The Summoner's Handbook


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KilroySummoner wrote:

Finally, I would advise that there is no reason to first dispel the Eidolon then summon a monster. The RAW says that both the Eidolon and the Summons cannot exist at the same time. In other words, you should be able to summon a beast and it dispels the Eidolon for you in the same round.

Think you will get table variation on that.

In fact, by RAW you are flat wrong:

SRD wrote:

As a result, he can only use this ability when his eidolon is not summoned.


erik542 wrote:
Which reminds me of a minor benefit of going pure elf. Since you don't sleep, your eidolon does not poof at night.

The whole elves don't sleep or only sleep a few hours thing is not in the pathfinder write up on elves.

daemonprince wrote:
erik542 wrote:
Which reminds me of a minor benefit of going pure elf. Since you don't sleep, your eidolon does not poof at night.
The whole elves don't sleep or only sleep a few hours thing is not in the pathfinder write up on elves.

Indeed. I'm gonna have to bring this up to at my next session.

KilroySummoner wrote:
Saph: Why isn't Biped rated higher than Quadruped? It has provably higher damage per round for every level (unless you are rating it for non-combat use like RPing, move speed or use as a mount etc)?

Quadruped gets Pounce, Biped doesn't. The Biped does more damage IF it gets a full attack, but the Quadruped will get more full attacks than the Biped will.

Marshall Jansen wrote:
However, I will say that Alarm is both a better spell than you rate it (not saying it's blue, but it's not red), and the 'just put the Eidolon on watch' requires a (common) house rule... as when the summoner goes to sleep, the Eidolon goes poof.

Yeah, enough people have mentioned this that I might upgrade it. I still think setting watches is usually better, but I guess once you hit a high enough level you can afford the level 1 slots.

erik542 wrote:
For a constrictor build, other feats that you might like are agile maneuvers (make all that dex good for something) and suffocating strangulation (from the shambling mound). If the DM allows suffocating strangulation, it's nice to have a nonlethal way to end combat. Also if you can get your CMB high enough, don't forget that grab allows you grapple multiple people and be a kraken. Fun times.

Considered agile maneuvers, but it becomes sub-par as soon as you hit Large size (which you'll need to Grab medium-sized enemies).

erik542 wrote:

Also have you considered the nom-beast? Take a biped or quadruped base, take the grappling feats and boost up bite damage to maximize the swallow whole DPR.

There is also an archer build, just spam the arms evolution (maybe a few defensive ones) and equip it with a crap load of bows and take some archery feats. Today we shall fight in the shade :)

Heh. I'll have my hands full just doing the eidolon builds I've already got for now. If you could write either of those up, I'd appreciate it.

james maissen wrote:
KilroySummoner wrote:

I have never found a use for a Lantern archon - though it sounds useful, an Auroch has never failed to be more useful.

Fight a tin can cleric with stoneskin up.

Your summons simply miss them, and when they connect the stoneskin eats most of the damage.

In other words, when you want some touch attacks that ignore DR.


This. They're not the most useful summon of their respective level, but their abilities are unique enough to warrant summoning them in specific circumstances. They certainly made fighting golems easier for my team.

Dark Archive

So someone that has had some extensive playtime with a Biped with bite(and assuming you can use improved bite as well) what does the fully developed Eidolon build look like assuming 20th level? Do you incorporate slam then as well?

The Eidolon builds that are posted look good I'm just a little curious about some of the archetypes using the Biped form since I've had very little experience playing with that Eidolon. The slugger sounds pretty interesting as well.

amorangias wrote:
james maissen wrote:
KilroySummoner wrote:

I have never found a use for a Lantern archon - though it sounds useful, an Auroch has never failed to be more useful.

Fight a tin can cleric with stoneskin up.

Your summons simply miss them, and when they connect the stoneskin eats most of the damage.

In other words, when you want some touch attacks that ignore DR.


This. They're not the most useful summon of their respective level, but their abilities are unique enough to warrant summoning them in specific circumstances. They certainly made fighting golems easier for my team.

Lantern archons at the level you get them do some solid work. Don't overlook aid, and definitely don't overlook truespeech in the right situations.

amorangias wrote:
james maissen wrote:
KilroySummoner wrote:

I have never found a use for a Lantern archon - though it sounds useful, an Auroch has never failed to be more useful.

