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Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

and with that said, this pigeon is nesting for night. Nationals Final Rodeo is in town for nine more days. Work, driving, and more work.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

gran rey's totally un-helpful advice on keeping cats from destroying the Christmas tree: Get rid of the cats.

You are welcome for this un-helpful advice.

I am now requesting that Paizo provide a thumbs-down service just for this one post.

EDIT: Yes, I'm a man who has said, "I'd rather have cats than nice furniture", so I may be biased...

You couldn't have said it better.

Aranna wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

gran rey's totally un-helpful advice on keeping cats from destroying the Christmas tree: Get rid of the cats.

You are welcome for this un-helpful advice.

I am now requesting that Paizo provide a thumbs-down service just for this one post.

EDIT: Yes, I'm a man who has said, "I'd rather have cats than nice furniture", so I may be biased...

You couldn't have said it better.

Sure he could have!

He could have said it something like,

Something better that he could have said wrote:
Cat's - and, in fact, any pets whatsoever - aren't really necessary, but having them can be a very nice luxury (for some), and they can be emotionally endearing (and thus good to have for various reasons); it is up to each person to decide if the hassle (in such things as actual monetary costs, time and energy sinks, allergies they cause self or others, painful emotional farewells, Christmas or other events - like parties - being frequently "interrupted" - be it by bow-and-or-package-eating, tree-tipping, food-stealing/licking, or whatever else - or otherwise disturbed, and so on) are worth the benefit.

... but most people have far too much emotional attachment to their own opinion of the creatures for that kind of analysis (which wasn't very good or thorough, mind, but still there), and so tend to come down hard on <PET KIND> or those who come down hard on <PET KIND> - most often (especially around FaWtL or similarly friendly places) using humor as a method of revealing a lack of genuine malice in statements that otherwise would be perceived as an attack against someone else.


And then there's me. Who tends to over-explain things; in this particular case, because I think it's funny, even when it's probably not to most people. But hey, at least I'm mildly entertained!

... and now back to Shrek: the Musical~!

(It's on Netflix.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh! And reminding FaWtL to sign up for taig's Twelve Days of Third Partymas Year Two! Make it less likely (statistically) that I'll win anything and more likely (statistically) that you will*!

* By virtue of the fact that, at present, if you're not signed up, you're at 0%, and, therefore, any chance whatsoever increases from that. XD

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

gran rey's totally un-helpful advice on keeping cats from destroying the Christmas tree: Get rid of the cats.

You are welcome for this un-helpful advice.

Or get rid of Christmas.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't mind cats, they just can't ever live in our house.


This contains terrifyingly awful and disturbing animated imagery~! You should watch it for good news and hope for humanity!

"We can agree to kill other things, for free, instead of each other!"


Truly, there his hope for us, as a species!

(EDIT: To clarify, this is, in fact, an actual good thing; it's just funny to put it that way. :D)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:








and yet... No Lulu. No traditional game play. Just button mashing. Blah.

So... like the earlier FFs, then?

(Also, Lulu really didn't make that game in good, in particular.)

Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:
She was only in 2 games so not that traditonal...
turn based non button mashing combat with a xp based system for both character development and skill learning.

To some extent, the ATB was "more" button-mashing than "traditional" turn-based system - you had to beat your opponent, and if you just hung around instead of rapidly navigating the system, you'd get hit before you could do the same.

Though I greatly prefer FFT's actual turn-based system, the ATB was clearly a precursor to the more "active" battle systems.

you prefer something from final fantasy tactics?

I never would have known.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

It has been three days without the cats knocking down the Christmas tree! Another new record! :)

Starting to entertain the faintest glimmer of hope that this tree might last more than one year. It is more substantial than the trees I usually buy. But there's still a lot of December left for the kitties to dash that hope along with the tree, so I am not yet entertaining actual optimism.

check the cats to make sure they aren't robots or something.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:








and yet... No Lulu. No traditional game play. Just button mashing. Blah.

