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hi every- FaWtL,

I wish everyone a happy and marry christmas.

Boy has caught conjunctivits on his last day of daycare but it is getting better fast.
this time he realises what christmas is and can't wait for the christ-child to bring his presents on holy evening.

we will have grandparents over and make deer stew

Liberty's Edge

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David M Mallon wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I forget if I remember the blue background.
Paizo circa 2004. Before I had an account or subscription, but after I'd become a loyal Dragon reader (and occasional Star Wars Insider reader).

I was a subscriber to Dungeon then, but I didn't have internet access in the rest home I was assigned to at the time. So, I was a Paizo customer, but couldn't be a poster until a few years later.

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And, it's been a while, anyone I need to take on a hunting trip?

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Oh! Oh! Pick me, pick me!

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double checks life insurance policy

Yes, please pick him.

And I didn't even have to use those two to make Sound of Music jokes.

It's going to be a good Christmas.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:

Yeah, I saw that on the news. I heard her reason was that she was frustrated. I sure would hate to see her angry.

Well, she's looking at a minimum of 25 years in Desert Heights plus she going to lose her daughter. Using the sidewalk on the LV Strip is not the best of choices.

It's a shameful tragedy. That's about all I'm have to say about it.

Hey, it wasn't in front of my sunny and fun resort and casino. All my beautiful nymphs are frolicking in the pool right now.

I have vodka and OJ. Screwdrivers any one?

Apparently I mixed up Thanksgiving with Christmas and only have Friday off instead of tomorrow and Friday.

More than a little pissed about my mistake, but glad I double checked and didn't have plans.

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Hope you weren't planning on a white Christmas Freehold!

Seems my Summer Collider works better than I thought it would.


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Oh jeez, that sucks Thegreenjellogamer.

My wife did not get as much time off as she had anticipated either.

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I am trying to remain positive, but this, combined with a promotion that was dangled in front of me to get me to sign up for this job in the first place being denied (I'm technically a temp and was "guaranteed" a full position after 520 hours), and the idiots I'm working with the material of being Neanderthal level idiots and I KNOW making like double my pay plus better benefits (including tomorrow and Friday paid off, where I just have Friday unpaid), it's becoming difficult to be as positive.

Still better than last year, but MAN does that piss me off. I'm still grateful for where I am, though. Just keep saying that...Just keep saying that...

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Four blocks and back to walk the dog, has rained almost non stop for two days beforehand, 56 degrees outside.

8 blocks total.

Both kids are literally covered in mud, with waterlogged (and most likely ruined) shoes.

I'm not surprised.

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Orthos wrote:

Though Washington is petty dang entertaining in his own right in just how fed up he gets with Red and Blue's nonsense. "Are ALL of you people insane?"

** spoiler omitted - latest favorite quote **

I'm going to embroider that quote in a pillowcase. (The fave one, not Washington's)

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
So, wait, is the Phallic Healer name for someone who heals phalluses, OR someone who heals WITH a phallus?
Can't it be both?

Linked for you.

Let's see if my cooking skills can handle a cottage pie. I need something proper Australian to go with an Aussie red wine I have, and I can't afford lamb for shepherd's pie (eleven bucks a g&!+%~n pound), so I got beef for cottage pie. Also onion, carrots, and peas. Have to use potato flakes, though. I have neither a potato peeler nor a potato masher, and I don't know how to cook mashed potatoes anyway. Nor do I have whole potatoes, though I do have a box of potato flakes. And I have to cook it in a metal cake pan, because I don't have a glass casserole pan.

Anyway, we'll see how it goes.

Speaking of Australian things, Bundaberg makes the best root beer ever, and we carry it at work. I have some in the fridge. Mix it with a decent whiskey (Honey Jack isn't, like, amazing, but it's good) and it makes a bomb drink. I think the honey aftertaste works for Australian style root beer. None of that today, though. I have that bottle of wine to drink, and I can only drink so much.

Mashed potatoes are super easy. If you can boil water than you can make mashed potatoes. Whole potatoes are very inexpensive and I recommend getting the peeler and masher although you can use a knife and fork if you don't mind the extra work. Just peel and rinse the potatoes, chop them up and add them to boiling water. When they are soft, drain the water and mash the potatoes; adding milk till you get you preferred texture and butter to enhance the flavor. Season to taste.