Fight a tin can cleric with stoneskin up.

Your summons simply miss them, and when they connect the stoneskin eats most of the damage.

In other words, when you want some touch attacks that ignore DR.


This. They're not the most useful summon of their respective level, but their abilities are unique enough to warrant summoning them in specific circumstances. They certainly made fighting golems easier for my team.

Yeah, I typically don't view the summons as something there to help slug out against the enemy unless the numbers are weighted against us. I see it much more of a wild card, effectively serves as spontaneous casting for a small set of stuff. Gotta maximize that versatility with spontaneous casters, especially if it comes without the 20% real penalty.

Considered agile maneuvers, but it becomes sub-par as soon as you hit Large size (which you'll need to Grab medium-sized enemies).

Well the reasoning for Agile Manuevers is this:

srd wrote:
Str/Dex Bonus: Add this modifier to the eidolon's Strength and Dexterity scores, as determined by its base form. Some options available through the eidolon's evolution pool might modify these scores.

It would seem that the bonus would get added to a serpentine's dex. Thus you'll easily get quite a few +'s to your CMB as a large serp. Since with a serp. you probably won't be going for the maximum size cheese, you only need to really hit medium things which can be done with enlarge person so the difference will be quite significant. There already is a shortage on ways to boost CMB as is, granted I haven't looked at the Ultimate Books yet though.

Heh. I'll have my hands full just doing the eidolon builds I've already got for now. If you could write either of those up, I'd appreciate it.

I think I'll have them up tomorrow or later tonight.

james maissen wrote:

erik542 wrote:

A heightened create pit serves much the same purpose and leaves you with effectively more upper level spells. The damage really isn't relevant, it's the fact that they're...

Create pit caps at 30ft, heighten requires both a feat and a full round action to cast.

All of these speak more to fitting in it at a level where you're not finding so many useful spells such as you do with your 2nd and 3rd level spells list.

Still its great on a scroll for moving a fellow PC away from a full attack.

Actually if you go strictly RAW, summoner metamagics do not require the additional casting time.

PRD wrote:
Sorcerers and bards must take more time to cast a metamagic spell (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than a regular spell. If a spell's normal casting time is 1 standard action, casting a metamagic version of the spell is a full-round action for a sorcerer or bard (except for spells modified by the Quicken Spell feat, which take 1 swift action to cast). Note that this isn't the same as a spell with a 1-round casting time. Spells that take a full-round action to cast take effect in the same round that you begin casting, and you are not required to continue the invocations, gestures, and concentration until your next turn. For spells with a longer casting time, it takes an extra full-round action to cast the metamagic spell.

The additional casting time only appears affect clerics, druids, sorcerors, and bards. Any other classes with spontaneous casting abilities are unaffected. I'm pretty sure that they do mean for any spontaneous caster, but if you go by the letter the APG casters are unaffected.

Don't quite follow the Agile Maneuvers reasoning - according to the SRD it replaces Str with Dex for your CMB, right? And after your Eidolon gets the Large evolution, its Dex will always be lower. Though I agree it'd be useful until then.

The metamagic thing is a good catch, I'll include that.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
james maissen wrote:


Alter self is awesome for the eidolon. You have a huge multitentacled eidolon and suddenly it can be a nondescript human to enter into town? This is worth it. You'll want to extend & recast this with a full CL duration for reasonable stays. Worth knowing.

Take a very good look at the spell. Alter Self is not polymorph or shapechange, if it can't make that drastic an alteration to the Summoner, it can't do that to an Eidolon, the spell does not change the target's type. Nor can it do a size reduction, it's a level two polymorph spell, not Shapechange.

LazarX wrote:
james maissen wrote:


Alter self is awesome for the eidolon. You have a huge multitentacled eidolon and suddenly it can be a nondescript human to enter into town? This is worth it. You'll want to extend & recast this with a full CL duration for reasonable stays. Worth knowing.
Take a very good look at the spell. Alter Self is not polymorph or shapechange, if it can't make that drastic an alteration to the Summoner, it can't do that to an Eidolon, the spell does not change the target's type. Nor can it do a size reduction, it's a level two polymorph spell, not Shapechange.

