Wild Elf

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Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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starting at lvl 4. healing/dealing dice equal to the warpriest's Fervor ability

Hey guys - im here in atlanta at dragoncon. Has anyone heard about the Arcanist yet? Jason Bulmahn spoiled it at the paizo panel. Its a Sorcerer/Wizard combo that prepares spells like a wizard, but their spells have slots kindof like a Sorcerer. It seems "out there", but Jason gave a good teaser about it. Keep your eye out!

most PrC's still require a certain number of ranks in skills...which the maximum is equal to your character level.

so while an EK does NOT have this issue, it is still a pretty big hinderence in most cases. what PrC's are exceptions to this rule of "skill rank reqs"?

so after running my players through RotRL, they were really excited about the entire background of Thassilion (sp?), the Runelords & Champions, the Blades/Swords of Conviction/Sin, etc. They looked up stuff on their own and want me to make a homebrew AP (basically) where their characters are destined to wield the Blades/Swords for whatever reason, and go through the motions of awakening the artifacts.

i LOVE the idea.

basically im thinking the PCs find the weapons on "accident" during a standard dungeon foray, and the weapons are curse. Ill use some stuff for making the weapons scale as they level/complete tasks before they "awaken", causing the PCs to have a Mythic moment of ascension and discover their destinies.

they basically will choose to restore weapons to the Blades of Conviction, and do the whole "good guy" thing, OR allow them to revert to the Swords of Sin and be "bad guys". essentially book 1-2 will be set and books 3-6 will have 2 divergent paths - "good & evil".

Any ideas to help me give some body to this? Ive already written a number of homebrew adventures and 2 or 3 AP-esque adventures, id just like to crowd-source a bit for some extra inspiration.

ALSO and info on PF materials that will be helpful or input from developers on the subject would be AWESOME! im planning on keeping the story in Golarion.

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Mikaze wrote:
Andrea1 wrote:
Drow would no doubt be hostile to the Serpent Folk and visa-versa.

This is a campaign that needs to happen.

And now we need the fleshwarping results for serpentfolk!

im thinking something like Yuan-Ti Abominations...3.x Serpent Kingdoms ftw!

the war between Nex and Geb. great way to give more info on that time.

i think the biggest issues w/ "Past APs" is that its difficult to write in such a way that the PCs have a real affect of the outcome...especially since the outcome is already predetermined before writing begins. :/

#1 question actually is what do we know about the war between Nex and Geb? my group usually plays homebrew settings, but i really liked the small bit of info i read (dont remember where) on this time period in Golarion's past. has paizo really talked about this much? if so, where can i get the information?

after that question, i thought about other instances mentioned throughout PF books as teasers and "incomplete" ideas, and i wondered what other instances in Golarion's past would ppl be interested in knowing more about?

I think the best way to go about this would be to use the Summoner base class instead of Wizard...i know that goes against r core idea, but let me defend myself -

1) youre still an arcane caster, so it doesnt conflict w/ being at the academy

2) your eidolon is an extraplanar create that you basically create as you pull it onto your plane; you have control over its form. this can be easily "re-fluffed" to fit you idea of creating new creatures

since PF is compatible w/ 3.5 material, id look at the Alienist prestige class from Complete Arcane. the ideas behind it i think are similar to what ur going for. a homebrew archetype for summoner would do it quite nicely. OR u "re-fluff" the Augment Summoning feat to make cosmetic differences to what u summon.

once u get a little higher level, then u can work w/ ur GM about a "favorite summon" that is effectively a monster you create w/ the GM.

...food for thought :)

im running a homebrew game and one of my players is wanting to run a vishkanya. i was wonder what we actually KNOW about the race, other than the small amount of information in the ARG. anyone know if theres something written up already?

dot times 900000000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!

slowly becomes a golem? as he takes lvls he slowly replaces his flesh w/ metal plating and his inner organs w/ gears/pumps/mechanical stuff. becomes a true golem at lvl 20???

this is awesome...i actually see a gnome tinkerer doing this...but of course giving himself mechanical leg and arm extensions first and foremost...since hes always been sensitive about his height. haha

there's an archetype for bard that uses wands i think...could be wrong

anyway, id guess the archetype would have less spells than usual (focusing on the use of wands), but could possibily also use wands in melee (maybe change spellstrike/spell combat to discharge a spell from the wand?).

not quite sure how to approach this atm...ill look into it though. its a cool idea

so, tell me if im getting this right:

u have a low-divine, high-arcane world with blooming technology and no planar travel. ur BBEG is basically the herald of Chthulu and the party needs to save the world in some Lovecraftian sense? if this is right, i love it! haha.

making basic firearms martial weapons should be ok -- just keep note of the damage output in early fights and adjust touch AC or combats as needed

as far as healing magic, wizards can still utilize the druids to creat wands of cure, and other such things. or u have druids as the main healers. ALSO, take a look at the Cult of Razmir (basically arcane casters faking that they have divine magic...food for thought)

i love the idea of summoning tentacled monsters to stalk the party. keep us updated on how this goes!

