Drejk |
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Freehold DM wrote:But she wants to destroy all that is(on Toril)...how could that be bad?Because she's boring about it.
Seriously. Sharrans are either emo mopey types who have some sadness in their backstory and want to make everyone else unhappy because of it or unemotional nihilists.
I'd say there is a great potential for big division between the goddess and her worshiper. Many of whom probably fail to understand her. So her enemies. She has perfectly good, perfectly reasonable cause for annihilating everything. She is the dark before the creation, the void, the emptiness. Everything that exists is literally intrusion into her darkness, into her "flesh" and her "soul", corrupting her perfection with imperfection of existence. The very creation is hurting her. And metaphysically she is so big, so much bigger than almost everything that she can only divert a small amount of her awareness, and her manipulative abilities to that speck of dust causing aggravation inside her. Even when she manifest an avatar, the existential breach between what is her true self and her worshipers might make a real communication incomprehensible. With that in mind I'd say that Shadovars (and probably most of her priesthood) while being "allied" with her fail to understand her at all - they would see her as primordial darkness, as a greatest power to exist, but in their arrogant vanity they would ascribe very human notions to her, ambition, pride, equating great power with desire for more power and for control over lesser beings.
In truth she might be something closer to dark and twisted version of Buddhism: the force outside of the worlds is hurt of the world so it seeps into the world to convince the world and its denizens of its truth - that existence is source of all hurts and thus the existence itself should cease, or be ceased if need be.
Contrast with Talos, the literal god of destruction, who is a full-on scenery-chewing B-movie villain and all the hammy hilarity that implies, as are most of his priests and followers. He's equally one-note, but his one note is FUN. He is, quite plainly, the god of maniacal laughter and random pointless chaos. Not the most compelling villain, sure, but who couldn't love that at least on a time-to-time basis?
Until it was "revealed" in a terribly dumb cutting-down-the-number-of-deities-of-Toril-because-we-are-too-damn-lazy-to -do-our-homework move that Talos is a mask for Gruumsh. Urgh. So much for removal a great deity in favor of a crappy one.
It would take a cosmic amount of convincing me that ever in any game I'd gm make Talos a mask for Gruumsh. Regretfully, it might be one of the things that won't get mended in 5th edition. Unless someone reasonable decides that was attempt of usurpation by Gruumsh while Talos wasn't looking and the Stormlord will return a can of thunder and earthquakes on Gruumsh in return.
captain yesterday |
captain yesterday wrote:heckle me all you want but i liked Cyric, i totally rooted for him the time of troubles books:-)Cyric is kind of like the Joker. Good in small doses but not to be overused.
It might be because the rest of the characters were so unbearable:-p i especially hated Kelemvor and Midnight
Orthos |
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Until it was "revealed" in a terribly dumb cutting-down-the-number-of-deities-of-Toril-because-we-are-too-damn-lazy-to -do-our-homework move that Talos is a mask for Gruumsh. Urgh. So much for removal a great deity in favor of a crappy one.
I did not know that, and since anything beyond 3.5 as far as FR Canon is irrelevant to the game I play, I also don't have to care =)
Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
heckle me all you want but i liked Cyric, i totally rooted for him the time of troubles books:-)
Funny you mention Cyric just after hammy gods/priests...
In my Pool Of Radiance campaign there is a cleric of Cyric in a fellow competitors/allies NPC adventuring band. He is quite unhinged and quite hammy.
captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Okay you guys made me get out my grey box because i literally couldn't remember any other gods:-p
what happened to Umberlee and Talona?
also as a habitual player of halflings (and dwarves) Tymora and Selune were always my favorite good deities (my brothers always gave me crap for making dwarven clerics of Selune but f+@+ them:-p)
Richard "Hamster" Hammond |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Funny you mention Cyric just after hammy gods/priests...
In my Pool Of Radiance campaign there is a cleric of Cyric in a fellow competitors/allies NPC adventuring band. He is quite unhinged and quite hammy.
Quite Hammy? That sounds fun.
Tacticslion |
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EDIT: All of the above.
Anyway, onto my favorite gods...
Eilistraee, Eldath, Lliira, Lurue, Mystra, Nobanion, Sharess, Red Knight, Torm, Tymora, and Ulutiu for me.
Finder, Kelemvor, Shaundakul, Shialla, Valkur is actually pretty cool, though, I have to say (based on their natures, not necessarily as-portrayed in the books). Deneir is... cool, but not really cool.