Point me in the right direction, I read:


When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type.

Which seems like it can assume the form of any small or medium humanoid.


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erik542 wrote:

Actually if you go strictly RAW, summoner metamagics do not require the additional casting time.

Well honestly I had hoped Paizo would simply do away with the rule entirely.

That said, this seems a better FAQ question which one would assume would be extended for all spontaneous casting.

Mind you with the Summoner having so many exceptions and special rules who knows?


Sovereign Court

james maissen wrote:

In fact, by RAW you are flat wrong:

SRD wrote:

As a result, he can only use this ability when his eidolon is not summoned.

Damn, I missed that one. Good call, James. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on Summoners and still missed one of the hundred exceptions, doh!

Eidolons section is complete! All packages are now up, along with some 1st-level builds, a guide to defensive and utility evolutions, and the 10th-level "Killer Centaur" build.

KilroySummoner wrote:

Damn, I missed that one. Good call, James. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on Summoners and still missed one of the hundred exceptions, doh!

Yeah I really like the summoner class concept, but I loathe what they did to it with all of these clunky exceptions and special rules.

It makes the class write-up read like it was the 8th draft of someone's term paper where they never let anyone proof it for them.

Which is a crying shame as this class had so much potential to be awesome.

You may wish to include a section on 'house rules' for the Summoner write-up as I suspect that many of us have them in place simply to smooth out this class. From such a pool it might be easier for other DMs to pick and choose how they would like summoners to be in their world as I suspect many look at all of the special rules and simply ban them.

PS: It won't help people in PFS, but it would help out home games.

james maissen wrote:
erik542 wrote:

Actually if you go strictly RAW, summoner metamagics do not require the additional casting time.

Well honestly I had hoped Paizo would simply do away with the rule entirely.

That said, this seems a better FAQ question which one would assume would be extended for all spontaneous casting.

Mind you with the Summoner having so many exceptions and special rules who knows?


Yeah, I house-rule away myself. Though that requires fixing the arcane bloodline, but it's capstone is 100% completely broken anyways.

Sovereign Court

Saph, again I appreciate your hard work, but frankly so far someone who follows the guide will produce an underpowered summoner for combat. For example, your biped build has this full attack round:

Greatsword +5 (2d6+6)

"... this maximizes hitting power. When Enlarged this boasts a greatsword attack dealing an impressive 3d6+7 damage ..."

This damage is less than half compared to a Biped with Summoners Call (Strength), power attack feat, and the evolutions Bite and Str+2:

Bite: +5, d6+7 and Claw: +5, d4+7 and Claw: +5, d4+7

Or evolutions of Bite, Improved Bite and Reach:

Bite: +4, d6+9 and Claw: +4, d4+6 and Claw: +4, d4+6

Your damage range is 8-18 instead of 24-35. Hardly maximized hitting power. Not to mention you can only attack/kill one NPC instead of up to 3 per round.

I appreciate that you want to give people lots of options but you fail to mention arguably the most important option: the summoner maximized for combat effectiveness. This would include Half-Elf, Biped, Improved Bite, Trip-Bite, Resistance and other things that are underrated in your guide for other builds.

Shadow Lodge

james maissen wrote:

When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type.
Which seems like it can assume the form of any small or medium humanoid.

Which is exactly what it does for 1m/ level which is the big limiter for this. One of the developers was talking about a dragon or another huge creature using alter self for exactly this purpose.

I do not believe it would let you remove the big glowing rune from your eidolon's forehead since it specifically says that cannot be concealed magically.

Unfortunately almost all of the ways to shrink your eidolon are limited to 1m/ level. It's also worth mentioning that spells take a standard action to dismiss so it probably makes more sense to not bring your eidolon into town and use summon eidolon if you need to get your eidlon in a pinch.

Shadow Lodge

So... weird strategy thought.

For a high level summoner it might make more sense to wear a second level ring of wizardry and take Spell Perfection (Summon Eidolon) then use quicken to summon your eidolon rather than keep it around. You get to place the eidolon strategically and maintain use of your SLA.

If augment summoning works when you summon your eidolon in this way (did the developers ever address that?) that makes it even more viable.

