Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Lalalalalalala! I can't hear you! You've already said too much.

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Captain Yesterday fun fact: that alias was created just to poke Magnuskn.

C Yesterday, Spoiler Tag Police wrote:
Lalalalalalala! I can't hear you! You've already said too much.

Please! Close that spoiler tag! Have some decency!

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Oh, I don't tag things myself, there's another department in charge of that.

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So, I'm a lazy sort. It turns out my kids are going to end up playing hide-and-seek with a trio of basilisks in an ancient ball court.

I need a map.

The Rise of the Runelords forum has a fantastic thread of community-created stuff. I can't find a similar thread for Serpent's Skull.

So... three questions:
(1) Does anyone have a map image I could load into Roll20 that represents an "ancient ball court". I'm thinking tiled pavement, old toppled Greek-style columns scattered about, seats around the edges, and some pits or piles of debris to give the kids' PCs things to hide behind.

(2) If that fails, does anyone know of a physical flip-mat or set of map tiles that sounds like it would do the job for me?

(3) If that fails, do you think it would be easier for me to build the map using Roll20 or


EDIT: Yes, my kids are suffering entirely because NobodysWife started laughing uncontrollably when she saw my suggestions of possible quests and read the "hide and seek" one. What NobodysWife wants, NobodysWife gets...
...and NO, TacticsLion, this does NOT mean you get to bring in Mary Poppins, er, whatever it is you named her...

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NobodysHome wrote:

...and NO, TacticsLion, this does NOT mean you get to bring in Mary Poppins, er, whatever it is you named her...

Oh, come on! She doesn't even have Leadership~!

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TL, I challenge you to stat up Mary Poppins.

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He already has.

NobodysHome wrote:

So, I'm a lazy sort. It turns out my kids are going to end up playing hide-and-seek with a trio of basilisks in an ancient ball court.

I need a map.

The Rise of the Runelords forum has a fantastic thread of community-created stuff. I can't find a similar thread for Serpent's Skull.

So... three questions:
(1) Does anyone have a map image I could load into Roll20 that represents an "ancient ball court". I'm thinking tiled pavement, old toppled Greek-style columns scattered about, seats around the edges, and some pits or piles of debris to give the kids' PCs things to hide behind.

(2) If that fails, does anyone know of a physical flip-mat or set of map tiles that sounds like it would do the job for me?

(3) If that fails, do you think it would be easier for me to build the map using Roll20 or


References are all I got.

Google search 1
Google search two
Google search three
Google search four
Google search five
nerdy article
Wikipedia article
this thing from here

None of those are super helpful, but, you know, if you have to make something, they could make a neat reference point.

Limeylongears wrote:
TL, I challenge you to stat up Mary Poppins.
captain yesterday wrote:
He already has.


Tacticslion wrote:

For the record, I most certainly did not create a Marry Poppins clone only with a "new" and "updated" modern twist! Any such accusations are outrageous! Outrageous, I say! >:[

Good day sir! I said "Good day!"

I mean, mine doesn't even have mythic tie-- oh, crap, cut the feed, cut the fee-

My... uh... my client, yeah... yeah, he, uh, he denies having publicly admitted to anything whatsoever. Or whatever. Yeah.

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And the hits just keep on coming. :(

Stuck in the side of the road after a near miss (the bright side here being that it was a miss instead of an accident) and the tow truck won't be here for an hour and a half. Will be lucky to reach our destination before morning at this rate. :(

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lynora wrote:

And the hits just keep on coming. :(

Stuck in the side of the road after a near miss (the bright side here being that it was a miss instead of an accident) and the tow truck won't be here for an hour and a half. Will be lucky to reach our destination before morning at this rate. :(

I'm sorry lynora. I understand how hard this kind of time can be.

I will be praying for peace during this time of stress and pain.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

And the hits just keep on coming. :(

Stuck in the side of the road after a near miss (the bright side here being that it was a miss instead of an accident) and the tow truck won't be here for an hour and a half. Will be lucky to reach our destination before morning at this rate. :(

Ignore your destination, come to our place, and let us feed and pamper you and force you to watch really awful movies.

And now, off to Target for some Pampers...

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Target's generic brand is way better, at half the price, pampers are a money hole.

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Damn! One of my Wife's friends just died. My wife was going to go visit this friend in the next month or so.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Damn! That f+%*ing sucks! You and your wife have our condolences.

