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My part time retail position requires a college degree to apply for it. Funny enough, I didn't realize that when I applied. Luckily the Associate's in Social & Behavioral Science on my resume was good enough for the general manager. Guess it's a good thing I decided to take those extra PE classes to get that degree (I wasn't originally going to get a degree from my CC, just a transfer to uni).

Nothing we do requires academic fortitude, and there's a low wage labor shortage in San Francisco that's making it pretty hard for us to find new employees. Restricting the pool to people with degrees is counterproductive at this point.

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I had to sell my interviewer a toy. I chose Spongebob figures. She bought two of them. :-)

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I started as an agency worker and have clung on, limpet like, for around 13 years. Most of our staff can form coherent sentences and manage to dress themselves in the morning (only partially, on occasion, but that's all to the good, to be sure)

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I'm always glad when the forums are back.

Dark Archive

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captain yesterday wrote:

Pea Bear has used her Bill Cypher-esque earrings (the pyramid and eye in the middle) to convince key people (I.e. dumb boys) at her school that she's part of the Illuminati.

*sniff*sniff* that's my little girl!... that turns 12 on Saturday..

A moving view! Can't ask for much more than that! Wish the last preteen gal I'd dealt with was half as accommodating!

Watch and learn, Shooting Star! You could pick something up from this kid!

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Limeylongears wrote:
I started as an agency worker and have clung on, limpet like, for around 13 years. Most of our staff can form coherent sentences and manage to dress themselves in the morning (only partially, on occasion, but that's all to the good, to be sure)

Hmmm, time for an "Incredible Mr. Limpetlongears" alias?

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NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
On the other hand, being told I'm unqualified to proctor a high school exam is... a teensy bit grating...

I'm sorry, sir.

I empathize.

Having been turned away from jobs because, "You're over qualified." feels just as grating, especially when there are no other options for jobs.

EDIT: making language clarification. And editing for appearance while I'm there.

Oh, that's NOTHING compared to, "I can't date you! You're too nice!"

EDIT: True story: I had half a dozen very close female friends in high school. But I didn't have my first kiss until I was 19. (After Tim Armstrong gave me my first mohawk and I started wearing leathers and steel-toed boots.) Dating in high school? Nonexistent for me... because whenever I asked, I was told I was "too nice"...
...and now NobodysWife's friends all say, "You're so lucky! NobodysHome is SOOOOOO nice!"

Bitter, much? Naaaaah....

Dude, don't even!

My first kiss was my junior year of college! ;p

(It was the one who would be my wife, incidentally, after I stalked er annoyed uh incessantly talked at and followed everywhere like a really irritating lost puppy who didn't know how to shut up about fictional things that don't matter um had pleasant and interesting conversations with - yeah, that's the one - for a semester, until she graduated and realized she'd really miss the irritating lost puppy who couldn't cease the verbal flow from his constantly-running mouth. Mind, this is after she'd already dumped me three times and told me to get lost and that she wasn't interested... before we'd ever gone out on a date... or I'd requested anything like a date... or made any moves... or any romantic overtures... or stated I liked her... or I'd done anything whatsoever that could, in any way, be construed as 'romantic'-like at all beyond my friendship, from what I could tell... I... I'm bad at hiding things.)


captain yesterday wrote:
I had to sell my interviewer a toy. I chose Spongebob figures. She bought two of them. :-)

All I know is that I convinced my entire college class that they absolutely needed Tylenol in their dorm rooms after a presentation on persuasiveness. I'm not entirely sure how. I suspect that hypnotism with my tie was involved.

Bill.Cipher wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Pea Bear has used her Bill Cypher-esque earrings (the pyramid and eye in the middle) to convince key people (I.e. dumb boys) at her school that she's part of the Illuminati.

*sniff*sniff* that's my little girl!... that turns 12 on Saturday..

A moving view! Can't ask for much more than that! Wish the last preteen gal I'd dealt with was half as accommodating!