Heck at low levels you might be able to use extend with the Magical Lineage trait to use him most of the time too. Only fully summoning the eidolon when you run out of SLA uses or second level spells.

KilroySummoner wrote:

Saph, again I appreciate your hard work, but frankly so far someone who follows the guide will produce an underpowered summoner for combat. For example, your biped build has this full attack round:

Greatsword +5 (2d6+6)

"... this maximizes hitting power. When Enlarged this boasts a greatsword attack dealing an impressive 3d6+7 damage ..."

This damage is less than half compared to a Biped with Summoners Call (Strength), power attack feat, and the evolutions Bite and Str+2:

Bite: +5, d6+7 and Claw: +5, d4+7 and Claw: +5, d4+7

Let's look at some numbers.

Subtracting Summoner's Call, which everyone can take (and expecting to always have 1 minute's notice of a fight assumes an extremely generous DM) that gives a full attack routine of Bite +4 (1d6+6) and 2 claws +4 (1d4+6). Against AC 15, this gives an expected damage per round of about 13. The Slugger build has a DPR of 7 in the same situation, so if the enemy starts its turn 5 feet away from you, the natural attack build is obviously better.

However, combat does not consist solely of creatures standing next to each other and trading full attacks. If your build has to move and attack, its expected damage drops to 5, while the Slugger's stays exactly the same, at 7. In addition, the Slugger can expect to get at least one AoO in the battle due to its 10-foot reach, doubling its effective damage per round. The other advantage of the greatsword build is that it gives you mobility. The greatsword build can move and attack: the three-natural-weapons Eidolon can only effectively hit things if the enemies finish their turn within 5 feet of it. So in a mobile battle, the Slugger build is better.

This isn't to say your high-Strength Biped is bad - it's not, it's a very good way to build an Eidolon. But it's not the only way and it's not necessarily the best way. So please tone down the "I'm an expert and anyone who disagrees with me is an idiot" attitude.

Nom-beast: Meant to out-right kill one person at a time while not being a glass cannon. (Biped half-elf build)
Level 1:
Bite, Energy
Level 5:
Bite, Slam, Energy, Trip, 3 left for setting appropriate
IUS, Improved Grapple (qualify for this by taking advantage of ability score increase, and later put a point into dex at level 5)
Stat boost: Dex
Level 10:
You should get your Eidolon a +2 dex belt before making it large
Large, Swallow Whole, Bite, Grab (bite), Improved Damage (bite), Reach (bite), 4 left for preference / aspect
IUS, Improved Grapple, INA (bite), Greater Grapple (I like this over lunge here to make eating quick and easy)
Stat boost: Con
Level 15:
a +4 dex belt shouldn't be too taxing by level 13
Huge, Swallow Whole, Bite, Grab, ID, Reach, 5 extra
IUS, IG, INA, GG, Lunge, preference
Stat: I like Int for the sudden burst in skills.
Level 20:
Same basic build except a lot more room for things with 13 evos left
An additional 2 spare feats

Notes: The breathing room comes from not worrying about the full round attack. Combat should go as follows:
Charge, Grab
Eat, Grab
If you can eat a caster you don't have to worry about it casting inside because the check is 10+spell level+CMB. They can't make ~50+level at level 20. Another anti-caster tactic is to boost up that acrobatics and use an evo for a +8 and skill focus for another +6 (total +29@level20) and simply charge up to the caster and eat them.

0gre wrote:

If augment summoning works when you summon your eidolon in this way (did the developers ever address that?) that makes it even more viable.

Of course it works it's a summoning spell.

Mind you the rub comes from whether or not you can summon the eidolon with gear or without.


james maissen wrote:
0gre wrote:

If augment summoning works when you summon your eidolon in this way (did the developers ever address that?) that makes it even more viable.

Of course it works it's a summoning spell.

Mind you the rub comes from whether or not you can summon the eidolon with gear or without.


Yeah, the rules are silent on this issue.

Shadow Lodge

james maissen wrote:
0gre wrote:

If augment summoning works when you summon your eidolon in this way (did the developers ever address that?) that makes it even more viable.

Of course it works it's a summoning spell.

Mind you the rub comes from whether or not you can summon the eidolon with gear or without.

Fair enough. This just makes the idea of using the Summon Eidolon spell more appealing.

