Deep 6 FaWtL

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Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Er... no. Risa Hawkeye from Full Metal.

ooh! I just call her Hawkeye. But with the comic character becoming popular I can see why one wouldn't. A crossover cosplay would be wonderful, why hadn't anyone done that yet?

Not to mention that M.A.S.H. is still in constant rotation on some TV channel in everyone's TV-package.

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Waiting for X-Rays, sounds like little guy has parrot influenza.

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Bird flu? Really?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I personally would call it poseur influenza, but hey I'm not a doctor... I mean, I absolutely am a doctor.

No break in the finger, so yay!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Waiting for X-Rays, sounds like little guy has parrot influenza.

I knew Tiny T-Rex was quirky, but being influenzed by a parrot? That's just one step away from listening to the invisible voices in your head...

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Bawk! Polly want a cold bawk!

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Just lost power for a moment after a whopping 0.10" of rain.

We are truly pathetic.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Just lost power for a moment after a whopping 0.10" of rain.

We are truly pathetic.

Are all the schools closed?

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Just lost power for a moment after a whopping 0.10" of rain.

We are truly pathetic.

Are all the schools closed?

I'm waiting for the rioting and looting, myself.

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In Europe it's commonly referred to as "Futball"

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Just lost power for a moment after a whopping 0.10" of rain.

We are truly pathetic.

Are all the schools closed?

Amusingly enough, yes.

But they claim it was a staff development day.

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Goldfrapp - Strict Machine live at Glastonbury 2004

Goldfrapp - Strict Machine live at Glastonbury 2014

Guess someone in the band decided it was more fun to give the guitar some wellie in the time between.

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OK, we've broken half an inch this morning. In the Bay Area, anything over 1" in a single day is "a lot of rain" (we get 24" a year, so 1" in a day is a LOT).

No more power outages, and no riots... yet...

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Turns out I meant Parra Influenza.

Oopsy Doodle!

F@%$ing A it has been a long week.

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And yet I still have another 20 minutes until the General gets home.


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On the plus side I think I figured out which of Tammy's good for nothing loser siblings I'll use for CotCT. :-)

Due to you, CY, I'm planning on running RotR in an anime-inspired setting (no specific anime, just in general) that has a strong theme/hypothetical history similar to Gravity Falls. I'm in the middle prepping the world in which I'm also running a few solo games to help introduce, establish the world and important background elements within it.

Heh. I've been working on this (well, off and on, mostly off) for a little while, and had the exact premise of a major background element nailed down for some time; just recently when reading through DxD on Wikipedia (awesome concept, even if it's not my cuppa for an anime itself), I learned there are a few background elements that line up surprisingly succinctly. Heh. Oh, Michael, you cad. I wasn't going to name you that, you know, but now I might have to...

EDIT: hey, those of you who watch it and/or read the anime, is there any explanation given for the reconciliation of inflicting religious conceits? It's unnecessary, but could be useful. Similarly, is there any, ah... "details" about how Michael does his... "thing" in that series? Does it have to do with sacred gears or something? (I don't know what those are, I'm afraid I didn't watch long enough to learn.) Thanks!

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Oh! When I'm done stating up Gideon Gleeful I'll totally post him, he's taking the place of a certain Stone Giant runt. :-)

(Halfling Psychic with rapport discipline to start)

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Sweet! I'll likely steal those! I'm not ready yet to do RotR... but I will be! :D

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All the characters unlocked in the Dungeon of The Endless. Still not managed to beat the game. The later levels are sending waves after waves of monsters...

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Work on project OS: O continues, and yet I am sending a pitch for another project to another publisher. I'd wait more but the deadline for the pitches for that project end soon...

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American Horror Story certainly is an awesome f++%ed up show, definitely one of the best shows I've ever seen.

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Pretty sure I just saw a coyote (which is Spanish for Coyote) running up the street.

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Only another half hour before I can turn in.

Maybe I'll derail the AP boards...

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Bird flu? Really?

You rang?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Rysky wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Just lost power for a moment after a whopping 0.10" of rain.

We are truly pathetic.

Are all the schools closed?
I'm waiting for the rioting and looting, myself.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Studpuffin wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Bird flu? Really?
You rang?

~SCREAMS~ AHHH!!!!! A puffin bird flu carrier!

6 people marked this as a favorite.


The inhaler seems to be doing it's thing, and Tiny T-Rex looks a thousand times better, is able to speak and is up and around.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:


The inhaler seems to be doing it's thing, and Tiny T-Rex looks a thousand times better, is able to speak and is up and around.

Very glad to hear that, cap!

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fires shotgun blindly

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I am seriously considering having a high number of ballcaps made for the cycle shop. They would depict a grinning mule, and be given out for FREE to our "special customers".

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Tiny T-Rex (as a police helicopter): you're going to jail again!

Me: Oh no, what did I do now!

Officer T-Rex: You just flipped him off with your thumb!

Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I am seriously considering having a high number of ballcaps made for the cycle shop. They would depict a grinning mule, and be given out for FREE to our "special customers".

I saw a recent magazine cover of an elephant that you could use as an idea for that donkey:

Non-political idea based on political source:

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Back at parent's, for Grandad's funeral, unfortunately.

Discovered that the hymn I thought was called 'Oh, God, Our Help In Ages Past' is actually called 'The Still, Small Voice of Calm'

The cat likes my socks a little bit too much.

Now watching Bournemouth thrash Hull 6-1. As a thoroughly assimilated Yorkshireman, I am appalled.

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They can come back, all they need is a touchdown.

Or maybe just nail a couple 3 pointers from behind the arc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks pillbug..... I was told this thread stayed out of the politics thing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Damn it boss, I can't get a lock on her, too small and fidgety!

Dark Archive

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Am I good? Am I good? D'OH!!

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I always feel amazed when people use me as a standard or exception to anything. Makes me smile, though*.

(I'm just an overweight stay-at-home dad who likes nerdy stuff and Christian stuff.)

* I think it means that someone's been positively affected by something I've done, so that's cool.

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To my fellow Gravity Falls fans: I liked the ending (though the pre-ending felt a bit rushed), but this has always struck me as a phenomenal end for the series (and it was created several months prior, too!). Good song and good video to go with it. Also inspirational for gaming... >.>

I wonder if this ALT:Dipper becomes a Summoner...

EDIT: this might have better audio quality.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Interesting, I'll have to check that out later. :-)

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Yoo hoo Thegreenroomgamer, I'm totally rampaging through Fallout New Vegas again, made it to Honest Hearts at a little past third level, a new personal low. :-)

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It's my youngest's second birthday! Woo~!

Two years ago today, he was born two months too early, and his mommy and I began the amazing experience of living in a Ronald McDonald house, visiting our newborn every day in the hospital while his big brother was cared for by his grandparents. Then we came home. I am so thankful for the opportunities in life and the tremendous blessings that have been poured out upon us during these past two years. I am humbled and grateful for the life that has been added to our family. And I'm excited to see where he goes in life. I love you, buddy! :D

I also pray for those who go through similar experiences as well as for those whose stories turn out differently than ours. It sounds trite, but it will be okay - there are people who love you, people who understand, and life will go forward. Peace and even joy in your life. And to those who've been successful, peace and joy to you - remember and be grateful for the amazing life we've been given.

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Happy birthday!!!!!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's 82 degrees.

It's freaking the middle of October, and it's 82 degrees.

...I hate living in Florida sometimes. (From March to October, to be specific.)

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I'll take it, if you don't want it.

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