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You are all weirdos. Uch.

Sissyl wrote:

*zaps IHIYC with a debeardinator*


*powers up the debeardinator for a second go if necessary*

*Glares at the debeardinator*

Point that anywhere near me and there's going to be trouble, O Queen of the Sparkle-Pooping Pink Ponies.

Scarab Sages

Sissyl wrote:

*zaps IHIYC with a debeardinator*


*powers up the debeardinator for a second go if necessary*

*'face' stays the same*

*hands disappear, are replaced with more tentacles*


Of course I won't, dear Pulg.

*puts the debeardinator on the table and goes to fetch some more soda*

Sovereign Court

I think that IHIYC has found a new reason to hide in closets now, whether that's a good thing for him or us I don't know.

*Goes to the kitchen and makes a cup of tea, notices Poog yelling at an ogre as the latter just ate Sam the Andoran Eagle.*

Those were cries of encouragement, as the LOTP Eagle Eating Contest is in full swing. IHIYC, given his unnatural hunger and unusual number of toothed orifices, is presently 3/1 favourite.

Not sure why everyone is complaining. Is any of this new?

Scarab Sages


1: Vidmaster7
2: Glorbax
3: Pulg
4: The Fiend
5: Sissyl
6: The Count
7: The Win
8: Ventnor
9: Waterhammer
10: Skiron
11: Sam
12: GoatToucher
13: Bleached Otyugh
14: Donald Trump
20: someone who hasn't posted in years
15-19: Vick Tim

and gets...: 3d20 ⇒ (5, 19, 9) = 33


*returns with more wine and sees EHIYC FTAGNing for her*

*tosses the wine into his mass of tentacles*

*dodges behind the table*

*feels her headcarapace being happy*

IHIYC has eaten, or rather absorbed, 14 eagles.

Vidmaster7 has managed nine.

TFF said he ate 16, but six have been removed from his total as he Gated them in before scoffing them, which is cheating.

Ventnor ate 26, and the mountain they were nesting on.

Sissyl thought it was an owl-eating contest, and while 56 is a very good score, she has, unfortunately, been disqualified for choosing the wrong bird of prey.

GoatToucher, you were supposed to eat the eagles. That's all I have to say on this matter.

You didn't say to not fuse their flesh and nervous systems together, use arcane magics to afford them sentience and a soul, and then teach them what shame is.

My conscience is clear, but then, that is my default state, regardless of the day's... amusements.

No! My Freedom Force! WHY!?

Sovereign Court

Because you lost a bet to Vick Tim fair and square! I don't know what the bet entailed however.

Well that contest was a hoot.

Why does everyone (who is either a bear or Sissyl) insist that it was an owl-eating competition? It wasn't! Eagles only!

Oh my mistake I guess I'm a bit bird brained...

Owls are tastier.

Less endangered too.

You're right. Dammit. I should have eaten eagles.


Thank you. That's so sweet of you.

Well you know one does try...

*hugs Definitely*

She would of replyed, but I don't think she can possibly arch her eyebrow anymore then she already is.

Yes, we wouldn't want any workplace related eyebrow injuries, would we now?

That would be a hairy situation.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

:gently picks the bear up, walks out of frame to the left, where a large catapult waits:

:places bear gently into the bucket:

"Jambi enters, bearing a gift basket of fruit, chocolates, and assorted cheeses, which he places in the bear's lap:

:Jambi proceeds to the side of the machine, casting an expectant look to GT, who nods:

:Jambi pulls the lever, and the catapult fires, flinging the bear several hundred miles overland and out to sea:

Bears be flying now too? O_O

I mean I can't say he didn't deserve that.

Sovereign Court

I just find it incredibly funny (as always) that sometimes you get that one individual who just goes way too far (remember folks, GoatToucher is the benchmark) and they get promptly dealt with, usually by GoatToucher.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

HE refuses to let anyone approach his level. He's like the githyanki queen oh getting close to my level are ya? EXECUTE!

Was the Githyanki Queen really called Oh Getting Close To My Level Are Ya?

Should we start calling our old friend GithToucher, or would that give him Ideas (Ideas that he's already had, I bet) ?

There might be one who can give him a run for his money.

Eric Cartman, quite a sadistic kid.
If he does this to a bully, then GoatToucher might be in for worse.

Scarab Sages

*absorbs Sissyl's wine, still blindly (and now a bit drunkenly) flailing....*

1: Vidmaster7
2: Glorbax
3: Pulg
4: The Fiend
5: Sissyl
6: The Count
7: The Win
8: Ventnor
9: Waterhammer
10: Skiron
11: Sam
12: GoatToucher
13: Bleached Otyugh
14: Eric Cartman
15-17: Vick Tim
18-20: Kenny

Spending Drunken Ki for extra 'get'!: 4d20 ⇒ (15, 3, 19, 14) = 51


Oh my god! He absorbed Kenny! The bastard!

Least he got Eric too.


Hey no one said your name three times!


Faster than lightning.
Nothing is swifter.
Wow, such speedy Swede.

What ryhmns with sissyl?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

*fires thistle missile - as it flies, it emits a whistle, and has a tip like a chisel so it doesn't fizzle - at Sissyl*

*slow clap* well done.


Wow Arr-too someone finally took her down *enthusiastic clapping* (I'm pretty sure she wanted to destroy us all.)

*comes walking in around the corner*

*sees her own dead body*

That's neat. You got rid of the evil imposter for me. Thanks.

Now let me just clean up.

*touches the headdress of the floor Sissyl, triggering a sharp flash of light, which fades to reveal no body on the floor*

Excellent work. Where were we? Total global domination, right? Don't worry, VM7, I would never destroy you guys.

Maybe some sort of sissyl specific plague. or engineer some sort of bear owl hybrid that hunts sissyls.

Owl hybrids are soooo tasty.

We already have contingency plans for just about everyone present at this location, but non-interference protocols preclude their use unless any of you start threatening things beyond the local planet.

Check. Sounds good to me.

You say that, but the Planet Of The Owls wishes to know what happened to the 56 ambassadors it sent to Earth last week. Perhaps you could help?

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