Scarab Sages

<Flank Buddy> (1st Level)

Form: quadruped
AC: 19 (23 with mage armor, stacking 27 shield)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40'
Size: Small
Ability Scores: <10 16 13 7 10 11>
Chosen Skills: <Acrobatics(1)> +15, <Sleight of Hand(1)> +7, <2 others>
Base Skills: <Perception(1)> +12, <Stealth(1)> +11
Feats: Dodge (1st)
Evolutions (base): bite, limbs(legs), limbs(legs)
Evolutions (extra): Skilled(Acrobatics)(1), Skilled(Perception)(1), Imp Nat Armor(1)
Attack Routine: Bite +2 (1d4+0)
Notes: This build walks point. He has the best perception bonus of anyone in the party. If he sets off a trap that does more than 15-20 points damage, he will be back tomorrow, with a hangover, instead of dead. In a battle, he uses acrobatics to move through threatened squares with near immunity to get into flank. Readying to aid another once a compatriot moves to their flank position, then performs Aid Another so the compatriot gets a combined +4 to their attack. He doesn't take Weapon Finesse, because feats cannot be swapped out when he transmogrifies into a strength based attacker later. Dodge is always nice, but pick a feat that will be useful throughout his career. He is not the kill stealing star of the show. He makes everyone elses jobs safer and easier.

Accompanying Summoner:
Str 16, Cha 12, Heirloom Greatsword, does 2d6+4 damage, with either +5, +7 or +9 to hit. Spells: Shield, Expeditious Retreat. If the party doesn't have planning or surprise, neither spell is a required cast. But, when you have the timing advantage, they are quite useful. This summoner should be built for fighting.
PFS: After the 1st, module, pick up a wand of Mage Armor for 2PA. 2nd module, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon.

Flank Buddy and Nom-Beast added to Sample Builds. Thanks to erik and Elyza!

Chapter 8: Summoned Monsters is up. Guide is very nearly complete.

0gre wrote:

Fair enough. This just makes the idea of using the Summon Eidolon spell more appealing.

The cost for doing it is very high. Too high imho.

With the compressed nature of the summoner's spell list quicken spell is basically the equivalent of a +6 level increase in wizard/sorcerer terms.

Anything that is a +3 bump in levels or more will be limited to 3rd level spells or less, making lesser rods the preferable way of dealing with things here. Heck even for a +2 bump you're just talking 4th level spells bumped to max level that would require a normal rod to achieve.

While spell perfection will work for one spell, the other metamagics it requires will not see as much if any use here as with a sorcerer or the like.

Consider with spending 4 feats and 15 ranks in spellcraft that you should be getting more use than what you are describing.

Reach spell might see some use, and the rod is limited to a +1 bump it might not be able to replace having the feat. But how many say touch spells need to be medium range at levels past 15?

A normal rod for a +1 bump metamagic isn't all that pricey either.

And I'm not even sure what you'd look for in the 3rd metamagic feat, perhaps persistent? Also much better in a rod, imho. Perhaps Still spell as there's not a rod for it.

In general though you are never going to be applying more than one metamagic feat to a single spell so metamagic rods will almost always be a better way to go when available... making spell perfection far too costly for this kind of trick... which honestly has it's own limitations (in regards to buffs and gear).

It was a cute idea though,


Kitty! (half-elf quadruped)

Level 1:
Claws, pounce, Improved damage (claws)
Power Attack

Level 5:
Claws, pounce, Improved damage (claws), Energy attacks, 4 extras
Power Attack, Improved Overrun

Level 10:
Claws (2), Legs, Pounce, ID, Energy, Large, Rend, 2 extras
Power Attack, Improved Overrun, Charge Through, Greater Overrun

Level 15:
Claws (2), Legs, Pounce, Huge, 6 extras
PA, IO, CT, GO, Dazing Assault, 1 other

Level 20:
Claws (3), Legs (2), Pounce, Huge, 13 extra
PA, IO, CT, Dazing, GO, 3 others

Strategy, Charge Squishy, daze squishy, also with greater overrun your AoO can be used to daze the clanky that you had to charge through. This build switches focus when it hits level 14. It switches from a DPR build to a BC build. At the start it tries to either completely mow down or otherwise take the squishy out of the fight. When it gets Dazing Assault, it tries to go the stun lock route throwing multiple DC 20+ saves at the bad guys. This can just about completely lock down 2 people. This kind of build will probably go with a Rod of Dazing Spell just to maximize the amount of dazing.