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to get my own lizardfolk fix, i made a Scaled Shaman back in 3.5 for a lizardfolk campaign i made. seeing as how the lizardfolk revere shamans (as opposed to true clerics) and the old scalykind goddess didnt care much for her children other then they lived...id love to see a PF make up for the lizardfolk divine caster.

also - i love this post SO much

i actually made an entire campaign centered on a number of warring tribes of lizardfolk. im actually pretty excited to know that someone else has love for the scalykind. :D

when it comes to different cultures, its generally understood that lizardfolk (generic) had a once vast empire, but were basically out-bred by the "warm-bloods". this is why they are generally tailored to the Aztec/Mayan/Incan types of cultures (history of the Americas and the conquest of the world /le sigh).

as for different species, there may not be too much of an evolutionary shift over a few generations, but there would definitely be some adaptation, depending on how long lizardfolk have had to evolve and adapt to different locations and environments.

so basics would be to add appropriate movement speeds for those different locations (climb=jungle, burrow=mountain, swim=island/swamp, higher base move=plains). from there, develop the type of culture the particulate lizardfolk is a part of and adjust ability bonuses based on what abilities those cultures "prize" (ur barbarian warbands would probably have +2 STR and -2 CHA, while ur tree-dwellers have +2 DEX and -2 CON). then, look at the whole picture (environment & culture) and tailor 1 or 2 racial abilities that fit (hold breath, poison use, improved natural armor, increased damage on certain natural attacks, etc).

and then add a little cosmetic love and BOOOM! u got options for lizardfolk and the remnants of civilizations and empires of scalykind.

Hope this helps :D

i actually had this exact same situation happen to my paladin in a game a few months ago.

basically, my GM allowed me to keep my paladin abilities but i roleplayed that my character was really fighting the evil impulses for the forced alignment shift. with each decision that would have fed the evil alignment, i made a will save. if i failed a certain number of will saves i completely lost my paladin powers. if i fully embraced the evil, i shifted to an antipaladin.

i thought i worked great. i kept up the fight and stayed a paladin for a few more weeks before i hit the BBEG and chose to sacrifice the lives of my family to free my mind of the madness of the dual nature the forced alignment shift (caused by the BBEG) had on me...then i became antipaladin on the spot and slaugtered the BBEG.

...and thats basically turning a frown upside down. :D

ok...so i really REALLY wanted to read everyones responses, but was crunched for time. sry if this was hit on and rejected -

LET THE WORLD END! i know, it goes against what u designed for the world and game, but give the players a few more sessions to try to make some headway. if they dont, then the cults are successful and they bring about the Apocalypse. the u have a nifty new setting where ur witch's little fey are all dead and its literally the end of the world. have the characters meet up with maybe the last few survivors of the "good guys" and set them on a quest to destroy the 4 relics of the Horsemen to banish them back to Abaddon. if they f~## around again, they die and its time for a new game/


the old D&D Stormwrack book had some great stuff, as i recall. sure ud need to make it work for PF, but if ur just looking for ideas, id start there.

of course u have the classics: pirate ship-to-ship battles, maraurding sahaugin dragging crew overboard, attacking kraken...u know, the basics

the old "turtleshell island" could be fun...underwater ruins...mad sea witch turning the party into various aquatic races with a curse and the party has to find some ancient relic to return to normal...blah blah blah

maybe look into Rogue? i want to say there was a way to increase the range of sneak attack...i wish i could remember. but it seems to me that it would, at least, fit the concept well to go Rogue and maybe Assassin (death attack??)...again, just my 2 cents

Loveablefatass wrote:

So I'm trying to make a merfolk fighter and need some advice. We are starting at Lv. 5 so I have some room to work. And before you ask No this is not an aquatic campaign and yes I am insane. The first problem is my land speed... thats 5. My first thought was to take take the strong tail trait wich increases my land speed to 15, then start with one Lv. as a barbarian to increase it to 25.