So... like the earlier FFs, then?

(Also, Lulu really didn't make that game in good, in particular.)

Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:
She was only in 2 games so not that traditonal...
turn based non button mashing combat with a xp based system for both character development and skill learning.

To some extent, the ATB was "more" button-mashing than "traditional" turn-based system - you had to beat your opponent, and if you just hung around instead of rapidly navigating the system, you'd get hit before you could do the same.

Though I greatly prefer FFT's actual turn-based system, the ATB was clearly a precursor to the more "active" battle systems.

you prefer something from final fantasy tactics?

I never would have known.

Tactics was awesome, played the original, the remake, and Advance (Never got to play the second one).

Me, liking a tactical grid based rpg? Surprising, I know.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:








and yet... No Lulu. No traditional game play. Just button mashing. Blah.

So... like the earlier FFs, then?

(Also, Lulu really didn't make that game in good, in particular.)

Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:
She was only in 2 games so not that traditonal...
turn based non button mashing combat with a xp based system for both character development and skill learning.

To some extent, the ATB was "more" button-mashing than "traditional" turn-based system - you had to beat your opponent, and if you just hung around instead of rapidly navigating the system, you'd get hit before you could do the same.

Though I greatly prefer FFT's actual turn-based system, the ATB was clearly a precursor to the more "active" battle systems.

you prefer something from final fantasy tactics?

I never would have known.

Tactics was awesome, played the original, the remake, and Advance (Never got to play the second one).

Me, liking a tactical grid based rpg? Surprising, I know.

fft is on our phones.


Check the app store.

We live in an enlightened age.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Grand Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey all! Sorry that I have gone quiet. My shodan test is today.



Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Have fun!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hmm wrote:

Hey all! Sorry that I have gone quiet. My shodan test is today.



Hope it goes well! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hmm wrote:

Hey all! Sorry that I have gone quiet. My shodan test is today.



looks around nervously to see if the Johnson's returned early.

Stop doing that! You're making me nervous!

Good luck!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hmm wrote:

Hey all! Sorry that I have gone quiet. My shodan test is today.



Good luck!

I hope it doesn't go rogue and start creating mutants and cyborgs from the people it killed

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hmm wrote:

Hey all! Sorry that I have gone quiet. My shodan test is today.



remember, no matter what happens, it is how it was meant to happen. If not today, then another day.

All is as the force wills it to be.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

WOOOOOOOOT GAMEPLAY TRAILER And, apparently, you get a female turian on your squad, as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
WOOOOOOOOT GAMEPLAY TRAILER And, apparently, you get a female turian on your squad, as well.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, it's going to be a busy, busy weekend for me, so a few notes before I vanish for 72 hours:

  • Blue Apron was indeed significantly improved by the addition of wine and sausages. But then, what isn't?
  • Impus Major's teachers are on a massive homework binge, and it's the kind that you hate as a parent, as a former student, and as a former teacher. "Write out the electron shell configuration for this element. Now this element. OK, got it? Understand how it works? OK, now do it for 50 more elements!" (And I kid you not -- it's 5-6 PAGES of repetitive data entry per assignment. Getting pretty upset about it.)
  • Impus Major is performing in the school's Madrigal tonight and tomorrow. Woo hoo!
  • In addition to donating a bunch of food, I volunteered to chaperone tonight. Apparently, this is considered the Worst Job in the World. For 3 performances we have around 36 kitchen workers, 12 door workers, all the food we needed, and... ONE chaperone. Me. It will be interesting to find out how I am supposed to monitor the girls' room. Knock loudly and ask, "Are you behaving in there?"
    Of course, it's just a bunch (60?) of high-school-age girls in medieval costumes with a giant room all to themselves. What can possibly go wrong?
  • Anyway, time to get the kids out the door on a FRIDAY!!!!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    The Doomkitten wrote:
    WOOOOOOOOT GAMEPLAY TRAILER And, apparently, you get a female turian on your squad, as well.