Sovereign Court

james maissen wrote:
0gre wrote:

If augment summoning works when you summon your eidolon in this way (did the developers ever address that?) that makes it even more viable.

Of course it works it's a summoning spell.

Mind you the rub comes from whether or not you can summon the eidolon with gear or without.


I would think that it would come with gear...I mean, when you summon a Bralani Azata it comes with his magical scimitar, no? The gear would just go back with the Eidolon once the spell ended, regardless of whether he dropped it or not.

In Fang Vs Blade - Whether to Wield a Weapon in post #6:

Natural Weapons also get an additional attack from haste, referenced here

Torinath wrote:

In Fang Vs Blade - Whether to Wield a Weapon in post #6:

Natural Weapons also get an additional attack from haste, referenced here

Is there an official errata somewhere? The text of Pathfinder Haste is pretty specific that it only works on weapons the creature is holding.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bomanz wrote:
reallybigtuna wrote:

Pg. 60 of the Advanced Players Guide
"Unless otherwise noted, each evolution can only be selected once."


Simple answer.... free evolutions are not selected... the wording specifically states evolutions cannot be selected more than once, unless otherwise stated.

Saph7 wrote:
Torinath wrote:

In Fang Vs Blade - Whether to Wield a Weapon in post #6:

Natural Weapons also get an additional attack from haste, referenced here

Is there an official errata somewhere? The text of Pathfinder Haste is pretty specific that it only works on weapons the creature is holding.

Not that I could find, but there is a response by James Jacobs. You can value that how you like.

I am surprised Dodge did not make an appearance in the Eidolon feat selection. It may not be flashy, but it is a solid choice that is always relevant. Regardless what form your Eidolon may take.

For the flank buddy summoner: I think the Precise Strike teamwork feat could be very effective (but both the summoner and Eidolon have to take it of course). It may encourage other party members to pick it up as well. Just a fun idea that occurred to me :)

First off, thankyou for making this guide. You are doing a great job and it is interesting to see all the different ways someone can go with the class, I think I would have to play a number of Summoner's before getting bored (currently playing the Halfling who dresses as a little girl and calls on her 'friend' and mount who speaks common with an English accent and fights in the front line with her fake mother the Paladin. But now in the future I will probably at some stage play a half-elf to get the large evolution pool). My current pair are both very skill focused. For the halfing it is Ride and UMD and for the Eidolon it is Stealth, Survival, Sense Motive and Perception. I have also taken Combat Reflexs and Bodyguard so whenever the Summoner is attacked on the Eidolon's back she uses Ride to get Cover and the Eidolon uses Bodyguard to Aid Other and this is level 3 and a +6 to AC, next level with the Shield Ally she will have a +8 to AC.

Now to what I think you overlooked in the Fang vs Blade: the Summoner gets Greater Magic Fang but not Greater Magic Weapon. You get it at Level 7 where 1/hr per level means all day and it is an all day Amulet of Might Fist +1 for a multi-natural attack Eidolon and one level away from being a Amulet of Mighty Fist +2 for a single attack Eidolon and at level 8 an armed Eidolon probably would be lucky to have 4 +1 Weapons or 1 +2 weapon, also Greater Magic Fang isn't gear so you don't have to carry it around until you summon the Eidolon.

This when added to the above poster's link about Haste effecting Natural Attacks I think definately tips the scales.

Here is an Eidolon build for consideration. Generally, I would go more for flavor and make the Eidolon as dragon-like as possible. Getting the claws and Tail Slap ASAP, but this is more for optimization.

1st level:
<Mounted (a.k.a. Dragon in-training> (1st Level)
Form: <quadruped>
AC: 14 (10 Base, +2 NA, +2 Dex)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40’
Ability Scores: <Str 16 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11>
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Fly +6, Stealth +6, Perception +4,
Feats: Power Attack (1st)
Evolutions (base): Bite, Limbs(legs)x2
Evolutions (extra): Ability Increase(Str)(2), Mount(1)
Attack Routine: Bite +3 (1d6+5)
Notes: With a Human with MWP(Lance) and Mounted Combat and Enlarge Person on the Eidolon.

