Penalised for Using a class ability?

Round 1: Magus

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You know i could spend more time looking at all the spells... but i think the point is that he is first off a buffer and helper and secondly a fire-slinger. some of the damaging spells (fireball, flame sphere) and some of the buffs (enlarge person, bears, invisibilty) are just to good to pass up for damage, as they drastically increase survivabilty.
I don't know maybe i just have never played a combat that lasted less than 6 rounds (except against low level zombies), so survivabilty seems to trump dps in my mind.

dusparr wrote:

You know i could spend more time looking at all the spells... but i think the point is that he is first off a buffer and helper and secondly a fire-slinger. some of the damaging spells (fireball, flame sphere) and some of the buffs (enlarge person, bears, invisibilty) are just to good to pass up for damage, as they drastically increase survivabilty.

I don't know maybe i just have never played a combat that lasted less than 6 rounds (except against low level zombies), so survivabilty seems to trump dps in my mind.

here's my problem with that

as soon as he's a better buffer and fire slinger second then you have to compare him to a Cleric or Oracle becuase thats their niche and he pales in comparison to what you can do with them.

If the Magus is to have his own niche then buffing needs to be secondary

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason Ellis 350 wrote:

If you are going to crunch the numbers, I suggest build one with a 20 pt buy and test it as part of a party against, say, the out of the book encounters from the Kingmaker AP.

That said, on paper it appears as if the Magus is pretty weak. I showed it to the most experienced player in my gaming group, and his response was that he would never consider playing one. When one looks at the other 3/4 BAB classes they all seem to get more stuff, and be better in melee than the Magus is, even though that is his gimmick.

I'm not surprised. Charopers looking for a character that starts out as strong as the others at first level are going to be looking elsewhere. The Magus is an intersection of two diametrically opposed paradigms, the swordsman and and the spellcaster. To expect it to be as good as either a first level wizard and a first level fighter is a serious distortion of expectations. The best comparison to make this class would be against Monte Cooks Mage Blade with the caveat that it runs under a D20 system that's a bit different from either 3.5 or Pathfinder. Evaluated in those terms, I think the class holds its own.

Quandary wrote:

But it DOES look worthwhile at low levels according to those numbers...

Only against extra high AC opponents might it be less effective... But I don`t think Fighters shy away from Power Attack at low levels because SOMETIMES they might not want to use it.

It really isn't worthwhile enough.

You can compare the magus using spell combat to the same magus not using it, to a ftr1/wizX, to a rogue, or to a fighter.

The first says if the ability is better than NOTHING. And if you don't mind burning 2 spells for 1, then the ability is better than NOTHING. However, given that you have a bard's spell slots and not a sorcerer's slots this really needs to be evaluated by expected number of combats/day.

The second says if the magus is any improvement on what's already out there via multiclassing and the poorly left out PrC EK.

The third says how the magus would compare to a class that delivers a lot of utility but has a mechanism to mitigate in combat.

The last says how a magus can compare in front line fighting burning his spells to keep up.

I think we would benefit from looking at each. We've looked a bit at the first two, and it's not a hands down definitive win for the magus in either case. I think that the other two would be very telling.

Suggestion pick a level where the magus looks strong early on.. say level 4 (they haven't lost another BAB, they've picked up the arcane weapon ability I think at 4th, their casting is up there with a sorcerer's).

Quandary wrote:

Somebody said the 1st (or earlier) rounds of combat are the most important (because you can finish it, gain positioning/conditioin advantage, etc). So for that very reason being able to bypass normal action economy and Cast AND get melee damage in is a VERY useful ability. Maybe it`s a BIT of a gamble

It's a LOT of a gamble. THAT was my point.. in fact that it was TOO much of a gamble.

Pure casters cast defensively only when they must (or can't fail) for this reason. Having to cast a color spray in melee is a HUGE risk both for the position it puts you in but also for the chance to do nothing whatsoever with it.

If you are throwing some form of enemy negation spell I posit that you are better taking a 5' step back and doing it at 100% chance of casting than taking a 45% chance of spell failure in order to make a normal attack (let alone a normal attack at -4 to hit).


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Phasics wrote:

here's my problem with that

as soon as he's a better buffer and fire slinger second then you have to compare him to a Cleric or Oracle becuase thats their niche and he pales in comparison to what you can do with them.

