Tacticslion |

I don't want to hear any gripes about temperature.
(I'm cheating and going to Disneyland this weekend however.)
* gripe, gripe *
I saw this.
"One could say The Hobbit was a wonderful book about the dangers of greed. One could say The Hobbit films were themselves ruined because of greed."
While the Hobbit films were not up to LotR standards, I definitely don't think they were "ruined" by nature.
When your familiar triggers the next encounter.
But TOZ, you're in the desert, at least it isn't humid! I'll take heat over humidity any day. That's why I wouldn't move to or even visit Louisiana any time but the dead of winter.
* gripe, gripe *

Tacticslion |

I wasn't meaning just new rules. I actually cited moments when the game simply didn't work as intended and ruin a player's (or GM's) day and are broken in a way that requires you to abandon the AP as-written to make it work. CC certainly as plenty, but it didn't seem more egregious in a general way than the other three I've run: just in that way in specific.
I'd suggest different tables adapt to the things (or not) based off their own tendencies. It's a problem, but one shared with KM, S'sS, CoT, and even the exquisite CotCT.
I mean, in CoT, you literally cannot win the AP. It's not actually possible.
Well, okay, it is now, but only by utilizing abilities that didn't exist in PF at the time, and didn't exist until Wrath of the Righteous... and aren't part of CoT, of course.
(You can, I think, do it now with non-mythic abilities, but it's still a stretch. Best case is a 50/50 shot between "nothing changes; it still sucks" and "you rule a city; good luck, suckers" which isn't the best way to "win" an AP: "have exactly this build and party that didn't exist when we published this, or you can't win the AP" - you know. And I love CoT.)EDIT: it'd kind of be like if in KM, the AP said, "if your PCs win, great! But instead, they instantly lose their kingdom and walk off paupers." or if SS said, "if you manage to win, good job, but you're all secretly assassinated and replaced by snakes in disguise and no one notices" - it's not exactly what you'd hope for after managing to get all that way.
My wife said I didn't explain this well enough.
At the very end of CoT, there's a point-mechanic based off of things you've done throughout the campaign. You add those to a dice roll.
The problem? There aren't enough points.
In the end, looking it up, it turns out you can, but you have to have a very specific build to get there (a charisma score of 30, leadership, and the charisma spread around to successfully make your Aid Another checks). So... it's possible, it's just very difficult and obscured - there's no way, sans GM going, "Hey, guys, throw everything into charisma for your charisma/Leadership character." that the PCs would actually know, and even still it comes down to a dice roll.
I kept the mechanic, but added more places to get more points, and expanded the window of opportunity to do so.

Aranna |
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Tacticslion wrote:102 degrees. Blech.Indeed, that temperature is flat out wrong.
102 isn't bad. We have an armored vehicle at work that is part of the hazing new people get. They get sent out in that to do their work. No air, no vent, and since it is armored it's windows don't open. The boys come back drenched in sweat. I even had the dubious experience of that truck when I first got to manager. Managers wear white shirts. I did NOT remove my body armor when we returned. I still wonder if they weren't trying to get a free show seeing if I would strip out of the body armor in the nearly 200 degree temp. That day I did NOT feel like Mass Effect more like a boiled piece of meat.

![]() |
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baron arem heshvaun wrote:While the Hobbit films were not up to LotR standards, I definitely don't think they were "ruined" by nature.I saw this.
"One could say The Hobbit was a wonderful book about the dangers of greed. One could say The Hobbit films were themselves ruined because of greed."
That's completely fair, I watched the first two Hobbit movies in the cinema and still enjoyed them to a far lesser extent than LoTR, but never got around to seeing the third.

captain yesterday |
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Freehold DM wrote:102 isn't bad. We have an armored vehicle at work that is part of the hazing new people get. They get sent out in that to do their work. No air, no vent, and since it is armored it's windows don't open. The boys come back drenched in sweat. I even had the dubious experience of that truck when I first got to manager. Managers wear white shirts. I did NOT remove my body armor when we returned. I still wonder if they weren't trying to get a free show seeing if I would strip out of the body armor in the nearly 200 degree temp. That day I did NOT feel like Mass Effect more like a boiled piece of meat.Tacticslion wrote:102 degrees. Blech.Indeed, that temperature is flat out wrong.
I worked for a place, they had a truck that they filled the back gate with concrete then gave it to the new guy they thought would fail, then see how long until they complained. Supposedly, no one had gone longer than two weeks. However, despite the fact that the gate weighed over a hundred pounds, it had the best A/C unit in the fleet. I had that truck for three years before some rookie mechanic caught it on fire somehow. The equipment manager would ask me every week "how do you like the truck" "it's great!" I'd say. And I earned tons of respect because I was the smallest guy there. :-)

captain yesterday |
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Tacticslion wrote:That's completely fair, I watched the first two Hobbit movies in the cinema and still enjoyed them to a far lesser extent than LoTR, but never got around to seeing the third.baron arem heshvaun wrote:While the Hobbit films were not up to LotR standards, I definitely don't think they were "ruined" by nature.I saw this.
"One could say The Hobbit was a wonderful book about the dangers of greed. One could say The Hobbit films were themselves ruined because of greed."
The third was two hours too long.

