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Grand Lodge

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There really is no good way for dealing with body hair.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
There really is no good way for dealing with body hair.

you seem to be dealing with it in an interesting fashion.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

Facebook reminded me that I said this a year ago, and I thought it was worthy of here:

As much as I like shows and movies with Kelsey Grammer, just once I want to see him play something besides an erudite high society intellectual. They're all the same guy; even in X-Men, the Beast is just Frasier in desperate need of electrolysis.

Come on Kelsey, stretch your acting muscles and play a Nascar-watching, beer-swilling, wife beater wearing, trailer park piece of white trash!

I pretty much guarantee an Oscar if you can pull it off. Everyone will be so shocked it's inevitable.

Boss. Well, the character might be high-society, but not particularly erudite or intellectual.

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I've found landscaping and manscaping to have a surprising amount of crossover personally.

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I would electrolysis the unwanted areas if it weren't so dang expensive.

Again, neck hair is the devil and disgusting looking. Nobody ever pulled it off. Ever. Even Bradly Cooper, Brad Pitt, or another unfairly handsome man with a neck beard would look ridiculous.

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Kajehase wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:

Facebook reminded me that I said this a year ago, and I thought it was worthy of here:

As much as I like shows and movies with Kelsey Grammer, just once I want to see him play something besides an erudite high society intellectual. They're all the same guy; even in X-Men, the Beast is just Frasier in desperate need of electrolysis.

Come on Kelsey, stretch your acting muscles and play a Nascar-watching, beer-swilling, wife beater wearing, trailer park piece of white trash!

I pretty much guarantee an Oscar if you can pull it off. Everyone will be so shocked it's inevitable.

Boss. Well, the character might be high-society, but not particularly erudite or intellectual.

he was amazing in boss.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Fascinating responses.
Men are wimps to painful hair removal? Who knew?

~googles it~

- they do make course hair wax that works on men's beards and necks.
- the hair stays gone from 3 to 6 weeks.
- the pictures of men wincing painfully as they wax is amusing.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

We aren't wimps, we're delicate flowers that need to be nurtured, and danced in front of.

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Bling40k, I looked at the Daring Champion, and it's pretty good, but I would want a horse for an evil cavalier. It's a cool archetype and all, but I think Pepe is better as a straight up Swashbuckler.

However, I failed Limey's Halfling suggestion save, just need to get it all down on paper.

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Also I present for you,

Manley Waxface, a former nobleman who's Demodand Tiefling heritage was discovered in an unfortunate beard waxing reaction, he has since resorted to Alchemy to restore his once beautiful face.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

Fascinating responses.

Men are wimps to painful hair removal? Who knew?

~googles it~

- they do make course hair wax that works on men's beards and necks.
- the hair stays gone from 3 to 6 weeks.
- the pictures of men wincing painfully as they wax is amusing.


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Whatever. I waxed my arms before. It wasn't that bad, and I have Robin Williams arms if left ungroomed. It came back far too fast to be worth the experience, though, when compared to simple clipper buzzcut once a week.

My damn neck takes a every other day touch up though. The one time I tried to wax that (had a clean shaven face at the time to prevent accidental line screwups) it was too damn weak to handle the hair. I refuse to let my neck get Amish looking, so there wasn't enough to grip on.

The really impressive people the ones who wax downstairs. Talk about masochism.

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All I need downstairs is an eye for grade, and attention to detail.

As I said, lots of crossover.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Fascinating responses.

Men are wimps to painful hair removal? Who knew?

~googles it~

- they do make course hair wax that works on men's beards and necks.
- the hair stays gone from 3 to 6 weeks.
- the pictures of men wincing painfully as they wax is amusing.


*Sighs resignedly*

We know, Freehold. We know.

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fires up fist pistons, eyes narrow.

That was supposed to be my dress...

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FHDM is a pretty princess even without a dress, which seems to be the chosen modus vivendi.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So this thought crossed my mind:

"I can't believe there was ever a time, while I was alive, that there were women who actually desired to reduce the size of their backsides."

Thank you Sir Mix-a-Lot for your contribution to a culture finally helping to relieve the insanity of the 80s and early 90s.

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Nope not a chance

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I met Sir-Mix-a-Lot, once.

He was super nice. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
We aren't wimps, we're delicate flowers that need to be nurtured, and danced in front of.

Lots of crossover huh?

Does that mean you do a lot of dancing when you do your landscaping?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not allowed to dance, it's been doomsday device certified by the U.N.

So, no.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Tiny T-Rex on the drive to work.

- I'm almost five, so I should probably start taking science classes.
I should also go to ninja school.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh my god I pictured that one cut scene from Chapelle show with the landscaper dancing while mowing the lawn...

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Instead of posting them again, I'll just put some links to Ashiel's thread, and some fun stories there.

