of truth and detect magic effect on the three of them. The swashbuckler and barbarian were clean, but the investigator had a slight aura (reincarnation), and the cavalier tried to kill him. Through a series of statistically unlikely rolls, the cavalier managed to TPK the rest of the party, and we decided to roll it back.

The next case came to their door, and the cavalier and the ranger reluctantly brought along the rest of the party. They "unwittingly" (part of my plan all along! mwahahaha) brought the SMAM (sympathetic morally ambiguous mastermind) back into their base, and while they were studying more of the weird magic principle (they now had enough to realistically accidentally blow a hole in space-time, but they didn't know that), the also examined the SMAM's blood because he had been "injured" by the monsters he had actually be summoning when they got attacked by said monsters. They beat them back, then inspected the SMAM, who had been sleeping through all of this. They try to shake him awake, poke him awake, yell him awake, and gently stab him awake, all to no avail. Finally, the cavalier stabbed him in his gaping claw wound (the focus of his power), and more statistically unlikely things happened.

First, the SMAM blew his roll to avoid turning into a monster. Then, the SMAM blew his roll to not unleash a devastating magical effect when he turned. Then, I almost rolled on the normal effects table for the transformation when I realized that they had a bunch of the weird principles, which were a source of his power, really close to him, and I created a table of "brutal-but-ultimately-survivable" effects on the fly. I proceeded to get the "roll twice" effect twice in a row, then I decided to flip heads or tails. Heads I roll again, tails I just blow up their base, since there was no way that they were going to get out of that fight without plot armor anyhow. I got tails, and then I remembered that they had enough weird principle to blow a hole in the fabric of spacetime.

Where we ended was the cavalier fighting off a horde of minor monsters while nearly dead (the player was getting sick of having to roleplay a borderline-sociopathic paranoid) while the rest of the party ran from the slowly spreading crack in the mirror of the universe.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Sorry Rawr! for using aliases on your contest page, i can't help myself.

If it's a bother i'll stop, i think i've gone through the best cliche disguise jokes anyway. :-)

I'm having fun with it, and it keeps the thread lively. :)

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Does Amazon really think I'm going to pay them $120 to send somebody over to do a hardware installation that'll take me 10 minutes and a Swiss army knife? And for a $15 piece of hardware at that?

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Enough people do that to make it worthwhile to offer the "service." :)

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I sooo hate double shifts, especially doing security. I've lost count of all the times that I had to limp home from all the blisters on my feet. Aranna, if you're able to take regular breaks, take the shoes off during them to let your toes expand and relax. It helps, trust me.

Fortunately being a supervisor means I get to retreat to my desk to do important things periodically like kick my shoes off or post to FaWtL. But I still fear for my toes. [joking] I wouldn't be surprised if the next uniform decision by our corporate masters was to make us all wear playboy bunny outfits. it would fit their warped sense of practicality. [/joking]

calls CH

Yes I know you are on your honeymoon, but I need to move my 403b into a certain company. Yes. All of it. I need to sit on the board of directors. I have big plans for this company. Big plans....

Normally I recommend diversification, but I can tell your priorities lie elsewhere.

Silver Crusade

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

7-10 inches sounds like a great time!

*spits coffee*

Oh wait. You were talking about snow.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I sooo hate double shifts, especially doing security. I've lost count of all the times that I had to limp home from all the blisters on my feet. Aranna, if you're able to take regular breaks, take the shoes off during them to let your toes expand and relax. It helps, trust me.

Fortunately being a supervisor means I get to retreat to my desk to do important things periodically like kick my shoes off or post to FaWtL. But I still fear for my toes. [joking] I wouldn't be surprised if the next uniform decision by our corporate masters was to make us all wear playboy bunny outfits. it would fit their warped sense of practicality. [/joking]

I vote no to that. YOU would look good in it but I would not. Can you imagine a dragon in a bunny costume?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Black Mirror is utterly terrifying without hardly using any blood or gore.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I sooo hate double shifts, especially doing security. I've lost count of all the times that I had to limp home from all the blisters on my feet. Aranna, if you're able to take regular breaks, take the shoes off during them to let your toes expand and relax. It helps, trust me.

Fortunately being a supervisor means I get to retreat to my desk to do important things periodically like kick my shoes off or post to FaWtL. But I still fear for my toes. [joking] I wouldn't be surprised if the next uniform decision by our corporate masters was to make us all wear playboy bunny outfits. it would fit their warped sense of practicality. [/joking]

calls CH

Yes I know you are on your honeymoon, but I need to move my 403b into a certain company. Yes. All of it. I need to sit on the board of directors. I have big plans for this company. Big plans....
I can't stop laughing. I just pictured one of our international protection details all wearing playboy bunny outfits. Could you imagine what the Iraqis would think of our elite private guards wearing that?

world peace would break out.

At least I think it would.

That, or world peace would break apart... One of those, I think...

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Lunch time!!