If available I would get Idaho potatoes. The soil there grows the tastiest potatoes. Real mashed potatoes taste SO much better then flakes, you may never buy flakes again.

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So it begins, the consumer devastation I shall unleash on our mercantile district will be pitiful to moderately appeasing, but I shall be fast and strike with.. fastness.

And maybe I'll get to use my Brad Pitt-esque good looks to cut in line. :-)

That would require me to buy potatoes, though. Minus train fare to go to Grandma's house for Christmas, I have, like, ten bucks until I get paid on Saturday. And potato flakes aren't that bad. I ate them as a kid on the few occasions when I wasn't eating out of a freezer.

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I cried at the death of a pixelated pig.

I am still at the verge of sobbing.

...Dammit, Telltale! You turned Minecraft into something meaningful!

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The Doomkitten wrote:

I cried at the death of a pixelated pig.

I am still at the verge of sobbing.

...Dammit, Telltale! You turned Minecraft into something meaningful!

Oh don't tell me that!

I got that Rassin-Frassin game for my son for Christmas. :/

And I hates Minecraft!
(Don't know why actually, you'd think a game all about imagination would be just what my lil heart desired. But I really can hardly stand to play it. Sorry.) ;P

Merry Christmas to all! (I'll probably be to busy to post til after the big day,) And to all a Game night! :)

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Ha! I got my kids Minecraft for Christmas. :-D

Ragadolf wrote:

And I hates Minecraft!
(Don't know why actually, you'd think a game all about imagination would be just what my lil heart desired. But I really can hardly stand to play it. Sorry.) ;P

I'll take "I saw better graphics on games in the 90s than that blocky pile of crap" for 500, Alex!

Aranna wrote:

Mashed potatoes are super easy. If you can boil water than you can make mashed potatoes. Whole potatoes are very inexpensive and I recommend getting the peeler and masher although you can use a knife and fork if you don't mind the extra work. Just peel and rinse the potatoes, chop them up and add them to boiling water. When they are soft, drain the water and mash the potatoes; adding milk till you get you preferred texture and butter to enhance the flavor. Season to taste.

If available I would get Idaho potatoes. The soil there grows the tastiest potatoes. Real mashed potatoes taste SO much better then flakes, you may never buy flakes again.

Salt the water. You will need to experiment with how much salt you want, and you can reduce need for salt by boiling them longer. It works much better than adding salt during mashing.

What are potato flakes anyway?

*googles potato flakes*

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You don't really need the potato masher - just boil the potatoes longer and then use the fork.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

And I hates Minecraft!
(Don't know why actually, you'd think a game all about imagination would be just what my lil heart desired. But I really can hardly stand to play it. Sorry.) ;P
I'll take "I saw better graphics on games in the 90s than that blocky pile of crap" for 500, Alex!

Ha! I got my kids that game for Christmas:-D

Sure is slow as I press onward in our Christmas shopping spree/rampage.

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yay. Work starts in 10 minutes. Oh well. I am (sort of) off tomorrow and the weekend.

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X-Mas Joy Cap'n Yesterday wrote:
Sure is slow as I press onward in our Christmas shopping spree/rampage.

Bah HUMBUG!!! I will X-Mas and Joy you!


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New record: my most recent ex-girlfriend waited three whole months post-breakup to post something completely b!~@%#+ insane on Facebook. This is turning into a trend.

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Over the next two weeks, starting tomorrow, I have four days of paid holiday vacation time. I'm not used to having vacation time at all, much less paid vacation time, especially around this time of year. What happens?

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Cap'n Yesterdays Winter Revenge wrote:


Hope you weren't planning on a white Christmas Freehold!

Seems my Summer Collider works better than I thought it would.


I will have my vengeance!

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David M Mallon wrote:
Over the next two weeks, starting tomorrow, I have four days of paid holiday vacation time. I'm not used to having vacation time at all, much less paid vacation time, especially around this time of year. What happens?

I think this may be the company's way of apologizing for being the lowest-paying company in the field in the area.

"Well, we pay you like s~#@, so here's a few days where we're going to pay you like s#** to do absolutely nothing and not come in to work. OK dudes?"

