MendedWall12 |

Kyle/Combat Manager Community,
I need your help with something. We just went through a laptop exchange at work, and in the process switched from Windows XP to Windows 7. I saved all the files that were in C:\Documents and Settings\User\App Data\Combat Manger but I can't put them anywhere because Windows 7 doesn't even have that folder. I'm wondering where I can stick the files from that previous folder so that Combat Manager will recognize them and run them for the next startup of the program. Looking in the folder I saved it looks like a bestiary entry, a saved combat state, saved custom conditions, saved favorite conditions, and recent conditions. Any clue where I should put those files, or what I can do to get Combat Manager to incorporate them into the next startup?

Nylanfs |

Kyle/Combat Manager Community,
I need your help with something. We just went through a laptop exchange at work, and in the process switched from Windows XP to Windows 7. I saved all the files that were in C:\Documents and Settings\User\App Data\Combat Manger but I can't put them anywhere because Windows 7 doesn't even have that folder. I'm wondering where I can stick the files from that previous folder so that Combat Manager will recognize them and run them for the next startup of the program. Looking in the folder I saved it looks like a bestiary entry, a saved combat state, saved custom conditions, saved favorite conditions, and recent conditions. Any clue where I should put those files, or what I can do to get Combat Manager to incorporate them into the next startup?
They should be under "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local", I think

Kyle Olson |

MendedWall12 wrote:They should be under "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local", I thinkAny clue where I should put those files, or what I can do to get Combat Manager to incorporate them into the next startup?
It varies by OS/user, but for most users under Win7 you'll see them under C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager. If you copy all of the files here to the comparable user folder on another system this should keep everything (except the settings in the registry, which aren't a big deal)

Cutter |

Small suggestion for the dice roller Kyle....
Any chance we could make d20 rolls of "1" stand out by being in red or something? I think that would really make it a lot easier to spot 1's when rolled for attack roles for example (automatic miss)
I'm finding I am using the attack roller all the time but since it adds on appropriate bonuses I have to be careful and look closely for 1's being rolled for attacks.

MendedWall12 |

Small suggestion for the dice roller Kyle....
Any chance we could make d20 rolls of "1" stand out by being in red or something? I think that would really make it a lot easier to spot 1's when rolled for attack roles for example (automatic miss)
I'm finding I am using the attack roller all the time but since it adds on appropriate bonuses I have to be careful and look closely for 1's being rolled for attacks.
Ooooooo! Yeah I'll second that. And! Thanks for the info, I dropped the files where you said and everything is hunky-dory. You continue to be the man.

Emil Refn |
Nylanfs wrote:It varies by OS/user, but for most users under Win7 you'll see them under C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager. If you copy all of the files here to the comparable user folder on another system this should keep everything (except the settings in the registry, which aren't a big deal)MendedWall12 wrote:They should be under "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local", I thinkAny clue where I should put those files, or what I can do to get Combat Manager to incorporate them into the next startup?
To get to the folder easy, you can open any folder on the system, and then type %APPDATA% into the addressbar, that automatically puts you in "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming", but from there you can just go up one folder, and then enter Local.

eXaminator |

Kyle Olson wrote:To get to the folder easy, you can open any folder on the system, and then type %APPDATA% into the addressbar, that automatically puts you in "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming", but from there you can just go up one folder, and then enter Local.Nylanfs wrote:It varies by OS/user, but for most users under Win7 you'll see them under C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager. If you copy all of the files here to the comparable user folder on another system this should keep everything (except the settings in the registry, which aren't a big deal)MendedWall12 wrote:They should be under "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local", I thinkAny clue where I should put those files, or what I can do to get Combat Manager to incorporate them into the next startup?
Though the Combatmanager folder might actually be in your roaming folder (which is the case on my PCs).