Watch and learn, Shooting Star! You could pick something up from this kid!

Hey, Bill, I found your so- (err, oops, sorry, wrong one) *ahe-hem* found your song!

EDIT: Code fixing.

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I did very well in high school, I can't explain why, I suspect oblivious confidence in myself had something to do with it.

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Looks like I'm actually going to get to elevate my Geography minor to a major in university. In order to double major, you need your current major's advisor to sign a paper ascertaining that they have reviewed your course plan and deemed it acceptable, your new major's advisor to sign a paper ascertaining you can meet their major's requirements, your new major's department chair to sign a paper saying they are willing to accept you into their program, and a general education advisor to sign a paper ascertaining that you can meet all your general education requirements with two majors. The Geography department chair just signed off on me joining the program, and I have signatures from my Geography and Urban Planning advisors. Now I just need a general advising signature. I got an appointment next Tuesday morning. I only have one GE class left to take, and I've registered for it in the Summer semester, so there is no reason why he wouldn't give me the signature. That will complete all the paperwork I need to go to the Registrar's Office and get the Geography major added officially.

Woo! Good luck!

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I meant to say delusional self confidence in myself. :-)

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Very good Rosita, that sounds like a lot of frustratingly time consuming hoops to jump through.

Good luck!

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Tacticslion wrote:
Woo! Good luck!

We're all counting on you.

7 people marked this as a favorite.


I am drunk.

Like really drunk.

My wife and I finished a bottle of wine. Not a small one, but a huge one. White wine. SO much.

I love you all. The ones I saw this weeekend. The ones I saw in 2012. The ones I might never meet. You are all beloved and valued friends and collegues. Family. And I will always support you as you support me.

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[Initiate real tears protocol]

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I...I never taught it that.... though I did get the frame from Steve Gutenberg's yard sale...

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Johnny Five alive!!!

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Mr. Furley wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
I started as an agency worker and have clung on, limpet like, for around 13 years. Most of our staff can form coherent sentences and manage to dress themselves in the morning (only partially, on occasion, but that's all to the good, to be sure)
Hmmm, time for an "Incredible Mr. Limpetlongears" alias?

Believe me, if I ever play some sort of superhero RPG, that'll be my first choice for a character name.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:


I am drunk.

Like really drunk.

My wife and I finished a bottle of wine. Not a small one, but a huge one. White wine. SO much.

I love you all. The ones I saw this weeekend. The ones I saw in 2012. The ones I might never meet. You are all beloved and valued friends and collegues. Family. And I will always support you as you support me.

Whoa! Whoa!! Whoa!!! You value and support us? We support you? We like you? Since when? What bizzaro alternate reality world did I just slip into? You know that we despise you and your Weather Dominator. We will foil your plans to bring endless snow to the world!

Just kidding! Just kidding! Please move your hand away from the dial of your Weather Dominator. No need to turn it to Snowball Earth!

I love you, too, Freehold!

(And I, for one, totally appreciate the cold front your dominator sent us about halfway through yesterday's soccor practice - everyone was croaking prior to that sweet, sweet cooling cloud cover!)

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I'm still exhausted after work yesterday and I start in 20 minutes.

If I don't lose weight from this job there's something wrong with my physiology.

I think the hard part will be actually working out on my weekends, since I get plenty of walking on this job but don't actually run or jog, and need to get my lungs in better shape. Been working my asthma away all this month. Also need some resistance training outside of work to get some shape with my slimming.

Almost two pull ups this morning. Almost... I am proud to say there's no need to "hop up" to do the first one anymore, though.

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Hungover. Important business lunch at work today. Free food. But still hung over.

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Should we start a "we love Freehold DM" fan club?

I did have a weird and impossible dream about Freehold.
~I was being chased by the CIA through NYC and Freehold came to my rescue and let me crash on his sofa. Later we watched Serenity and Gundam Unicorn. I woke up after the CIA caught up to us and demanded I turn over the working Haro robot I built.~

See if you can guess which part or parts of that are impossible.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Very good Rosita, that sounds like a lot of frustratingly time consuming hoops to jump through.