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That was a lot of posts....180 posts since last night...what happened? When did this thread get all lively again?! :P

In other news, tree is still up, and I've stopped counting the number of days. For whatever reason the cats have decided to tolerate this one, so yay!
Christmas crafting is going....well, honestly so-so. My pajama pants didn't turn out so good. workable, but only just. But I have learned a lot. The mittens I was secretly making for the kidlet were a total disaster and I had to give up. I'm not sure which is worse, Alpaca Dance yarn or the hideously poorly written pattern. Having knit one mitten with it, I now know how to fix all the mistakes in the pattern, but I am not dealing with any more of that yarn. Worsted weight my ass. It's more like super fuzzy sock yarn that gets stuck on the needles. :/ So yet another trip to the craft store is in my future for more flannel and some fleece. Not enough time to knit more mittens before Christmas, so time to make use of the sewing machine!

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Lotta b!!*@ing about a lack of classic NES and Hatchimals.

And no amount of "I can't stock the shelves AND run the sweatshop in China where they're made, I'm only one person" is doing any good.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Oh! And reminding FaWtL to sign up for taig's Twelve Days of Third Partymas Year Two! Make it less likely (statistically) that I'll win anything and more likely (statistically) that you will*!

* By virtue of the fact that, at present, if you're not signed up, you're at 0%, and, therefore, any chance whatsoever increases from that. XD


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New Page, new Roll-call!


It has been brought to my attention that not enough of you are paying attention. To me. ... also to taig.


FaWtL (kind of current) ROLLCALL~!
as in has either posted within the last five ten twenty five twenty six(!) pages, or I've been reminded they exist and are "still around" somewhere within that time-frame by something, and stuff

1 - NH! (get home and get signed!) Already bowed out!

2 - TriOmegaZero! (it's another voluntary sign-up, like you like (>.>), but you get to stay home, this time!) Indeed, no breaks, sir, whatsoever! XD

3 - Drejk! (Dragon! Look! Shiny!)

4 - Rysky! (feel the love!)

5 - John Napier! (extra awesome stuff to read during boring hours!) Yay, a third edit for sign ups! :D

6 - captain yesterday has signed up several times!

7 - Wei Jei the Learner! (something new to learn all about!)

8 - Aranna! (what better or more glamorous way to show off to all your friends!)

9 - Limey! (... think of the children 3rd party babes!)

10 - Freehold! (... think of the children 3rd party babes! Like Limey!)

11 - Rant Raptor Syrus! (think of all the rants you can make!)

12 - ... and his brother! (I've forgotten who's who, so, sorry...)

13 - Solnes! (It's nice to meet you, get free stuff!) Woo! Signed up since posting! XD

14 - gran rey de los whatever! (you can actually be earning money-equivalent [good only for gaming] while moving! ... good luck with your move!)

15 - Celestial Healer fortunately already signed up! Congrats!

16 - lynora! (such coolness to be haaaaaaaaaaaaaad~! So many inspirations for wrrriiiiitiiiinnng~!) signed up! Huzzah! *Badger-badger!*

17 - Sissyl! (you can do it! ... I don't know how to tempt you, dang it!)

18 - Raven Moon! (... uh... FREE STUFF~!) BOO-YA, another signatory! Yay!

19 - Sharoth! (Lookit the shiny treasure, dragon!)

20 - Tin Foil Yamakah! (I know you're out there - I saw you favorite something of mine!)

21 - baran von whatsit! (sign up, you Imperialist scum!)

22 - Kajehase! (I sometimes blend you and Limey together, even though you're a boat and he's an elf!)

23 - Vidmaster7! (WASSAAAAAAAP?!)

24 - Tequila Sunrise! (Hope you're recovering well, my friend!)

25 - Rosita! (Hope your coming trip goes well; this could make it better!)

26 - Rawr! uh, Mike!, er... taig! ... wait a minute it's your own contest... DOESN'T MATTER, TAIG, SIGN UP! GET HYPE, SON!

27 - thegreenteagamer! (MY GEEE-EEEEHHHMMMM~!)

28 - TheDoomkitten! (FaWtL buddy, even though I kind of vanished from that one game!)

29 - Hmm the S.H.O.D.A.N. overlord computer undine librarian! (let it go!)

30 - BluePidgeon! (you were here nine pages ago, so you're "still around" for now!)

31 - BitterThorn! (You basically just got here!)

32 - Crusinos! (I think I sometimes blend you with either gran rey' or John Napier... sorry!)

33 - Emperor7! (I... don't actually know who you are, but I'm glad you're here, nonetheless! Tree hug!)

34 - IcyShadow! (hope things are going well for you, man!)

35 - Ambrosia Slaad! (dang it, stop eating lunch, and start hanging out with us again, I miss you!)

Now that I've gone through the last ten twenty-fivesix pages for trawling FaWtL people, I think I may have miscounted my numbering somewhere! BUT I DON'T CARE!

