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I know there's probably no time to work on this idea now, but it would be great if Combat Manager had networking capabilities so you could run in client mode (players) or host mode (GM) over a network. Obviously the GM mode would have all information for the GM to see, but the client/player mode would only show the party and any monsters (not including hit points and other stats) that the GM chooses to reveal to the players. The GM would control all effects and things applied to the monsters or characters, but the players would be able to see them.
I say this because it would be really great if I was able to share portions of Combat Manager easily with my players, but I obviously don't want them to see the whole window ;)

Draegor |
This is an amazing little program, and I've only just discovered its existence. We'll be using this heavily in our campaigns, making combat streamlined and efficient.
I would be absolutely ecstatic if you were to include the possibility to import characters made from The Only Sheet, an excel-based character sheet available from http://theonlysheet.com. It exports characters into .tos files, which hopefully should be possible to import into Combat Manager in the same way that PCgen and Herolabs works. Once again, thanks for a brilliant game-help!

Fract |

I've been using this fantastic piece of software at our table for nearly a year now, and it has made my life as a GM much easier.
While working up our latest set of encounters, I did notice something that isn't quite a bug, but also isn't quite a new feature request. When you are using a weapon or attack that does slashing/bludgeoning/piercing as well as one or more energy types, several of the damage types are lumped together. Unfortunately, at high levels, this is really awkward, as DR / Resistance / Immunity have to be applied to respective damage totals (unless I completely misunderstood the mechanics... again).
As for genuine feature requests, I would love to have the option of rolling initiative for each turn, without having the round count reset, or having condition turn counts go all whacky.
Thanks again for all your hard work, Kyle! I hope your health is permanently on an upswing, and the new job goes well.

Lava Child |

Hello, Kyle.
Excellent program. I was trying to add in Ooze magic spells when I noticed a nasty crashing error: First attempt to create a custom spell. Then scroll down on the window in the upper right that lists character classes, by the time you get to druid, the whole program crashes. I upgraded and the problem remained.
I remain a supporter and a fan of combat manager!

DM Klumz |

Let me first say a big THANK YOU for making this wonderful tool.
I have been playing with it and spotted a couple of things that you may already be aware of, but I thought I would point them out them any way.
In the 'Current Monster' stat block (top right) the perception value does not change when you are editing a monster (for example after adding point to the skill when levelling up a party member). The skill section shows the correct value, but the value under the senses section never seems to change. Am I doing something wrong?
When you apply the Enlarge or Reduce effect (via a spell) to a monster, all the monsters weapon sets are merged into one line. For example if you have a monster with three attack sets, after these effects are applied, they are merged into one super set. It looks to me that the 'or' is being deleted between each weapon set.
If there is a better way of reporting findings please let me know.
Once again, thanks for making this, it is very much appreciated.

Silverjdt |

I have found a forum discussing the problem I encountered with the tooltip windows displaying under the main window, unfrotunatly they dont seem to have an answer unless u have set the window to topmost...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/478295/tooltip-appearing-behind-the-form -window-c-vs-2008
However, in the meantime I have also found a fix for it, since it's apparently an issue with XP itself.

Kyle Olson |

Reappearing from the shadows.
I'm working on moving to an open source solution setup so I have the time to finish all the projects I've got going. If you have experience in C# and are interested, send your Sourceforge user name to combatman@kyleolson.com
I'm hoping that I can find some people to help me keep this going. It's stressing me out that I haven't got anything done in a few weeks, and I'd like to have a few more brains to break apart the project.
I need to get stuff GPL compliant, and then I'll have the code out there.

eXaminator |

This is cool! I can't wait to at least see the code. I'm not experienced in C#, so I might not be able to contribute anything, but I'd love to have a look at the code and maybe be able to figure the stuff out and change some stuff to fit my own needs. I'm also very excited about all the stuff we might see from other users! :)

Sethvir |

Reappearing from the shadows.
I'm working on moving to an open source solution setup so I have the time to finish all the projects I've got going. If you have experience in C# and are interested, send your Sourceforge user name to combatman@kyleolson.com
I'm hoping that I can find some people to help me keep this going. It's stressing me out that I haven't got anything done in a few weeks, and I'd like to have a few more brains to break apart the project.
I need to get stuff GPL compliant, and then I'll have the code out there.
Hey Kyle,
Sorry to hear that this project has been stressing you out. Know that, at least this loyal fan and I'm sure many others, I/we have appreciated everything you have been able to do with this project and software. Wish I could say I knew anything about coding, but as I always tell my programmer co-worker, I read code, I don't write it!
If there is anything I can do data monkey wise, I'd be glad to try to help in that arena.
Thanks as always Kyle.