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Thank you. She is pretty upset. And rightfully so.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, it sucks.

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Video game humor.

The General: Tiny T-Rex, can you please stop killing cows with your cactus.

Tiny T-Rex (in his Napoleon Dynamite voice he uses when he's frustrated): Mom, I'm a Hunter! It's what we do.

I did this again,

Tacticslion wrote:

And now...

... conclusions.

(Of steak. In the oven.)

Tacticslion wrote:

And now...

... steak.

(In the oven.)

Step 1: 450 degrees (F) EDIT: or maybe "Hi" Broil?
Step 2: Broiling pan lined with foil
Step 3: Lined-broiling pan with soda or sweet tea in it
Step 4: Preheat broiling pan
Step 5: Set steak on broiling pan*
Step 6: Heat for four-to-six three-to-five minutes per side
Step 7: ???
Step 8: Profit!

Cooking folk in FAWTL, am I doing this wrong?

You've got, like, 15 minutes to tell me.

* (waffling between just placed there, or wrapped in foil[+]soda-or-tea)

EDIT 2: Updated to reflect some hurried advice/clarity I got from my mom, though she was a tad distracted at the time (as I called while she was elsewhere doing something).

This worked pretty well.

What I actually ended up doing was a bit different, since I hadn't really let the time I needed to marinate first, and even though it had been in the fridge overnight, it still felt extremely cold (though probably not frozen) in a few different places.

So anyway, warm water in the sink helped it "thaw" more a tad (though indirect - I'm not pouring water on the meat), though I limited that to something like a minute. I put the broil on 'Hi' for a while before starting (about 20 minutes over all) and warmed the broil pan for about 5-7 minutes before putting the steak on it.

During that time, I put sea salt/garlic salt/garlic powder (a bit of each that added up to a fair amount, though not overwhelming), onion powder, and basil seasoning, and I massaged it in. My left hand really ached from the cold. I made sure to put it on one side, massage as much as possible; flip and repeat (getting the sides and any cracks with each pass-through).

I put the steak on the warmed broil pan.

The meat was thicker than I thought when looking at it in the package... definitely a cause for slower warm up.

The cooking times were off as a result.

I put it on for three minutes...

... only with thinner (quickly aging) steaks and not as much time to thaw them. I added parmesan and olive oil to the massage process, but didn't really use coca-cola (I tried a tad of sweet tea, but... nope). Turned out really good, though, even if it was well done!

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lynora wrote:

And the hits just keep on coming. :(

Stuck in the side of the road after a near miss (the bright side here being that it was a miss instead of an accident) and the tow truck won't be here for an hour and a half. Will be lucky to reach our destination before morning at this rate. :(

oh brother. That's just awful. I'm sorry this day is turning out to be even worse than it started.

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Sharoth wrote:
Damn! One of my Wife's friends just died. My wife was going to go visit this friend in the next month or so.

Awful day. Please send my condolences to her.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm walking on sunshine, whoa ho, it makes me feel good!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm walking on smurfs. It feels somewhat... Squishy.

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That's right, it's so f#!!ing warm I'm willing to be stoned by singing a song dripping in pop and cliches to express it.

Do as you will, I get what I deserve.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Had a Carrion Crown session going well, though it had a rocky start due to my roommate getting side-tracked a lot.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Damn! One of my Wife's friends just died. My wife was going to go visit this friend in the next month or so.

I'm so sorry, Sharoth. Send her my regrets and prayers. :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really like the Warpriest.

installs an outer wall of transformers talking pillows, sure to repel whatever android army Orthos could possibly send at me

In fact, I like them better than Paladins and Anti-Paladins.

Now, to get the flame thrower and take out the outer wall.

Note to self: spring for the extra few dollars and get the talking pillows from Amy of the first three movies, DO NOT get talking pillows from the fourth.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I feel oddly at peace right now. I exploded at my boss over the endless string of incompetent assistants... and he relented. So I get someone competent now... I am not sure if this will come back at me somehow. So I am at peace while my emotions try to decide whether to be happy or scared.

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The mattresses arrived, the mattresses arrived!

Tiny T-Rex loved helping carry his crib (we took the side off it long ago) to the curb (someone grabbed it within a half hour).

