Or perhaps wooden stakes.
Nah. what you need is weapon focus (t-bone steak)
Nah, I already have throw anything. Which is good for the rib-eye combo.
Fair enough. Once I get my deep fryer up and running I'll be able to do you up a side of chips to go with it.
I'm winning...
You do realize that the thread is no longer about that? It's been co-opted into a 'help FuelDrop get his plasma-powered deep fryer built' thread. sorry if signage was insufficient.
*gets flamethrower, burns FuelDrops signs*
I guess it's the 'Last one to post wins' thread again.
I win!
You did good by keeping this thread on track, Vicious Chicken of Bristol.
And now... the one-minded quiche wins again !
Schism has three minds, and each one says she wins.
I thought the first mind wanted to go out for sundaes, the second wanted to play Black Ops II and the third was too busy reading Nietzche to care about a forum game.
Hmm...that doesn't seem right. Are you saying there is really a fourth that is obsessed with prime numbers? That would create a schism.
Sorry. No schisms allowed. Chasms are cool, though.
Yeah, like the chasm which separates the glorious solitary winner from all other unwinners ! Do you get my drift ?
Yes. I'm still not clear why you stayed on the unwinner side though.
It's actually a bit lonely out here, on the winner side. Oooh look, shiny thing! *leaps into chasm in pursuit of the shiny*
Well, that made winning easy.
No, it was two thirty-liter steel barrels. yay, item number 6 on my list!
Oh, a contest of some sort?
This should be interesting...
The contest is over ! I won already ! Rough, hu ?
Doesn't seem like it to me.
This is a placeholder for Tirq. He asked me to keep his victory warm for him.
Tirq is not to be heeded where winning is concerned. Make place for the true "win" specialist: me.
Thank you, Quiche. You are a fine herald of the true winner. Go get yourself some candy.
*Sneaks up while everyone is distracted by the adequate duck, which is creating an adequate distraction, and steals the win before disappearing back into the shadows*
Hey, you there ! Give me that "win" back !
It belongs to me, always has !
That's right, because it's mine.
You know wht would go good with your win. Gravy and some mashed potatoes.
I'm on a diet. I'll just have freshly pecked out human eyes.
*pecks Conman*
Speaking of eyes! Eye Win!!
I win.
*goes off to get coffee*
Wow, my first and only post on this thread and I won!!
If I had a nickel for every first poster who won I'd have a dragon living on the pile.
Yeah, dragons are a menace. They turn up wherever there's a bunch of coins in one place.
Heck, I once saw a dragon sleeping quite happily on a horde of CHOCOLATE coins!
No, the coins weren't bacon. though that does give me an idea...
Yeah, gives a new meaning to greased palms.
Vaseline works just as well.
Well, I've got Vaseline all over my hands, but when I keep trying to choke the chicken its neck keeps sliding out of my grasp...
You have issues sir.
And I want to hear more about them please.
In the end, it doesn't really matter.
Call the dog-catcher, he's loose again.
*eats lettuce, looks cute*
*Pulls out wand of Ordinary Rabbit slaying*
And they said I'd never get any use out of this thing...
*still alive, still adorable*