Aranai |
First off, I have to say I absolutely love this program and I'm going to use it always and forever.
With that said, a friend found a pretty nasty bug. Templates can mess up attacks. For example, applying the half-dragon template to a kraken makes it lose its tentacles (the half-dragon template's natural attacks seem to overwrite any existing ones).

xorial |

First off, I have to say I absolutely love this program and I'm going to use it always and forever.
With that said, a friend found a pretty nasty bug. Templates can mess up attacks. For example, applying the half-dragon template to a kraken makes it lose its tentacles (the half-dragon template's natural attacks seem to overwrite any existing ones).
First off, that's just WRONG!!!!! You trying to give Cthulhu a run for his money? You must really hate your PCs. (o<O)

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First off, I have to say I absolutely love this program and I'm going to use it always and forever.
With that said, a friend found a pretty nasty bug. Templates can mess up attacks. For example, applying the half-dragon template to a kraken makes it lose its tentacles (the half-dragon template's natural attacks seem to overwrite any existing ones).
I'm not so sure that's a bug. The half-dragon template has this to say about natural attacks:
Melee: A half-dragon has two claw attacks and a bite attack. If the base creature can use manufactured weapons, the half-dragon can as well. A new claw or bite attack deals damage as appropriate for the half-dragon's size.
Compare this to other templates, for example the zombie template:
Attacks: A zombie retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature. It also gains a slam attack that deals damage based on the zombie's size, but as if it were one size category larger than its actual size.
I think the half-dragon attacks are actually supposed to replace the natural attacks of the base creature, unlike the zombie, skeleton, or lycanthrope which specifically say they retain the attacks of the original creature.
Also, a half-dragon kraken seems really quite absurd. Like, yikes. I wouldn't to fight that.

Silverjdt |

There's definatly a lot of little bugs in things but I think it's kinda a problem with Kyle adding so many features and not having the time to troubleshoot extensively and only retroactively being able to play catch-up after enough of us whine about it. Im glad that he is asking for help but I'm also afraid that too many hands in the pot can cause bad things... I once broke GIMP to the point I couldn't fix it no matter how much I reinstalled .dll's because I added one rogue addon patch... That said, I cant wait for my C# courses at JJC so I can take a crack at it! It's truly a fantastic tool and we appreciate all the work you've put into it Kyle!

MendedWall12 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I can't believe I haven't thought of this before, nor, on a cursory look through the thread, has anyone else asked for it.
I'd love for there to be a box/window - detachable or not doesn't matter to me - where I could keep small campaign notes right with the saved combat state. Nothing spectacular is needed, obviously. I don't need a spell check or hyperlink ability or anything. Just a simple text window where the contents save when the combat state is saved. Would that be useful to anyone else?

Silverjdt |

I can't believe I haven't thought of this before, nor, on a cursory look through the thread, has anyone else asked for it.
I'd love for there to be a box/window - detachable or not doesn't matter to me - where I could keep small campaign notes right with the saved combat state. Nothing spectacular is needed, obviously. I don't need a spell check or hyperlink ability or anything. Just a simple text window where the contents save when the combat state is saved. Would that be useful to anyone else?
Make a new monster, name him Campaign Notes and set him to idle. Now right click on it and u will find a notes option. Nothing fancy like u requested.

Laithoron |

Hmm, for some reason when I'm assigning skills to a custom monster (erinyes in this case), it doesn't sort the list of skills into alphabetical order after I close out of the dialog. I've tried manually deleting all the skill entries and adding them in order, but even when I do that, somehow Disguise or Acrobatics will end up at the bottom of the list, and there's no way to drag the skills up or down in the listing.
CM 1.4.0 on Windows 7 x64 here.
The crazy thing is that even when I go into SQLite and edit the Skills field directly and place everything in alphabetical order, CM then puts things OUT of order when I reload it.

Nephelim |

Also, adding templates to creatures with fractional CR bumps them to CR1+ rather than "by one step." At least, I'm seeing that when I add Advanced to a goblin, it goes from CR 1/3 to 1, instead of 1/2 (and before this kicks off a debate about how templates are supposed to work with fractional CR, I did find a clarification from James Jacobs that templates work that way).

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hi !
Amazing software you did here. I really enjoy using it during our session!
one question about its use: Is this a way to duplicate the monsters pane in order to split the different encounters of one scenario ?
one bug repport: the software does not like when I'm displaying it on the second screen of my laptop. Sometimes it shows me whatever it is shown on the 1st sreen insead of the proper display
anyway, thanks again for the work !