5th level:
<Mounted (a.k.a. Dragon in-training> (5th Level)
Form: <quadruped>
AC: 19 (10 Base, +2 NA, +4 AB, +3 Dex)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40’
Ability Scores: <Str 19 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11>
Skills: Acrobatics +10, Fly +14, Stealth +10, Perception +7,
Feats: Power Attack (1st), Flyby Attack (3rd)
Evolutions (base): Bite, Limbs(legs)x2
Evolutions (extra): Ability Increase(Strength)(2), Bite(1), Claws(1), Mount(1), Flight(2), Pounce(1)
Attack Routine: Bite +6 (1d6+12), 2 claws +6 (1d4+4)
Notes: Human will now have Ride-by Attack.

10th level:
<Mounted (a.k.a. Dragon in-training> (10th Level)
Form: <quadruped>
AC: 25 (10 Base, +2 NA, +8 AB, +3 Dex, +2 NA(Large), +1 Dodge, -1 Size)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40’
Ability Scores: <Str 30 Dex 16 Con 17 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11>
Skills: Acrobatics +14, Fly +14, Stealth +14, Perception +11,
Feats: Power Attack (1st), Flyby Attack (3rd), Dodge
Evolutions (base): Bite, Limbs(legs)x2
Evolutions (extra): Ability Increase(Strength)(2), Bite(1), Claws(1), Large(4), Mount(1), Flight(2), Pounce(2), Tail(1), Tail Slap(1)
Attack Routine: Bite +15 (1d8+24), 2 claws +15 (1d4+16), and Tail Slap +13(1d6+8)
Notes: Human will now have Spirited Charge.

EDIT: I still think Claws, and pounce may be better than Ability Increase at level 1. Given that you should be charging as much as possible and getting a +2 to attack.

Shadow Lodge


With Summon Monster I Riding Dog is still legal and still the best melee summons by a long shot.

Scarab Sages

Regarding when Imp Natural Armor can be taken, Joshua said

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

As for the Improved Natural Armor evolution, that last sentence is unfortunately not very clear. Here's the intent and how you should handle it until the class is finalized:

The intent was that you could take it at level 1, level 10, level 15, and level 20. So it should read something like, "This evolution may be taken once for every five levels the summoner possesses, minimum level 1." So you could take it at level 1, but then you'd need ten summoner levels to take it again (level 10), 15 summoner levels to take it a third time, and 20 summoner levels to take it a fourth time.

Hope this helps!

so that should tip the balance on the issue that you noted under Other Evolutions. But, since it didn't make it into the official errata, it is still open for interpretation.

Torinath wrote:
For the flank buddy summoner: I think the Precise Strike teamwork feat could be very effective (but both the summoner and Eidolon have to take it of course). It may encourage other party members to pick it up as well. Just a fun idea that occurred to me :)

I have that with my flank buddy battle llama. But, since Precise Strike requires +1 BAB, they wait to take the feat at level 3. Buying an Amulet of Mighty Fists +0 Shocking at about level 4, the eidolon's claw/claw/bite routine starts to rack up serious damage potential at 7d6+2d4+6 for medium.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
james maissen wrote:
LazarX wrote:
james maissen wrote:


Alter self is awesome for the eidolon. You have a huge multitentacled eidolon and suddenly it can be a nondescript human to enter into town? This is worth it. You'll want to extend & recast this with a full CL duration for reasonable stays. Worth knowing.
Take a very good look at the spell. Alter Self is not polymorph or shapechange, if it can't make that drastic an alteration to the Summoner, it can't do that to an Eidolon, the spell does not change the target's type. Nor can it do a size reduction, it's a level two polymorph spell, not Shapechange.

Point me in the right direction, I read:


When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type.

Which seems like it can assume the form of any small or medium humanoid.


One has to keep in mind that when the spell text was written, the ONLY possible target at the time was the caster. I believe that my interpretation follows RAI.

@Torinath: your 10th lvl evolution has 2 points to much, STR+2 costs you 4 evolution points, as your eidolon is large. Made the same mistake, and yes, it sucks.

