Can we have a "serious business" section?

Website Feedback

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Scarab Sages

Sebastian wrote:
P.S. I call dibs on being the Jr. Lord President of this new territory.

Fine by me, as long as I get to be head of the Secret Police.

Or is that the Secret Ninja Death Squad?

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
....I'm not sure if I can name more than a dozen CONSISTENTLY abrasive posters.
You need a LIST.

Was there not a slice of pie with a real listing on it?

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Hmmm...maybe we could annex an old, unused forum. I can't imagine RGP Superstar 2009 receives any real traffic. Or Dungeon magazine...
I say we invade Website Feedback. This can be our beach head.


To make this plan work, we'll need some straterdgy. Website Feedback is the only section the PMG and Ross read - mostly because they like to laugh at us when we stumble into the traps they set - so I think that's too dangerous.

However, in order to keep our efforts in this new annexed forum hidden, we should flag a bunch of the gamer connection posts as being in the wrong forum to distract Paizo.

P.S. I call dibs on being the Jr. Lord President of this new territory.

I was already flagging the gamer connection stuff, I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to be a dating site. :P

Scarab Sages

Studpuffin wrote:
I was already flagging the gamer connection stuff, I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to be a dating site. :P

But...then how do I declare my love for that SPAM! guy?

Emperor7 wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
....I'm not sure if I can name more than a dozen CONSISTENTLY abrasive posters.
You need a LIST.
Starts list with Aberzombie at the top. ;P

That link is worse than a RickRoll.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Garydee wrote:

Emperor7 wrote:

....I'm not sure if I can name more than a dozen CONSISTENTLY abrasive posters.

Aberzombie wrote:
You need a LIST.

It'd be rude to make a list of the names of the trolls that tend to get on the nerves of the others in the OTD. However, the first letters of their names I don't think would be inappropriate.


Not too hard to figure it out if you think about it.

Dang! Sharoth is at the top of the list? I mean, it can't be Sebastian or Studpuffin...

Liberty's Edge

taig wrote:
Garydee wrote:

Emperor7 wrote:

....I'm not sure if I can name more than a dozen CONSISTENTLY abrasive posters.

Aberzombie wrote:
You need a LIST.

It'd be rude to make a list of the names of the trolls that tend to get on the nerves of the others in the OTD. However, the first letters of their names I don't think would be inappropriate.


Not too hard to figure it out if you think about it.

Dang! Sharoth is at the top of the list? I mean, it can't be Sebastian or Studpuffin...

Well, maybe Sebastian...

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Here's an idea: what if instead of adding a "Serious Business" section, they added a "Silliness" section? That would not be an endorsement by Paizo of anything other than silliness (which is probably in some sort of mission statement anyway).

This way, people wanting substantive discussions don't have to wade through long threads about poodles, hillbillies, and the word "mine". Just like with the word games, sectioning off the silliness would fit right in with the way the boards are laid out, and the end result would be the same as Heathy's proposal.


EPIC f@@#ING WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic +2

Yeah that works for me. I don't really care if the silly threads remain in the OTD. At least if they were in their own subforum I could keep the OTD shut without pining for my favorite silly threads. Then all the debaters could have their 'off-topic discussions' all to themselves. I'm sure it would work for both sides of the issue.

Now, what to call the new subforum?

  • The Looney Bin
  • Smurfs and friends
  • Off The Wall Topics
  • FAWTLyville
  • Kraazy Korner

Hmm, lots of fun could be had. So how about it Vic? Help some of your long-term board members out?

Justin Franklin wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Well with that way of looking at it isnt TV, Comic, Music, and Book sections OTD? I mean if they have sections what does it hurt to have a "Humanities" (or something) form where you can "discuss" that sort of thing.
Actually, no. OTD, unlike other forums, has no subforums. Hence the request to have a Serious Discussions subforum.
No no, I meant with that way of looking at it aren't those sections "off topic" (like as in not talking about gamming not literally under OTD), anyway my point was pro having a sub form or a form by its self.
I didn't think you were, but I've got your meaning now.
Eh. I seem to have problems conveying what I mean over the internet. I prefer talking in person. =3
Well we keep hearing how you don't know how to use the phone.:)

I did say in person. =3

Sebastian wrote:
P.S. I call dibs on being the Jr. Lord President of this new territory.

You steppin' on my toes, son?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Vice President HD wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
P.S. I call dibs on being the Jr. Lord President of this new territory.
You steppin' on my toes, son?

No sir, Mr. Vice President, Jr. Lord President is an entirely different position. Your job entails making incorrect statements and other political gaffes. I'm in charge of sex scandals and bribe taking.