I really wanted to go pure fighter but I can deal with it for not being so slow. I was also going to do one handed and shield, but I'm not sure yet. What are some tips you can give me to make this work? Also what have I not thought about?

"Fins to Feet" spell + "Permanency" spell = merfolk on land :)

get a Dancing, Thundering Nodaci AND your other uber-Nodaci...make them Blind AND permanently Deafened on a crit

I DM'd a campaign that started with the SSoS Module and went to lvl 20 with the party searching the world for (and awakening) the other six swords. I custom made all the swords and ill tell you, its harder to balance than youd think...one fighter with Wrath butchered encounters.

Moral of the story: Dont make the swords as cool as you want them to be. lol. find ways for your group to slowly unlock each sword's powers one at a time.

Illithid Antipaladin with a Beholder mount! DO IT! YOU WONT!

no you cant. b/c "Zen Archer" isnt a class that you can multiclass with "Monk": it is a Monk Archetype...they are the same class

This would constitute an alignment shift, but not an evil shift. The extermination of the Ogres based on the sight of a lair and the judgment passed would be a Chaotic act. I would shift the party members that participate from Lawful Neutral to either True Neutral of straight to Chaotic Neutral, depending on the intensity of the response.

Ok, so here's what's up:

I know all dodge bonuses stack with each other.
I know deflection bonuses do not stack with each other.
I know shield bonuses do not stack with each other.
I know armor bonuses do not stack with each other.

Natural Armor is my issue. It a character has natural armor, does an Amulet of Natural Armor stack with it? What about a druid that wild shapes? Does the Amulet stack?

by the rules, they take the damage only once.

BUT, as the DM you have ability to call things as YOU want them. therefore, i would call that they take damage each round theyre entangled. it 1) lets ur player have a little fun with a sub-optimal tactic, and 2) is really cool to think about. =P

Personally, I would not mind more PrC's in PF. I was really hoping that at least Paizo could pump out a PrC for a majority of the 2 class combos. While things like a Fighter/Barb PrC is obviously not needed, a Bard/Barbarian PrC could be fun and flavorful.

While a do like PrC's, I still do not agree that an entire book of PrC's is necessary.

Wizards require a full 8 hours rest AND 1 hour of study in order to prepare his daily spells.

Sorcerers require a full 8 hours rest the regain their spells known.

Druids and Clerics only require 1 hour to pray/meditate to regain their spells...they do not require rest (though they will get negative conditions i.e. fatigued -> exhausted) or even consecutive hours of prayer/meditation.

Thank you everyone, youve all given me a good bit of help. This campaign should be quite interesting. :)

When GM'ing, my group uses a gridded dry erase board. It makes the game more fun (in my opinion) and makes things simpler for everyone. But Ive hit a snag with using a labyrinth in my upcoming session. Im seeing a few way to do this:

1) Only show them what they see at the given moment and erase what theyve already walked through.

2) Show them what they see at any given moment and require regular Int/Survival checks to remember what theyve already walked through, using the roll to determine how far back they remember.

3) Keeping everything theyve explored so far visible on the board.

I dont want to make it too easy by just showing everything, b/c that will ruin any instance of the party going in circles, but i still want to use the board for simplicity of combat and puzzles i have in the labyrinth.

Help? :)

I just started a game with evil PC's and i need some help. They started in a prison and a voice in their minds (spoiler: totally a Unique Devil) offered to help them escape as long as they 1) prove they're worthy, and 2) sacrifice the soul of the Warden. They completed all this and they were transported to meet with the devil (which they don't quite know is a devil yet).

Here is where i need the help. The devil wants the party to gather the Seven Swords of Sin (lol, i know - im so creative) and bring them to him. Now, I've already stated up the swords as artifacts, but what I need is some flavorful Boss themes for each sin.

For those playing at home, the swords are as follows:
-- Garvok -- Wrath -- Greatsword
-- Shin-tari -- Sloth -- Short Sword
-- Tannaris -- Envy -- Bastard Sword
-- Chellan -- Greed -- Scimitar
-- Baraket -- Pride -- Rapier
-- Ungarato -- Gluttony -- Falchion
-- Asheia -- Lust -- Longsword

Any ideas would be helpful. While the PC's are evil and working for a LE devil, the Bosses can be any alignment, but keeping in theme with the "Swords of Sin" concept.

