Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Yur daLoser.

Am not !

I'm the Winnitude Incarnate !


All i can say is This

YAAR, it be time fer me ta return and claim me BOOTY!

The Exchange

I want a burlap sack that says Swag on it.

Alas, you won't get any.

The Exchange

Any burlap sacks or any burlap sacks with Swag on them?

The former. Which includes the latter.

The Exchange

Oh, I'll get them... ALL CATCH THEM ALL!!!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

You missed the most important one, which I got ---> THE WIN

The Exchange

I hate to break it to you, but you aren't winning.

Neither do you.

Think about it: who wins just right now, he ?

That's right: Quicho Lispo, el hombre of teh Win !

The Exchange

I don't know how to respond to that...

Then don't.

That is how I win.

The Exchange


I have nothing to say.

The Exchange

Ironic, saying that you don't have anything to say... isn't it?

I win b!~+~es.

Sorry Spanky. The reward for winning isn't b$#$*es.

shows what you know.

Yeah. It shows that I know you don't win b!~@%es in this thread. That's the Calvinball thread.

Winning is its own reward... well my reward that is.

The Exchange

Or is it... mine?

I don't think so see there's my name on it

The Exchange

It looks like it spelled like "Tirq" to me.

Be that as it may, any old unnamed hack can steal the win, if only for a little while.


Double Huzzah!


Double Wuzzah~

The Exchange

C-c-c-combo breaker!

Double C-c-c-combo breaker!


Bored now. But at least I'm winning.

The Exchange

Double Bored now!


Don't wanna go to work tonight.

The Exchange

Too bad, gran rey de los everything.

Quick, everyone! Say something before he gets back!

I'm still here.

But not winning.

I might be.


Drive by


The Exchange

That is what happens when a fly realizes its in the air.


The Exchange

You?... or me?


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