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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yup. Asia is always my first move.

Although I once crushed everyone by securing Europe and Africa first. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Gah, I gotta do this AGAIN tonight?

[sarcasm]I feel so sorry for you working so hard at Gen Con. My heart bleeds for you![/sarcasm]

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Clearly, it was my strategy that won that war.

And nothing else.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
'Limey, meet 7% abv Polish porter. 7% abv Polish porter, meet Limey'

Pft. I've in my fridge an 11% bourbon barrel aged stout, and I've in the past consumed 12% red ale.

Or, ypu know, we could just stop playing games and go straight for the 47% rum.

My father was a firm believer in flaunting laws he considered stupid. So when 192-proof Everclear was only available in Nevada, he made sure to buy a couple of bottles every time he was there.

Of course, he never drank it, so I inherited a case of over 12 bottles, which I use for cleaning my battle mat.

Life is apparently different in Michigan. Shiro's player assures me that in his college days he and his friends made screwdrivers using Everclear in place of vodka. They were apparently hard to drink, but got you drunk really, really fast.

Go figure...

EDIT: And don't get me started on "Nuclear Risk", which involves several Risk boards, a bottle of at least 90% isopropyl or ethyl alcohol, and a lighter. Good times!

Dammit, man, even I have limits, and you've found one of them. I'm not putting Everclear anywhere near my body.

Rectified spirit. Approximately 1:1 with Russian champagne...

One glass. Drunk in two gulps. After some Hungarian tokay and some mead... Urgh.

I was so sick the next day. But at least I managed to get home and speak coherently with my mother who got up when I arrived...

Never more. Definitely never more... Urgh.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
'Limey, meet 7% abv Polish porter. 7% abv Polish porter, meet Limey'

Pft. I've in my fridge an 11% bourbon barrel aged stout, and I've in the past consumed 12% red ale.

Or, ypu know, we could just stop playing games and go straight for the 47% rum.

Spirits is spirits, and not usually consumed by the pint, unless you're really going for broke.

11% bourbon barrel aged stout sounds alright, though. I'd like a pop at that.

I've had some sort of stupidly strong Italian beer in the past, around the 12-13% mark, but it was bloody horrible.

@ Drejk, there were two. There is now one.

@ Nobodyshome, I don't know what Everclear actually is; there was a band of the same name, but I doubt you'd use them to clean your battlemat. Or maybe you would?

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:

Yup. Asia is always my first move.

Although I once crushed everyone by securing Europe and Africa first. :-)

It's hard to lie so boldly while you stand there naked in front of God and everybody.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Ah, Risk. Great game.

Historically, I have had greater luck holding Europe than the Australia/Asia combo, but I still prefer the latter. 2 armies on New Guinea every turn.

Any of y'all ever played that old-school game called Stratego?

Oh, don't get me started on when they decided that "the 1 is the most powerful token" was TOO CONFUSING, and modern versions of Stratego have all the numbers reversed...

Shakes his old man cane, cursing at a once-beloved game now ruined because the numbers go backwards...

Waaaaaaiitaminnit. You're telling me that now they have one 9, one 8, miners are 2s, and you get . . . uhhh . . . nine 1s?

Marshal = 1
General = 2
Colonel = 3

Otherwise, #DoingItWrong

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Oh! You should conquer The Yukon Territory, that'll show him.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Ah, Risk. Great game.

Historically, I have had greater luck holding Europe than the Australia/Asia combo, but I still prefer the latter. 2 armies on New Guinea every turn.

Any of y'all ever played that old-school game called Stratego?

Oh, don't get me started on when they decided that "the 1 is the most powerful token" was TOO CONFUSING, and modern versions of Stratego have all the numbers reversed...

Shakes his old man cane, cursing at a once-beloved game now ruined because the numbers go backwards...

Waaaaaaiitaminnit. You're telling me that now they have one 9, one 8, miners are 2s, and you get . . . uhhh . . . nine 1s?

Marshal = 1
General = 2
Colonel = 3

Otherwise, #DoingItWrong

Yep. They switched it around. So those of us who mastered the game decades ago run the risk of being conquered by whippersnappers because the pieces are all backwards.

