Forum Games

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Dark Archive

Banned, Because I said so.

CPT. Arguemental is banned because I say so!

Dark Archive

Banned, because you're wrong, wrong, wrong

CPT. Arguemental is banned because I am allergic to NCOs.

Dark Archive

Banned for not knowing the difference between commissioned and non-commissioned ocifers

CPT. Argumental is banned because I am allergic to COs as well.

hobbsdadolfin is banned for being allergic.

Scarab Sages

gran rey de los banned is banned because his subjects need him to be there for him.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for rarely making sense, and then: not that much.

Quiche Lisp is banned because it's his fault that the site is/was wonky.

Magic is banned because he's right, but he will never be able to prove it.

Quiche Lisp is banned for the concealment of evidence.

rashly5 is banned for drinking and casting.

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned for throwing playing cards around willy-nilly; no one likes 52-card-pickup.

Extinct Fizz is banned for talking about its willie.

Scarab Sages

Quiche Lisp is banned for censorship.

IHiYC is banned for not staying in his closet.., under orders.

Scarab Sages

Commander Shepard III is banned for, for all intents and purposes, not reading my profile before talking to me about "orders."

*rubs Commander Shepard III's nose in it*

See my Alignment?

See my Occupation?

See the problem with your rationale?

Commander Shepard III: Do you SEE?

*goes full Bhagavad Gita on the hapless simp*

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for making me watch a Stanley Kubrick flick.

Quiche Lisp is banned for crying.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for demonstrating a clear pattern of bullying toward Quiche Lisp - first you steal his breakfast and blame someone else on the "False Factoids" thread, now you're attacking HIM for crying about it?!?

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned because this time it's personal.

Who stole my breakfast ?

Retribution !

You're all banned for various crimes related to my breakfast !

Scarab Sages

Quiche Lisp is banned for attempted cat-herding.

IHiYC, agin, is banned for not following orders and demoted for assaulting a superior officier, neglect in following the chain of command, laughing at junior officiers, and six other (so far) things not yet written in the military code of conduct.

Commander Shepard III is banned for his/her stupid looking bangs.

Mark_Twain007 is banned for possessing no arms, no legs, and having one hell of an overbite.

DM Jeffrey is banned for being loaded while at work.

ALG is banned for not sitting in my cab and charging him fare.

Jeffrey is banned for not having snake eyes.

MS is banned for not knowing the difference between snake-eyes and box cars.

DM Jazzy Jeff is banned for not including the Fresh Prince

Mark Hoover is banned because someone has to take the blame for the DC Reboot !

Dark Archive

Quiche Lisp is banned for looking for trouble

Gruumash is banned for giving orcs too good a name. You're betraying the Great Evil Eye, Gruumash !

Scarab Sages

Quiche Lisp is banned because a talking egg pie is difficult enough to understand without having a speech impediment.

Hiding is banned for always finding the negative in others.

Old Doc Flumph is banned for medical malpractice.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for libel.

You're banned !

But not by me !

I can't be held liable, your Honor !

I merely observe this banishment !

I'm in no way in favor of or against this banishment !

I have no opinion whatsoever !

I'm probably forbidden from opinioning !

I... I... aaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhh !

The Constitution must be protected !

The Practician is banned for letting the constitution fall into the wrong hands

Mark Hoover is banned for delivering it into those hands.

Dark Archive

Captain Spalding is banned for trying to deny her true father.

Gruumash is banned for being delusional.

Dark Archive

captain Spalding is banned for lying,

G-daddy is banned for not seeing the family resemblance over here

You're all banned for a severe case of deja-vu !

Q-tip is banned because of that cat that just went by, then I saw the same cat again...

Hoover is banned for being anti-Feline!

Kat is banned for being pro-feline.

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