Also, I might have missed some of you who already signed up! I DON'T CARE! I want as many people as possible to have a chance at awesome! :D

It's Christmas, and I love you guys! Sign up for taig's love, too! ... that sounded weird, but WHATEVER! Merry Christmas!

Also, I might have somehow missed someone! I DO care! Get yourself signed up on that puppy right away!

(Also, remind me, so I know what a moron I was! Sorry!)

EDIT: corrections and strykthrus strike-through's!

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Look, guys, we've had nine 10 out of 35 sign up! NINE TEN OUT OF THIRTY-FIVE!

That means we've got 26 25 people not yet signed up~!

Those odds are ridiculous~! It's like you all want me to just make off like a bandit with free stuff! FREE STUFF!

Get yourselves out there and get some free stuff, dang-it!


Huzzah~! What an awesome Christmas!

EDIT: For number alteration due to someone else signing up! Yay, Raven!

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I signed up

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Closing went without a hitch. Started moving boxes in.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

So, let me see if I got this right. The engineers who wrote the BIOS put a wait loop inside the Critical Section? What a bunch of Dumb@$$e$!

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Captain Yesterday, Incognito wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:


Just signed up, though I don't expect to win anything. Never was lucky at contests.

have you tried multiple aliases, there's no way they could know it's really you. ;-P

Sorry. Only got two. There's me, and then there's me as a GM. I don't care if people know that I've posted anything particular. Yes, I'm brave like that.

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Fritzy, Flaming Bike Artillery wrote:
He's not taking off the clothes boss! Should I light him up? I'm afraid to look so that might affect my aim.

Actually, I need it as Urban Camouflage to hide from the Zeta II Reticulan door-to-door Encyclopedia Salesbeings.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You mean not everyone has hundreds of aliases.

That seems odd.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:

I... I cannot believe this.

I did not think a human being could have the capacity for such ignorance, for such unthinking evil in their soul.

But it has happened.

A classmate has used Comic Sans in all, non-satirical, seriousness on his presentation.

*cocks shotgun*

May whatever power he worships have mercy on his soul.

Maybe someone needs to have him sit down and read the book "Fonts Explained" from cover to cover. Followed by a hundred-question quiz.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain The Hoff wrote:

You mean not everyone has hundreds of aliases.

That seems odd.

All the aliases does make figuring out who is whom seem kind of grizzly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ice Bear doesn't get it.

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Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
Captain The Hoff wrote:

You mean not everyone has hundreds of aliases.

That seems odd.

All the aliases does make figuring out who is whom seem kind of grizzly.

*winces in pain, begins to shove rocks in ears while making la-la-la noises*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
Captain The Hoff wrote:

You mean not everyone has hundreds of aliases.

That seems odd.

All the aliases does make figuring out who is whom seem kind of grizzly.
*winces in pain, begins to shove rocks in ears while making la-la-la noises*

Well I guess its safe to say it wasn't my Gravely voice that is causing you pain.

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Hey now! You're never going to get a head with that attitude.

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Oh! So y'all got jokes huh!

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Won't somebody think of the children!!

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Bebop, Pig in the City wrote:
Oh! So y'all got jokes huh!

Oh come now! Don't tell me your one of those people that find Puns Boar-ish.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
Captain The Hoff wrote:

You mean not everyone has hundreds of aliases.

That seems odd.

All the aliases does make figuring out who is whom seem kind of grizzly.
*winces in pain, begins to shove rocks in ears while making la-la-la noises*
Well I guess its safe to say it wasn't my Gravely voice that is causing you pain.

It's a remedy for my being highly allergic to puns. I could also get so loaded on alcohol that I wouldn't care, but that would bring a different sort of pain.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
Captain The Hoff wrote:

You mean not everyone has hundreds of aliases.

That seems odd.

All the aliases does make figuring out who is whom seem kind of grizzly.
*winces in pain, begins to shove rocks in ears while making la-la-la noises*
Well I guess its safe to say it wasn't my Gravely voice that is causing you pain.
It's a remedy for my being highly allergic to puns. I could also get so loaded on alcohol that I wouldn't care, but that would bring a different sort of pain.

Just don't drink to much or its likely tequilya

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John Napier 698 wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:

I... I cannot believe this.

I did not think a human being could have the capacity for such ignorance, for such unthinking evil in their soul.

But it has happened.

A classmate has used Comic Sans in all, non-satirical, seriousness on his presentation.

*cocks shotgun*

May whatever power he worships have mercy on his soul.

Maybe someone needs to have him sit down and read the book "Fonts Explained" from cover to cover. Followed by a hundred-question quiz.

Did anyone ask him why he chose that font? I can't help but remember my freshman year and a certain evil computer lab printer that refused to change fonts to what I wanted. The lab assistant also couldn't get the thing to stop printing in a HUGE BOLD BLOCKY FONT... So I had to put on a strong face and present my work in that stupid font and look like a total idiot. It was mortifying.

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