Angharradh is really cool and the fact that she's composed of Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow - all of whom are, themselves, pretty great - is awesome.
The Mulhorandi pantheon in general is pretty great, too; with the Untheric pantheon (and the fact that the Untheric pantheon eventually fell), I actually really like the whole story-arc of that part of the world.
For the bad guys, Malar, Mask, Umberlee, Auril, Beshaba, Gargauth, Velsharoon, Kiaransalee, Deep Duerra, Shevarash (totally a villain, shut up), and the Orc Pantheon are actually pretty cool (more interesting, in general, than Gruumsh). I liked the whole set-up with Set invading sleeping Sseth's turf and masquerading as (and thus stealing) that gods servitors, even as he poisoned and broke down the divine essence to consume. I was even really cool with the idea that Sseth would be destroyed, Set would become independent of the Mulhorandi pantheon (like Bast->Sharess before him) and become Zehir: that was a really cool idea. The fact that he was indebted to Shar as part of that really worked for me, as well, despite Shar being kind of lame in some ways - she succeeded in her plan of corruption with him where she'd failed with Sharess.
I have to say, though I love me some Yondalla (in theory), I really liked that she handed over the Halfling Pantheon to Cyrrollalee. Also, Callarduran Smoothhands, Gaerdal Ironhand, and Segojan Earthcaller were all far more interesting - to me - than... blagh... Garl.
Villains I love to thwart: Bane, Cyric, and Shar.
(And I love to steal Shar's tricks for the good guys. Love it. Love. It. :D)
((No, I did not like the purge, I did not like it at all, why do you ask.))
Tacticslion |
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Kacy Catanzaro for Eilistraee!
Stefani for Tymora/Beshaba/Tyche! Or maybe Scarlett Johansson! Or maybe Zooey Deschnal!
Sly Stallone for Bane!
Batista for Tempus!
Dwayne (the Rock) Johnson for hammy good-guy uh, no, let's say Ubtao!
Anne Hathaway for a super-evil Lolth! (Or Johanson or Emilia Clarke?)
Trachtenberg or Tyler for a terrifyingly bleak Shar?
Penelope Cruz or Jennifer Connelly for Mystra?
Gal Gadot as Red Knight!
Christian Bale, or Ewon McGreggor for Finder Wyvernspur?!
Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Freehold DM wrote:The Ron Swanson mustache is the wave motion gun of facial hair-based weapons. It requires a dedicated bacon singularity just to power it.....
The SDF-1 is holy ground...
Freehold DM |
Okay you guys made me get out my grey box because i literally couldn't remember any other gods:-p
what happened to Umberlee and Talona?also as a habitual player of halflings (and dwarves) Tymora and Selune were always my favorite good deities (my brothers always gave me crap for making dwarven clerics of Selune but f+$% them:-p)
umberlee got an awesome Cleric in the queen of the depths story that was part of The Clerics Series. One of my favorite books. It revitalized my interest in evil clerics and the nature of evil in games.
Billy O'Range |
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LordSynos wrote:Tacticslion wrote:Come to Ireland! We have lots. xDDSXMachina wrote:Well yesterday we had sun & blue skies, interspersed with snow flurries.This is awesome! Almost as awesome as blue skies interspersed with lots of rain! :D
I... I like the rain. A lot.
But... but... I'm Scottish*...
* By ancestry (as well as Native American). I'm also Scotch-Irish by ancestry, but I don't know if that counts!
We're also known as the kind of Irish that really piss people off.
David M Mallon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We're also known as the kind of Irish that really piss people off.
If you even say the words "Scots-Irish" around my grandfather, he flies into a rage, or as much of one as can be managed by a man coming up on 90 years old. He's never forgiven the English and the Scots for driving his ancestors from their Tyrone manors back in the 1600s and forcing them to become dirt farmers in County Meath.
David M Mallon |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
For example, this conversation took place when I was around six years old:
Me: "Grandpa, what's that stick thing on the wall next to the table?"
Grandpa: "It's a shillelagh, kid."
Me: "A what?"
Grandpa: "A shillelagh. It's for killing Englishmen and Presbyterians."
The guy has trouble letting things go.
Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
For example, this conversation took place when I was around six years old:
Me: "Grandpa, what's that stick thing on the wall next to the table?"