PeteZero wrote:
@Torinath: your 10th lvl evolution has 2 points to much, STR+2 costs you 4 evolution points, as your eidolon is large. Made the same mistake, and yes, it sucks.

Where does it say the ability cost is double for a large Eidolon? Nvm, just found it. They really should put that text in the ability increase evo section. I added energy attacks instead. I also forgot the size penalty to its attacks.

It is a good thing you said something, He should be legal now.
10th level:
<Mounted (a.k.a. Dragon in-training> (10th Level)
Form: <quadruped>
AC: 25 (10 Base, +2 NA, +8 AB, +3 Dex, +2 NA(Large), +1 Dodge, -1 Size)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40’
Ability Scores: <Str 28 Dex 16 Con 17 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11>
Skills: Acrobatics +14, Fly +14, Stealth +14, Perception +11,
Feats: Power Attack (1st), Flyby Attack (3rd), Dodge
Evolutions (base): Bite, Limbs(legs)x2
Evolutions (extra): Bite(1), Claws(1), Energy Attacks(2) Large(4), Mount(1), Flight(2), Pounce(1), Tail(1), Tail Slap(1)
Attack Routine: Bite +13 (1d8+1d6+22), 2 claws +13 (1d4+1d6+15), and Tail Slap +11(1d6+1d6+7)
Notes: Human will now have Spirited Charge.

Yes, it is hidden, should be under ability increase.

Btw., for a large eidolon claws are 1d6 and tail 1d8.

LazarX wrote:

One has to keep in mind that when the spell text was written, the ONLY possible target at the time was the caster. I believe that my interpretation follows RAI.

This is incorrect on several levels.

First familiars always qualified. You could cast alter self to make your small little house cat into a scrawny medium sized dwarf.

Second non-humanoid casters are not prohibited from casting this spell. There's nothing to stop a colossal dragon from casting this spell to become a small sized halfling.

If the RAI for this spell was to limit by the caster's type then they sorely failed in this. That other posters here have mentioned developers talking about dragons casting this spell for disguise speaks against this, however. Even if it wasn't originally intended by the Paizo folks, they've admitted it and accepted it.

I do grant you that all of the polymorph spells seem to assume a small/medium sized caster. I think that this is a mistake personally. Also it is a mistake hiding the modifications to these spells when cast by someone of different size than those two outside of the individual spell descriptions. I would hope that the online SRD entries would at the very least link if not paste in a copy of these alterations.


FAQ section added! Just Items left to do now.

LazarX wrote:

One has to keep in mind that when the spell text was written, the ONLY possible target at the time was the caster. I believe that my interpretation follows RAI.

This is incorrect on several levels.

First familiars always qualified. You could cast alter self to make your small little house cat into a scrawny medium sized dwarf.

Second non-humanoid casters are not prohibited from casting this spell. There's nothing to stop a colossal dragon from casting this spell to become a small sized halfling.

If the RAI for this spell was to limit by the caster's type then they sorely failed in this. That other posters here have mentioned developers talking about dragons casting this spell for disguise speaks against this, however. Even if it wasn't originally intended by the Paizo folks, they've admitted it and accepted it.

I do grant you that all of the polymorph spells seem to assume a small/medium sized caster. I think that this is a mistake personally. Also it is a mistake hiding the modifications to these spells when cast by someone of different size than those two outside of the individual spell descriptions. I would hope that the online SRD entries would at the very least link if not paste in a copy of these alterations.


Items section is (mostly) complete. Post any suggestions.

Guide is very close to finished now. I'll go back through and do a final edit, then I'll be more or less done.

Scarab Sages

The first item to buy for the eidolon, who is natural attack based, is the Amulet of Natural Fists, +0, (element of preference). For 5,000 gp, it is adding 3.5 average damage per attack, while the Belt of strength +2 is adding +1 damage, or +1.5 if it is power attacking, for a cost of 4,000 gp. If crafting is available in your game, adding Amulet of Natural Armor to the AoMF would be +3,000 gp for +1, or +12,000 gp for +2.

For the summoner, a Ring of Forcefangs should be near the top of the shopping list. Negate Magic Missle, and add the spell to my repertoire? Yes.

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