If the Magus is to have his own niche then buffing needs to be secondary

Phasics, have you ever played a Psychic warrior? He really fits the definition of 'buffer first/slinger second' without the ability to slash and cast (well manifest) simultaniously. The class is far from broken and a pretty good guideline. My own arcane legionary looks to him for inspiration (working on V 2 now)

I think it works for Magius

I like the current progression. Its just a little difficult at low levels.
possibly trading spots with combat spell and arcane weapon bond would make it level out at lower levels.

having the plus to hit from arcane weapon bond would make you a better melee combatant early on and would help buffer the combat spell penalty later.

at 4th level your caster level is twice as high giving you a better but not automatic chance at combat spell, also with more spells available the loss of a spell wont be so tremendous.

also anyone with an odd str or int could bump one up to further minimize either the attack or concentration penalty.

Odd though. What if the Magus didn't losse the spell when it failed a Spell Combat? That's the real problem with the low success rate at lower levels. It puts off people from using it because they have a good chance of lossing a very limited resource with no benefit.

Dark Archive

Dorje Sylas wrote:
Odd though. What if the Magus didn't losse the spell when it failed a Spell Combat? That's the real problem with the low success rate at lower levels. It puts off people from using it because they have a good chance of lossing a very limited resource with no benefit.

That would be better, but the -4 to attack is still huge. It's annoying to see that a magus that is proficient in his weapons, would be such a huge penalty for what he is trained for, and there is no way around this. Even fighters can take Two-Weapon Fighting to get around the huge penalties. A magus can't do anything other than not use his most powerful class feature.

This is why I believe the penalty should be removed. Or reduced to -2 to attack, and keep -2 to Concentration checks. This prevent a feat tax. Or prevent the class from needing to give out Combat Casting as a class feature. Improved Spell Combat would reduce both penalties to 0, and Greater grants +2 to each. Have the level 20 True Magus feature stack with that.

Ok, Mr. Fishy has an idea. >Waits for trolls to gather<

What if instead of a penalty to attack and a high concentration for spell combat. The Magus takes a hit to his AC like rage or cleave. The magus could then reduce the AC penalty as he gains levels.

Also he could opt to cast and risk an AoO or roll a concentration. That way he chooses his poison.

1. He rolls a concentration check with a chance of failure.

2. He skips the concentration and risk the AoO.

Either way he takes a penalty to AC, not concentration and attack. He's more likely to hit and he has options on how to cast. With or without a concentration check. Armor and buffs can cover the AC penalty at low levels and higher levels reduce the penalty to nothing. Spell Combat is still a gamble just better odds.

The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, you need TWF, Double Slice, and to keep up with Improved Spell Casting, ITWF, GTWF, TWR. If you want to be an effective archer, you need PBS, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot. So requiring Combat Casting, which goes from negating a penalty to pure bonus, is not a feat tax but just a good choice.

WarColonel wrote:
The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, [blah blah blah]

No, really? To be an effective Two-Weapon Fighter - an option granted solely by feats, you have to take feats? Your observational skills astound me.

Grand Lodge

Cartigan wrote:
WarColonel wrote:
The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, [blah blah blah]
No, really? To be an effective Two-Weapon Fighter - an option granted solely by feats, you have to take feats? Your observational skills astound me.

umm how is TWF a feat based ability? Anyone can TWF...they just take a -6/-10. The feats just let you do this better.

Cold Napalm wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
WarColonel wrote:
The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, [blah blah blah]
No, really? To be an effective Two-Weapon Fighter - an option granted solely by feats, you have to take feats? Your observational skills astound me.
umm how is TWF a feat based ability? Anyone can TWF...they just take a -6/-10. The feats just let you do this better.

That is hardly effective.

WarColonel wrote:
The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, you need TWF, Double Slice, and to keep up with Improved Spell Casting, ITWF, GTWF, TWR. If you want to be an effective archer, you need PBS, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot. So requiring Combat Casting, which goes from negating a penalty to pure bonus, is not a feat tax but just a good choice.

I believe the argument lies in the fact that a fighter does not actually need to go down the Two-Weapon Fighting tree or the Archery tree to fight in a capable manner (unless he wants to opt for dual-wielding or ranged combat that is), which is the whole focus of the class, while a magus may very well need to take Combat Casting to do what the class is, as far as I can tell anyway, designed for, which is to combine melee combat and spellcasting effectively while in close combat.

Cold Napalm wrote:
umm how is TWF a feat based ability? Anyone can TWF...they just take a -6/-10. The feats just let you do this better.

It is meant in the way that noone is going to be fighting with two weapons without having taken a necessary feat or two. Sure, anyone can give it a try, but considering the -6/-10 penalties, it would be pointless and a fool's errand to do so.

