
C Yesterday's Autumn Melancholy's page

24 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


Because we didn't get enough rain this summer...

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I'm fairly certain we won't hit 70 again until next May.

What are vegis?

I've heard tell of people calling vegetables veggies, but this vegis eludes me.

Unless they suddenly cast Regis in Veggietales, in which case I'd eat that veggie too, if it'll shut him up.

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It's started to mist, and it was already chilly with wind.

I have put on a hat.

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Captain yesterday fun fact: I did not drink coffee until I was 30.
NobodysHome wrote:
So I didn't drink coffee until I was 32. Now I drink 16-20 ounces of very strong coffee every morning.

I was a late bloomer too, didn't start until recently.

This summer I got in the habit of making a pot and then chilling it in the fridge for the next day. Then last week I had a cup of hot coffee for the first time since spring, and it just wasn't the same. I think the hot stuff is ruined for me.

I don't like cold coffee.

Possibly because of the seven months of winter.

By the way, 60 degrees and overcast today, so almost here...

*gets far-off wistful expression*

I've forgotten what winter feels like...

I could say the same thing about summer.

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So, you're not moving by me... :-(

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is there to see it, does it really fall?
gran rey de los mono wrote:
The sound of one hand clapping is dependent on how hard you clap, how limp your fingers are, how floppy your wrist is, and whether or not there is someone there to hear it.
What is the sound of a single wind chime chiming?


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Stupid Captain Yesterday! Using past tense!

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Cold and breezy today, only a high of 53.

Not unexpected.

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I'll take it, if you don't want it.

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I'm sorry, I can't hear you with all the geese flying by bragging about their corkscrewy dicks.

F@&@ing a%&&@$@ geese!!, not that it matters anyway, I mean.

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Terrigan of the Frostfell wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:

gets out industrial paint sprayer, starts spraying the leaves green.

Come on! Just another week! Summer can't be over already! It just started!

curls up in a fetal position in the corner, clutching the deflated alligator floaty toy

It just started!!!!

Winter is coming.

And not soon enough!!!

Hush up you! I still have a season to prepare.

Which in the Midwest is a month, maybe a month and a half.

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Binge watching Parks and Rec on a rainy day.

Terrible idea!

Got myself into a melancholy funk.

Gonna walk the dog to try to break out of it, but he's a hound dog, so I'm doubtful. :-)

Should also watch some Archer or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia before I pick up the kids. :-)

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It's chilly enough tonight to wear thermals and a long sleeved shirt. >:-(

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Mine too.

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The Green Tea Gamer wrote:

Brock Samson vs. Batman, but Batman doesn't have time to prepare?

Worst way to die?

Best way to die?

Hillbillies vs Rednecks vs Hicks, three way battle royale, with a gallon of moonshine as the prize.

Upspeak? Don't you hate it? Seriously? It's like, 2015, not 1992? And yet I hear grown women? Do it all the time? And I want to choke them?

Batman, always! Unless against The Lone Ranger, then the Lone Ranger.

Anyway you die is the worst.

There is no good way to die.

Whichever one gets to the lone Shotgun strategically placed between the burn barrel and the run down '86 Camaro.

What the f&~* is Upspeak?

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Argh! Another half hour of work!

And wannabe ninja supervisor is trying to catch me slacking, he might have better luck taking his keys out of his pocket, but doubtful, I have the hearing of a tone deaf hawk!

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I miss the Pacific Ocean this morning.

Cage Bingo is the hot seller in games right now, I'm guessing senior centers are stocking up for winter.

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Does it really matter.

R.E.M - Automatic For The People.

Its fall and forty degrees, sadly.

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I don't think it's intentionally chauvinistic, but they definitely don't know how to relate to girls, that coupled with me not being a part of the brother clique and not on Facebook means my kids get left out of the trips to the national history museum in Chicago, but they sure do love telling me about them when they take the other nephews.

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Chilly today, the kind that doesn't go away easily, why must the layers multiply.