Syrus Terrigan |
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Kicks are for making knees bend in four directions. Then you can walk away.
If I would bother to put my very nice bike to use, I'd be better off. Just one of those things for which I don't force myself to make time. Shameful. My extra 20 pounds just laughs at me every time I think about it. :D
EDIT: Heh. What better way to share that, huh?? guffaws

Tacticslion |

I tried to find a photo of the wand, cause i know i have one. unfortunately i couldn't find it in the most recent pictures, which means it's archived. yeah, not a today project.
But i did find this picture of our dog licking Baby T-Rex.
And here's the dinosaur just a couple months ago, in the garden.
(SO IS THE NEXT ONE~!)Freehold DM wrote:side kicks are..or perhaps I should say were, my least favorite kicks. Deceptively simple looking, it takes a lot of situational awareness and positioning to use properly in a fight, so I used other ways of kicking people, until I learned how to work it into a feint that was interesting looking but not particularly practical. Still, the stretch was amazing.The only kick I would use in an actual fight is a simple front-kick. Granted I only took TKD for a couple of years, but it's good to know I'm not the only one to be uncomfortable with the side-kick.
Currently I'm getting my exercise via bicycle. Haven't been on one in ~20 years, and it feels like rediscovering my childhood. Except better, because Phoenix is so much flatter than NY!
/Too out-of-shape to pedal up even mild inclines.
My first response to an "actual" fight would be to try to get out of it, I'd guess - probably by talking. But if we were in a fight, and I had to - or had the opportunity to - use kicks, it'd likely be some kind of high (well, "high" for me) front push kick or a face-level poorly-made and poorly-balanced faux-roundhouse.
Daggummit, I can still barely walk from yesterday, and I haven't even done today's homework.
Tomorrow's gonna suck so bad...

Limeylongears |
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What is everyone's favorite Halloween music? I was doing a Halloween-themed storytime today and realized that many great movie theme songs are also great dance numbers.
Tonight at HEMA, Ex-Army Sergeant tried to teach us knife-fighting. I enjoyed myself, but I don't think he was too impressed (with me, certainly)

Drejk |
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Session I was supposed to be gming today turned into a boardgame evening. Ah well. Next time. Or another. Hopefully this game won't join thousands of unfinished sessions hanging between existence and nothingness, will it?
We played Pandemic : Reign Of Cthuluhu... And we even managed to win one game out of four.
And then we proceeded to play Bang! with live ammo as hit points.

Raven Moon |
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What is everyone's favorite Halloween music? I was doing a Halloween-themed storytime today and realized that many great movie theme songs are also great dance numbers.
Which then reminded me of a filk I did a while ago for my Doom Comes to Dustpawn group:
If there's somethin' strange in the Nesher Mine
Who ya gonna call (Pathfinders)
The scary cultists givin’ you a hard time
Who ya gonna call (Pathfinders)I ain't afraid a no ghost
I ain't afraid a no ghost
If you're seein' goats runnin' round outside
Who can you call (Pathfinders)
Tons of bodies that just up and died
Oh who ya gonna call (Pathfinders)
I ain't afraid a no ghost
I ain't afraid a no ghost
Who ya gonna call (Pathfinders)
Things goin’ to hell, people poisonin’ the well
Just call Pathfinders)[I ain't afraid a no ghost
I hear it likes the goats
I ain't afraid a no ghost
Who you gonna call (Pathfinders)
Mm... if you've had a dose
Of crystal toxin baby
You better call Pathfinders
Changin’ makes me feel strange
I ain't afraid a no ghostsDon't get caught alone oh no... Pathfinder
When they come through your door
Unless you've just got some more
I think you better call Pathfinders
Ooh... who you gonna call (Pathfinders)
Who you gonna call (Pathfinders)
Ah, I think you better call (Pathfinders)I can't hear you... (Pathfinders)
Who you gonna call (Pathfinders)
Louder Pathfinders
Who you gonna call (Pathfinders)
Who you can call Pathfinders... (till fade)___
Some day I have to GM a PFS PbP Musical. It would be glorious!
Try Creature Feature "The Greatest Show Unearthed" I like it.
Edit: add the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVwqkBG0ulE
And I dont know how to add a working link so there it is anyway