Cartigan wrote:
WarColonel wrote:
The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, [blah blah blah]
No, really? To be an effective Two-Weapon Fighter - an option granted solely by feats, you have to take feats? Your observational skills astound me.

And yet the main argument is that the Magus cannot use a class ability without a feat, when the comparison to what it should be on par with, such as TWF, requires multiple feats to be equivalent.

Mr.Fishy wrote:

Ok, Mr. Fishy has an idea. >Waits for trolls to gather<

Any of those ideas would be better than the current formulation.

As it stands the closest comparison for spell combat that doesn't make it look as bad as it really is would be to compare it to nothing at all... and even then it's bad but the really bad parts there are at least obscured.

Personally I figure that since they are competing for front line damage, they really need to excel for those few rounds that they can afford to burn spells and full attack.

Consider how things work at say 4th level. Of the low levels this should be a good place for the magus. They haven't lost more BAB, they picked up arcane weapon, and they're casting 2nd level spells.

Yet compare one burning a shocking grasp via spell combat to a reasonable TWF rogue or two handed fighter, either of which would have a better AC and the magus for those 4 rounds/day isn't shining rather he's behind.

I think that spellstrike should give a free melee attack with it via the weapon to deliver it when the spell is cast normally (rather than via spell combat).

And I think that spellcombat should only give a -2 penalty to attack and the defensive casting should be optional (and without penalty), but disappear completely at around 8th level being treated at that point like a quickened spell in that it wouldn't provoke.

But that's me.


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
F. Castor wrote:
WarColonel wrote:
The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, you need TWF, Double Slice, and to keep up with Improved Spell Casting, ITWF, GTWF, TWR. If you want to be an effective archer, you need PBS, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot. So requiring Combat Casting, which goes from negating a penalty to pure bonus, is not a feat tax but just a good choice.

I believe the argument lies in the fact that a fighter does not actually need to go down the Two-Weapon Fighting tree or the Archery tree to fight in a capable manner (unless he wants to opt for dual-wielding or ranged combat that is), which is the whole focus of the class, while a magus may very well need to take Combat Casting to do what the class is, as far as I can tell anyway, designed for, which is to combine melee combat and spellcasting effectively while in close combat.

Cold Napalm wrote:
umm how is TWF a feat based ability? Anyone can TWF...they just take a -6/-10. The feats just let you do this better.
It is meant in the way that noone is going to be fighting with two weapons without having taken a necessary feat or two. Sure, anyone can give it a try, but considering the -6/-10 penalties, it would be pointless and a fool's errand to do so.

make a fighter that has no combat feats relevant to what he is using and see if he can fight.

BTW a TWF with all bow feats CANT TWF
so why should a guy in melee combat be good at casting in combat without combat casting

Cold Napalm wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
WarColonel wrote:
The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, [blah blah blah]
No, really? To be an effective Two-Weapon Fighter - an option granted solely by feats, you have to take feats? Your observational skills astound me.
umm how is TWF a feat based ability? Anyone can TWF...they just take a -6/-10. The feats just let you do this better.

Exactly. Anyone can TWF. No class has TWF as the specific class design. TWFing is itself a feat tree available to any class that takes the feat tree. His comparison is false.

WarColonel wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
WarColonel wrote:
The big fallacy is the feat tax necessary for the Magus. If you want to be an effective two-weapon fighter, [blah blah blah]
No, really? To be an effective Two-Weapon Fighter - an option granted solely by feats, you have to take feats? Your observational skills astound me.
And yet the main argument is that the Magus cannot use a class ability without a feat, when the comparison to what it should be on par with, such as TWF, requires multiple feats to be equivalent.

Spell Combat is a class ability. TWF is a feat tree.

Never mind the fact that Spell Combat is not even actually relatable to TWF. Spell Combat is more like "Astral" Two-Weapon Fighting. An imaginary system I just made the hell up to show people how terrible Spell Combat is. In ATWF, you take normal TWF penalties, however, your weapon is also blinking and you only have a 50% chance to that you can even use your offhand attack.

dusparr wrote:
make a fighter that has no combat feats relevant to what he is using and see if he can fight.

Sure he can, at least sufficiently enough to not feel handicapped. He will not excel, I will grant you that, but he can still fight. E.g. he could use a greatsword or a longsword and shield or a greataxe or a mace and shield and so on and so forth effectively enough without ever taking the Weapon Focus or Shield Focus tree feats, but he would of course not be as good as someone who took those feats.