"My 2 beats your 3!"
"No, old man! 3 is a higher number, so 3 beats 2!"
"That's not how it works in Stratego!"
"Look at the rules, old man!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
@ Nobodyshome, I don't know what Everclear actually is; there was a band of the same name, but I doubt you'd use them to clean your battlemat. Or maybe you would?

It's nearly-pure ethanol. 96%. Supposed to be used to "add a kick" to lesser alcohols, when 40% just doesn't cut it for you any more.

And yeah, if they did a decent job, I'd let Everclear clean my battle mat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Yep. They switched it around. So those of us who mastered the game decades ago run the risk of being conquered by whippersnappers because the pieces are all backwards.

"My 2 beats your 3!"
"No, old man! 3 is a higher number, so 3 beats 2!"
"That's not how it works in Stratego!"
"Look at the rules, old man!"

Just one more instance of people mucking around with that which needs no mucking . . . . sigh

Fortunately, I have one of the old sets, so if I ever get around to teaching the nieces and nephews the game, they can learn it as it was first designed.

RE: everclear --

Yeah . . . . 6 beers, 4 Dark & Stormy, and a half-liter of everclear (chugged) . . . . Drove home that night. Hmmmm.

Sure glad I've moved past some of my stupidity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Blech! I cannot drink clear hard alcohol
It's gotta have some color to it, whatever it Mau be.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mau? Really? Typical phone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am pretty sure Mau is tee-totaler.

Mau is a nickname of a friend. She doesn't drink.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Yep. They switched it around. So those of us who mastered the game decades ago run the risk of being conquered by whippersnappers because the pieces are all backwards.

"My 2 beats your 3!"
"No, old man! 3 is a higher number, so 3 beats 2!"
"That's not how it works in Stratego!"
"Look at the rules, old man!"

Just one more instance of people mucking around with that which needs no mucking . . . . sigh

Fortunately, I have one of the old sets, so if I ever get around to teaching the nieces and nephews the game, they can learn it as it was first designed.

RE: everclear --

Yeah . . . . 6 beers, 4 Dark & Stormy, and a half-liter of everclear (chugged) . . . . Drove home that night. Hmmmm.

Sure glad I've moved past some of my stupidity.

If I drank all that I would be dead before I left the bar.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

It's got Harley Quinn in hot pants, so it can be as bad a movie as it likes. I plan to go and see it, and I'm generally very anti superhero films.

EDIT: ((Nicki Minaj as Harley Quinn. Talk about a missed casting opportunity...


Now I can't stop thinking about it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Happy anniversary, CY!

We're off to see Suicide Squad tonight. Everything I've read indicates it has the "holy trinity" of terrible moviedom:

  • It's a "dark" movie, so all the scenes are dark
  • It's an "action" movie, so all the action scenes are done using shaky-cam
  • It's an "action" movie, so all action scenes are cut so that no shot lasts more than 1 second
  • Given that, I will probably emerge from the theater disappointed and somewhat nauseous.

    On the bright side, good food (Fuddruckers), good company (NobodysWife, the Imps, and Shiro's player), and expectations of disappointment should be enough to assuage what promises to be a terrible, terrible film experience...

    I'll be curious to hear how it is.

    We are going to the movies tonight, but I have opted for Star Trek over Suicide Squad.

    I will eventually see both, but let me know how Star Trek is. Preferably over takoyaki at the new TAKOYAKI BAR!!!!!!!!!!! we will go to not this upcoming Monday, but the Monday after that.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Aranna wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:

    Risk is the board game I totally get, haven't lost yet.

    I also haven't played it in fifteen years or so.

    But I should be fine as long as they still have Asia and Australia.

    Wait... There is only one type of player who always wins Risk... The table smooth talker. You know the guy who can always convince people the OTHER guy is the real threat. He builds and betrays alliances with ease and no one ever suspects him till he conquers it all. Man that guy is hard to play against.

    That's also the same guy who wins Catan.

    BLARG! Septic problem created a backup stoppage that only appeared after the tank was cleaned! BLARGLARRrg~!

    Freehold DM wrote:
    Aranna wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:

    Risk is the board game I totally get, haven't lost yet.

    I also haven't played it in fifteen years or so.

    But I should be fine as long as they still have Asia and Australia.

