Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love Oracles, I agree with you Freehold, well said!

But yeah, I was also not a fan of Oracles, until I played one, a dwarf even, and man is he fun.

I shall approach the ACG classes with less dismissiveness.

Shaman is completely unnecessary however.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Clothes are also unnecessary, this is spring people, get used to it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone must now take pity on Freehold DM. He had to talk to me on the phone. I think that constitutes cruel and unusual punishment and might be against the Geneva Convention.

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Snow By Night has been an enjoyable webcomic so far.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
King Yesterday of Pillowpia wrote:

I really like the Warpriest.

installs an outer wall of transformers talking pillows, sure to repel whatever android army Orthos could possibly send at me

In fact, I like them better than Paladins and Anti-Paladins.

Now, to get the flame thrower and take out the outer wall.

Hey, I'm chill with people liking what they like.

I don't like Rogues or Clerics (at least since the introduction of the Oracle) either, but a lot of people do. Cool with what's cool for you.

Just won't catch me playing one =)

As I stated before, I have always felt these new classes would be better served as archetypes- even as powerful as some of those archetypes might be. The oracle makes me reconsider my hatred of new classes- yes the iconic oracle is smoking hot, but the things the class brings to the game are a true breath of fresh air, especially considering how stale the cleric can be at times.

I remember talking to you about this at some point, but why don't you like new classes Freehold? Or maybe a better question is: Conceptually, what's the difference between a class and an archetype?

I'm not very familiar with PF archetypes, but for a while now I've thought that which concepts get expressed as a class vs. as a prestige class/kit/variant, or even a feat is largely arbitrary. Remember when the druid was the PHB's example of a specific-mythos priest? I do wish there was more consistency when it comes to this sort of thing.

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Over the last few days, I watched the series "Girls und Panzer" over on Crunchyroll. I love the concept (high schools have tank fighting teams using primarily WW2 era tanks, but Tankery is exclusively a girls activity), and thought the show was quite well done. Highly recommend to anyone who may be interested.

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Monster: Infernal Fiddler. Certain someone might have already seen it...

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Hey, I know that guy! He taught Steve Vai how to play guitar.

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He also taught Paganini.

Johnny won his golden fiddle from him.

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I gotta find the Primus cartoon they made of that song.

Thank you, I will get a lot of use out of that, You're really in a zone lately. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

ARRGGGHHHH!!!!! I am so mad at one of my friends! I just found out that he has been having unprotected sex. And he has multiple partners. Stupid! STUPID STUPID STUPID!!! I have just lost so much respect for this friend.

Note - This is not anyone here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
King Yesterday of Pillowpia wrote:

I really like the Warpriest.

installs an outer wall of transformers talking pillows, sure to repel whatever android army Orthos could possibly send at me

In fact, I like them better than Paladins and Anti-Paladins.

Now, to get the flame thrower and take out the outer wall.

Hey, I'm chill with people liking what they like.

I don't like Rogues or Clerics (at least since the introduction of the Oracle) either, but a lot of people do. Cool with what's cool for you.

Just won't catch me playing one =)

As I stated before, I have always felt these new classes would be better served as archetypes- even as powerful as some of those archetypes might be.

And as I've stated before, we're never going to agree on this. =) I'm pretty much always going to be in favor of more classes.

Grand Lodge

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I too am agreeing with Orthos.

Sharoth wrote:
Snow By Night has been an enjoyable webcomic so far.

Thanks for the reminder, need to bookmark that one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:

ARRGGGHHHH!!!!! I am so mad at one of my friends! I just found out that he has been having unprotected sex. And he has multiple partners. Stupid! STUPID STUPID STUPID!!! I have just lost so much respect for this friend.

Note - This is not anyone here.

Don't look at me. I hadn't have sex in years...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I gotta find the Primus cartoon they made of that song.

Patrick already found it and linked in his Treefort.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Bunk beds are officially complete, mattresses came yesterday, Pea Bear and I just completed the steps.

Yay! A job well done.