    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    As a parent of a middle school girl all I can say is good luck, you'll need it.

    Followed up with.

    Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I don't know whether it's a legal thing or what (I suspect there are all kinds of laws restricting shipments of alcohol), but they really need to add red and white wine to their lists of stuff you need at home. (Above and beyond olive oil, salt, and pepper.)

    Yup. Our glorious state of California does allow alcohol shipments through the mail, but you have to have a 21+ year old at the delivery location sign for the package, and you can't just leave the package if nobody's home. Naturally, the vendor needs a license for this, too, and Blue Apron may not want to get that kind of beer and wine license (I hear it's a lot harder to get than a brick and mortar one). And if Blue Apron is multi-state, they have to deal with muntiple such licenses and the fact that a lot of states don't allow shipping alcohol through the mail at all.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    80% chance of an inch (of snow) on Sunday.

    Just gotta move the five hundred pound bird bath and the backyard will be ready for sledding. :-)

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    You have 500lb birds in Wisconsin?

    "Yes, that is the Legendary Madison Cheese Roc. Do not stand beneath its flight path if it has had a particularly heavy meal"

    EDIT: There is a monster concept that Rawr! can have for NOTHING, as my Friday gift to him.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I only see snow on TV. ;-; :(

    No 500-lb birds here, but our deer crossings handle weigh-ins at about that rate. But then you get to tack on the weight of the vehicle involved.

    Ah, the whitetail deer -- deadliest animal on the North American continent.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I don't know whether it's a legal thing or what (I suspect there are all kinds of laws restricting shipments of alcohol), but they really need to add red and white wine to their lists of stuff you need at home. (Above and beyond olive oil, salt, and pepper.)
    Rosita the Riveter wrote:
    Yup. Our glorious state of California does allow alcohol shipments through the mail, but you have to have a 21+ year old at the delivery location sign for the package, and you can't just leave the package if nobody's home. Naturally, the vendor needs a license for this, too, and Blue Apron may not want to get that kind of beer and wine license (I hear it's a lot harder to get than a brick and mortar one). And if Blue Apron is multi-state, they have to deal with muntiple such licenses and the fact that a lot of states don't allow shipping alcohol through the mail at all.

    Is, *ahem* nobody going to comment on this? *Ahem* nobody? Bueller?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    He's chaperoning high school kids, or trying to, or getting tied up and left in a broom closet.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I don't know whether it's a legal thing or what (I suspect there are all kinds of laws restricting shipments of alcohol), but they really need to add red and white wine to their lists of stuff you need at home. (Above and beyond olive oil, salt, and pepper.)
    Rosita the Riveter wrote:
    Yup. Our glorious state of California does allow alcohol shipments through the mail, but you have to have a 21+ year old at the delivery location sign for the package, and you can't just leave the package if nobody's home. Naturally, the vendor needs a license for this, too, and Blue Apron may not want to get that kind of beer and wine license (I hear it's a lot harder to get than a brick and mortar one). And if Blue Apron is multi-state, they have to deal with muntiple such licenses and the fact that a lot of states don't allow shipping alcohol through the mail at all.
    Is, *ahem* nobody going to comment on this? *Ahem* nobody? Bueller?

    Please forward ALL alcohol shipments directly to the attic.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Musical Interlude - Tacticslion and Thegreenteaglamer will like it edition

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Captain Yesterday (me): So i'll make pies for Christmas.

    Captain Yesterday's brother (not me): Oh, you make pies?

    Captain Yesterday (me): Uh, yeah for about twenty five years now

    Captain Yesterday's brother (not me): Where do you buy your crusts?

    Captain Yesterday (me): Why would i buy pie crusts?

    Captain Yesterday's brother (not me): You... you don't make them yourself do you!?!

    Captain Yesterday (still me): Uh, yeah, for about twenty five years now.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Musical interlude - No school like old school edition.

    At least i didn't call it classic rock. :-)

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Direct marketing companies should be forced by law to advertise their job positions as the sales jobs they are.