    Wait... There is only one type of player who always wins Risk... The table smooth talker. You know the guy who can always convince people the OTHER guy is the real threat. He builds and betrays alliances with ease and no one ever suspects him till he conquers it all. Man that guy is hard to play against.
    That's also the same guy who wins Catan.

    So... me. Except for the lies and betrayal?

    (Serious: never betrayed a daggum thing; usually get betrayed by people who just don't value a good turtle friend defense.)
    ((More serious: turtle defense never wins war - it can, however, be the downfall of the foolishly aggressive, if done correctly.))
    (((More seriously still: man, I'm rusty. I'd probably suck so bad these days...)))

    I miss those days-long games. So good.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I have linked this thread to this thread.

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Aranna wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:

    Risk is the board game I totally get, haven't lost yet.

    I also haven't played it in fifteen years or so.

    But I should be fine as long as they still have Asia and Australia.

    Wait... There is only one type of player who always wins Risk... The table smooth talker. You know the guy who can always convince people the OTHER guy is the real threat. He builds and betrays alliances with ease and no one ever suspects him till he conquers it all. Man that guy is hard to play against.
    That's also the same guy who wins Catan.

    And the same guy who manages to get incredible trades in Monopoly.

    Well that's not me...

    EDIT: wide finger typo...

    AngryNerdRageDemon wrote:
    BLARG! Septic problem created a backup stoppage that only appeared after the tank was cleaned! BLARGLARRrg~!

    Okay! Got THAT one cleaned out! Woof! Quite a "birthday surprise" for my boy...

    But now: beating a Wind Waker boss, eating Chinese food, and watching Kung Fu Panda 3! Woo~!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    For whatever reason, I don't understand, my kids don't like Kung Fu Panda, Couldn't tell you why.

    Glad you got the s%%# cleaned up. :-)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    So, I'd rate "Suicide Squad" a solid 3-beer movie. On the one hand, I thoroughly enjoyed it, with minor exceptions. On the other hand, if, four weeks from now, a friend said, "Hey, NobodysHome, wanna go see Suicide Squad with me? I'm buying!", I'd almost certainly decline. It's not a movie worth watching twice, Harley Quinn's hot pants notwithstanding. (And seriously -- after a couple of hours you just start pitying the poor actress for having to run around for HOW many months in those? I know *I* couldn't have taken it.)

    And even though I'm doing my best not to spoiler (no plot points or anything), here's

    More thoughts:

    The Good:
  • With all the talk of Harley Quinn, I was expecting to hate her. But no; she carries the entire comedic burden of the movie. And she carries it well. It's not surprising they had to find a relatively unknown actress to play her; they had to find someone who both looked good in hot pants and who could play bat-spit crazy convincingly. She pulled it off wonderfully.
  • All the critics are saying, "Shaky camera! Dark Sets! Cut scenes!" Well, I hate hate HATE all those things, and I found almost the entire movie (even the action scenes) perfectly bearable. Unfortunately, the final battle is beyond intolerable. Not only is it dark, full of cut scenes, and shaky, but they had to add spraying water and smoke to the mix. Because, y'know, knowing what's going on in the final fight is overrated.
  • The Bad:

  • The good guys in charge of the Suicide Squad were all complete pricks. You couldn't like any of them. You wanted all the good guys to die.
  • Impus Major, leaving the theater: "Well, that movie taught me that no one is ever hurt in a helicopter crash." Yeah. they crashed a lot of helicopters. And, similar to the A-Team TV show in the 1980's, they had to show everyone clambering out of them, perfectly OK. Seriously? Helicopters are apparently the ONLY way to fly! No wonder they used so many!
  • The final scene described above.
  • The plot is beyond stupid. You just have to kind of let it roll. But it was the last straw for NobodysWife when one of the bad guys who was trying to accomplish something by performing a ritual dance was still at it a day and a half later!
  • They let Will Smith and the girl who plays Harley chew up the scenery. Everyone else in the movie is window-dressing for those two.
  • NobodysWife had serious objections to the fact that their "squad of meta-humans" included FOUR totally normal humans, and only TWO meta-humans.
  • Anyway, enough for now.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Got woken up early by a dream this week too.

    Captain Yesterday's Dreamscape Story Minute.

    We went to see a movie, the wife and I, but when we went to leave, we found a Bengal Tiger stalking the lobby. I awoke as I was about to smash his head with the cash register from the snack bar.