We used the plastic covering the mattresses to then cover the compost mound (if they'll suck at fall cleanup, I'll make sure the leaves don't choke my grass dammit).

Spring Fever!!!!

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Next, the general is off to the neighborhood market for burgers, beans, buns, and bourbon.

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Aranna wrote:

I feel oddly at peace right now. I exploded at my boss over the endless string of incompetent assistants... and he relented. So I get someone competent now... I am not sure if this will come back at me somehow. So I am at peace while my emotions try to decide whether to be happy or scared.

Best of luck, Aranna.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Next, the general is off to the neighborhood market for burgers, beans, buns, and bourbon.

No bobby pins?

Or black pudding?

Or blazers?

Or baboons?

Or barbecue?

Or bronzer?

Or Bad Company B-sides?

Or bucklers?

Or burgoo?

Or bikini bottoms?

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We have Bobby pins already, I could make chocolate pudding, but we all know that's a poor substitute, who the f~@# wears blazers anymore, I actually know a guy with baboons, but he's pretty weird, even for me, and certainly not someone the general wants to deal with on the weekend, the general makes great barbeque, so good there, live in the Midwest, so already am stocked up on Bad Co., bucklers are g~++%$n expensive here (at least if you want a good one) Burgoo is I assume Haggis related, in which case, that was last week, bronzer? I live in Wisconsin good sir, the Midwest is no place for bronzer, the general will not be needing bikini bottoms, and I'm not allowed to stretch them out anymore (not that the United Nations would allow me to anyway).

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B'nai B'rith?

Beechwood smoked Britches?

Alright. I'll stop now.

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King Yesterday of Pillowpia wrote:

I really like the Warpriest.

installs an outer wall of transformers talking pillows, sure to repel whatever android army Orthos could possibly send at me

In fact, I like them better than Paladins and Anti-Paladins.

Now, to get the flame thrower and take out the outer wall.

Hey, I'm chill with people liking what they like.

I don't like Rogues or Clerics (at least since the introduction of the Oracle) either, but a lot of people do. Cool with what's cool for you.

Just won't catch me playing one =)

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Limeylongears wrote:




B'nai B'rith?

Beechwood smoked Britches?

Alright. I'll stop now.

emerges from the smokehouse with a freshly smoked pair of britches

What now?

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Also Bommy-Knockers is highly derivative of Tommy-Knockers, are you sure you want Stephen King after you, beware of New England authors on dark streets driving slowly in eerily silent mysterious vans... they can strike from anywhere...

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Bommy-knockers was a word my sister used to use to describe any sort of bludgeoning instrument.

Snickersnees, which often accompanied bommy-knockers, were some sort of scimitar, or falchion. One-handed cutting swords, basically.

She must have got these terms from somewhere, but I'm dashed if I know where.

Captain Yesterday's Mandalorian wrote:

emerges from the smokehouse with a freshly smoked pair of britches

What now?

Put them on your head.

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She only got the bourbon.

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After the kids are asleep, yes.

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Commandant Happy Hour wrote:
She only got the bourbon.

This sounds tasty, although I'd cook the onions down to sweet & brown, and throw on a slice or two of thick peppery bacon.

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Orthos wrote:
King Yesterday of Pillowpia wrote:

I really like the Warpriest.

installs an outer wall of transformers talking pillows, sure to repel whatever android army Orthos could possibly send at me

In fact, I like them better than Paladins and Anti-Paladins.

Now, to get the flame thrower and take out the outer wall.

Hey, I'm chill with people liking what they like.

I don't like Rogues or Clerics (at least since the introduction of the Oracle) either, but a lot of people do. Cool with what's cool for you.

Just won't catch me playing one =)

As I stated before, I have always felt these new classes would be better served as archetypes- even as powerful as some of those archetypes might be. The oracle makes me reconsider my hatred of new classes- yes the iconic oracle is smoking hot, but the things the class brings to the game are a true breath of fresh air, especially considering how stale the cleric can be at times.

I f#%*ing love Hell Girl. That is all.

Freehold DM wrote:
I f!#*ing love Hell Girl. That is all.

Riddle's "Rule 63" cosplay of Mignola's Hellboy, or did you mean something else?

The ə! wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I f!#*ing love Hell Girl. That is all.
Riddle's "Rule 63" cosplay of Mignola's Hellboy, or did you mean something else?

No, the anime series. It is one of my all-time favorites.

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