Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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You should stay away from sex for the winy. My jkwin exactly

Dark Archive

it's mine

Nope it isn't, the win is mine.

Dark Archive

There you are wrong it is mine

Nope again.

And I disappear, a ghost amidst the combat, preparing to strike.

-Zer0 (Borderlands 2)

This thread is mine!

Sorry to say, but the thread's Billy May's.
To top it, the win is mine.

Dark Archive

fiend, stop being delusional we all know it's mine


nope it isn't.

Dark Archive

yes it is.

And then...


Talking to the win. (Yeah, I know that's weird.) "Hello there little win, did you miss me? Those other people don't appreciate you like I do."

Dark Archive

Waterhammer is too crazy to win it's definitely mine

Delusional and more personalities than Sybil. The win can't be yours because it's a cigar. In all things psychoanalytical, it's my win.

Dark Archive


And still it's not meant to be yours

Dark Archive

It is though
when you accept that, in your heart, you will know peace


Dark Archive

stop trying to steal my win. It's a nuisance.

Honestly... we've been at this for a while now. It would be a little interesting to total up the time each of us has had the win...

Shadow Lodge

the answer is zero

Dark Archive

Except for my win which I own and it equals one. Like the number you know like me being number 1.

Shadow Lodge

Oh yeah, that...well, no.

Dark Archive

stop kidding yourselves

Yeah, baby goats are not playthings.

Win, just in case you didn't know.

Dark Archive

You are a crazy @$$ gnome you know that, this win is mine

Shadow Lodge

that WON't cut it

No, but this razor will cut the argument short.
As such the win is mine for now.

Shadow Lodge

also short

Dark Archive

That razor should be used on your tacky goatee fiend
and this not-so-tacky win is still mine

Shadow Lodge

being not-so-tacky doesn't stick

Dark Archive

A GPS microchip is the next best thing

Shadow Lodge

Cr500cricket wrote:
A GPS microchip is the next best thing

If you want to probe yourself that's your business.

Cr500cricket wrote:
You are a crazy @$$ gnome you know that, this win is mine

I am NOT a gnome.

Dark Archive

derro sorry

Day-O, she's a Day-O! Daylight comin', and I wanna go home.

Also (I'm) taking possession of the win.

Dark Archive

No you aren't

Neither are you.

Shadow Lodge

And on it goes.

Dark Archive

It's still mine don't make me clinch it again

Shadow Lodge

Please please do

Dark Archive

"clinches Conman"
warm up :)

Oh you could warm up any time, just die and we can judge how warm you'll be spending time.

Which is a win for..well, ME. :)

Dark Archive

still mine

Shadow Lodge

not still

Dark Archive

"kicks everyone else into a pit"

Shadow Lodge

Bury me with it

Dark Archive

THIS IS MY WIN!!!!!!!!
" " "

Shadow Lodge

There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Dark Archive

*clambes slowly out of the pit, shedding rotting flesh along the way, moving only by iron determination to TAKE THAT WIN!*

*takes the win*

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