Sethvir |

Hey Kyle,
For the custom spell list, I've added a bunch, but the sorting lists seem to be having a problem when I sort with just the class.
For example I added a new spell that should only be accessible to an Alchemist. Using the sorting lists, and just the class designation, it never seems to filter out. I select Ranger, the spell is still there. I select Druid, the spell is still there.
Overall though the custom spell editor is great and I've added a bunch of stuff to it.

![]() |

One thing I would like to request is an custom item creator. I play with a lot of custom made items that use abilities not in the core books and there is no way to emulate them in the CM. I know that I can edit the weapons manually, but it always seems to error and add it into natural attacks causing the attacks to be really weird when I try to roll them.

Kyle Olson |

Small suggestion for the dice roller Kyle....
Any chance we could make d20 rolls of "1" stand out by being in red or something? I think that would really make it a lot easier to spot 1's when rolled for attack roles for example (automatic miss)
I'm finding I am using the attack roller all the time but since it adds on appropriate bonuses I have to be careful and look closely for 1's being rolled for attacks.
I've got something I'll throw in for the next version which will make some of this more obvious. I probably also need some layout changes to make the dice roller bigger, if the user wants it bigger, but I haven't worked those out yet.

ObsidianOrder |

One other thing regarding the die roller that would make it more useable would be if it filled from the top rather than adding to the bottom. In other words, the latest die roll would be at the top of the output window. This way one would not have to scroll down all the time during long combats, etc. Just a thought.
Keep up the great work Kyle.

Kyle Olson |

Hey Kyle,
For the custom spell list, I've added a bunch, but the sorting lists seem to be having a problem when I sort with just the class.
For example I added a new spell that should only be accessible to an Alchemist. Using the sorting lists, and just the class designation, it never seems to filter out. I select Ranger, the spell is still there. I select Druid, the spell is still there.
Overall though the custom spell editor is great and I've added a bunch of stuff to it.
I'm taking a look at it. Hopefully I can have a fix soon.

Kyle Olson |

One other thing regarding the die roller that would make it more useable would be if it filled from the top rather than adding to the bottom. In other words, the latest die roll would be at the top of the output window. This way one would not have to scroll down all the time during long combats, etc. Just a thought.
Keep up the great work Kyle.
I actually want it to scroll down as it fills. It's just a bug that it's not doing so right now.

Sethvir |

Sethvir wrote:I'm taking a look at it. Hopefully I can have a fix soon.Hey Kyle,
For the custom spell list, I've added a bunch, but the sorting lists seem to be having a problem when I sort with just the class.
For example I added a new spell that should only be accessible to an Alchemist. Using the sorting lists, and just the class designation, it never seems to filter out. I select Ranger, the spell is still there. I select Druid, the spell is still there.
Overall though the custom spell editor is great and I've added a bunch of stuff to it.
No worries Kyle. BTW, if you want my db I'll be happy to send it along as well to the usual email. :)

Laithoron |

Kyle, did you have any thoughts on the bookmarking quick-reference suggestion I made? It was at the very bottom of the last page so I'm not sure if you missed (you typically comment on all feedback from what I've observed).

Kyle Olson |

Kyle, did you have any thoughts on the bookmarking quick-reference suggestion I made? It was at the very bottom of the last page so I'm not sure if you missed (you typically comment on all feedback from what I've observed).
I try to comment on everything, but I lose focus. I certainly think there needs to be a way to search through and track info in the DBs better. I'm not sure that bookmarks are exactly the way to do it. I'm actually thinking about things I can do with the tabs to accomplish this.

