Help! Character died need help On doing somthing different.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

We started a 2nd lv custom game. I was a Human Battle Oracle. The two other players are a Gnome Summoner who is a toy maker and loves bears. Hence his giant Teddy-Bear Eidolons who he rides, and a Human Monk who loves weapons and has so many we had to give her a sheet of notebook paper to fit them all. This is a custom game and where every thing is exceptionable except barbarians and spontaneous casters are rare. Any who we were tasked to go and kill this Minotaur and his gang of goblins and Kobolds. It was filled with traps and none of us could deal with it but we worked around them. anyway we are facing 4 goblin Barbarians It was us three and a npc fighter of 1st lv. Well to cut to the chase me and the fighter both died, I had two on me and two on him. The GM rolled two attacks for me and lo and behold two nat-20's with confirm crits. And The npc died as well. So I now need to make a new character, and I want to heal and fight but, My group needs a healer but also needs a fighter. So I was thinking Bard, they can heal and fight. Was also going to go as arcane duelist. I was also thinking of a druid so I can help fight with my Animal companion and heal my party. I could go as a cleric but I don't know. Rogue just poped into my head. As for race I wanted to play as a Tengu, but any of the 7 races are fine. I just need advice as what to play,Thanks.
P.S. 25 point buy, and would Use magic device work with wands and scrolls to heal my party? Also I would be starting again at 2 lv and have the same xp as the rest of the party. I was thinking oracle again but I am not sure.

To be honest, I think a Battle Oracle is as close to a "Healing Fighter" as you can get. Druids and Bards don't have that much healing power and Clerics and non-Battle Oracles tend to be a bit lacking in the combat department due to MAD-ness.

You have pretty much covered all possible classes for your concept, except for the Inquisitor, who is about as much a healer as the bard, but in general better in combat.

Anyway, unless you desperately want to play something different this time, I think an Oracle is still your best choice.

As Blave said, Battle Oracle is probably your top choice, at least for the level you are at.

That said, you mentioned wands and scrolls (yes, UMD would work and is a common tactic in no-healer parties) so I assume you have the funds available to sink into Wands of Cure Light Wounds. Don't do scrolls, they are a waste of money. Since you are wanting to do something different, you could go with druid/bard/inquisitor or even paladin/ranger. All of healing in some fashion.

In fact, paladin would probably be a very nifty choice as at 2nd level you would have picked up LoH, can use healing wands and are an armored crusher of evil things.

Here's an idea, but it requires a change in tactics:

Tengu Life Oracle

You get that nice racial weapon proficiency we all love tengus for, you'll get the healing spells you need plus the necessary restoration spells, and you'll get some excellent healing class perks.

Next grab every summon monster spell when you level; you're a spontaneous caster so repeated summonings is easy and affordable and you'll have access to the planar ally spells for additional reinforcements. Now imagine the army you and the summoner can create.

You can wade into melee if you want, while summoning distractions as needed. Plus no alignment restrictions.

Just throwing that out there.

Necromancer wrote:

Here's an idea, but it requires a change in tactics:

Tengu Life Oracle

You get that nice racial weapon proficiency we all love tengus for, you'll get the healing spells you need plus the necessary restoration spells, and you'll get some excellent healing class perks.

Next grab every summon monster spell when you level; you're a spontaneous caster so repeated summonings is easy and affordable and you'll have access to the planar ally spells for additional reinforcements. Now imagine the army you and the summoner can create.

You can wade into melee if you want, while summoning distractions as needed. Plus no alignment restrictions.

Just throwing that out there.

Actually, that's a pretty good idea. Just, if you going a summoning route, please (for the love of god!) have premade stat blocks.

I may actually try this character if I can get a GM to let me play a tengu....

To be honest, a Cleric isnt that bad of a choice either. Ive played the "omg i cant get hit" cleric before and it can be pretty fun. Slap on some medium armour, grab a shield, and go for the Protection Domain. You can heal, have d8 HD, have a good AC, and can wade into combat with little fear of getting hit. =D

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have been bugging my GM to let me play a Bird-type race for a while and he finally broke. I like the Life oracle Idea but would that make it look like, "o hi we just had one of you in our party, you are sure common.'? Or from a scene from a movie "The Gamers" the first one where the wizard dies and out of no where another wizard appears. Am I under the understanding that Clerics can cast heal spells so when preparing spells don't prepare heal spells? Or is that Cleric 101? I was thinking of a Tiefling Paladin but that was shot down, my Gm would not allow the Tiefling. So I would do a Paladin but It would be some other race, Also I like Paladins, but have played a few before. So if I go the summoning route how would I get the pre-made stat blocks? And I take that as for the monsters I would be summoning? Thanks for the ideas sofar, Please keep them coming!