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Re: Potatoes.

Potatoes come in roughly two different textures, hard and fluffy. Hard potatoes are what you use for boiled potatoes and fried diced potatoes. Fluffy ones are best for mashed potatoes. Use fluffy. In Sweden, (which is sort of potato heaven, btw) fluffy is called "mjölig", which means floury.

Second, yes, salt the water, much like you would pasta.

For mashing, you can use anything you like that has a mashing surface.

As for peeling the potatoes, a peeler costs very little. Still, there are those who want the peels in the mash. I find that odd, but mileage varies.

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Enjoy your time off, David. As for me, I would not mind a few callouts on Christmas or this weekend. I like the overtime that work pays me.

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Ugh. Another late night with hurting tonsil. Right this time. Actually I think that it usually is the right one...

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Today is less chocking and more simple sharp pain...

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

And I hates Minecraft!
(Don't know why actually, you'd think a game all about imagination would be just what my lil heart desired. But I really can hardly stand to play it. Sorry.) ;P
I'll take "I saw better graphics on games in the 90s than that blocky pile of crap" for 500, Alex!

I do not think it's possible for me to care less about graphics.

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Dear Brad, your love of Crystal Pepsi shines as bright as the light through its translucent bottles.

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Oh dear, the dog has developed an attraction to the stuffed ninja turtle Pea Bear got Tiny T-Rex, and there's only so long the guilt trip about being faithful to bear will work.

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Dinner is amazing and I cooked it myself. It started with me buying a bottle of Australian red wine at work. I asked the gourmet department head if we had any Australian foods on hand that would go well with it. He said no, we just have biscuits, candy, soda, and Vegemite, and that I should instead cook myself a shepherd's pie. I cannot afford lamb, however, so I got beef and made cottage pie. Apparently I was supposed to use Worchestershire sauce when browning the beef, but I don't have that, so I used soy sauce and a bit of that aforementioned red wine. Throw in some tomato paste, sauted onions, peas, and carrots, top with mashed potatoes and freshly grated Tillamook sharp cheddar, bake, serve with glass of aforementioned red wine, and AMAZING. Flaked potatoes cannot bring this amazigness down.

That sounds really good Rosie. Enjoy!

I'm on call, for cooking CHristmas Dinner for the extended family.
SO I won't be experimenting with anything that tasty. ButI WILL be cooking A turkey, homemade COrnbread stuffing, Sweete potatoes, and homemade Mac N Cheese.

And of course I have to have my holiday Sausage Balls, Cheese dip, Pumpkin Bread and Pumpkin pies! (So I have something to enjoy while cooking the dinner!)

Of to get a little sleep before I start baking tomorrow. Night all!

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For those in the rest of the world wondering, "Just how bad IS California's drought?"

On Monday we had a pleasant mild rain all day. (Just under 1.5" for the day, which for those in Seattle or the U.K. is described as, "A brief respite from the real rain.")

Impus Minor, at the ripe old age of 11: "Wow, Dad! Has it ever rained all day before?"

Really all you need to know...

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I would give you some of my rain... would you believe the roof leaks at work. It isn't suppose to rain on me when I am inside!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

For those in the rest of the world wondering, "Just how bad IS California's drought?"

On Monday we had a pleasant mild rain all day. (Just under 1.5" for the day, which for those in Seattle or the U.K. is described as, "A brief respite from the real rain.")

Impus Minor, at the ripe old age of 11: "Wow, Dad! Has it ever rained all day before?"

Really all you need to know...

It could be worse, he could start running around screaming "we're doomed! somebody build the Ark!"

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That's what I'm doing next year! Convince rubes I may or may not be Jesus (I'm not) and it may or may not be advantageous for them to build an Ark (It's not) and then see where it goes.

This is a job for kickstarter!

Silver Crusade

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Apparently, I am not cooking anything this Christmas. I couldn't even claim dessert.

I guess I won't complain.

Silver Crusade

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

I would give you some of my rain... would you believe the roof leaks at work. It isn't suppose to rain on me when I am inside!

My favorite is getting rained on in the underground subway stations of New York. I just imagine the path that that water had to travel before it landed on my head, and that is enough to skeeve me out.

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