Keep in mind of course that dual-wielding is a style of combat that no fighter has to pursue to be a capable fighter, but may choose to do so if that is his poison, to use a phrase. He would of course have to take the necessary feats, otherwise it is a pointless venture. Furthermore, dual-wielding is something entirely different than simple choice of favorite weapon. Heck, I could go as far as to say that he could be decent enough at using a bow without the Archery feats; decent, but not great.

dusparr wrote:
BTW a TWF with all bow feats CANT TWF

Yes, I know. I actually mentioned something to that effect.

F. Castor wrote:
It is meant in the way that noone is going to be fighting with two weapons without having taken a necessary feat or two. Sure, anyone can give it a try, but considering the -6/-10 penalties, it would be pointless and a fool's errand to do so.

And finally...

dusparr wrote:
so why should a guy in melee combat be good at casting in combat without combat casting

He should not be good at it, I will give you that, but he should at least be able. He should be able to perform adequately from the beginning; the feat should give him the ability to actually be good at it. But the Magus, it could be argued, is not even adequate at using Spell Combat before the 8th level (when he gets the Improved version) without the Combat Casting feat. But, from 8th level and on, he is fine and dandy and the Combat Casting feat becomes a nice addition, but by no means necessary, at least in my opinion.

The assertion that Combat Casting for the Magus to use Spell Combat effectively is not a feat tax because TWF is a not feat tax because everyone needs it to perform a specific type of combat effectively is the epitome of absurd. It's like saying "I need Power Attack to Power Attack! It's a feat tax!"

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cartigan wrote:
The assertion that Combat Casting for the Magus to use Spell Combat effectively is not a feat tax because TWF is a not feat tax because everyone needs it to perform a specific type of combat effectively is the epitome of absurd. It's like saying "I need Power Attack to Power Attack! It's a feat tax!"

I disagree, as one does not need to take power attack to do what it does which is "hit harder" one only needs to increase their STR. but as it should be pointed out, at early levels it is easier to "hit harder" by taking power attack, rather than increasing one's STR. And power attack has a penalty with it, it is harder to hit with, whilst combat casting has no penalties and you can still do the same thing as combat casting by increasing your caster level, the feat itself is unnecessary to cast in combat it only makes you better.

So why shouldn't spell combat have penalties?
It allows someone to do something extra powerful (like power attack) by sacrificing something in return. (like power attack again)
Only unlike power attack it removes those penalties as the magus levels, rather than increasing them.
Any barbarian will tell you that to make every hit hurt alot with a two handed weapon, you should take power attack.
Any magus will tell you that if you want to cast your highest level spells every round of combat, get more spells and get combat casting.

Alot of barbarians will however say that they can do other things aside from swing every round (any combat manuver, intimidating glare, etc) and thus don't require power attack.

Alot of magus will however say that that they can do other things aside from cast every round (magus arcana, combat manuver, etc) and thus don't require combat casting.

Cartigan wrote:
The assertion that Combat Casting for the Magus to use Spell Combat effectively is not a feat tax because TWF is a not feat tax because everyone needs it to perform a specific type of combat effectively is the epitome of absurd. It's like saying "I need Power Attack to Power Attack! It's a feat tax!"

I'm not really familiar before these boards with people calling things a 'feat tax', so you could convince me either way, but I'm not sure that an obvious optimisation choice should necessarily be called a feat tax. If it should, it should be across the board. If you agree that the following should be considered a feat tax (or at least a good number of them), I will readily agree with you that Combat Casting is as well (I'm not actually trying to push for one side or the other here--I realise that I'm uninformed about the terminology 'feat tax' and would like to hear what people think about these scenarios so I can understand it and use it better).

For instance, let's say a certain build is very very high on accuracy but low on damage to the point of being pretty weak (before feats). Would Power Attack or Deadly Aim be a feat tax? Let's say a class is crazy strong at killing its foes but gets dropped all the time for its low hit dice. Would Toughness be a feat tax? Let's say a class has a powerful ability with a nasty side effect of healing their enemies or stopping their own spells. Would Selective Channeling and Natural Spell be a feat tax? Let's say a class has a very small number of rounds per day to grant a large bonus to the whole party, but there's a feat that can triple that--would Lingering Song be a feat tax? Let's say a class has ridiculously efficient buffing potential for the party after selecting a choosable power (or a feat to gain said power) but until then can only self buff--is Infusion a Discovery tax (or Extra Discovery: Infusion a feat tax) for Alchemist? Let's say you want to have a powerful and relevant melee Eidolon at mid to high levels--is the Large evolution an evolution tax? Are Improved Trip and Greater Trip a feat tax for a trip-based combatant (and if not, is Combat Expertise?)