Grandpa: "It's a shillelagh, kid."
Me: "A what?"
Grandpa: "A shillelagh. It's for killing Englishmen and Presbyterians."The guy has trouble letting things go.
...I'm technically a Presbyterian now...born episcopal..wife is primitive Baptist. The priest that married us said it would be a good fit.
David M Mallon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
David M Mallon wrote:...I'm technically a Presbyterian now...born episcopal..wife is primitive Baptist. The priest that married us said it would be a good fit.For example, this conversation took place when I was around six years old:
Me: "Grandpa, what's that stick thing on the wall next to the table?"
Grandpa: "It's a shillelagh, kid."
Me: "A what?"
Grandpa: "A shillelagh. It's for killing Englishmen and Presbyterians."The guy has trouble letting things go.
I don't think my grandfather's quite forgiven my father for marrying someone who was not only *not* Catholic, not even Irish, but a quarter English and three-quarters German (and descended from the brother of one of Martin Luther's original followers).
Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:According to one of my server friends who's a big 5E player, Malar apparently became a minion of Silvanus. Also something I am very happy to ignore.I liked that actually- a god of the wilderness that isn't a warmed over new age hippie neo-druid.
Except that because he's now under Silvanus's leash, he's not allowed to be that way anymore. He's far more restricted now.
Mairkurion {tm} |
I love the new genetic research that shows that the British Isles belong genetically to the parts of Europe where there were large Celtic populations and that there is little appreciable range. Englishmen are not Saxons (sorry, Irish and Scottish ideologues). They're Celts who picked up a Germanic language. Latins, Germans, and Scandinavians pitched in their little bits, but the isles have remained British. But then, I'm proud to be parts of all the isles, even if I'm not always proud of what various people have done.
Obscure GM |
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It's funny you guys are talking about the Realms when I'm thinking about what I will use if the new group ends up playing Tyranny of Dragons like I guess we will. What pre-Troubles resources do you recommend? I'm not sure anything I own is pre-Troubles, except the grey books from the boxed set (which I do not own as a whole).
Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I love the new genetic research that shows that the British Isles belong genetically to the parts of Europe where there were large Celtic populations and that there is little appreciable range. Englishmen are not Saxons (sorry, Irish and Scottish ideologues). They're Celts who picked up a Germanic language. Latins, Germans, and Scandinavians pitched in their little bits, but the isles have remained British. But then, I'm proud to be parts of all the isles, even if I'm not always proud of what various people have done.
Between that and your avatar I imagine you to be an ancient fey deity/antropomorphization of some kind of land feature, such as a mountain, a hill range or a long cut down forest.
David M Mallon |
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Dave: Is it wrong if I want to borrow your Grandfather's shillelagh to beat Freehold back into being a Pisky? Yeah, I bet it's wrong.
It's a moot point, since he wouldn't lend it out. His daughter, my aunt, married and then divorced an Episcopal minister. No one got along with the guy, not even his wife and son. Then again, no one gets along with my grandfather either.
David M Mallon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Dave: Is it wrong if I want to borrow your Grandfather's shillelagh to beat Freehold back into being a Pisky? Yeah, I bet it's wrong.Don't punish Freehold's spiritual development into a Humanist.
Joss Whedon is also a Humanist.
Does that mean he only plays humans in RPGs? It's OK, I do too.
Mairkurion {tm} |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Dave: Is it wrong if I want to borrow your Grandfather's shillelagh to beat Freehold back into being a Pisky? Yeah, I bet it's wrong.Don't punish Freehold's spiritual development into a Humanist.
Joss Whedon is also a Humanist.
Snort! He doesn't have to be a Presbyterian humanist!
"Presby, Presby dinna bend!
Sit ye down on man's chief end!"
Drejk |
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Orthos wrote:According to one of my server friends who's a big 5E player, Malar apparently became a minion of Silvanus. Also something I am very happy to ignore.I liked that actually- a god of the wilderness that isn't a warmed over new age hippie neo-druid.
You mean like he was since his introduction in FR in the first place?
Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:You mean like he was since his introduction in FR in the first place?Orthos wrote:According to one of my server friends who's a big 5E player, Malar apparently became a minion of Silvanus. Also something I am very happy to ignore.I liked that actually- a god of the wilderness that isn't a warmed over new age hippie neo-druid.
I never viewed him as altered -just the Wolverine of the hippie gods.