JiCi |

JiCi wrote:WotC IP, means we can't do anything with them.- Displacer Beast
- Slaads
- Modrons
Really ? Well, that's sad...
But thanks for reminding me that we need more Spinxes.
Well, the sphinx's entry says something about the androsphinx... but there's no entry on such a creature in the Bestiary. Since there are a lot more sphinxes, might as well ask for them.
Finally, can someone please explain to me how does the whole legal stuff work ? The way I see it, the Pathfinder Bestiaries borrow a LOT of monsters from WotC's books, some of which first appeared in 1st edition or 2nd edition books. So, how come some are okay and some are not ? Technically speaking, if I wish to request monsters, from what books I should based my selection upon ?

Liz Courts Contributor |

So, how come some are okay and some are not ? Technically speaking, if I wish to request monsters, from what books I should based my selection upon ?
Some are not okay because there were developed in-house are are not part of the System Reference Document, which means they are not Open Game Content and can't be used by third-party publishers (note that there are a few exceptions to this).
Honestly, your best suggestions should come from real-world mythology, as those are freely available to everybody. Also, they score bonus points with the editorial staff when you run across creatures they haven't heard of yet. :)

Goth Guru |

JiCi wrote:WotC IP, means we can't do anything with them.- Displacer Beast
- Slaads
- Modrons
That's because I haven't finished the write up yet.
Order Loving Geometric GolemsThese things that reside in the plane of pure law are made of an unfamiliar alloy. They come in several forms.
Type I Sphere
Type II 4 sided pyramid
Type III Cube
Type IV 8 sided spindle
Type V 10 sider triangle formed
Type VI 12 sided pentagon formed
Type VII 20 sided triangle formed
Type VIII 30 sider (very rare)
Type IX The unique godlike 100 sider.
They all have spirits of purest lawful neutral anchored inside of their hull by a soul symbol. Their eyes(1 per roman numeral) can be closed and their limbs can be retracted (2 arms and 2 legs seemed practical) allowing them to roll for charges and running speed.
Thus a OLGG Sphere is size M and can slam for 2D6 with at least a 10 start. It might have 4D10+20 before class levels. Perhaps Int, Wis, Charisma 5Xtype number.
Name: OLGG Sphere CR:
Type: Construct(ExtraplanarLawful) Terrain:Urban Climate:ExtraPlanar
Alignment:Lawful Neutral Size: M Type(Subtype): Construct(ExtraplanarLawful)
Init: ; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision Perception +0
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
AC 20 Touch 10 Flat footed 20 ;(+10natural )
Hp 24 (2D10+20)
Fort N/A ,Ref 1 ,Will 1
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Space Reach
Spell-Like Abilities:
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Str ,Dex ,Con ,Int ,Wis ,Cha
Base Atk. ;CMB ;CMD
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Environment Usually the pure law of Niravana.
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Special Abilities
___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Sladds never were very CN. More like CE.
CE should be represented by cartoon character like creatures. Call them Free Spirits.

Benicio Del Espada |

More interesting CR 15-20 monsters. Some of us like to play at high levels, and not all monsters are the end of a quest, but a stepping-stone to the next chapter.
Perhaps, down the road, a book full of high-CR monsters just might be profitable, and the possibilities for new creatures with a Cthulu theme is just too tasty to overlook.

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And I have to add in a "me too" on votes for non-gorgeous celestials and more asuras and oni and otheriwse untouched as yet outsiders.
All that and Divs.
And scary good angels of the "burning wheel" and "thousand tongues and eyes" variety. Maybe like the celestial equivalent of the qlippoth: Good in completely alien form. Mindbreakingly alien if they aren't careful.