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I would just like to mention that I found a missing Core feat. Martial Weapon Proficiency, and if I remember Simple as well. The reason I found this out was cause one of my players, a Bard, took it for Glaive since he found an intelligent one.
tell him not to waste a feat on that:
Proficiency: The possessor is automatically considered proficient in the weapon's use. This power does not grant the possessor the ability to use other weapons of the same type or to use this magically granted proficiency to meet prerequisites. Item Type: Weapon. Price Modifier: 2,000 gp. Ego Modifier: +1.
Source: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lbsa&sort=0&source=search

![]() |

Sgmendez wrote:I would just like to mention that I found a missing Core feat. Martial Weapon Proficiency, and if I remember Simple as well. The reason I found this out was cause one of my players, a Bard, took it for Glaive since he found an intelligent one.tell him not to waste a feat on that:
Proficiency: The possessor is automatically considered proficient in the weapon's use. This power does not grant the possessor the ability to use other weapons of the same type or to use this magically granted proficiency to meet prerequisites. Item Type: Weapon. Price Modifier: 2,000 gp. Ego Modifier: +1.
Source: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lbsa&sort=0&source=search
So are you telling me to add that power to the item? I don't want to spoil anything but I am running the CoT AP

Sethvir |

Has anyone else had problems with 1.3.3 Crashing during random treasure generation? I click generate, then crash.
Yep. Just tried it based on your note.
4:35:36 PM
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'CombatManager.TreasureGenerator' threw an exception. ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at CombatManager.TreasureGenerator.LoadSpellItemCharts()
at CombatManager.TreasureGenerator..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at CombatManager.TreasureGenerator..ctor()
at CombatManager.MainWindow.GenerateButton_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick()
at System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick()
at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButt onEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonUpThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
at System.Windows.UIElement.ReRaiseEventAs(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args, RoutedEvent newEvent)
at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseUpThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted)
at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()
at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input)
at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport)
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel)
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at CombatManager.TreasureGenerator.LoadSpellItemCharts()
at CombatManager.TreasureGenerator..cctor()

Kyle Olson |

BabyBackRIbs wrote:Has anyone else had problems with 1.3.3 Crashing during random treasure generation? I click generate, then crash.Yep. Just tried it based on your note.
** spoiler omitted **...
It's the custom spels - they don't have potion, scroll, and wand information and that's breaking the parser. I'll get this fixed.

Kyle Olson |

Is there a way to include a companion horse (for the cavalier) on the party with correct stats? If I use the animal template, hoofs get treated as secondary whereas combat trained horses use hoofs as primary weapons.
I don't have any specific way to change a secondary attack into a primary attack, but in theory if the creature's only has one natural attack and no weapon attacks. it's supposed to be treated as a primary attack. I haven't tested this out in a while, though. You can also change the die roll on any natural weapon.
Can you tell me what results you are expecting and what you are getting?
For reasons that seemed good at the time you can't change the die roll on a non-natural weapon. I'll may change that if I get back to the attacks editor.

Turgon |

Can you tell me what results you are expecting and what you are getting?
For reasons that seemed good at the time you can't change the die roll on a non-natural weapon. I'll may change that if I get back to the attacks editor.
Well, this may be a point of contention but the way I understand the rules, a combat-trained horse companion for the lvl 1 cavalier treats its hooves attacks as primary weapons like a Warhorse. Thus, it has:
1 primary attack bite +3 (1d4+3)
2 primary attacks hooves +3 (1d6+3)
Combat Manager treats hooves as secondary natural weapons because that's what a regular horse companion (such as a druid's) gets:
1 primary attack bite +3 (1d4+3)
2 secondary attacks hooves -2 (1d6-1)
Not a very important point, but my cavalier player likes me to automate the rolls for his horse...

Kyle Olson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It seems like a great program, but it feels overwhelming, where to start, and how to use it. I´ve Herolab (registered user) and possibly use Combat Manager during my sessions.
I´m looking for an instruction video where you can learn the basics, and how to run a game with Combat Manager.
So it's come to this. I need to be professional and create some help resources.
I don't have anything right now, but I'm looking into what I can do with a reasonable amount of work. Probably a FAQ to start with.
If anyone wants to make some videos, go right ahead :P

Kyle Olson |

Hey Kyle, I'm not trying to rush you, because I know Combat Manager isn't your life, but I was wondering what the status on the treasure generation bug was.
Thanks in advance.
Fixed. I'm close on the next version I think, but I made some changes under the hood which in theory shouldn't change anything the user sees but might break something so I'm going to fiddle for a little more before I get it out. I wouldn't be surprised if I was ready by tomorrow, but we'll see.