That one time my PCs traveled through it and that one time I put my wife's character through Hell and worse.

Most creative (and long-lasting) Campaign I've ever run. Most of my still-remembered stories come from it! So fun!

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It's hypnotic isn't it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Green Tea Gamer wrote:

So this thought crossed my mind:

"I can't believe there was ever a time, while I was alive, that there were women who actually desired to reduce the size of their backsides."

Thank you Sir Mix-a-Lot for your contribution to a culture finally helping to relieve the insanity of the 80s and early 90s.

I know *my* anaconda don't.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm on a phone, so I am having trouble doing so, by to those of you who got the Chapelle reference with the dancing landscaper, if you can link the video for those who don't recognize it, you'll be doing them a favor.

Man I miss that show.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Bling40k, I looked at the Daring Champion, and it's pretty good, but I would want a horse for an evil cavalier. It's a cool archetype and all, but I think Pepe is better as a straight up Swashbuckler.

However, I failed Limey's Halfling suggestion save, just need to get it all down on paper.

You mean you... You didn't! Captain, you're married!


Oh. I see.

Different suggestion.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

I really need to work on my phrasing, I keep shoving things in my mouth.

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This most recent episode of star wars rebels was the most amazing thing I have seen on American television in years. Years.

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It was... ominous.

why on earth won't Darth Maul stay dead. It seemed silly the first time they brought him back in clone wars...

I was kind of unimpressed by the Inquisitors too. Aren't these people supposed to be super dangerous.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Doing butterfly lifts with too much weight. Pulled a neck/shoulder muscle and it hurts like hell. Even hurts to chew.

I have never felt so old.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

It was... ominous.

** spoiler omitted **

The first part of the spoiler lead to one of the best story arcs in Clone Wars TV series. The second part...well, they met ignominious ends. Note who they were fighting. He wasn't pulling punches. At all.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
thegreenteagamer wrote:

Doing butterfly lifts with too much weight. Pulled a neck/shoulder muscle and it hurts like hell. Even hurts to chew.

I have never felt so old.

Low(ish) weight, high reps becomes more important as we age.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A bit stuck on how to start off Pepe's tale, also how to end it exactly.

Maybe I just need to start getting it out of my head.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It will get warmer soon.
It will get warmer soon.
It will get warmer soon.
It will get warmer soon.
It will get warmer soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cap Yesterday, In Winter Denial wrote:

It will get warmer soon.

It will get warmer soon.
It will get warmer soon.
It will get warmer soon.
It will get warmer soon.

No it won't.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's not easy working the Pepe Lepeu angle into it..

captain yesterday wrote:
It's not easy working the Pepe Lepeu angle into it..

That's because that idea stinks~!


Look. All I'm sayin' is the guy needs to have ranks in Profession (Murderhobo), or it's not worth bothering.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vlaeros wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
It's not easy working the Pepe Lepeu angle into it..

That's because that idea stinks~!


You don't understand, I can do it!!

I know a way...

... you can (re)build him...
... make him (smell) stronger...

I edited that one to have the right alias!

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There are two things in life Pepe loves, money and himself.

Pepe was born in Galt. Where exactly, doesn't matter, he can never go back. His parents were former slaves that worked tirelessly to win their freedom. Which made it doubly disappointing when he came of age, and hardly made a profit selling them back into slavery.

Pepe then made his way up to Mivon, where he duped an elderly Swordlord in exile to teach him the finer points of swordsmanship, he also made an excellent fall guy for a series of disappearances. for which Pepe collected a substantial reward for capturing, dead, of course.

Pepe then made his way, bored, and in a murderous funk, across the River Kingdoms. A series of murders in Pitax suggest he might've ventured there. An unsolved attempt at polluting Outsea with dead rats is certainly his work.

However, nothing grabbed Pepe, and as he was in an alleyway, coming to grips with a life of forlorn destruction (and drowning an Innkeeper in a bucket) he saw HER, the most beautiful Halfling he had ever seen.

Oh, how she casually tripped a ladder, or unsnapped a horse's saddle buckle, seemingly without even touching it. Beautiful tragedy incarnate, that is what Pepe saw when he first laid eyes on, Tammerine "Tammy" Dragontoe.

Tammy, admittedly barely notices Pepe, and finds the odd spring in his step when she's around annoying, to say the least.

For Pepe, every moment around Tammy is better than the last (although a good bathhouse or pesh den rank a close second) and there isn't a single person in the world he wouldn't murder to get his beautiful, sweetly malicious flower to notice him.

Maybe, his parents have value after all...

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BWAHAHAHAH-HAHAH~! Nice self-reference! :D

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If anything, Hell's Vengeance has been great for practice at storytelling and crafting characters. Even if I never actually get to play it.

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Well pranked, Team Four Star. Well pranked.

I actually thought it was a new movie.

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I don't like April Fool's day, too obvious.

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