Good luck!

It sounds like a ton, but if it's anything like UCB it's just mindless paperwork. Extending myself from a single major to a double took only a few hours, most of which were spent making the appointments so the various advisers (similar to Rosita's list) could all rubber-stamp their approvals.

"Oh, you shouldn't do that, it's too hard/too much work/whatever" never came up. Just, "Yeah, make an appointment and I'll sign for you."

Aranna wrote:

Should we start a "we love Freehold DM" fan club?

I did have a weird and impossible dream about Freehold.
~I was being chased by the CIA through NYC and Freehold came to my rescue and let me crash on his sofa. Later we watched Serenity and Gundam Unicorn. I woke up after the CIA caught up to us and demanded I turn over the working Haro robot I built.~

See if you can guess which part or parts of that are impossible.

no true Freehold would allow serenity to be watched!


plays with the Haro aranna built and left at my place

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I feel like a filthy traitor. I have discovered that I rather like Savage Worlds, and that, with my insane school and work schedule, I would much prefer to GM Savage Worlds than to GM Pathfinder. It's not that I don't like Pathfinder, it's that Savage Worlds takes so much less time that I can actually fit gaming into my schedule. And, to be honest, while I love character generation in Pathfinder, that's really my favorite part, more so than actual play. I feel almost like I stabbed Paizo in the back.

Meh. I am not particularly fond of Savage Worlds... The result of the test being result of only one of the two dice with little modifiers make them very unpredictable with luck being more important than actual skill.

If you like SW and want a cheesy Sword And Sorcery setting for it you could look on Beasts And Barbarians, though.

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Pretty rough week up here. The General and Pea Bear are both exceedingly grumpy and negative about EVERYTHING, especially in the morning.

It's starting to wear me down. :-/

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Our balcony is starting to resemble a nature preserve. We now have a flock of sparrows, various assorted chickadees, two squirrels, at least one chipmunk, and a woodpecker, with the occasional starling or dove. None of whom are neat eaters. I really need to sweep up out there. Instead I will sit here being lazy and watching the animals make more of a mess. :)

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lynora wrote:
Our balcony is starting to resemble a nature preserve. We now have a flock of sparrows, various assorted chickadees, two squirrels, at least one chipmunk, and a woodpecker, with the occasional starling or dove. None of whom are neat eaters. I really need to sweep up out there. Instead I will sit here being lazy happy and watching the animals make more of a mess. :)

fixed that for you. :-)

We've introduced a bird bath to our backyard. It's been a huge hit! Especially since I rinse and refill it every day. Which is easier than it sounds, two minutes tops with the hose. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Our balcony is starting to resemble a nature preserve. We now have a flock of sparrows, various assorted chickadees, two squirrels, at least one chipmunk, and a woodpecker, with the occasional starling or dove. None of whom are neat eaters. I really need to sweep up out there. Instead I will sit here being lazy and watching the animals make more of a mess. :)

{1d4 ⇒ 2 goblin babies are awestruck} Clearly, you are a Disney princess.

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captain yesterday wrote:
lynora wrote:
Our balcony is starting to resemble a nature preserve. We now have a flock of sparrows, various assorted chickadees, two squirrels, at least one chipmunk, and a woodpecker, with the occasional starling or dove. None of whom are neat eaters. I really need to sweep up out there. Instead I will sit here being lazy happy and watching the animals make more of a mess. :)

fixed that for you. :-)

We've introduced a bird bath to our backyard. It's been a huge hit! Especially since I rinse and refill it every day. Which is easier than it sounds, two minutes tops with the hose. :-)

Hmm. Not a bad idea. I wonder if I could fit one in the corner... although not as easy to rinse out on a second floor balcony. :)

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Yeah, we have ours in the middle of the garden, which is triangle shaped.

