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GMB is banned for not getting Cluny his beer and making fun of Trip's deformities. (I know it's easy to do...)
GM_Beernorg, you are banned for the absurd number of beverages you stole from my fridge.
Tea, of course. What kind of beverages did you think I was talking about?
Molten Dragon is banned for ninjaing Anonymous Warrior
Anonymous Warrior is banned because his drinks don't start with the letter 'T'.
Belphegor is banned for not having any good thistle & black tea blends when I went into his tea cupboard to steal and absurd number of tea bags to make an absurd number of beverages.
GMB is banned for suggesting that the only thing he was after was tea. I think we all know better.
Molten Dragon is banned for being right, I was after an absurd number of lemons too, hey I like lemon in my black tea...
As tea is neither Beer nor Norg , we have banned GM_Beernorg under the Paizo false username advertising statutes until such a time as evidence can be provided of your Beernorging.
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Harkevich is banned for not fileing the correct paperwork to sepina evidence.
Captain Kuro is banned for being a bureaucrat.
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ODF is banned for being technically correct, which is the BEST kind of correct.
GoatToucher, I'm sorry, but we need to ban you until Paizo's year of the goat finishes at the office and we can return all the consultant goats back to their respective farms.
Harkevich is banned because wide-brimmed hats are recognized as gang signs. We are still scared of gangs, right?
IHIYC is banned for not including tassel hats with bells, there IS a famous gang who have sometimes worn such.
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GM_Beernorg is banned because you ain't got nothing on me, (verdigris-saturated) copper!
IHIYC is banned for hiding this thread in the closet.
Belphegor is banned for releasing his retro 80's rap album, "Mummy Wrappin, Gin and Curses!"
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GMB is banned for bringing up the 80's.
Molten Dragon was born in the 80's. Thus, Banned.
Dr.G is banned for wearing his plague mask in public.
Molten Dragon is banned for accusing me of wearing a mask.
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Dr G, you are not so much banned, as detained, and will be prepared for transfer. The folks from SCP should be by in a little bit to pick you up.
Anonymous Warrior is banned for throwing someone under the bus in order to save himself.
Belphegor is banned for being impossible to throw under a bus what with him being a ghost or vampire or something..
Molten Dragon is banned for not realizing Belphegor is clearly a mummy, and thus can be thrown under, and thus run over and damaged by, a bus. Unless it is one particular bus, his DR applies though ;).
GM is banned for being Green & Mean
DJ-Bogie is banned for staying away for so long.
Schism is banned for having at some point looked at a shaving foam brush and said, "yeah, THAT'S what I want to do with my hair!".
IHIYC is banned because he is jealous that I have hair and he doesn't.
Schism is banned because, you know, that's what we do around here.
MD is banned purely due to societal momentum. Can't be helped, old fruit: it's anthropology at work.
Do we really need a reason to ban GoatToucher? I mean all of the flagrant violations of the rules on the forums much less his playing a bard should probably be right out.
Banned for questioning the practice of banning.
Banned for banning the one who banned me.
Banned for being a hypocrite.
Banned for being hypoglycemic.
Banned for being pro sugar.
Molten Dragon is banned for jumping on Belphegor and GoatToucher's non-specifying Banned-wagon.
Banned for assuming I can jump.
Molten Dragon is banned for not killing every single NPC in Might & Magic VI.
TFF is banned for being the Yellow champion in the single player campaign of Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
GoatToucher is banned for his embarrassing stint as an undertaker at the Fortress of Fear, where he had the bright idea of cramming no fewer than *3* mummies into a single coffin that was described as "so narrow it could hardly hold a human form." It's not a f$!$ing clown coffin, Mr. GoatToucher.
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I was going to ban IHIYC, until I saw he was defending mummy rights.
Barphegor (sic) is banned for not banning IHIYC when they had the chance. He's in need of a good banning.
Melty biglizard be banned for burning town before goblinz could.
Poog is banned for being green with envy.
Schism is banned so this thread can keep going.
Belphegor is banned for mummified cats, PETA knows what you did!
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No one knows what GM_Beernorg does. He's notoriously reclusive, like the spider. Except green not brown. And not an actual spider.
Molten Dragon is banned for realizing I am not a spider, how...how did you see through my perfect disguise?!
Ol' slippery GM_Beernorg is double banned because I didn't ban him in my last post.