Which reminds me, that scar looks hot. And you owe me $20.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
P.S. I call dibs on being the Jr. Lord President of this new territory.

Fine by me, as long as I get to be head of the Secret Police.

Or is that the Secret Ninja Death Squad?

Doesn't matter to me, just so long as you understand you are compensated by the number of murders you commit on behalf of the state.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Studpuffin wrote:
taig wrote:
Dang! Sharoth is at the top of the list? I mean, it can't be Sebastian or Studpuffin...
Well, maybe Sebastian...

If it were Sharoth, it'd be listed as


I'm my own list.

Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Well with that way of looking at it isnt TV, Comic, Music, and Book sections OTD? I mean if they have sections what does it hurt to have a "Humanities" (or something) form where you can "discuss" that sort of thing.
Actually, no. OTD, unlike other forums, has no subforums. Hence the request to have a Serious Discussions subforum.
No no, I meant with that way of looking at it aren't those sections "off topic" (like as in not talking about gamming not literally under OTD), anyway my point was pro having a sub form or a form by its self.
I didn't think you were, but I've got your meaning now.
Eh. I seem to have problems conveying what I mean over the internet. I prefer talking in person. =3
Well we keep hearing how you don't know how to use the phone.:)
I did say in person. =3

She's a lot better on phone than in writing. While I need some face time, I'd settle for phone at this point...

Patrick Curtin wrote:

So how about it Vic? Help some of your long-term board members out?

Pardon me, Vic, but could you spare a new forum for some fellow Paizocans who're down on their luck?

Sebastian wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
P.S. I call dibs on being the Jr. Lord President of this new territory.
You steppin' on my toes, son?

No sir, Mr. Vice President, Jr. Lord President is an entirely different position. Your job entails making incorrect statements and other political gaffes. I'm in charge of sex scandals and bribe taking.

Which reminds me, that scar looks hot. And you owe me $20.


I remember you...

Garydee wrote:

Emperor7 wrote:

....I'm not sure if I can name more than a dozen CONSISTENTLY abrasive posters.

Aberzombie wrote:
You need a LIST.

It'd be rude to make a list of the names of the trolls that tend to get on the nerves of the others in the OTD. However, the first letters of their names I don't think would be inappropriate.


Not too hard to figure it out if you think about it.

1. Because everyone will definitely the the same people on their list. Which leads to:

2. You forgot G......
3. Finally, this list was a great idea. :/

RPG Superstar 2012

Sebastian wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
taig wrote:
Dang! Sharoth is at the top of the list? I mean, it can't be Sebastian or Studpuffin...
Well, maybe Sebastian...

If it were Sharoth, it'd be listed as


I'm my own list.

Gary couldn't bring himself to type the tilde.

You're your own list because you're so impactful. Like bowels...

bugleyman wrote:
Garydee wrote:

Emperor7 wrote:

....I'm not sure if I can name more than a dozen CONSISTENTLY abrasive posters.

Aberzombie wrote:
You need a LIST.

It'd be rude to make a list of the names of the trolls that tend to get on the nerves of the others in the OTD. However, the first letters of their names I don't think would be inappropriate.


Not too hard to figure it out if you think about it.

1. Because everyone will definitely the the same people on their list. Which leads to:

2. You forgot G......
3. Finally, this list was a great idea. :/

Hey, don't put Gentlegiant onto that list. I thought it was good idea too. Thanks! ;)

Garydee wrote:

Hey, don't put Gentlegiant onto that list. I thought it was good idea too. Thanks! ;)

There is at least one person who openly admits trolling, but does not appear on your list. Probably because you generally share his opinions.

On the other hand, one of the people I suspect you have on your list is, in my opinion at least, amazingly and ceaselessly patient in the face of staggering (and willful) ignorance.

All I was suggesting is that your list could probably be shortened to "the other guy."

Sebastian wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
P.S. I call dibs on being the Jr. Lord President of this new territory.
You steppin' on my toes, son?

No sir, Mr. Vice President, Jr. Lord President is an entirely different position. Your job entails making incorrect statements and other political gaffes. I'm in charge of sex scandals and bribe taking.

Which reminds me, that scar looks hot. And you owe me $20.

Funny, I thought my job was to be the power behind the throne and shoot people who annoy me after inviting them to go "hunting".

Silver Crusade

I thought this thread was about trying to get a new messageboard section.

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
I thought this thread was about trying to get a new messageboard section.

As did I.

Celestial Healer wrote:
I thought this thread was about trying to get a new messageboard section.


