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Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You better pray that LC isn't a girl, IHIYC, or else I'm going to give you some severe dental surgery using a nail and a brick!

Scarab Sages

*consumes power pellet, chases after the close-enough-to-undead-for-government-work Avatar of Zon-Kuthon* WOOOOOOOOCKAWOCKAWOCKA...!!!

You can't just run around screaming gibberish like a silly ninny and expect to win.

Who are you, and what did you do to the person who posts as Molten Dragon?

Sovereign Court

He ATE him, remember?

This is not the Molten Dragon you are looking for.....oh wait, yes it is. And I'm back in the lead....

That would be molten lead, I suppose.


Sovereign Court

If you say so!

Scarab Sages

*reaches out from Avatar of Zon-Kuthon's Closet, sticks marshmallows on all His cranial spikes*

Don't forget the chocolate and graham crackers.

Lights AZK's face on fire. Now it's a true marshmallow roast. Thanks AZK!

Not bad, not bad.

Though you're working on a tad bit of a small scale.

Yoink! I'll be taking that win now thank you.

Sovereign Court

*Screams in pain.*

Oh, the agony!

*Starts to smile suddenly.*

Oooh, the agony!

*Turns to Private Tiny.*

By the way, how's the gift I sent you?


Or at least the Avatar of a god.

Been there, done that.

Sovereign Court

I'll trade this life, for fortune and fame. I'll even cut my hair and change my name!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Avatar of Zon-Kuthon wrote:

*Screams in pain.*

Oh, the agony!

*Starts to smile suddenly.*

Oooh, the agony!

*Turns to Private Tiny.*

By the way, how's the gift I sent you?

I made some lovely underwear out of the MBT hide. I like wearing it after a hearty meal of beans and peppers.

Squeak! *a look of disgust washes over John's face at the mention of MBT underwear*

That made even me lose my appetite.

But not the win.

You can't win what with your litter box overflowing like it is.

I'll have you know that my pet human empties it every day.

Sovereign Court

So, does that mean that you're for or against animal cruelty?


The Exchange

Oh look, I won.

Sorry to disappoint you Drastic Monkey, but you are in fact, NOT the winner.

You are a robot without emotions. Why would you even care about my win?

Sovereign Court

I don't think it does.

Or does it?

SQUEAK! *runs off with the Win, and jumps into Gramp's coat pocket*

. . .

will this ever end???? oh well . . (sighs) . . will nice little ratty come out for a peice of nice sharp cheddar cheese or would he rather a nice thick slab of steak? (holds a nice looking peice of chees on one claw and a steak in the other)

Scarab Sages

Or maybe he'd like THIS? *enticingly proffers a large cactus*

Sovereign Court

I think that you like inflicting pain on others, more than I do!

IHIYC has been pretty grouchy lately. . Not sure what's up with that. . Maybe the new Fantastic Four movie irritated him beyond reason...

Amen, MD

Scarab Sages

Maybe if Somebody hadn't bazooka'd my great old friend's van a couple pages back....

And no, I haven't seen that movie. Should I not? I must admit I have a hard time seeing The Human Torch as a black guy for some reason - the guy who played the Kingpin in the 2002 Daredevil movie was great, and I could see Reed Richards as a black guy, but not the Torch, for some reason (one of which is no doubt that he's supposed to be the Invisible Woman's brother, HELLOOOOOOOOO!).

. . . um . . okay. i am so confused. oh well . . oh look steak! (eats the steak he was holding)

Poog be winning again.

Sovereign Court

*Starts a yard sale.*

Severed body parts, fragments of bones, vials of blood and other such merchandise in jars and other assorted containers! Buy two arms, get a head for free!

I'm looking to start an army of flesh golems. Can you help me out with supplies?

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Maybe if Somebody hadn't bazooka'd my great old friend's van a couple pages back....

And no, I haven't seen that movie. Should I not? I must admit I have a hard time seeing The Human Torch as a black guy for some reason - the guy who played the Kingpin in the 2002 Daredevil movie was great, and I could see Reed Richards as a black guy, but not the Torch, for some reason (one of which is no doubt that he's supposed to be the Invisible Woman's brother, HELLOOOOOOOOO!).

I'm more bothered by The Thing not wearing pants than I am by the Human Torch being black.

Sovereign Court

Certainly, MD, if you'll kindly look towards the second table on your right, the bones and organs on it are super sturdy - perfect for making golems - all you'll need is some sewing thread, found at the central table where I stand.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Triphoppenskip wrote:

I'm more bothered by The Thing not wearing pants than I am by the Human Torch being black.

Is he at least still Jewish (and does that mean it's easier to tell now)?

Argle bargle norf norf norf bonga.

Now return to your regular schedule. Thank you.

Scarab Sages

Whistle like a missile, Sissyl!

oh and look CHEESE! (eats the cheese he was holding in the other hand) nomnomnom

Sovereign Court

I've still got body parts on sale, folks! Come and get them while they're still - relatively - fresh, now 50% cheaper!

than last time or from the original price?

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