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
F. Castor wrote:

dusparr wrote:
so why should a guy in melee combat be good at casting in combat without combat casting
He should not be good at it, I will give you that, but he should at least be able. He should be able to perform adequately from the beginning; the feat should give him the ability to actually be good at it. But the Magus, it could be argued, is not even adequate at using Spell Combat before the 8th level (when he gets the Improved version) without the Combat Casting feat. But, from 8th level and on, he is fine and dandy and the Combat...

Do i need to point back to my first post yesterday which points out that a conservative magus IS able to cast all of his spells WHILE in combat at level 4 and up with combat casting?

and that before that, he does not have the spells to need to cast more than 1 per encounter and thus only needs to cast in the first round then go to melee?
70%+ encounters at levels 1-4 don't allow all charaters to full attack first round anyways. so all he can do is either cast a spell or standard attack, so he won't be able to use it anyways.

Here's an interesting comparison:

Do out the typical Magus that people have been banding about (18STR 16INT to start) and put her at 4th level. Now compare her to say a 4th level rogue and a 4th level fighter, as other characters that might be on the front line.

Spellcombat is so underpowered at this level that even when burning one of her 4 1st level spells for a shocking grasp, the magus is behind either of these other two characters. In fact it's not far above the magus simply casting shocking grasp without spellcombat.

So to whit in a combat with flanking:

The magus has a +1 longsword that arcane weapon makes flaming, and normally attacks at +9 (3BAB 5STR 1weapon) for 1d8+6+1d6fire. Against AC 18 (touch AC 10) the magus has:

1. A 70% chance to hit normally for 13 avg, or 9.1 expected.
2. A 90% chance to hit w/ shocking grasp for 14 avg, or 12.6 expected.
3. A 50% chance to hit normally for 13 avg via spell combat for 6.5 expected, plus a 75% chance to cast successfully w/ a 70% chance to hit w/ shocking grasp for around 7 expected damage for a total of 13.5 expected

A halfling rogue (22 DEX, 12STR) with TWF, Weapon Finesse (talent) and Exotic weapon: sawtooth sabre.

The rogue has a pair of +1 sabres that normally attacks at +9/+9(3BAB 6DEX 1Size 1weapon -2TWF) for 1d6+2+2d6. Against AC 18 the rogue has a 60% chance to hit for 12.5 each time, or 15 expected damage.

A human fighter (22STR) with Power attack, WF/WS greatsword. The fighter has a +1 greatsword that normally attacks at +10 (4BAB 6STR 1Weapon 1Feat -2PA) for 2d6+18. Against AC 18 the fighter has a 65% chance to hit for 25 avg dam or 16.25 expected damage.

And this is reasonably a good place for the magus at low levels as it's when he just gets arcane weapon, hasn't lost a 2nd BAB, and has 2nd level spells now. At a -2 to hit rather than -4 the magus moves up to around the rogue's level of damage (before he picks up his next sneak die).


Feat Tax A feat or group of feats that are required to make a character viable. Without the feat the character is weak or underpowered.

Combat casting is "need" to make a Magus' class ability viable.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
james maissen wrote:

A halfling rogue (22 DEX, 12STR) with TWF, Weapon Finesse (talent) and Exotic weapon: sawtooth sabre.

The rogue has a pair of +1 sabres that normally attacks at +9/+9(3BAB 6DEX 1Size 1weapon -2TWF) for 1d6+2+2d6. Against AC 18 the rogue has a 60% chance to hit for 12.5 each time, or 15 expected damage.

A human fighter (22STR) with Power attack, WF/WS greatsword. The fighter has a +1 greatsword that normally attacks at +10 (4BAB 6STR 1Weapon 1Feat -2PA) for 2d6+18. Against AC 18 the fighter has a 65% chance to hit for 25 avg dam or 16.25 expected damage.