Tequila Sunrise |
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My wife said I didn't explain this well enough.At the very end of CoT, there's a point-mechanic based off of things you've done throughout the campaign. You add those to a dice roll.
The problem? There aren't enough points.
In the end, looking it up, it turns out you can, but you have to have a very specific build to get there (a charisma score of 30, leadership, and the...
Wow, that sounds like Truenamer kind of broken, but on a campaign-scale.
(Broken, as in 'Great fluff, just straight-up doesn't work as intended.')

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:A Paizo mechanic being non-functional? I'm shocked, sir. Simply shocked.At the very end of CoT, there's a point-mechanic based off of things you've done throughout the campaign. You add those to a dice roll.
The problem? There aren't enough points.
Oh, you rogue... (or maybe archetypes sorcerer)...
Wow, that sounds like Truenamer kind of broken, but on a campaign-scale.(Broken, as in 'Great fluff, just straight-up doesn't work as intended.')
Pretty much exactly. As it turns out, they were making the mechanic up as they went along until the crunch time happened, and they posted the final numbers and chart without doing strong estimations of how, exactly, you're supposed to get it to work.
Sadly, there were even mechanics that allowed you to spend points... for minimal gain to even a net loss over-all.
In the end, it was an easy fix: I just added excessive amounts of heroics for extra points, created a meta-chart to show how they were doing/keep track of points, and allowed mythic rules. Wait. >.>

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:102 isn't bad. We have an armored vehicle at work that is part of the hazing new people get. They get sent out in that to do their work. No air, no vent, and since it is armored it's windows don't open. The boys come back drenched in sweat. I even had the dubious experience of that truck when I first got to manager. Managers wear white shirts. I did NOT remove my body armor when we returned. I still wonder if they weren't trying to get a free show seeing if I would strip out of the body armor in the nearly 200 degree temp. That day I did NOT feel like Mass Effect more like a boiled piece of meat.Tacticslion wrote:102 degrees. Blech.Indeed, that temperature is flat out wrong.
I would have had a bucket of cold water to throw on you after you took the armor off. It would have been cooling. Very cooling.

NobodysHome |
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Sometimes kids just make you want to scream.
Impus Major: Dad, I have a <medical issue> I'd like to talk to you about.
NobodysHome: As far as I know, that's perfectly normal, but let's wait a couple of weeks and see whether it goes away.
-- Two weeks later --
Impus Major: It didn't go away.
NobodysHome hastily sets up a doctor's appointment for Impus Major specifically because of this issue.
-- After the appointment --
NobodysHome: So, did you talk to the doctor about your issue?
Impus Major: No; it was too embarrassing.

Ambrosia Slaad |
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I got my Starfinder PC concept ready to go.
Hmmm, I have a mostly-finished PFRPG archetype for that, although I need to rewrite one of the class features as cyberwear. And figure out how to commission art. And round up playtester(s). And do the paperwork to make my 3PP legal. And figure out PagePlus to do the layout...
Edit: And figure out how to get my hands on the Starfinder playtest mechanics...

mourge40k |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ahhhhh. Glorious, Glorious summer has finally arrived, and with it my freedom! Hello fellow Fawtlites! Good to see you all again. So, quick summary of how my life has been since my minor disappearance:
- Turns out I'm bad at foreign languages, so Spanish class went meh.
- I'm in the 97th percentile nationwide for the test that I had to take to enter my school's nursing program. Which is nice.
- Single-handedly improved retention in my school's DVST/Basic Skills program by 75%. Which is really cool.
- I actually have enough money to be able to put some stuff into savings again. Which is A FRIGGEN GODSEND.
- I get to actually play in a campaign instead of running it for once.

captain yesterday |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

The Little Tomato Plant of Horrors now has at least five baby tomatoes. They were there when the General came home and I showed off the other baby tomato. There were none this morning, and because I noticed the baby tomato on the other plant I diligently checked all the plants. And it's grown some more. O_o

thegreenteagamer |

Tacticslion |

So. FaWtL.
Yeah I saw that. TotallyOPAWESOME to the point of not even trying to be balanced.
I helped!
I'd honestly like to play with it more before declaring it so one way or the other.
It certainly adds mobility and damage to a melee attacker, which is pretty sorely needed, in my estimation, but it's based heavily around a one-trick idea. It reminds me, somewhat, of a cavalier in the way it's generated, though, of course, the mechanics are different.
That said... it's free, and, I think, it compares favorably to this, based on initial perusal, though I might revise that opinion later.
I like both, however. I'll be mulling over what, if anything, to do with the class here...