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Try Creature Feature "The Greatest Show Unearthed" I like it.
Edit: add the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVwqkBG0ulE
And I dont know how to add a working link so there it is anyway
Like this!
[ url = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page ] Wikipedia [ /url ]
^ _^ ^______ ________ _______ ______ ^ ^______^ ^_^ remove those spaces to get...
So your post would look like this:
Try Creature Feature "The Greatest Show Unearthed" I like it.
Edit: add the link I link for the noise~!
And I
dontknow how to add a working link so there it is anyway
Hope that helps!

![]() |
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Went to a Loreena McKennit concert last night... That voice. It's even lovelier and more heart-breaking in person. It was humbling to hear a true artist at work. When I closed my eyes, her voice reverberated through my bones. You know how clerics channel positive energy and heal everyone around them? She was doing that with her voice.
It also amused me how 90% of her music seems to be gorgeous songs about terrible things. Is there a lesson here? No idea. Just ruminating on art, beauty and truth this morning.
In other news, we have a french exchange student staying with us, and the kids and her decorated our house for Halloween last night while we were gone. It looks beautiful. I love Halloween. There's something nifty about having us explore other selves in costume, face the darkest parts of our souls and then come together as a community, visiting each neighbor door-to-door.

Freehold DM |
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Tacticslion wrote:NobodysHome wrote:Glitter is to craft projects what corn is to vomit.I don't... I don't even..."I don't remember eating corn..."
"I don't remember using glitter..."
In my opinion, glitter should be banned. Glitter bombs are a thing, which prove glitter has already been weaponized. A recent text exchange with a best friend:
Her: "I'm so excited! I got an envelope from you? Could it be the wedding invitation?"
Me: "It's either that or a glitter bomb. Only one way to find out."
Her: "I hate you so much right now."
No glitter bath bombs for you?
Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:side kicks are..or perhaps I should say were, my least favorite kicks. Deceptively simple looking, it takes a lot of situational awareness and positioning to use properly in a fight, so I used other ways of kicking people, until I learned how to work it into a feint that was interesting looking but not particularly practical. Still, the stretch was amazing.The only kick I would use in an actual fight is a simple front-kick. Granted I only took TKD for a couple of years, but it's good to know I'm not the only one to be uncomfortable with the side-kick.
Currently I'm getting my exercise via bicycle. Haven't been on one in ~20 years, and it feels like rediscovering my childhood. Except better, because Phoenix is so much flatter than NY!
/Too out-of-shape to pedal up even mild inclines.
ah, inclines. Where the strong are separated from the weak.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

You are part of the Rebel Alliance and ADORABLE. Take him away!
Also my vote for Tacticslion Jr.'s costume

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I always loved side kicks because I could generate enough power to knock the 120-lb bags against the walls, break bricks, or knock random people onto their derrieres.
Of course I'm short and built like a tank. Side kicks were kind of designed for guys like me...
strange. I always found them easy to avoid from shorter fellows.

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:strange. I always found them easy to avoid from shorter fellows.I always loved side kicks because I could generate enough power to knock the 120-lb bags against the walls, break bricks, or knock random people onto their derrieres.
Of course I'm short and built like a tank. Side kicks were kind of designed for guys like me...
LOL. If you lead with a side kick or a back kick, your opponent is going to casually stroll out of the way. Front and roundhouse kicks are fast, but don't generate a lot of power. Their purpose is to provide enough of a distraction that you can get in the high-power kicks.
Of course, this is with everyone wearing body armor, so YMMV. A well-placed roundhouse kick in the solar plexus while not wearing any armor is indeed The Suck.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:strange. I always found them easy to avoid from shorter fellows.I always loved side kicks because I could generate enough power to knock the 120-lb bags against the walls, break bricks, or knock random people onto their derrieres.
Of course I'm short and built like a tank. Side kicks were kind of designed for guys like me...
LOL. If you lead with a side kick or a back kick, your opponent is going to casually stroll out of the way. Front and roundhouse kicks are fast, but don't generate a lot of power. Their purpose is to provide enough of a distraction that you can get in the high-power kicks.
Of course, this is with everyone wearing body armor, so YMMV. A well-placed roundhouse kick in the solar plexus while not wearing any armor is indeed The Suck.
i never wore any armor during any martial arts training although after a few injuries I could see why some people would.