    Hint - if you have to trick someone into taking a sales job, they're probably a s!$%ty salesman and you're wasting your time and theirs.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:

    You have 500lb birds in Wisconsin?

    "Yes, that is the Legendary Madison Cheese Roc. Do not stand beneath its flight path if it has had a particularly heavy meal"

    EDIT: There is a monster concept that Rawr! can have for NOTHING, as my Friday gift to him.

    I like it! Thanks!

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    Direct marketing companies should be forced by law to advertise their job positions as the sales jobs they are.

    Hint - if you have to trick someone into taking a sales job, they're probably a s~#@ty salesman and you're wasting your time and theirs.

    Ugh... I remember a few years ago I dropped in the middle of the training (i.e. second day) at company servicing a phone company.

    The lady there asked me: why have you applied in the first place?
    Me: Because the ad I responded to said phone customer support, not selling phone contracts to new customers.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    That inch (of snow) on Sunday has now grown to be 1-2 inches (of snow) with more snow forecast for Wednesday. :-)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    The dog is mad we didn't go out to get a tree as promised, so he's pushing all the blankets off our bed, and making sure i know that he's doing it.

    Dogs aren't subtle.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Faerie dragon noble on the blog

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Damn, they've already sprayed the roads with beet brine.

    Um, it's only 1-2 inches, that's barely anything, I might as well shave down the inside of a freezer and throw it on the road.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    It has been four days without the cats knocking over the Christmas tree! We're not quite sure what to do with ourselves now.

    Today it had something to do with my having a terrible day-long migraine and one of the kitties decided she was going to nurse me back to health by laying on my lap and refusing to let me get up. As soon as the migraine let up a little she got up like, okay, human, you're better now. It was very sweet.

    DR2C character based off of a random 3.X iconic.


    It's for fun.


    1d2 ⇒ 2
    1) 3rd, 2) 3.5, 3) PF
    (there is an intentional joke here)

    1d11 ⇒ 3
    1) barb, 2) bard*, 3) cleri*, 4) druid, 5) <re-roll>, 6) monk, 7) paladin, 8) ranger, 9) rogue*, 10) sorce*, 11) wiza**

    * roll to choose between; rogue is questionable, but I think Kerwyn is supposed to be a rogue.

    1d2 ⇒ 1
    1) the human, 2) the other one
    1d3 ⇒ 3
    1) the human, 2) the elf, 3) the other one (he's a gnome)

    ... hmmmmmmmmmmm. Jozan.


    1d2 ⇒ 1
    1) 3rd, 2) 3.5, 3) PF
    (there is an intentional joke here)

    1d11 ⇒ 6
    1) barb, 2) bard*, 3) <re-roll>, 4) druid, 5) <re-roll>, 6) monk, 7) paladin, 8) ranger, 9) rogue*, 10) sorce*, 11) wiza**

    * roll to choose between; rogue is questionable, but I think Kerwyn is supposed to be a rogue.

    1d2 ⇒ 1
    1) the human, 2) the other one
    1d3 ⇒ 2
    1) the human, 2) the elf, 3) the other one (he's a gnome)

    Ember. Huh.


    Aramil Hennet:
    1d2 ⇒ 2
    1) 3rd, 2) 3.5, 3) PF
    (there is an intentional joke here)

    1d11 ⇒ 10
    1) barb, 2) bard*, 3) cleri*, 4) druid, 5) <re-roll>, 6) <re-roll>, 7) paladin, 8) ranger, 9) rogue*, 10) sorce*, 11) wiza**

    * roll to choose between; rogue is questionable, but I think Kerwyn is supposed to be a rogue.