    I was pretty sure, that no one listening to me, and inefficient government were going to be common themes.

    It turns out, it's big cats, and it pays having Improvised Weapon and Throw Anything as feats.

    Silver Crusade

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Interesting to hear your take, NobodysHome. I think we made a good bet seeing Star Trek instead. I thought it was pretty well done over all.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Did they find Kirk's Starchild on an awakening world.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Outsiders is a weird show.

    I'm still not sure if it's good.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Yes! They finally moved one of the local Cons from the Colosseum to an actual hotel.

    And it's only 15 minutes away, and I literally planted every single tree surrounding it. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Gotta work tonight, still a little groggy from my (dreamland) Tiger fight.

    *deep breath* mail it in like Clerks

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
    Gotta work tonight, still a little groggy from my (dreamland) Tiger fight.

    Did you win?

    Not that this has anything to do with anything, but I now automatically read 'Pokemon Go' as 'Poke Mongo'. I suspect that I'm alone in this.

    Shadow Lodge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Sharoth wrote:
    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    Gah, I gotta do this AGAIN tonight?
    [sarcasm]I feel so sorry for you working so hard at Gen Con. My heart bleeds for you![/sarcasm]

    An' now I gotta do it again tonight! Life is hard!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    knock knock knock

    Candygram for Mongo!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Mongo love candy.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Bad Voice Acting wrote:
    Mongo love candy.

    And I love you, random citizen!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    You would, Metroloser~!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hey, Little-buddy! How's it goin'?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Not bad, not bad... I do miss it sometimes: our mythic battles and titanic struggles...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Well don't let it get ya down! You got this!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Baldy vs. Beardy: The Struggle Continues.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Grinds craters together in anticipation.

    Good! Good!

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Sometimes, you see things you don't want to know the answer to.

    Tonight, as I went to my car for break, there was a car parked next to mine, an old police cruiser, with a naked man and woman in the back seat, and the man was holding the radio pulled from the dashboard in one hand.

    Hm. 7AM. Oh well; didn't need sleep last night anyway. Still got work to do to clean enough for people entering the cave for this "celebration" thing everyone keeps going on about. Child growing older! Why must I clean the cave and have... people... just because child is growing older!

    (But he's gonna love it and it's gonna be so awesome~!)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Well as I near the end of my 4th Mass Effect play through I wonder if the romance options will be better in Andromeda?

    My pathetic history at romancing in Mass Effect:
    Infiltrator1: Started in a natural relationship with Kaiden and really fell for him. But when I went running to him at the first opportunity in ME2 and he literally destroyed my feelings I was hurt. I spent 2 and 3 with no romancing.

    Infiltrator2: Avoided a romance in ME1. And I was still weighing my options with Jacob in ME2 when I was surprised by a dialog choice that let me start something with Garrus... I decided to give the crazy bird a try. And I regretted nothing. He was amazing from 2 through 3.

    Soldier: I wanted something stable and different... So with much reluctance I tried Liara. I stuck with Liara all the way through 1 to 3. A good couple... I found myself dreading any sex scenes however. Guess I better stick with guys.

    Sentinel: I wanted to see if the game would let me end with a child on the way or some such (and not little blue children). So that meant human males only. I started with Kaiden but couldn't wait to do the Treppa thing and off him before he could dump me in ME2. I had to drag Jacob into a relationship in ME2 so I was kind of happy it didn't work out in ME3. So... Vega was my last hope! And I was eager after all his flirting. But he NEVER does anything more than flirt... and to top it off I get drunk and wake up with Javik... Ugh. No luck at kids in my 4th time through.

    When I get to my 5th play through (right before Andromeda) I will maybe crawl back to Kaiden as distasteful as that is and see how it goes with him... ~sigh~

    Is the ONLY good romance option Garrus? That seems way too limited for SO MANY characters.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I was in a relationship in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, once.