Freehold DM |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:i never wore any armor during any martial arts training although after a few injuries I could see why some people would.Your aura of black manliness (su) adds your Charisma bonus as a deflection bonus to AC?
I can only do that once per day, when laughing bombastically in the style of my African ancestors.

captain yesterday |
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Our dog, in an effort to keep the kids home, and under his watchful protection, has taken to hiding one of each of their shoes under the bed. But he's smart, so it's a different bed each time, and a different spot under the bed. But he's also a hound dog, so he also buries them, even if he's gotta bring in outside materials, like stuffed animals, or dirty clothes.
It took me two days to find Tiny T-Rex's shoe this last time.

Tacticslion |

So! Outside of that, it's been a decent day! Busy and I'm tired but almost miraculously, I don't hurt in my everywhere today. I mean, I do, but not as much.
I really want a lot of money, though. Not because I particularly care about money - I tend to find it irritating and a bit of a drag - but because so many people I know and care about care about it and need it, and I'd really like to give it to them. I mean, I'd also like effectively unlimited ability to eat and buy where I want, but... mostly there are a lot of people and causes and businesses I'd literally like to just support because I like them.
Dang it.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So! Outside of that, it's been a decent day! Busy and I'm tired but almost miraculously, I don't hurt in my everywhere today. I mean, I do, but not as much.
I really want a lot of money, though. Not because I particularly care about money - I tend to find it irritating and a bit of a drag - but because so many people I know and care about care about it and need it, and I'd really like to give it to them. I mean, I'd also like effectively unlimited ability to eat and buy where I want, but... mostly there are a lot of people and causes and businesses I'd literally like to just support because I like them.
Dang it.
Yeah, it's funny. I look at my life, and figure that for $11 million, I could retire and live exactly the way I want, do all the things I want, etc., etc., for the rest of my life.
So what would I do with $100 million?
I'd give $89 million away. And I already know where most of it would go. (Mostly things like an endowment for our incredible choir teacher, surprise free meals for all the patrons at restaurants I frequent, extravagant gifts for people I barely know on FaWtL or whom I run into at Disneyland, etc. etc.)
It's far more fun to give money away than keep it.
And that, Grand Magus, is why I'm not a millionaire (yet).
(With the way house prices in the Bay Area are going, I'll be a millionaire in a year or two, guaranteed, with absolutely nothing to show for it but a leaky roof over my head.)

Syrus Terrigan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

head count
So. 12 of us, just on this page. $1.2 billion dollars, if we each had $100 million. Wow.
A cool million is all I would need. More than that, actually. calculates Make that $100k, and I'm better than square: pay off all the debts, train my replacement at work, and build a home (probably on land I'm gonna inherit eventually). And that's just if I'm looking out for me. Five times that? My family (current and soon-to-arrive) are stable, and/or have schooling covered. But put me on a million bucks . . . . Whew.
If I ever come into some arbitrarily large sum of money, folks, I will certainly keep y'all in mind.
Much love, gang.
keeps dreaming while grinding out that hourly wage

Ambrosia Slaad |
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Funny enough, my father called me about an hour and half ago, to wake me up and tell me he did not win the lottery. Again.
That's not even funny the first time. And definitely not worth getting woke up for. :(
Lottery? $30K, maybe $35K for a bit of wiggle room. Pays off debts, takes care of some medical stuff, helps get me re-certified MSCE & CompTia, and fixes the AC in the car.

Raven Moon |
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I did the math once.
Statistically speaking, you're more likely to become a millionaire with a single dollar by putting it on black (or red if that's your bag) in roulette and letting it ride over and over and over again than you are to win the lottery...
Never tell me the odds....
Now that thats out of the way, I am from Vegas where I have seen similar things happen with my own eyes.