And this is reasonably a good place for the magus at low levels as it's when he just gets arcane weapon, hasn't lost a 2nd BAB, and has 2nd level spells now. At a -2 to hit rather than -4 the magus moves up to around the rogue's level of damage (before he picks up his next sneak die).


max lvl 1 dex 20 (18 +2 halfling)

max lvl 4 dex 21 (18 +2 half +1 lvl 4)
where is the 22 coming from

also BULL's STRENGTH magus has it guys his STR or DEX or CON should be 4 higher.

also damage from str rounded down from 1 to zero due to light weapons (sabre not in PHB so assuming light if not penaltys are -4, -4).
2 sabres at level 4 do 1d6 each i assume so 2d6 + 2 (magic)
gotta go to class be back in 3 hours

dusparr wrote:

Do i need to point back to my first post yesterday which points out that a conservative magus IS able to cast all of his spells WHILE in combat at level 4 and up with combat casting?

and that before that, he does not have the spells to need to cast more than 1 per encounter and thus only needs to cast in the first round then go to melee?
70%+ encounters at levels 1-4 don't allow all charaters to full attack first round anyways. so all he can do is either cast a spell or standard attack, so he won't be able to use it anyways.

Then what is the point of getting the ability at 2nd level if it is unusable either due to full round actions or full attacks being practically non-existent at levels 1-4 or due to the severe penalties making it a liability at levels 1-4 even when full round actions do exist?

And as you said, a concervative magus IS able to cast all of his spells WHILE in combat at level 4 and up with Combat Casting. What happens without it?

And Spell Combat is supposedly a combination of melee and spellcasting. Even if the spell works, what about the attack? At a -4 penalty for a medium BAB class that has to divide ability points between Intelligence and Strength and, to a lesser degree, Dexterity and Constitution, what are the chances the Magus actually hits instead of misses at low levels?

My point basically is not that Spell Combat is not a very useful ability because it is. It grants the oportunity to both attack and cast a spell at the same round. My point is that it is a liability and has a high risk of the Magus doing absolutely nothing for the round it is used in when used at the lower levels -if it is ever used at those levels at all.

dusparr wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
The assertion that Combat Casting for the Magus to use Spell Combat effectively is not a feat tax because TWF is a not feat tax because everyone needs it to perform a specific type of combat effectively is the epitome of absurd. It's like saying "I need Power Attack to Power Attack! It's a feat tax!"

I disagree, as one does not need to take power attack to do what it does which is "hit harder" one only needs to increase their STR. but as it should be pointed out, at early levels it is easier to "hit harder" by taking power attack, rather than increasing one's STR. And power attack has a penalty with it, it is harder to hit with, whilst combat casting has no penalties and you can still do the same thing as combat casting by increasing your caster level, the feat itself is unnecessary to cast in combat it only makes you better.

So why shouldn't spell combat have penalties?
It allows someone to do something extra powerful (like power attack) by sacrificing something in return. (like power attack again)
Only unlike power attack it removes those penalties as the magus levels, rather than increasing them.
Any barbarian will tell you that to make every hit hurt alot with a two handed weapon, you should take power attack.
Any magus will tell you that if you want to cast your highest level spells every round of combat, get more spells and get combat casting.

Alot of barbarians will however say that they can do other things aside from swing every round (any combat manuver, intimidating glare, etc) and thus don't require power attack.

Alot of magus will however say that that they can do other things aside from cast every round (magus arcana, combat manuver, etc) and thus don't require combat casting.

I can't tell if you are being obtuse or are actually that ridiculous.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yes i agree that it is a gamble to use at low levels, I belive that the ability to use magic and attack should be a gamble that should be only 50->70% doable at any level due to the fact that it does give you an extra standard action

All I can say is I'm glad I haven't put away my old 3.5 PHBII so I can still use a Duskblade.

Oh, and if a specific feat is a requirement to be effective, it should be a class feature.

Grand Lodge

Jason Ellis 350 wrote:

All I can say is I'm glad I haven't put away my old 3.5 PHBII so I can still use a Duskblade.

Oh, and if a specific feat is a requirement to be effective, it should be a class feature.

If that was the case, then the EK should be getting arcane armor line, arcane strike and combat casting as class feature...and I have yet to see the amount of vitrol over the EK not getting these when compared to the magus. I see no reason for the magus to get combat casting for free. What needs to happen is the spell combat should not be dangled in front of the players at level 2. And spell strike should work like spell channeling abilities of 3.x or be switched to work like the old arcane strike. I really don't like the free gold. I have run into issues with the paladin using it and I am not a fan of such mechanics at all.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

i got bored and made a damage comparison between 1 hand 2 handed, two weapon (2 attacks) and 1 handed and spell
yes algebra and substitution are required to use this, i think i got the math right (or at least close based on some assumptions)

dmg compares
wd = weapon damage
p = power attack penalty (always positive)
m - magic
WF = weapon focus
WS = weapon specilization
BAB = base attack bonus
STR = STR bonus
dex = dex bonus
cl = caster level
cc = combat casting bonus
ab = abilities
AC = ac of enemy to hit
for the purposes of dmg calculation all weapons do same damage, all two weapon fighting weapons are light and using weapon finesse and caster level and spells are magus and spell level = ~ 1/2 * CL for 7 and under
number of attacks * % * dmg per hit = dmg

for convinence on my part i will be using caps lock from here on.
2-Handed weapon:
WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5*STR = DMG PER HIT
(1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC = % OF ATTACKS HIT
((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC)*(WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5*STR)