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Like beings possessed of a common morality with the usual angels, but with a completely alien way of approaching it perhaps?
Maybe they casually hand out "I have no mouth and I must scream" style punishments to the wicked for crimes the usual good folks can't even percieve or consider worthy of such fates, as well as avoiding the usual "smite evil" approach. Hm...

see |

Dragon78 wrote:You mean like an oragami golem,recycled golem, or tin man...scarecrow(already have)...nevermindsee wrote:Styrofoam golems, obviously.These would not be bad things.
Styrofoam isn't exactly in-genre for Pathfinder, though. (GURPS, sure, or D20 Modern.) And trademark issues mean you have to call it a Foamed Polystyrene Golem anyway.

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Dragon78 wrote:Qlippoth equivalent Good aligned Outsiders sounds interesting. Alien good to counter the "old ones", "elder gods", etc version of evil and/or chaos.No thank you.
flashbacks of Kthanid and the other Lumley *good twin* Mythos creatures
Eh, horrifyingly alien angels predate Lovecraft by quite a bit actually. SENIORITY! :)

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Candarian Demon (as from The Evil Dead)
Dragon78 wrote:Qlippoth equivalent Good aligned Outsiders sounds interesting. Alien good to counter the "old ones", "elder gods", etc version of evil and/or chaos.No thank you.
On the other hand, I'm totally down for "horrifyingly alien angels". I just wouldn't set them as a counter-balancing force against the Old Ones / Dark Tapestry, as the Lovecraftian community has a strong bias against such concepts.
Oh, and while we're on the topic of Lovecraft:

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Personally I would like more Templates, Dragons, Familiars (even though there will be some in the Ultimate Magic book), Animal Companions, Plants, Creatures for Urban Environments (Since that is where I set most of my games!), Humanoid Races, and Golems. Of course unique monsters are always appreciated as well.

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I'm just not a fan of the artificial symetry that the gamem seems to have at some times. Just because the qlippoth exist, does a equivalent celestial race HAVE to exist? Besides, if they do, why are THEY so few in number? Angels killing them off in a manner akin to the demon-qlippoth wars would seem odd.
But if you do use this, might I suggest the game Bayonetta for some inspiration?

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I'm just not a fan of the artificial symetry that the gamem seems to have at some times. Just because the qlippoth exist, does a equivalent celestial race HAVE to exist? Besides, if they do, why are THEY so few in number? Angels killing them off in a manner akin to the demon-qlippoth wars would seem odd.
But if you do use this, might I suggest the game Bayonetta for some inspiration?
They don't have to mirror the qlippoth in their relationship with mainstream celestials. They could simply be those beings so far removed from the Material Plane that their shapes and psyches just plain don't mesh well with it, and they don't often have interactions with it(or most of the Upper Planes that we see).
Funny you should mention Bayonetta. A friend of mine made an aasimar Summoner whose Eidolon was inspired by those angel designs and the bizarre ancient angel descriptions as they were originally envisioned(which was what inspired Bayonetta's designs). Disturbing cloud of baby faces and scythes for arms. Lawful Good.
Alternately, there are a lot of alien worlds in the material plane. The Spathi and Ur-Quan need celestials watching over their shoulders too, y'know. ;)

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1. fey: sidhe, underwater panther, nimerigar, cupid
2. animals: mongoose, vulture, kangaroo, rabbit, aspidochelone
3. magical beasts: death worm, thunderbird, kelpie, akhlut
4. humanoids: adlet, sasquatch, pukwudgie, myrmidons
5. undead: tlahuelpuchi, baykok
6. plant: umdhlebi
7. light based creatures, counter to shadows
Most are from folklore and prolly need new names...

Dragon78 |

Death worm, Thunder bird, and Kelpie are already in Beastiary 2.
I prefer the term Alien Celestials(not angels) for strange good aligned outsiders. Also they are not counterparts to the old ones, what I meant was they were just alien in form. who said anything about angels(or any other celestials for that matter) killing them.

