Pockets's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Greetings kyle,

I'm enjoying the new custom feats options, and the minor changes to the gui. Now I can add my 3.5 feats.

However I've noticed that the Improved two weapon fighting, and the greater two weapon fighting feats. Have nothing in the info box when I hover over the hyper link. Also it does not add the extra attacks to off hand for the attack roller.

Which is not a big deal due to I can manually edit the attacks. I just wasn't sure if it's a bug or not. So I thought I would mention it to see if it was just me.

Hello kyle,

I would like to say that out of all the battle managers ive found yours would have to be the best and easiest to use.

Being so I would like to know if there is a way to add custom feats and rules, so I can adapt your Combat Manager to 3.5 from pathfinder. I'm aware that there may be some core differences, however I can work around that if i'm able to customize the feats and rules.

If this question has been asked before I apologize, I skimmed through some pages, however I feel to read every post would be somewhat time consuming.