
Scott Seligman's page

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Scott Seligman wrote:
Christopher Mathieu wrote:
I don't have a secondary monitor for my laptop, but I found an app called Air Display that lets me use my Android tablet for one. When I started up CM and turned on its initiative display, it appeared on the primary screen (as usual). Problem is, when I dragged the initiative window into the reach of the secondary display, CM crashed.
I'll take a look at this and see if I can get a fix for Kyle to include in a future version.

And I did look into this. I tried Air Display on several Android and iOS devices and CM seemed to work well on the remote device. I'd suggest trying to make sure the server and clients of Air Display are all up to date.

If that doesn't help feel free to PM if you want to try and work offline to see if I can track down the issue.

Christopher Mathieu wrote:
I don't have a secondary monitor for my laptop, but I found an app called Air Display that lets me use my Android tablet for one. When I started up CM and turned on its initiative display, it appeared on the primary screen (as usual). Problem is, when I dragged the initiative window into the reach of the secondary display, CM crashed.

I'll take a look at this and see if I can get a fix for Kyle to include in a future version.

I always assumed Kyle was using CM to order pizza during our sessions.

DreamGoddessLindsey wrote:
The "em dash" is what caused it, of that I am certain. Once I redid the monster with everything but the em dash, it worked fine. If you'd like the whole thing I put into the box, here it is:

You're right, but it turns out not to be just the em-dash. I'm able to repro it now, and I'll get a patch to Kyle for the next version.

Thanks for the detailed description, it really helped in this case.

DreamGoddessLindsey wrote:
How do you directly edit a .db file? I crashed Combat Manager by (I think) putting a long dash — not - in the spell-like abilities section of a new monster I made. Now it crashes whenever I try to select the monster, and I can't delete or edit it. I tried WordPad, NotePad, Works, Spreadsheet, Office, Excel, IE, pretty much every program I have. None of them can open the file right. I even tried to download that SQLite, but it didn't work either (not to mention I don't know how to use the damn thing). I can't for the life of me fix this.

As you inferred, it's a SQLite database. You can use the SQLite shell to edit the file at "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager\bestiary.db", but yeah, that's not really for the faint of heart.

If you'd like, you could try SQLite Administrator. It'll show you the file as a more traditional database app would, but still, it's not exactly user friendly.

I did try to reproduce the crash, but I couldn't. Either way, I'm sure Kyle will want a crack at it, but if you send the file to scott at scottandmichelle.net, I'll take a crack at it to see if I can get a patch to Kyle to fix the crash.

Try again. I've should have enabled anyone, even those that don't have a SourceForge account, to create tickets now.

eXaminator wrote:

I actually hoped for a complete sync, including stuff like the monster DB, custom conditions etc. :)

Well, I guess I'll have to finde another way then :)

If you’re comfortable with such things, you can create a NTFS Junction to your Dropbox folder from the data folder Combat Manager uses.

If you’re not, you can just wait for Kyle to update things =)

Frozen Forever wrote:
Next ridiculous demand: Android Honeycomb App. ;)

While it's not nearly as cool as Kyle's application, I did actually just start porting the iPhone/iPad Spells application to Android today, so you'll have something :)