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I'd prefer:Great Race
Elder Things
Star Spawn
The Great Race is a specifically Terran culture/race. It'd be like having Russians or Atlanteans in Golarion!
Elder Things have a significant likelihood of being extinct, but I guess are possible. However, on Golarion, at least, the Aboleth pretty much fill every role the Elder Things filled in "At The Mountains of Madness". They'd be redundant.
Star Spawn are tied pretty tightly to Cthulhu, who is imprisoned on Earth; I guess other Xothians may have seeped to a different world independently of the High Priest of Yog-Sothoth, but I wouldn't want to be the guy responsible for inventing a non-Cthulhu-centric culture for them, not after Lumley's debacle!
Mi-Go are definitely a possibility, but keeping in mind that Mi-Go as most gamers imagine them are the IP of Chaosium. Without licensing, Paizo would be forced to go a different route based on the contradictory and vague descriptions Lovecraft provided in "The Whisperer in Darkness".

Eric Hinkle |

Eric Hinkle wrote:
And I have to add in a "me too" on votes for non-gorgeous celestials and more asuras and oni and otheriwse untouched as yet outsiders.All that and Divs.
And scary good angels of the "burning wheel" and "thousand tongues and eyes" variety. Maybe like the celestial equivalent of the qlippoth: Good in completely alien form. Mindbreakingly alien if they aren't careful.
Yes yes yes. I so want to see terrible and awesome angels in Pathfinder of the "Dude! What is THAT?" variety.

JiCi |

Kthulhu wrote:I'm just not a fan of the artificial symetry that the gamem seems to have at some times. Just because the qlippoth exist, does a equivalent celestial race HAVE to exist? Besides, if they do, why are THEY so few in number? Angels killing them off in a manner akin to the demon-qlippoth wars would seem odd.
But if you do use this, might I suggest the game Bayonetta for some inspiration?
They don't have to mirror the qlippoth in their relationship with mainstream celestials. They could simply be those beings so far removed from the Material Plane that their shapes and psyches just plain don't mesh well with it, and they don't often have interactions with it(or most of the Upper Planes that we see).
Funny you should mention Bayonetta. A friend of mine made an aasimar Summoner whose Eidolon was inspired by those angel designs and the bizarre ancient angel descriptions as they were originally envisioned(which was what inspired Bayonetta's designs). Disturbing cloud of baby faces and scythes for arms. Lawful Good.
Alternately, there are a lot of alien worlds in the material plane. The Spathi and Ur-Quan need celestials watching over their shoulders too, y'know. ;)
Monstruous angels, or good outsiders, would be interesting. We don't really have that kind of monster.

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The Great Race is a specifically Terran culture/race. It'd be like having Russians or Atlanteans in Golarion!
That's funny, I'm pretty sure they originate on Yith. Thus with their full title: the Great Race of Yith. The ruggose cones were not their original bodies, any more so than the beetles were, or those humans who have been possessed by them. They've been on a million worlds across a billion light-years.
Elder Things have a significant likelihood of being extinct...
On Earth. Like the Great Race, they aren't originally from here. As for being "redundant", so are half the races/monsters in the game. Doesn't stop them from being fun.
Star Spawn are tied pretty tightly to Cthulhu, who is imprisoned on Earth...
I'm getting the feeling that you didn't see the posting that James Jacobs made a little while back that said he's rethought the whole "strongly associated with Earth" thing. And once again, not originally from here.
Mi-Go are definitely a possibility, but keeping in mind that Mi-Go as most gamers imagine them are the IP of Chaosium. Without licensing, Paizo would be forced to go a different route based on the contradictory and vague descriptions Lovecraft provided in "The Whisperer in Darkness".
Which wouldn't bother me a bit. Hell, Kobold Quarterly #6 had an interesting version in it's "Ecology of the Phantom Fungus" article.

Kain Darkwind |

Creatures from other planets
Cthulhu mythos monsters
Edgar Rice Burroughs monsters (mahar, sagoth, gryf, any and all things from off planet)
Vampire/lich lords
High girallons
Monkey people
More megafauna/dire animals
NOT a lot of new themed Golems/Giants/Elementals.