Silverjdt |

hi !
Amazing software you did here. I really enjoy using it during our session!one question about its use: Is this a way to duplicate the monsters pane in order to split the different encounters of one scenario ?
one bug repport: the software does not like when I'm displaying it on the second screen of my laptop. Sometimes it shows me whatever it is shown on the 1st sreen insead of the proper display
anyway, thanks again for the work !
What you can do is save different encounters as a file to upload at any time after clearing the current list. This allows prebuilding of the encounter and even custom changes made to individual monsters. If you want you can even save the combat state to preserve the initiative order and everything. If you are asking to split the party and run two encounters at once then you may simply open the program twice and set the half of the party you are not using to idle and hidden or delete them all-together, then after wrapping up, save and upload them back in to one pane and resave the complete and updated party.
To save/load encounters: Use the floppy disk/file folder buttons respectively at the top-right corner of the Party or Monster tab. This will save all information of the creatures except their intitiative order, but only saves that tab's contents, Party or Monsters, at one time.
To save/load combat state: Both options are found in the menu system upon clicking on the Combat Manager button in the top left of the main window.

Silverjdt |

I would greatly appreciate a sort by name function in the party and monster tabs. I find myself using 20 monsters at a time and getting all the orders mixed up when I add a new one and have to play around with shifting them which never seems to work right when drag and dropping... Also some kind of color coding on the text or the pane would help me to visualize things and find my monsters in the list faster.

Urlord |

Hey Kyle,
Love the Combat Manager. It really speeds up combat. I was wondering if anyone else has requested Vigor and Wound points as an option to the standard Hit Points. I use the V & W points optional rules and it would be great to see it in the Combat Manager. If not, its cool. It sounds like you are really busy.
Urlord the Wonderful

Kyle Olson |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm (slowly) working on getting the OpenSource stuff going. Anyone should be able to view all the code now at:
If you want to add bug tracking tickes to the system (which would be awesome), tru:
I haven't used the ticketing system yet, so I don't know what to expect. Put your bugs and feature requests in here so I've got a way to track them and have the other people in the system see them.
I haven't been as responsive as I used to be and I can't promise I will be in the future, but I hope to keep this project vital with the help of the community.

Lysenis |
Amazing! The fact that I can simply go in and make my own monster off a preexisting monster (add a class or change it) is fantastic! I would love to see an add-on that lets us set monsters with a preset class that we can advance a few levels and it automatically generates the proper abilities (gunslinger goblins ftw!). Other than that this is fantastic and I know this will smooth out my combat immensely!

MendedWall12 |

I went to the tickets section just to submit my formal ticketed request for a calendar function (which, honestly is the only other thing I even want this program to have), but I saw no way to submit a ticket. I can search tickets, but I didn't see any button to submit a ticket. It's entirely possible that I am an idiot, and or partially blind. If there is one there, could someone please speak to me like I'm a kindergartner and tell me where it is?

eXaminator |

This is really awsome, after trying around a bit I got it to work and started to play around with the code. I'm new to .NET and C#, but I think this will be a good lesson :)
@MendedWall: Some base for a calendar function is already implemented as I could see. I guess someone will finish this sometime soon (or at least I hope so). Eben though I would like it to change a bit (regarding the layout). Should such wishes be added as a ticket too?
When adding a ticket (without an account) it seems that I can now set everything for that ticket (for example, I could set the status to accepted). That doesn't seem to be what you want to accomplish ;)

Kyle Olson |

@MendedWall: Some base for a calendar function is already implemented as I could see. I guess someone will finish this sometime soon (or at least I hope so). Eben though I would like it to change a bit (regarding the layout). Should such wishes be added as a ticket too?
The UI layout was far from final, and I had to rip out a whole bunch of what I was doing and go back to a version that compiled at one point because there were some serious problems with my design. What's in there now isn't very useful, unfortunately. I need to create a Good SQLite DB setup to store the calendar info and then I will get the rest, in theory, working.

Soulkeeper |

Found this, love it. Not sure what Open Source means in relation, or C#, to my question, but are you considering moving this to tablet format?
I do love it, but my PC is no where near a table we play, nor do I want to try and put a large screen laptop into my view at said table.
But a nice 9" flat laying tablet version would be the goblin's knees.

Destiney007 |

I just wanted to pop on here and say a HUGE thank you to Kyle. Every single person I run into who plays PF I tell to get your program. Sorry to hear it's stressing you out. I have no requests, every time you upgrade it the damn thing just gets better and better. So seriously, thank you for doing a damn fine Professional job.