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Banned for being soft centred!!

banned for making a bad joke

The Mighty Chocobo and a few others are banned for not specifying in the post who they're banning.


This cute little fiend is banned because we do not care

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for presuming to speak for others.

The happy jester is banned for forgetting that when UDS says "we", he means everyone in his head.


Thank you for pointing this out, but because you have done so, you are now banned.

Scarab Sages

Belphegor is banned for using quotation marks.

Woran is banned for being waayy to late with banning belphegor


The fiend is banned because...


oh hell, you are just banned

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for being RACIST. You banned The Fiend Fantastic just because he's red - that's what this is all about, isn't it?

The jester is banned for playing the race card.

Alissa is banned for calling out Ihiyc on the racist card

Dark Archive

Ranger Alissa is banned for being so bossy.

Gruumash is banned for being ninja'd

Dark Archive

Mighty Coco Puffs is banned for not going down to coco mo.

Gru is banned for not making sense

The bird is banned for being sensless.

Kat is banned for improper spelling


This bird is banned for thinking he is so mighty when he is not.

UDS is banned for stealing my coffee.

The Fiend is banned for tripping the light fantastic.


Banned for we did start your fire

Banned because we didn't start his fire.
It was always burning since the world's been turning.

The rabbit is banned because it isn't easter yet.


The fiend is banned because rabbit tastes good all year long.

UDS is banned because trix are for kids.

Spanky is banned for taking my lucky charms.

Angry Little Guy is banned for lack of anger management.

The fiend fantastic is banned for laughing at my problems.

ALM is banned for having problems

Coco Puffs is banned for having such a high pitched voice.


Burning straw man is banned for being vulnerable to this pale of water.

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for a disturbing excess of faith in SpellCheck.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for a disturbing lack of pants.


Banned for thinking I care that he is hiding in my closet of eternal curses and torture

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned because everyone's Closet comes with eternal curses and torture - what I want to know about Your Closet is, what kind of Motel 6 racket are you running that doesn't have an interocitor???

IHIYC is banned for scaring off the children at that last carnival fare.

Scarab Sages

I had to - you were there trying to lure them into a cycle of ignorance and decadence that would have ended in their turning into donkeys and being sent to the salt mines!
The Fiend Fantastic is banned for forcing me to play the hero.

Ah no, you see that was a fake whose methods were all wrong. Making them donkeys is wrong, you should make them worshipers.

IHIYC is banned for even bothering to play the hero.

Fiend Fantastic is banned because we need a hero and we are holding out for a hero till the morning light. And he has gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight.

Monica is banned for being the Fairy Godmother

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned because I can't remember the last time I banned someone. And I'm preemptively banning myself because I can't remember the last time I banned someone.

banned because I said so


Banned for only I can do that

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for failing to fill out the correct forms in triplicate before attempting to ban thus their ban is now null and void.

The office is banned for trying to turn a simple pleasure into a tedious hassle.

Spalding is banned for taking the words out of my mouth

The Mighty Chocobo is banned for banning me earlier after I banned myself. This banning of a banned individual caused a quantum disruption that broke my banhammer and now I am forced to use my banscrewdriver instead.

banned because sonic screwdriver is better

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