Goth Guru |

weirmonken wrote:Oh, and while we're on the topic of Lovecraft:
I'd prefer:
Great Race
Elder Things
Star Spawn
Mi-GoHell, I want 'em all. Give me the Malleus Monstrorum (PFRPG). Feel free to exclude the Lumley 'good twin' crap, though.
Don't forget the Primordial Ones.
They wait trapped in the polar ice.If someone thaws them out they might disect some people to see how their creation has evolved. At first glance they may be mistaken for some kind of Xorn. :)

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weirmonken wrote:Oh, and while we're on the topic of Lovecraft:
I'd prefer:
Great Race
Elder Things
Star Spawn
Mi-GoHell, I want 'em all. Give me the Malleus Monstrorum (PFRPG). Feel free to exclude the Lumley 'good twin' crap, though.
Don't worry about a lot of Lumley creations. Chaosium ran into some serious licensing problems thanks to 'Curse of the Chthonians', and faced a lawsuit until they managed to smooth things over. Unlike many mythos writers, Lumley doesn't appreciate other people using his creations without consent. Further, we haven't seen much evidence that the Paizo folks are looking beyond the original Lovecraft circle for inspiration, staying strictly with the pulp.
That said, I'd rather not see Cthulhu or his Star Spawn. I love the big guy, no doubt, but he's such an overexposed concept that porting him to Golarion would be jarring.
Likewise, I might be interested in seeing the Elder Things, but as recently arrived scientists / scouts / colonists, not part of an ancient empire. I think by placing them in a different context they could be reinvigorated, but I don't want to see the Mountains of Madness in Golarion.
As far as the Yithians go... Eh. I love 'em, but are they a robust enough creation to stay interesting outside of the context of Earth's pre- and post- history? I don't know.
However, I think that the Fungi from Yuggoth, despite being CoC's most heavily over-used critter, would be fun on Golarion. I'd especially like to see some K'n-Yani / Fungi face-offs.

Zombieneighbours |

Goth Guru wrote:or anyone who is owned by a cat knows they are not Int. 2 or less.My cat cannot work lever faucets, despite having the strength and desire to do so; does not understand that I don't control the weather; has not, in 13 years, figured out that cars can't chase her onto the sidewalk; is utterly incapable of speaking a single word of any human language, and the number she understands can be counted on one hand; and licks plastic bags as a hobby.
By what standard are you giving her human intelligence?
Animal intelligence is a funny old thing, there are crows which are capable of understanding displacement, and utterlising it to aquire food and can spacially map hundreds of unique hiding places and remember them for years. This is something we have good reason to beleive to humans most of our history to grasp.
While Goth Guru is undoubtly anthrophorphising and exagerating the abilities of the animals mentioned(the choice of animals is a dead give away) it is worth pointing out that what exactly makes up intelligence is not something you can easily define, and just because your cat behaves in the manner you describe, that it lacks high levels of intelligence. All it means is that it lack high levels of the variaties of intelligence which possess.

Chris Gunter |

Starsunder |
Might sound crazy, but I would totally dig monsters that were based on monsters from video games.
Like in the bestiary 2 thread when I mentioned I'd love to see Granfaloon from Symphony of the Night; that thing would be an awesome monster! Even if you couldn't call it Granfaloon, the idea behind the monster is awesome enough.
Some other video game beasties..
-the 4 fiends of the elements from Final Fantasy IV (based off of fiends from Divine Comedy): Scarmiglione of the earth, Cagnazzo of water, Barbariccia of the air, and Rubicante of fire.
-Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy (a six armed humanoid of unknown origin who is a master of weapons)
-Malphas from Castlevania; described in Ars Goetia as a prince of hell. A demon king of ravens in the Castlevania series.
-Amduscias/Hell-fire Beast; powerful unicorn demon from Castlevania that throws lighting bolts. Referred to as the musician from Hell under it's bestiary entry.
Anyways, you get the idea. Even if you couldn't use the exact monster, there are tons that have great ideas. Just some food for thought!