Just as soon as I figure out what's wrong with my computer I'll get the construction montage posted, think I'll use Fishbone for the music...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Starting to suspect computer issue isn't a quick fix, not good...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Goodbye, winter. I'm going to miss you. I don't mind your friend, Spring, but when his buddy Summer shows up, he just ruins the party these parts. Seriously. Summer, you're not welcome in Florida, anymore. We've taken a vote. We decided to just skip you and stick to Fall-Winter-Spring around these parts.

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Yup, not good at all.

It's okay, I'm cool, cooler heads (the general) will prevail.

For now...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hoo boy, six shots of rum and two cans of beer.

Tomorrow I will be handing out a Carrion Crown recap!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

...and NO, TacticsLion, this does NOT mean you get to bring in Mary Poppins, er, whatever it is you named her...

... it's Betty "Boop" Bradley. C'mon, man. It's a combination reference, pastiche, alliteration, and double-pun. How can you not remember this?!

- Betty: starts with "B" for "Bard" and is anachronistic, like she is, plus, it leads to...

- "Boop": her nickname, which is an ooc-cultural reference (i.e. "Betty Boop") while referencing her tendency to "Boop" into and out of existence!

- Bradley: come on! It's "Bradley"! As in "Brad"... you know, "Bard, only with the "a" and "r" switched! It's, like, the perfect Bard last name!

... you simply can't deny her the rightful place she has within your group! I find such a unilateral rejection in such a rude off-hand way to be simply outrageous! How dare you ignore the fine, noble, exquisite name of "Betty 'Boop' Bradley" in such a manner! How dare you, sir?!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mary Poppins becomes a Cult Master Mesmerist so easily...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yoo Whoo! Tacticslion!

Are you jellin' I got her first. :-D

3 people marked this as a favorite.

How to look like a creepy stalker without being a creepy stalker: take your 4+ year old to go poop in the family bathroom at Target, and then he kicks you out and insists you guard the door. Nothing says creepy evidently like a hippy guy lingering by the bathrooms...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mary Poppins wrote:

Yoo Whoo! Tacticslion!

Are you jellin' I got her first. :-D

Nope! I long, long ago got over my crush. ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Did you move on to Angela Landsbury in Bedknobs & Broomsticks.

I'm pretty sure everyone goes through that phase.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So you know how I resolved some time after New year not to shout GALT!!! whenever possible, until at least PaizoCon.

I made it to Friday. :-)

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3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

So you know how I resolved some time after New year not to shout GALT!!! whenever possible, until at least PaizoCon.

I made it to Friday. :-)

You have GALT guts.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The sad thing is, I didn't even realize I did it until today, terrible.


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See, there I go again.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

...and NO, TacticsLion, this does NOT mean you get to bring in Mary Poppins, er, whatever it is you named her...

... it's Betty "Boop" Bradley. C'mon, man. It's a combination reference, pastiche, alliteration, and double-pun. How can you not remember this?!

- Betty: starts with "B" for "Bard" and is anachronistic, like she is, plus, it leads to...

- "Boop": her nickname, which is an ooc-cultural reference (i.e. "Betty Boop") while referencing her tendency to "Boop" into and out of existence!

- Bradley: come on! It's "Bradley"! As in "Brad"... you know, "Bard, only with the "a" and "r" switched! It's, like, the perfect Bard last name!

... you simply can't deny her the rightful place she has within your group! I find such a unilateral rejection in such a rude off-hand way to be simply outrageous! How dare you ignore the fine, noble, exquisite name of "Betty 'Boop' Bradley" in such a manner! How dare you, sir?!


I still maintain that the best name for a Bard is Jack Al'Tradies.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
So you know how I resolved some time after New year not to shout GALT!!! whenever possible, until at least PaizoCon.

Ooh! We wants to join in the funs!!


*2d4 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5 Slaadlings don't know what GALT is or why you would yell it.*

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I went over to Reddit to read whatever vitriol's flying around over Paizo's traffic problems. Turns out they're being pretty calm, patient, and reasonable about this. I'm actually kind of disappointed.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I still maintain that the best name for a Bard is Jack Al'Tradies.

Of House Al'Tradies, sound striker archetype? :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pecan Sandie Duncan wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I still maintain that the best name for a Bard is Jack Al'Tradies.
Of House Al'Tradies, sound striker archetype? :)

My name is a killing word.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
I finished watching the new season of The X-Files. Meh. Was it always that over the top? Maybe I remember it being better than it was.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Loved Ant-Man, great movie, highly recommended.