Stabbington P. Carvesworthy |
Just a few more items that my fellow DMs and I found while poking around:
- No drowning rules in the rules section. If they are somewhere else in the app, I can't find them, but this is something that comes up (eerily) often in my campaigns
- The half dragon template, when added to a creature that already has claw/bite attacks, adds nonsensical entries to the attacks part of the statblock. Specifically, I used a half-dragon girallon and the statblock reads: bite +14 (1d6+8), 4 claws +14 (1d4+8 plus rend), 2 bites +14 (1d6+8), claw +14 (1d4+8)
- This one is more of an enhancement for those of us who like keyboards - each tab except the Combat tab has a list/searchbox combo on the left side of the window. Can you tie a Focus() call to the click event on each of those other tabs so there does not have to be an explicit click on the search field?
- Another enhancement request - Tab order for a lot of the fields in each tab is kind of off. Player/Monster entries and Initiative order entries are not tabbed through. I know this is kind of nit-picky and dynamic tab order can be a bit tricky, but it sure would be nice if you could find time :)

Kyle Olson |

Just a few more items that my fellow DMs and I found while poking around:
- No drowning rules in the rules section. If they are somewhere else in the app, I can't find them, but this is something that comes up (eerily) often in my campaigns
There's a lot of GmG rules I don't have. I'll take a look at pasting these in.
- The half dragon template, when added to a creature that already has claw/bite attacks, adds nonsensical entries to the attacks part of the statblock. Specifically, I used a half-dragon girallon and the statblock reads: bite +14 (1d6+8), 4 claws +14 (1d4+8 plus rend), 2 bites +14 (1d6+8), claw +14 (1d4+8)
I'll take a look at this. The attacks are supposed to consolidate, but clearly that's not happening.
- This one is more of an enhancement for those of us who like keyboards - each tab except the Combat tab has a list/searchbox combo on the left side of the window. Can you tie a Focus() call to the click event on each of those other tabs so there does not have to be an explicit click on the search field?
I'll take a look and see how it feels/works. As long as it doesn't make other stuff wacky I'll do it.
- Another enhancement request - Tab order for a lot of the fields in each tab is kind of off. Player/Monster entries and Initiative order entries are not tabbed through. I know this is kind of nit-picky and dynamic tab order can be a bit tricky, but it sure would be nice if you could find time :)
I have concerns about changing what happens with the tab key in the list view items. I'm concerned I could make the situation worse if I do it wrong. These are the things I fear.
As for the tab order of the fields, I'll take a look again. I get really lazy with tab order.

Hellder |

Kyle, please don't forget to add the missing 'Effect' field to the spell editor =)
Also, as a suggestion, is it possible for you to make an import/export option to save the custom spells in .xml or .cmpt? It would be very helpful so that people can share their custom spells and merge spells created by others with their own spells.
Thanks again for this fantastic tool.

Kyle Olson |

Kyle, please don't forget to add the missing 'Effect' field to the spell editor =)
When you asked for this the first time I thought you meant the automatic effect bonuses on the spells so I added that feature. I'll get the effect field in as well.
Also, as a suggestion, is it possible for you to make an import/export option to save the custom spells in .xml or .cmpt? It would be very helpful so that people can share their custom spells and merge spells created by others with their own spells.
This is on my mind but I keep thinking I want to do one more thing or another so that when I implement this I do it right. I don't know that it will be in this version, but I hope to do it sooner rather than later.