MRblahface wrote:
So if I go the summoning route how would I get the pre-made stat blocks? And I take that as for the monsters I would be summoning? Thanks for the ideas sofar, Please keep them coming!

Just print out a few quick-reference stat blocks, making any adjustments there might be for feats or abilities (example: Augment Summoning). Somewhere around here, someone had done up all that work and posted it...can't find it right now. It was a great little reference for summoning. It just saves so much time at the table to have it prepared beforehand.


Brew Potion

Can use spell trigger items.

Formula list can include the cure spells

Has Use Magic Device as a class skill

Can use a mutagen for fighting purposes.

Could even go the Master Chymist route, though it gives up the bombs which are awesome, but it does have some fun roleplay ability.

Play an older dude, who when he changes with mutagen, becomes younger and more verbose/conceited.

Saedar wrote:
MRblahface wrote:
So if I go the summoning route how would I get the pre-made stat blocks? And I take that as for the monsters I would be summoning? Thanks for the ideas sofar, Please keep them coming!
Just print out a few quick-reference stat blocks, making any adjustments there might be for feats or abilities (example: Augment Summoning). Somewhere around here, someone had done up all that work and posted it...can't find it right now. It was a great little reference for summoning. It just saves so much time at the table to have it prepared beforehand.

I've been looking for summoning stat blocks vor quite some time now. Any rough idea where I might find those here on the forums?

Try a mounted halfling or gnome paladin. With quickdraw you can swap between crossbow and lance or nearly any other weapon, and you will be able to keep closer to your monk friend on a riding dog. Lay on hands is a good way to heal, and channeling energy is a good after battle heal if more than two people are injured. Also, paladins don't need UMD for low level healing wands, because those spells are on their list.

I would go cleric after all ... Somthing like:

Race: Human
Class: Cleric of Erastil

STR: 16
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 10
WIS: 16
CHA: 12


Hum: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greatsword)
1st: Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
3rd: Extra Channeling
5st: Selectiv Channeling

Swift enlarge makes you a good melee damage dealer and gives you reach. 3d6+6 with a non magical weapon with 10ft reach and a longspear as backup for 15ft. reach. Channeling is good way to heal and still save your spells for buffs. As soon as possible a "Phylactery of Positive Channeling" +2d6 on every channel for 11k gc.

A lot of options later:

* Combat Reflexes
* Power Attack/Furious Focus

Over all good combat skills and good healing power.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Breiti wrote:

I would go cleric after all ... Somthing like:

Race: Human
Class: Cleric of Erastil

STR: 16
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 10
WIS: 16
CHA: 12


Hum: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greatsword)
1st: Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
3rd: Extra Channeling
5st: Selectiv Channeling

Swift enlarge makes you a good melee damage dealer and gives you reach. 3d6+6 with a non magical weapon with 10ft reach and a longspear as backup for 15ft. reach. Channeling is good way to heal and still save your spells for buffs. As soon as possible a "Phylactery of Positive Channeling" +2d6 on every channel for 11k gc.

A lot of options later:

* Combat Reflexes
* Power Attack/Furious Focus

Over all good combat skills and good healing power.


I like it But why a CHA of 12? Why have a CHA of 12 as Dont you need CHA to do Most cleric things?

Halfling or Gnome Paladin is a great option for a ranged or melee fighter/healer. An 18 Cha is not unreasonable with 25 point buy, getting you extra lay on hands and more smiting power. At level 5, you can go with a riding dog, and use a lance for double damage.

Paladins are awesome. I have always liked halfling paladins. I thought the OP wanted something different though.

Clerics can spontaneously convert any prepared spell they have into a cure spell of the same lvl. also, Wisdom determines cleric stuff, so the 12 Charisma is ok.

MRblahface wrote:

I like it But why a CHA of 12? Why have a CHA of 12 as Dont you need CHA to do Most cleric things?

Charisma is for the extra channel. In fact i copied the stats form my kingmaker reserve character and in that compain extra healing and some sozial skills helps...


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks every one. I like the cleric idea, I Think I will go with that, Or an Alchemist. I don't know. I like paladins but have played them alot. I could be a paladin. What about a holy vindicator? Its a little early but what that be good? thanks!

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