It was especially cool seeing Doogie Howser's best friend Vinnie in it, great casting all around. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

How to Overclock - Intel Core i7, i5, i3 CPU Overclocking Guide.

RAM and CPU stress testing.

Memeory (RAM) timing and latency.

Memory (RAM) overclocking guide - DDR3.

Optimizing your overclocked system for the highest performance.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, not finding a good ball court image I spent 3 hours building my own. It's not fantastic, but it's exactly what I wanted.

And spending 3 hours on a 15-minute practical joke on my players? Priceless!

I'm still wishing I could videotape the player's reaction when the inevitable conversation occurs:
"And you, youngling, at what do you excel?"
"Well, I'm really good at Stealth."
"Oh, marvelous! Your task then is very simple. You are to play Hide and Seek with the children. They LOVE Hide and Seek!"
"OK. That sounds easy. Where are they?"
"Right over there."
"What, behind the basilisks?"
"No, they ARE the basilisks!"

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I went over to Reddit to read whatever vitriol's flying around over Paizo's traffic problems. Turns out they're being pretty calm, patient, and reasonable about this. I'm actually kind of disappointed.

When this is over, I kind of want to buy the PMG a drink. I think he needs it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I went over to Reddit to read whatever vitriol's flying around over Paizo's traffic problems. Turns out they're being pretty calm, patient, and reasonable about this. I'm actually kind of disappointed.

not just yeah.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's a leap year miracle!

A high of forty with clouds and windy was our forecast for today.

Instead, we get fifty degrees, sunny and no wind, just an occasional breeze.

I love you El Nino leap year!

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El Nino Winter Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

It's a leap year miracle!

A high of forty with clouds and windy was our forecast for today.

Instead, we get fifty degrees, sunny and no wind, just an occasional breeze.

I love you El Nino leap year!

Same here. 68* and barely partly-cloudy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:

How to Overclock - Intel Core i7, i5, i3 CPU Overclocking Guide.

RAM and CPU stress testing.

Memeory (RAM) timing and latency.

Memory (RAM) overclocking guide - DDR3.

Optimizing your overclocked system for the highest performance.

Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a new Skylake rather than try to overclock an ancient Lynnfield or Clarkdale?

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Of course all the nice weather comes crashing down tonight as upwards of 8 inches (of snow) move into southern Wisconsin starting around 7 with an estimated arrival in our parts around 9.

Guess who works until 9:15.

Yup, this guy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

How to Overclock - Intel Core i7, i5, i3 CPU Overclocking Guide.

RAM and CPU stress testing.

Memeory (RAM) timing and latency.

Memory (RAM) overclocking guide - DDR3.

Optimizing your overclocked system for the highest performance.

Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a new Skylake rather than try to overclock an ancient Lynnfield or Clarkdale?

I am just using that as a reference. I do have an i7 4.0 GH processor, so I am fine for now.

Edit - I am trying to work with what I have. Any upgrades will be piecemeal due to money issues. The first upgrade with be the RAM. I do not need to overclock it right now, but I do want to play around with that for the fun of it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
El Nino Winter Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

It's a leap year miracle!

A high of forty with clouds and windy was our forecast for today.

Instead, we get fifty degrees, sunny and no wind, just an occasional breeze.

I love you El Nino leap year!

if today wasn't our anniversary.... grumble grumble

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy anniversary!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
El Nino Winter Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

It's a leap year miracle!

A high of forty with clouds and windy was our forecast for today.

Instead, we get fifty degrees, sunny and no wind, just an occasional breeze.

I love you El Nino leap year!

if today wasn't our anniversary.... grumble grumble

NobodysHome's Story Time:

One of my favorite riddles came along in 2004:
"My parents have never been divorced nor separated, did not reaffirm their vows or any nonsense like that, and have three legitimate children over 30. Yet my wife and I celebrated our 10th anniversary in the same year they did. How is that possible?"

Somehow, I think Freehold knows...

(My father HATED celebrating ANYTHING.)

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