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Bird bath would be a good idea. I have a grotty pond which I dug myself, which nothing in its right mind would bathe in.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Yeah, we have ours in the middle of the garden, which is triangle shaped.

Having a garden is the one thing I miss about living in a house. Ah well, can't have everything.

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Incidentally, I have just drunk four cans of Dr. Pepper and am practically bouncing off the walls, but what I want to know is why it describes itself as a 'fruit flavour beverage' on the side. I do not believe that any fruit exists that tastes remotely similar to Dr. Pepper.

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There are balcony bird baths you can get I think. If not, it should totally be a thing. Something that can clamp securely to a wooden railing.

Edit: it's totally a thing, cheap ones are around 30-40 bucks.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

There are balcony bird baths you can get I think. If not, it should totally be a thing. Something that can clamp securely to a wooden railing.

Edit: it's totally a thing, cheap ones are around 30-40 bucks.

Thanks for the info. Can't use a railing mounted one because our railings are wrought iron and quite thin. But found some hanging bird baths that might work. :)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Yeah, we have ours in the middle of the garden, which is triangle shaped.
Having a garden is the one thing I miss about living in a house. Ah well, can't have everything.

I have a window box garden. It is where I grow my herbs. I love it. I want to get another couple of boxes for the living room and grow down lavender and other nice things.

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I have...a couple of house plants in need of a better arrangement to give them more space. They have outgrown their tabletop greenhouse. I have it sitting under a grow light, which is obviously working well. We only get indirect sunlight in our apartment and even on our balcony because of all the trees in the courtyard. So previous attempts at container gardens have failed miserably. Apparently plants need sunshine for some reason. :P

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Speaking of Armstrongs, Billie Joe Armstrong is coming to Impus Major's choir performance of songs from American Idiot.

Sounds fun, or just creepy. Can't tell which. Yet.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Incidentally, I have just drunk four cans of Dr. Pepper and am practically bouncing off the walls, but what I want to know is why it describes itself as a 'fruit flavour beverage' on the side. I do not believe that any fruit exists that tastes remotely similar to Dr. Pepper.

That's, like, half a cup of coffee.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Incidentally, I have just drunk four cans of Dr. Pepper and am practically bouncing off the walls, but what I want to know is why it describes itself as a 'fruit flavour beverage' on the side. I do not believe that any fruit exists that tastes remotely similar to Dr. Pepper.
That's, like, half a cup of coffee.

Half a cup of coffee with 37 teaspoons of sugar in it.

Drinking at Starbucks, are we?

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Silver Crusade

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lynora wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

There are balcony bird baths you can get I think. If not, it should totally be a thing. Something that can clamp securely to a wooden railing.

Edit: it's totally a thing, cheap ones are around 30-40 bucks.

Thanks for the info. Can't use a railing mounted one because our railings are wrought iron and quite thin. But found some hanging bird baths that might work. :)

Just make sure you rinse them regularly like CY. Standing water in a birdbath becomes a mosquito hatchery if you don't.

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Yup, I hate mosquitoes.

I'm quite vigilant when it comes to standing water.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Incidentally, I have just drunk four cans of Dr. Pepper and am practically bouncing off the walls, but what I want to know is why it describes itself as a 'fruit flavour beverage' on the side. I do not believe that any fruit exists that tastes remotely similar to Dr. Pepper.
That's, like, half a cup of coffee.

Half a cup of coffee with 37 teaspoons of sugar in it.

Drinking at Starbucks, are we?

I won't go to Starbucks. They keep the pots filled with dark roast only where I live, and dark doesn't have enough caffeine. And I drink it black.

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Tiny T-Rex (to the General): can we please do the things I like to do with you. Blow stuff up, and go to the village.

Sugar has no effect on hyperactivity in adults or children. That's an unfounded wives' tales with nothing but anecdotal evidence that has been disproven many times over the years by science.

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I'm not sure what i should say about this, certainly reinforces the hilarity of living close to the country, except you absolutely must watch the video! a classic two minutes of local news if i ever saw it!

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