(1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC = % OF ATTACKS HIT
((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC)*(WD + P + M + WS + STR)

WD + P + M + WS + 1/2 * STR = DMG PER HIT
(1d20 + DEX - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC = % OF ATTACKS HIT
2*((1d20 + DEX - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC)*(WD + P + M + WS +1/2 * STR)
((1d20 + DEX - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC)*(2 * WD + 2 * P + 2 * M + 2 * WS + STR)

DC = 15 + 2 * N = 15 + 2 * 1 / 2 * CL = 15 + CL
CHECK = 1D20 + INT + CL + CC + AB
CHANCE = 100% - ((DC - CHECK) * 5%)
CHANCE = 100% - ((15 - 1D20 - INT - CC - AB) * 5%)


((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5*STR)
((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC)*(WD + P + M + WS + STR)
((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * ((WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5 * STR) - (WD + P + M + WS + STR))
((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (WD - WD + 1.5 * P - P + M - M + WS - WS + 1.5 * STR - STR)

((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (.5 * P + .5 * STR)

((1d20 + DEX - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC)*(2 * WD + 2 * P + 2 * M + 2 * WS + STR)
((1d20 + DEX - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (2 * (1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR))
2 * ((1d20 + DEX - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * ((1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR))

2 * ((1d20 + DEX - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * ((1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR)) - ((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC)*(WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5*STR)
2 * (((1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) + DEX /AC ) * ((1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR))
(((1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) + STR /AC )*(WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5*STR)

2 * (1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR) + (DEX /AC) * ((1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR))
(((1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5*STR)
+ (STR /AC) * (WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5*STR)
2 * (1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR) + (DEX /AC) * ((1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR))
(((1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (1 HANDED DMG PER HIT + .5 * P + .5 * STR)
+ (STR /AC) * (1 HANDED DMG PER HIT + .5 * P + .5 * STR)
2 * (1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR) -
(((1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (1 HANDED DMG PER HIT + .5 * P + .5 * STR) + (STR /AC) * (WD + 1.5*P + M + WS +1.5*STR) + (DEX /AC) * ((1 HANDED DMG PER HIT - STR))
(1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) = X
2 * X * (H - STR) - X * (H + .5 * P + .5 * STR)
+ (STR /AC) * (H + .5 * P + .5 * STR)
+ (DEX /AC) * (H - STR)
X * (2 * H - 2 * STR - (H + .5 P + .5 STR))
+ (STR /AC) * (H + .5 * P + .5 * STR)
+ (DEX /AC) * (H - STR)

X * ( H - 1.5 * STR - .5 P )
+ (STR /AC) * (H + .5 * P + .5 * STR)
+ (DEX /AC) * (H - STR)

SPELL DMG = (100% - ((15 - 1D20 - INT - CC - AB) * 5%) + 10%) * SPELL DMG
1 HANDED DMG = (((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) - 20%)*(WD + P + M + WS + STR)
WILL CALL CHANCE TO HIT WIITH SPELL CS (100% - ((15 - 1D20 - INT - CC - AB) * 5%) + 10%

(((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) - 20%)*(WD + P + M + WS + STR) + (100% - ((15 - 1D20 - INT - CC - AB) * 5%) + 10%) * SPELL DMG

(((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) - 20%)*(WD + P + M + WS + STR) + (100% - ((15 - 1D20 - INT - CC - AB) * 5%) + 10%) * SPELL DMG
- ((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (WD + P + M + WS + STR)
((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * H - 20% * H + CS * SPELL - ((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * H
-20% H + CS * SPELL

((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * H - 20% * H + CS * SPELL -
((1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (H + .5 * P + .5 STR)
-20% * H + CS * SPELL - (1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (.5 P + .5 STR)

CS = (100% - ((15 - 1D20 - INT - CC - AB) * 5%) + 10%
X = (1d20 - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC)

((X + STR / AC) * (.5 * P + .5 * STR)

X * ( H - 1.5 * STR - .5 P )+ (STR /AC) * (H + .5 * P + .5 * STR) + (DEX /AC) * (H - STR)

-20% H + CS * SPELL

-20% * H + CS * SPELL - (1d20 + STR - P + WF + M + BAB) / AC) * (.5 P + .5 STR)

Cold Napalm wrote:
If that was the case, then the EK should be getting arcane armor line, arcane strike and combat casting as class feature...and I have yet to see the amount of vitrol over the EK not getting these when compared to the magus.