Im running a 3 PC game as well:

1) Human Fighter (Two-Handed Archetype)
2) Human Conjurer Wizard
3) Human Oracle of Life

They've literally been ripping through the AP. They "persuaded" Happs to join them and have Akiros helping them out too now. So, all of a sudden, i have a party of 5...and theyre STILL trying to recruit EVERYTHING they can! lol

Heine Stick wrote:
May. ;)


Bylun Dreadfoot - Halfling Blight Druid (APG) with a zombie wolf companion. Im in a Ravenloft campaign now and it KILLS me that i have to play the pure "good guy"...ive lost 2 characters to the Dark Powers because of it. lol.

Carrion Crown Players Guide wrote:
Magi of the Bladebound, Hexcrafter, Spellblade, and Staff Magus archetypes will all have equal opportunity to shine.


Why must you do this to me?! Ultimate Magic isnt out until April!! >.<
The suspense is KILLING ME!!!!

Wow...Serpent...Fleshbinder would have DEFINITELY won my vote. I can honestly say the your Fleshbinder is my favorite archtype that ive seen, not only from Superstar, but of any that have been posted on the forums with the "if i had been in superstar" tag line.

Also, Lilyann is AMAZING! I was really disappointed with the villains submitted this past round. I only wanted to vote for 2, and eventually pushed myself to voting for 4. That being said, Lilyann would have been my number 1 vote, without question.

Congrats and thank you for giving me both an archetype to allow in my games and an awesome villain that ill be using very soon (with your permission of course =D)

Giant Anaconda -- CR10 -- Bestiary 2
Emperor Cobra -- CR5 -- Bestiary 2
Serpentfolk -- CR4 -- Bestiary 2
Lamia Matriarch -- CR8 -- Bestiary 2
Amphisbaena -- CR4 -- Bestiary 2
Salamander -- CR6 -- Bestiary 1 (good for sorceress medusa)
Naga [Dark/Spirit] -- CR8 & CR9 -- Bestiary 1
Iron Cobra -- CR2 -- Bestiary 1
Hyrda -- CR4 -- Bestiary 1

Oread -- CR1/2 -- Bestiary 2 (class lvls needed)
Necrophidius -- CR3 -- Bestiary 2

The party is hired by the mayor (or governor, king, etc.) of a heavily lawful town to investigate a series of thefts that have been occurring recently. It started as minor theft of food, cloth, and other marketplace items, but has recently escilated to breaking-and-entering, stealing clothes and household items, and now children of the town are disappearing as well. Through a long and mysterious detective-style search, give the PC's evidence that it may be Evil Gnomes...only to discover that it is the children of the town, running away to live in an abandoned *insert place here*. When taking this info to the "ruler" who hired them, he demands they be brought to trial, using force if necessary. If they're brought to trial, these children will be punished the same as anyone else who breaks the law: death.
What do they do? The families obviously want their children back, they obviously are to be punished as per the laws of the town, but they are good children who are unhappy and taking what they need to survive.

Well damn...

Lyrax, i like your ideas alot...consider it ganked. =D

Name Violation, the only downside to Gloves of Endless Javelins is that it doesnt work with the feat. After an attack, if memory serves, the Javelin of Force dissipates. With the feat, its ruled that i need to throw the Javelin i made the original melee attack with. Thank you for the input though. =/

There is nothing in the Core book that says anything about a Javelin breaking or otherwise being useless once thrown(other than a thrown weapon X spaces away from you. lol)...is the way to go just adding Returning and just get 1 or 2 Javelin???

Im building a Javelin Fighter for a game coming up and was looking through the rules for making magical items when i came upon a question i cannot seem to find an answer for:

Javelin are considered a Simple Ranged Weapon, so when giving my Fighter magical Javelin do i have to spend starting gold for making each javelin magical, or does it work in bunches? Example -- do i spend 2000gp for a SINGLE +1 Javelin, or would i spend 2010gp for TEN +1 Javelin?

Thank you in advance for the clarifications.

BTW, if you are wondering why im even doing this, my DM is letting me us a Weapon Style feat from Drow of the Underdark called Tormtor School. Effectively, it removes the melee penalty when using a Javelin, gives you a +1 on damage rolls with Javelin, and when you deal melee damage with a Javelin you can use a swift action to throw the Javelin at another target within 30ft at you highest BAB. Its nice and makes for a fun Spartan-esq character.

You could always grab the idea of Mirrodin from Magic: the Gathering. Clean-cut metal cities, but a definite line between the "good" and the "bad". It's pretty cool actually....I think I'm going to take my own advice on this one. Lol

One of my favorites was actually a character i came up with for a lvl 1 PF campaign that never got passed lvl 1. lol. He was an infernal bloodline human sorcerer who was bat-shit crazy. He spoke in a low mumbled voice to himself and his familiar...a tiny ball of fire he created with Prestidigitation...he was completely convinced it was his familiar. He was utterly dumb and devoid of all interpersonal relations. He was actually convinced he was a wizard, but could not understand why he was kicked out of the magic school. He did not understand the infernal language, but spoke it in his sleep and freaked out his party members.