    1d2 ⇒ 2
    1) the human, 2) the other one
    1d3 ⇒ 3
    1) the human, 2) the elf, 3) the other one (he's a gnome)

    Wow! Aramil! That's... rare! Nope, it's Hennet: I can't find Aramil anywhere except Wikipedia. He's apparently exclusively a miniature. That explains why I didn't recognize him. :/


    1d2 ⇒ 2
    1) 3rd, 2) 3.5, 3) PF
    (there is an intentional joke here)

    1d11 ⇒ 1
    1) barb, 2) bard*, 3) <re-roll>, 4) druid, 5) <re-roll>, 6) <re-roll>, 7) paladin, 8) ranger, 9) rogue*, 10) sorce*, 11) wiza**

    * roll to choose between; rogue is questionable, but I think Kerwyn is supposed to be a rogue.

    1d2 ⇒ 2
    1) the human, 2) the other one
    1d3 ⇒ 2
    1) the human, 2) the elf, 3) the other one (he's a gnome)

    Huh: Krusk.


    1d2 ⇒ 1
    1) 3rd, 2) 3.5, 3) PF
    (there is an intentional joke here)

    1d11 ⇒ 2
    1) <re-roll>, 2) bard*, 3) <re-roll>, 4) druid, 5) <re-roll>, 6) <re-roll>, 7) paladin, 8) ranger, 9) rogue*, 10) sorce*, 11) wiza**

    * roll to choose between; rogue is questionable, but I think Kerwyn is supposed to be a rogue.

    1d2 ⇒ 2
    1) the human, 2) the other one
    1d3 ⇒ 2
    1) the human, 2) the elf, 3) the other one (he's a gnome)


    Sigh. I'd like at least one female without the Martial Artist perk...


    1d2 ⇒ 1
    1) 3rd, 2) 3.5, 3) PF
    (there is an intentional joke here)

    1d11 ⇒ 3 -> 1d11 ⇒ 3 dangit, game, no, only one cleric -> 1d11 ⇒ 1 ... or of any given class! -> 1d11 ⇒ 8
    1) <re-roll>, 2) <re-roll>, 3) <re-roll>, 4) druid, 5) <re-roll>, 6) <re-roll>, 7) paladin, 8) ranger, 9) rogue*, 10) sorce*, 11) wiza**

    * roll to choose between; rogue is questionable, but I think Kerwyn is supposed to be a rogue.

    1d2 ⇒ 1
    1) the human, 2) the other one
    1d3 ⇒ 3
    1) the human, 2) the elf, 3) the other one (he's a gnome)

    ... Sovelliss.


    1d2 ⇒ 1
    1) 3rd, 2) 3.5, 3) PF
    (there is an intentional joke here)

    1d5 ⇒ 5
    1) druid, 2) paladin, 3) rogue*, 4) sorce*, 5) wiza**

    * roll to choose between; rogue is questionable, but I think Kerwyn is supposed to be a rogue.

    1d2 ⇒ 2
    1) the human, 2) the other one
    1d3 ⇒ 2
    1) the human, 2) the elf, 3) the other one (he's a gnome)

    Mialee! At last!

    ... good thing, too, considering she's the last character on the page...

    So: we won't (necessarily) have a druid, paladin, rogue, or sorcerer. Hm.

    EDIT: because oops!

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:

    It has been four days without the cats knocking over the Christmas tree! We're not quite sure what to do with ourselves now.

    Today it had something to do with my having a terrible day-long migraine and one of the kitties decided she was going to nurse me back to health by laying on my lap and refusing to let me get up. As soon as the migraine let up a little she got up like, okay, human, you're better now. It was very sweet.

    Mine usually curl up on my tummy when I have a fever. When the fever is over, they leave. Most likely, I start moving too much and stop being so warm.

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    Going to my first MtG GP today! Woooooo

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    I heard somewhere that kitty purrs speed healing.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    So I've already started to get PM threats for my holiday smurfing extravaganza. :-D

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    The Doomkitten wrote:
    Going to my first MtG GP today! Woooooo

    WU Flash, GB Delirium, or something else?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Let us know if anyone pitches a fit and throws everything. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I won't be there.

    Maybe it'll be a calm affair.

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