    I went on one date with this girl, just one, and suddenly she won't stop calling me, like all the time! I never called her back.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I never got the whole picking up hookers part of that game series, I mean maybe if it has some sort of mechanical benefit like healing your wounds or something, but as is, I'm just like "Eh, I'd rather spend my money on a hot dog"

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Dembomor hates your human guts with a passion...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hmmm... I'm not an aficionado (I'm not one of those people who play through multiple times, since I feel absolutely HORRIBLE whenever I do a Renegade playthrough on any game, and the choices that aren't binary Paragon/Renegade don't really impact the plot much), but here's what I've heard:


    Kaidan: Stable, fun, amazing voice, if a bit quiet. Solid choice, and even though we were just friends, it was still kind of interesting playing out the relationship in ME3 once he got out of the hospital. I really liked the whole theme of "We've both changed, so can we move past it, or we will drag each other down trying to get back what we used to have?" That's what I got out of it, anyways.

    Ashley: I'm sorry, just can't get past Ash's SPACE RACIST tendencies, although I still cried when I asked her to hold the line while I rescued Kaiden.

    Liara: Stable, nerdy, smokin', a bit awkward... sounds like my kind of girl. However, despite all that, I found her romance boring and kind of flat for whatever reason.

    Garrus: Garrus is my favorite character (well, with the exception of Mordin and Wrex), and although I didn't romance him, he would make a great romance. He and Shepard have great chemistry regardless of whether they pursue a relationship, has a great personality, an amazing character arc, and is one of the two companions who stay with you through all three games.

    Tali: Basically, if I ever played through as a BroShep, I'd romance Tali. From what I've seen of her romance, it's a sweet, touching thing, stock image controversy notwithstanding. Although the choice between getting the superior, more advanced force of geth versus saving the love of my life would've been heartbreaking... if I didn't max out my Paragon score 2/3rds of the way through the game.

    Thane: Tender, sweet, and heartbreaking. I don't think anything else needs to be said about Thane. I don't know a single person who romanced Thane who didn't bawl their eyes out at the end of the Citadel DLC. He's also a very interesting character, and I think that he has my favorite loyalty mission (annoying chase scene notwithstanding), (maybe Grunt's loyalty mission, although that's solely for the purpose of getting revenge on all of the thresher maws who screwed up my day in the first game).

    Jacob: Who's Jacob? Can't seem to recall... all kidding aside, Jacob is just one of those guys that I don't like, purely on principle. It feels like BioWare felt obligated to put him into the game, but it was almost a last-minute decision, so they didn't have time to put down anything for his personality other than "has daddy issues." He's bland, he has that whole "the PRIIIIZE" debacle, and the fact that he LITERALLY MARRIES SOMEONE SIX MONTHS AFTER SHEPARD GETS INCARCERATED. What the hell, Jacob? Not cool, man. Not cool at all.

    Miranda: Miranda's an interesting one. I hated her at first, but as I got to know her, break her out of her shell, and figure out her past damage, she grew to become one of my favorites. Too bad I did Jack's loyalty mission and Miranda's back to back, when I still had a moderate Paragon score... sigh, she was the one-the ONLY one-who bit it during the final mission.

    Jack: Jack is also rather interesting, and kind of in the same boat as Miranda. However, I think she would be a bit more satisfying, because of the wonderful redemption arc that a Paragon Shepard can give her if he romances her.

    Kelly: Flirty, a redhead, great banter between her and Shepard, and gave me lots of good hints on how to get the loyalty of my squadmates. Her romance suffered the same problem as Liara's, though, in that it seemed far too generic, and wasn't shaped to fit her character at all.

    Traynor: My romance, my bae, all that needs to be said. Traynor is awesome, is crucial to the plot, saved the Normandy's ass a few times, is kind of dorky, and... yeah, I just really like Traynor.

    Cortez: Don't really know what to say about Cortez, honestly. From what I gather and from what I infer, it's rather interesting romancing him, since he's the only romanceable character who was in a committed romance before meeting Shepard, and part of the romance is dealing with it.

    But, yeah. As far as I know, kids aren't in the cards. Apparently though, if you were a heartless monster and chose the Destroy ending (sorry, I just feel like that's being evil, killing the geth and EDI and slowing down the rebuilding of the mass relays by hundreds of years. My headcanon was that after the Shepherd AI helped rebuild society, she destroyed herself and the Reapers to avoid becoming a problem in the future), had a high enough EMS, and had the Datapad app, your romance choice will give you a simple message that says that they're glad you're recovering in the ICU, and hope to see you soon. After that, it's up to your personal fanfic to decide.

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