Lysenis's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


So this is a huge necro but I am curious. . . If I have Snake Style and Panther Style on and provoke the AoO, can I after the triggered AoO is finished use my Swift Action to take out Snake Style and Swap in lets say Dragon Style or Boar Style?

This saddens me. . . It's not like these classes are powerful. . . They have their niche bit that's about it. . .

So I understand, guns are still considered new to the region. . . But I am curious. . . How many seasons will we have to wait until we can use these archetypes. . .

It has been what. . . 3 years since Ultimate Combat released. . . Include playtesting and it's been a whole 4 years. . .

I get that PFS is a "living" rpg, and that's great, but what about advancing the times a bit. . . After 4 years people would have started exploring the use of these magnificent weapons (and don't tell me they are OP, we all know that's a lie!). . .


Anyone else have an opinion or such?

I personally don't want to see just a reflavor of the casting classes and they call them "psychic magic casters" if spells are used I would Luke them to keep an augment system but limited so as not to completly overwhelm base casters. I would love to see many capabilities and go from there.

I just would love an expansion not just a revised version to transfer over.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love Paizo, they have made some of the best products for this style of table top gaming. I do enjoy DSP psionics but I would love to see a PF version.

Psychic Magic. . . Just. . . Seems. . . . Like arcane or divine magic. . . I don't really see a point in three separate magic classifications. . . It's not like monsters have arcane resistance or divine resistance, so all it is, is a way to segregate casters. . . (wow this turned into a rant. . . )

Personally, I enjoyed the balance of the augment system of 3.5/DSP, yes you could get more use out of it but more often then not you blew through them in a few encounters which is legit as well. DSP did a GREAT job with their "talent" system, it gave players an little bit of leeway in areas. Things like this would be amazing!

Alright, let me preface this with the fact that I have seen the post that both Lisa and James commented almost 4 years ago here.

Having said that, I am curious as to what forum members, staff, or other people think about the possibility of a Paizo published "Psionics" book.

What are your takes on what you wish to see and what don't you want to see?

Kyle Olson wrote:
Kyle Olson wrote:
Lysenis wrote:
One thing I would love to see is the clockwork template added in Kyle. It would help my current steampunk campaign immensely!

I need to get together a new list of templates to add. I've got an old list.

Some of the templates are a little tough to implement in the UI I have (from a consistency perspective), but most are fairly simple.

Also, please open a ticket for anything that you would like to see:

Done and done.

Thank you Kyle! I will be donating at the first possible opportunity! This program is more then worth it! Now All I need is one for my ASUS Transformer so I don't have to use my ASUS G73 >.< Stupid 8.5lbs laptop. . .

One thing I would love to see is the clockwork template added in Kyle. It would help my current steampunk campaign immensely!

Nephelim wrote:
Destiney007 wrote:
I just wanted to pop on here and say a HUGE thank you to Kyle. Every single person I run into who plays PF I tell to get your program. Sorry to hear it's stressing you out. I have no requests, every time you upgrade it the damn thing just gets better and better. So seriously, thank you for doing a damn fine Professional job.
+1 to that.

I +1 that as well. This has been such a great help to my campaign and I share this with EVERYONE! it is amazing!

Detect Magic wrote:

Change a creature's type to construct, and apply the clockwork template.

They would gain all the construct defenses in addition to whatever features and abilities they previously possessed (save those which rely on physiology they no longer possess--unless they can be imitated by mechanical organs and the like).

The Clockwork Template link does not seem to function right. Anyone know where another version is?

I would love something Steampunk'ish. A Steampunk Gunner of some sort.

Christopher Delvo wrote:

Going through the Engineer piece by piece right now, and I'm thinking about changing gadgeteer a bit. Essentially, instead of giving a number of gadgets equal to your intelligence modifier at level 5, you would be able to have one gadget at 2nd level, and then one more every 3 levels thereafter (to a max of 7 gadgets at 20th level). Essentially, building the gadgets more into the class than the character, as well as giving something besides Technologist at 2nd level.

The only problem this creates is a dead level at 5th level, which can easily be filled by something else.


...Catch Phrase,


I am testing it with a Boogle with a 17 in Int starting (it will get +2 from boogle racial and then at 4 have a +1)

A bonus feat with a limited selection would be good. I dont think 5 would be dead though do to getting another gadget then.

King Stag wrote:
Is it iPad compatible?

That was going to be my next question really except I was hoping for android or phone.

This is great! I am starting up a Steampunk campaign and this is just perfect for what I want. This on top of the Armored Engineer is just fantastic. I will let you know how my play test goes for it.

Amazing! The fact that I can simply go in and make my own monster off a preexisting monster (add a class or change it) is fantastic! I would love to see an add-on that lets us set monsters with a preset class that we can advance a few levels and it automatically generates the proper abilities (gunslinger goblins ftw!). Other than that this is fantastic and I know this will smooth out my combat immensely!