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Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


This may be slightly off topic, but a friend and I were talking about Pathfinder one day and we came up with the idea of a dungeon salesman.

Basically they were the the authority on dungeon design, and sold and installed everything from basic pit traps to planar rifting mines, and full blown custom dungeon design and construction.

They had a facility that had two or three sample dungeons that they would show to aspiring BBEGs and their partners.

Stuff along the lines of:
"And now if everyone will step behind the safety glass, we will now demonstrate the flame mines."
"Cynthia, release the goblin."

It was us just goofing around but it was an extremely fun conversation.

Ok so I'm not terribly creative with these kinds of things. I'm running Kingmaker in the next couple of days and was hoping you could post some of the pranks you played on your PC's during The Fairy Nest in Kingmaker 1 The Stolen Lands. Thanks in advance!

Warm & Fuzzy wrote:

I love combat manager!

Unfortunately I havn`t been able to use it yet..:( The rest of the guys I play with is a bit against computers at the gaming table, which I can understand, but just felt like I should support such excellent initiative.

Keep up the good work Kyle =)

Do this next session:

Ask one of your players to look up an obscure rule in one of the rule books then look it up using CM and see who finds it faster. lol

Whenever I attemt to edit my custom feats the application crashes. Also the prerequisites do not show up after I've created the feat. Other than that I love the changes, especially to the treasure generator. Keep up the awesome work.

Could you think about putting up a notes tab? Saveable and loadable would make it especially nice :)

Kyle Olson wrote:
Beorn the Bear wrote:
Not that I want to add pressure, but just got back from GenCon with my UC, and wondering when the material from that might make it's way in? :)
Starting to work on it. I've got spells info (thanks to chopswil who's always on the ball), but I haven't integrated it yet. I'm working on the feats. The weapons and classes will present additional trouble. Anyway, don't hold breath your for an immediate release.

Take your time Kyle you do an awesome job!

Let me know if there's anything someone without knowledge of programming can do to help, I'd be glad to donate some time.

Yo Kyle, do we have an ETA on the next update? I'm excited to have my treasure generator back :)

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Lobolusk wrote:
No complaints from me, take your time, sometimes life and technology doesn't do what we want it to do.

QFT, It's good to see that there are other people who don't act like whiny little babies when they can't get something they want right away.

Are pathfinder books, pdfs etc. only released in one language?

It says available at 2:00 pm, I was wondering what timezone that is?

Hey Kyle, I'm not trying to rush you, because I know Combat Manager isn't your life, but I was wondering what the status on the treasure generation bug was.

Thanks in advance.

Has anyone else had problems with 1.3.3 Crashing during random treasure generation? I click generate, then crash.

Out of curiosity Kyle, about how long does it take you to add material from new books? I'm asking because you've spoiled me, I don't know if I can run a game without Combat Manager anymore. Also, where on your site do I go to donate?