He was fun times.

Another was in a 3.5 game. I rolled a raptoran mystic theurge that had 2 distinct personalities: the wizard and the cleric. I worked it out with my DM and we came up with a special roll i had to make every round of combat to determine which personality was manifested. The campaign had a large number of situations like:

<i>fighter is close to dieing</i>
Fighter: "Heal ME!"
Me: "I cant! imma blow his ass up!"
<i>next round, fighters dead and the baddies will die from a fireball</i>
Rogue: "Drop the fireball and end it, before we wip!"
Me: "How'd the fighter die!? I gotta rez him somehow!"
<i>rogue bolts, i die, ranger dies, fighters dead</i>
Party: <i>to me</i> "WTF?!?!?! WHERE DID THIS GUY COME FROM?!!? we love him hahahahaha."

Im currently in the process of making a homebrew PF base class called "The Tinkerer". It is, in essence, an Artificer of sorts who's 'big thing' is the creation of a mini-homunculus/construct army (with roughly 5-7 individual constructs at 20th level depending on desire and build) and/or making various other items. My questions deal with this: crafting constructs.

In 3.0 and 3.5, to craft something, the crafter had to pay a gold component, an xp component and replicate the appropriate spell(s) associated. How does this crafting occur in PF? Also, i am aware of the "Craft Construct" feat in the Bestiary, but i am still fairly fuzzy on the crafting process within the new system of PF.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, Ill be posting my Tinkerer on the Homebrew forums once this is cleared up. --*cough*JasonLookAtItForANewClassConcept*cough*-- =D

Clerics can spontaneously convert any prepared spell they have into a cure spell of the same lvl. also, Wisdom determines cleric stuff, so the 12 Charisma is ok.

To be honest, a Cleric isnt that bad of a choice either. Ive played the "omg i cant get hit" cleric before and it can be pretty fun. Slap on some medium armour, grab a shield, and go for the Protection Domain. You can heal, have d8 HD, have a good AC, and can wade into combat with little fear of getting hit. =D

Wasnt it already established that what you are trying to do does not work? Besides the obvious necessity that the spell HAS to be on the Magus spell list or the requirement of the Broad Study Arcana and lvls of another spellcasting class, I seem to remember reading something on the boards about this question and it was determined that when you use a scroll, you arent actually "casting a spell", but activating an item. It just so happens that when the item (aka scroll) is activated, it triggers a spell.

I could be completely wrong about this, and if anyone has definitive proof of my error please let me know...this is how ive interpreted the question, and my DM agreed, in a game that i am currently playing a Magus.

Personally i see a ninja as a Rogue/Monk multiclass. That being said, im not of the opinion that there should be 658146956 PrC's in Pathfinder like in 3.5, but i do see some validity to a "Ninja" PrC that builds off this Rogue/Monk multiclass build.
-- just have "sudden strike" be "sneak attack"
-- add nifty "Ninja-y" ki powers
-- give them black pajamas =D

Kryzbyn wrote:
"Can anyone show me how I'm not the whiniest player in Pathfinder?"

**Applauds Kryzbyn**

Honestly, rogues are amazing...period. They can cast a few spells now, WITHOUT multiclassing, sneak attack is almost always useful (especially when you can cast colourspray =D), and traps (from my experience) are a persistent concern from lvls 1-20.

IMO, Paizo will probably put out more talents as more books come out and all these people who dont like playing rogues "b/c their bad" will turn around and hate them b/c "now their too powerful".

1) If these "Feral Ppl" are guys youre throwing against your PC's, i see no issue with giving them the 'Rend' ability.

2) If you dont like 'Rend', then tweak their build a little bit and give them 4 arms instead of 2. To balance (if this makes them too powerful), treat the 2nd pair of arms as "secondary attacks" at a lower attack bonus.


3) Youre the DM (?). give these ppl 4 attacks and say the second 2 are clawed feet. Every attack they make is similar to a charge, have them make their jump check, then role 4 attacks (2 hand claws, 2 feet claws [talons i guess?]) with the 2nd set at a lower attack bonus.

You dont have to break the rules, but if ur running the game, feel free to get creative with what you through at your players. the rules are more like polite guidelines anyway. =D