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:Still can't find my memory card for the 'Cube. Blarg.
I can tell Nox is... from a different era in gaming.
It's a fun game, but the linearity is impressive, even by NWN OC games. At least, as of the Warrior rout, though I suspect the other two are just as linear, even if the story is strikingly different.
As I've gotten through six chapters (five
todayyesterday, including the horrendously large chapter three), I expect to be able to run through the other two paths and get a kind of "Grand Story" from the lot of them. I'm planning on going in order: warrior, conjurer, wizard.EDIT: I'd written this post last night. I only posted it today, when I noticed it was still here. Whoops!
See, this is why I need to be a high-level conjurer:
- Me: *gate*
- Me: "Yeah, I need a game cube memory card. My four-year-old is playing Wind Waker, you see, and I-"
- Me: "But, Angel, it's not readily available, and I can't find it anywhere around here. You know we're just a small town. And he really needs it! He can't save his game! Wish for one for me, pleeeaaassssse? Also I gate'd you, so you kind of have to..."
- Me: "Oh, and do you know where my keys-"
Guess what's miiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiinnnneee...? :D

captain yesterday |
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I didn't like Iron Gods, from what I experienced at least, but it's more that I just am not a huge fan of sci fi mixed in my fantasy. It's why FF4 and 9 are two of my favorites, and 7 and 10 make me yawn.
6 is okay, but that's because the badguys have the tech, and you have to overcome it.
How far did you get, Iron Gods gets better as you go. Book three for instance has an awesome Technology infused wizard tower. Book five also has some really awesome stuff, and book six is absolutely spectacular.

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ahhhhh. Glorious, Glorious summer has finally arrived, and with it my freedom! Hello fellow Fawtlites! Good to see you all again. So, quick summary of how my life has been since my minor disappearance:
- Turns out I'm bad at foreign languages, so Spanish class went meh.
- I'm in the 97th percentile nationwide for the test that I had to take to enter my school's nursing program. Which is nice.
- Single-handedly improved retention in my school's DVST/Basic Skills program by 75%. Which is really cool.
- I actually have enough money to be able to put some stuff into savings again. Which is A FRIGGEN GODSEND.
- I get to actually play in a campaign instead of running it for once.
You know, reading over the posts made me realize I never actually said, "Welcome back." Hm. Must've accidentally closed that tab! Welcome back! :D

Syrus Terrigan |
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The Hobbit films were, in my opinion, generally crummy. Why in the world anyone felt that that story needed an injection of Orlando Bloom doing more of the same I will never understand. Or characters that never even existed (Tauriel). And so on, and so forth.
Regardless, that trilogy suffered from an overabundance of greed.
And, TriOmegaZero, you really don't need to see the third one. Use that time for something meaningful.
And that reminds me of all the awful films that have been pawned off on us, lately. The Revenant??!! How in the world "Leonardo DiCaprio Crawls and Grunts" won however many Oscars it did is beyond me. Trashtrashtrash.
And don't get me started on what "The Great Abomination" (aka Disney) did to Star Wars. Why we had to wait four decades for them to redo Episode IV, and, at that, very poorly, I will never know. I have loved the Star Wars mythos for as long as I could remember *anything*. I was born in 1980, and went to the theater with Mom and Dad for Episode V -- that one I don't remember; Episode VI, though, I *do* remember seeing, and it was awesome! Episodes I, II, and III suffered from an overdose of George Lucas, to be sure, but they filled in the blanks . . . sorta.
The fact that Disney didn't want to bear the burden of adapting any of the pre-existing Expanded Universe content onto the big screen is what I find to be the most offensive. I understand that they were scared no one would be happy with what they did; not even trying is where they failed. The Thrawn trilogy. The Yuuzhan Vong. Darth Caedus. *Any* of these would have been great film material. Forty years' worth of material (and revenue!!) to draw from, but . . . .
No. They gave us a s$!77% Episode IV (and had the nerve to call it a different number!!).

Syrus Terrigan |
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@captain yesterday --
Freeman was a good Bilbo. I can admit that. And they could have chopped about three-and-a-half hours from the whole trilogy, and it might have been better for me -- two movies, free of the dumb stuff they threw in there for no good reason.
You've seen Episode IV, right? You've seen Episode VII. Save your money, save your time, and boycott bad film.
@greentea --
I guess I'm just not as forgiving as you (does that make me Palpatine to your Vader?). Even within its own context, separate and apart from the book, why did we need to see more super-special-effects "I am ELF!! Watch me dance!" sequences? We got more than enough of that in the LotR.

captain yesterday |
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For the record, the only two Tolkien books I've finished are The Fellowship of the Companions of the Crystal Ring Mithral Hall and The Two Towers, which were both awesome. Did not like The Hobbit. Not sure if I even picked up the third Lord of the Rings. My wife read them all, even the entire Silmarillion, cover to cover.

NobodysHome |
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captain yesterday wrote:My wife read...the entire Silmarillion, cover to cover.I'm so sorry for her loss. Her precious, precious time she'll never get back. She has my sympathy.
When I was a kid, I was a *huge* Lord of the Rings fan, so much so that by the time I was 16 I'd read The Hobbit 4 times and the trilogy 3 times. I read it again on a trip through Europe.
And I tried. Twice. To read the Silmarillion. And couldn't.
Then in my late 30's I picked it up again. And believe it or not, I enjoyed it.
It's like they say. As you get older, you lose all sense of taste.