The Exchange

Let's all take a deep breath not get drawn into anything other than what the thread is about. Most of us have engaged in trollish behaviour in the past even if we don't consider ourselves full-time trolls, or reformed trolls, or whatever, so name-calling doesn't really prove anything. And +1 to the original idea, though I suggest the title of forum should be "Unrestrained Jackernapery".

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Let's all take a deep breath not get drawn into anything other than what the thread is about. Most of us have engaged in trollish behaviour in the past even if we don't consider ourselves full-time trolls, or reformed trolls, or whatever, so name-calling doesn't really prove anything. And +1 to the original idea, though I suggest the title of forum should be "Unrestrained Jackernapery".

Oooo...Jackanapery UNLEASHED!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I apologise for adding silliness to an otherwise serious thread, but I've finally found the picture that first sprung to mind when I saw the thread title.

[EDIT]Removed as link is full of pop-ups. Sorry. Didn't notice straight away

Paul Watson wrote:

I apologise for adding silliness to an otherwuise serious thread, but I've finally found the picture that first sprung to mind when I saw the thread title.


Flag! FLAG!!!

The Exchange

taig wrote:

Patrick has a point.

We have two diametrically opposed types of threads in OTD: The "silly, wanting to unwind and hang out" threads (let's call that chocolate), and the "somehow, we're going to solve world crises on a gaming messageboard" threads (we'll call this peanut butter). Unfortunately, it means the chocolate will get into the peanut butter, and vice versa. For some people, that's unpleasant.

Contrary to what's been posited by some, I don't think anyone is calling for a curtailment on posting political, religious, and other potentially inflammatory threads (realistically, anytime you bring up a subject like that, it's potentially inflammatory). They're just asking that the peanut butter jar be kept away from the chocolate bars.

(The preceding post was not made under the influence of alcohol or any sort of drugs. YMMV.)

Actually, I would strongly approve labeling some topics as strictly verboten. This is a gaming forum. If something can't be discussed nicely, maybe it just shouldn't be discussed.

I don't mind topics that can be handled maturely, but some people just can't help themselves. Hell, with effort the last Pope thread managed a couple pages of relatively civil discussion about two very different ideas, then someone had to post what morons Christians are for their beliefs and things went south pretty damn fast.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Vice President HD wrote:

Funny, I thought my job was to be the power behind the throne and shoot people who annoy me after inviting them to go "hunting".

No such luck. Your Vice President position is a Dan Quayle/Joe Biden position, not a Darth Cheney type position.

Mairkurion is the true power behind the throne, largely through his use of plant-based dopplegangers.


Removed some posts. Please keep it civil.

Sebastian wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:

Funny, I thought my job was to be the power behind the throne and shoot people who annoy me after inviting them to go "hunting".

No such luck. Your Vice President position is a Dan Quayle/Joe Biden position, not a Darth Cheney type position.

Mairkurion is the true power behind the throne, largely through his use of plant-based dopplegangers.

But I can spell "potato" and know what the duties of the Vice President are according to the Constitution. And I've never plagiarized. And I don't care about Murphy Brown.

But I do like shooting people on hunting trips.


Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Vice President HD wrote:
But I can spell "potato" and know what the duties of the Vice President are according to the Constitution.

Including maintaining the space-time continuum?

Vice President HD wrote:

And I've never plagiarized. And I don't care about Murphy Brown.

But I do like shooting people on hunting trips.


We can accomodate the shooting people on hunting trips thing. That's an American right we all share.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I thought this thread was about trying to get a new messageboard section.

It's a hard thing to do sometimes. =3

Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I thought this thread was about trying to get a new messageboard section.
It's a hard thing to do sometimes. =3

Cell phones are a GREAT way of staying on target.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I thought this thread was about trying to get a new messageboard section.
It's a hard thing to do sometimes. =3
Cell phones are a GREAT way of staying on target.

Translation - Damn it, girl! Call your father! ;)

Wolfthulhu wrote:

Actually, I would strongly approve labeling some topics as strictly verboten. This is a gaming forum. If something can't be discussed nicely, maybe it just shouldn't be discussed.

I don't mind topics that can be handled maturely, but some people just can't help themselves. Hell, with effort the last Pope thread managed a couple pages of relatively civil discussion about two very different ideas, then someone had to post what morons Christians are for their beliefs and things went south pretty damn fast.

I think any open debate on a sensitive RL topic is going to 'go south' real quick. That being said, I don't think we have to ban the subjects, as there are people who enjoy the thrill of Internet sparring. If there was a way to close down these threads from sight, it would just be a little easier for those of us who want nothing to do with them. Just as we can shut down Superstar 2011, 4e, or the Words of Power playtest if the threads there annoy us.

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