Hellder |

Hellder wrote:Kyle, please don't forget to add the missing 'Effect' field to the spell editor =)
When you asked for this the first time I thought you meant the automatic effect bonuses on the spells so I added that feature. I'll get the effect field in as well.
Sorry. Since no one else noticed the missing 'effect' field on the spell editor, I was begining to think it was already there and my senses were fooling me ^^
Hellder wrote:This is on my mind but I keep thinking I want to do one more thing or another so that when I implement this I do it right. I don't know that it will be in this version, but I hope to do it sooner rather than later.
Also, as a suggestion, is it possible for you to make an import/export option to save the custom spells in .xml or .cmpt? It would be very helpful so that people can share their custom spells and merge spells created by others with their own spells.
No need to hurry, and thanks again for this great program.

Kyle Olson |

Combat Manager update to 1.3.4:
Add ability to create bonues for custom spells
Fix treasure generator crash with custom spells
Add Import/Export of monsters and spells from DB
Fix filtering of custom spells
Improve look of die rolls
Roll indentical attacks for multiple selected monsters
Scroll die roller to end when rolling
Add reroll buttons to rolls
Fix some PCGen attack parsing issues
Add missing effect field on spells

Lava Child |

I just wanted to say that your program has sped up the summer campaign I'm in a great deal. It's really help my friend, who is a new DM, to bring up his game and we really appreciate your work.
To everyone else: If Kyle fixes something for you, or if you enjoy this program, please donate to him at his website.

Pockets |
Hello kyle,
I would like to say that out of all the battle managers ive found yours would have to be the best and easiest to use.
Being so I would like to know if there is a way to add custom feats and rules, so I can adapt your Combat Manager to 3.5 from pathfinder. I'm aware that there may be some core differences, however I can work around that if i'm able to customize the feats and rules.
If this question has been asked before I apologize, I skimmed through some pages, however I feel to read every post would be somewhat time consuming.

Kyle Olson |

Hello kyle,
I would like to say that out of all the battle managers ive found yours would have to be the best and easiest to use.
Being so I would like to know if there is a way to add custom feats and rules, so I can adapt your Combat Manager to 3.5 from pathfinder. I'm aware that there may be some core differences, however I can work around that if i'm able to customize the feats and rules.
If this question has been asked before I apologize, I skimmed through some pages, however I feel to read every post would be somewhat time consuming.
I probably won't have the time to handle any rules differences, but I would certainly like to have some data files for 3.5. Someone had sent me some links to a good source a while back, but I haven't had time to do the conversion. I think it's just a matter of getting the right data and a couple of flags in the app to handle it.
Also, I'll have custom feats at some point in the future to go with custom spells and monsters, so that will help if anyone wants to add their own data.

Kyle Olson |

Not that I want to add pressure, but just got back from GenCon with my UC, and wondering when the material from that might make it's way in? :)
Starting to work on it. I've got spells info (thanks to chopswil who's always on the ball), but I haven't integrated it yet. I'm working on the feats. The weapons and classes will present additional trouble. Anyway, don't hold breath your for an immediate release.

MendedWall12 |

I've been a fan of yours since just after the inception of this program, and you continue to amaze. The import/export ability, and the newly remodeled dice roller are amazing. I've already gotten to see the auto-fail red and the critical green, nice touch. Thanks for fixing the treasure gen problem. I know I've said it many times before, but I'm going to go ahead and say it again. If this program were any smarter it would GM the game itself.
As always, much thanks.

BabyBackRIbs |

Beorn the Bear wrote:Not that I want to add pressure, but just got back from GenCon with my UC, and wondering when the material from that might make it's way in? :)Starting to work on it. I've got spells info (thanks to chopswil who's always on the ball), but I haven't integrated it yet. I'm working on the feats. The weapons and classes will present additional trouble. Anyway, don't hold breath your for an immediate release.
Take your time Kyle you do an awesome job!
Let me know if there's anything someone without knowledge of programming can do to help, I'd be glad to donate some time.