The rules (and perceptions) are different for a prestige class as opposed to a base class. However, the monk, who depends on unarmed combat gets that feat for free. The alchemist, who depends on potions and similar concoctions gets the brew potion feat for free. The cavalier, who relies on teamwork or mounted combat gets 3 teamwork feats for free, plus 3 bonus combat feats to pay for his "must haves." So there is precedent for granting feats if they are virtual requirements for the class concept.

Cold Napalm wrote:
If that was the case, then the EK should be getting arcane armor line, arcane strike and combat casting as class feature...and I have yet to see the amount of vitrol over the EK not getting these when compared to the magus.

Were you around here in 2008 and 2009? It's just too late to change the EK now, so spewing vitriol would have no point.

dusparr wrote:

max lvl 1 dex 20 (18 +2 halfling)
max lvl 4 dex 21 (18 +2 half +1 lvl 4)
where is the 22 coming from

also BULL's STRENGTH magus has it guys his STR or DEX or CON should be 4 higher.

also damage from str rounded down from 1 to zero due to light weapons (sabre not in PHB so assuming light if not penaltys are -4, -4).
2 sabres at level 4 do 1d6 each i assume so 2d6 + 2 (magic)
gotta go to class be back in 3 hours

1. Each PC above has a +2 stat item backing them up. The magus has a 20-21STR (18-19+2), the rogue a 22DEX (17+2race+1bump+2item), and the fighter a 22 STR (17+2race+1bump+2item).

2. If the magus is going to spend his first turn in combat casting one of his two 2nd level spells for a bull's strength (for +2 more STR), then he's not doing anything. Either he or the fighter could have just as easily quaffed a potion of enlarge person. I say quaffed because spending a 1 round action to buff yourself just isn't really an option as you'll likely lose the spell... besides it would eat into the 4 times he can actually come close to competing.

3. Mea culpa I was posting quickly and forgot that the halfling get rounded down for the offhand weapon. Light weapons (which the sawtooth sabre is when you are proficient) still get +STR to damage.

So the halfling's expected damage drops to around 14.5, which is still ahead of the magus for those 4 rounds in the day where the magus is burning a 1st level spell.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
F. Castor wrote:


I believe the argument lies in the fact that a fighter does not actually need to go down the Two-Weapon Fighting tree or the Archery tree to fight in a capable manner (unless he wants to opt for dual-wielding or ranged combat that is), which is the whole focus of the class, while a magus may very well need to take Combat Casting to do what the class is, as far as I can tell anyway, designed for, which is to combine melee combat and spellcasting effectively while in close combat.

Close combat is one of the things the class is about, but it's far from the ONLY thing. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many spells on the class list which are designed to be cast at range.

I actually see the class in several roles.

Switch hitter between magic and martial combat primarily melee but also ranged. He does get all of the warrior weapon proficiencies after all. The Magus does have the one single-class road to Arcane Archer, if the arcane weapon ability could be tuned to allow ranged weapons as well.

Battlefield spellcaster. In this role he's primarily a blaster although he does have some battlefield control options and party buff spells.

Mixed spell and melee. the most difficult of the three, while he's got potential early on this comes on to it's own at mid to higher levels.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
see wrote:
Cold Napalm wrote:
If that was the case, then the EK should be getting arcane armor line, arcane strike and combat casting as class feature...and I have yet to see the amount of vitrol over the EK not getting these when compared to the magus.
Were you around here in 2008 and 2009? It's just too late to change the EK now, so spewing vitriol would have no point.

Theorecticaly an updated EK could be included in Ultimate Magic.

Cold Napalm wrote:

If that was the case, then the EK should be getting arcane armor line, arcane strike and combat casting as class feature...and I have yet to see the amount of vitrol over the EK not getting these when compared to the magus.

The EK was certainly 'under-updated' for Pathfinder in comparison to the base classes.

That it was underpowered so severely in 3.x is the only reason that it improved into PF. Basically what it has now it should have already had in 3.5, but now that the base classes are increased in power it should have gotten some of that love alongside them.


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