Kain Darkwind |

-the 4 fiends of the elements from Final Fantasy IV (based off of fiends from Divine Comedy): Scarmiglione of the earth, Cagnazzo of water, Barbariccia of the air, and Rubicante of fire.
These four names are already some of the malebranche, uber-cornugons assigned a world to lead into Hell.

Starsunder |
Starsunder wrote:-the 4 fiends of the elements from Final Fantasy IV (based off of fiends from Divine Comedy): Scarmiglione of the earth, Cagnazzo of water, Barbariccia of the air, and Rubicante of fire.These four names are already some of the malebranche, uber-cornugons assigned a world to lead into Hell.
Oh, well I guess they can be scratched off the list then. :p
While I'm thinking about it, is the Monster Manual 5 open? I'd like to see the Master of the Wild Hunt and it's hound redone for PF.

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Kain Darkwind wrote:Starsunder wrote:-the 4 fiends of the elements from Final Fantasy IV (based off of fiends from Divine Comedy): Scarmiglione of the earth, Cagnazzo of water, Barbariccia of the air, and Rubicante of fire.These four names are already some of the malebranche, uber-cornugons assigned a world to lead into Hell.Oh, well I guess they can be scratched off the list then. :p
While I'm thinking about it, is the Monster Manual 5 open? I'd like to see the Master of the Wild Hunt and it's hound redone for PF.
No, no it was not open. Essentially nothing WotC put out for D&D was open content but the core books.
The idea of a Master of the Wild Hunt, though, that's from mythology and could easily be redone for Pathfinder at some point in time, perhaps as one of the members of the Tane.

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No, no it was not open. Essentially nothing WotC put out for D&D was open content but the core books.
Small correction: the majority of material from: Expanded Psionics Handbook, Epic Level Handbook and Unearthed Arcana is open content.
This has some funny side effects, eg: Illithinds are closed content, but Neothelids are open.

Starsunder |
Kvantum wrote:No, no it was not open. Essentially nothing WotC put out for D&D was open content but the core books.
Small correction: the majority of material from: Expanded Psionics Handbook, Epic Level Handbook and Unearthed Arcana is open content.
This has some funny side effects, eg: Illithinds are closed content, but Neothelids are open.
I believe Deities and Demigods was open too? At least I thought I remembered reading that.

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Gorbacz wrote:I believe Deities and Demigods was open too? At least I thought I remembered reading that.Kvantum wrote:No, no it was not open. Essentially nothing WotC put out for D&D was open content but the core books.
Small correction: the majority of material from: Expanded Psionics Handbook, Epic Level Handbook and Unearthed Arcana is open content.
This has some funny side effects, eg: Illithinds are closed content, but Neothelids are open.
The rules for deities were made open content, but the stat blocks and descriptions for the gods were not.

see |

I believe Deities and Demigods was open too? At least I thought I remembered reading that.
Some of it. Not the deities themselves, but the rules material was converted to 3.5 and included in the 3.5 SRD.
If it was created by TSR/Wizards/Hasbro, and it was not in the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, Epic Level Handbook, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Deities & Demigods, Unearthed Arcana, or Tome of Horrors, it did not get released as Open Game Content.
That is not to say everything in those eight books was released; just that the only stuff created by TSR/Wizards/Hasbro that was released was stuff from those books. The reference for what did get released is the Revised SRD, the Unearthed Arcana declaration of Open Content, and the Tome of Horrors declaration of Open Content. If you want to see if something created by TSR/Wizards/Hasbro is available, check http://d20srd.org/ , which includes the open content from the Revised SRD and from Unearthed Arcana. If it's not there, check the Tome of Horrors Revised PDF (for sale in the Paizo store). [EDIT: Or not? Hmm. Well, it's at DriveThurRPG.]
Everything else created by TSR/Wizards/Hasbro is off-limits, though if the original inspiration was in the public domain, the Paizo folks can do their own riff on it.