Forum Games

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Mark Hoover is banned for trying to predict the future.

gran rey is banned for redundancy; using your typical witicisms in stereo just makes them twice as obvious

Mark Hoover is banned for doubting my subtlety.

grdlss is banned for misunderstanding; I doubt your sanity, not subtlety

Mark Hoover is banned for being unclear about his doubts.

And does my nekkidness make me sane or subtle?

Neither. Banned.

The Exchange

Mark is banned for not giving a reason.

Tirq is banned for reason when passion is a fair substitute; the passion...of the BAN!

The Exchange

Mark is banned for eating passion fruit.

Tirq is banned for trying to ban the consumption of Passion Fruit.

DJ-Bogie is banned for encouraging the eating of fruit. If it isn't meat, it don't get eat.

GRD de Los Everything is banned to make some room. For anything, really.

Starfinder Superscriber

Quiche Lisp is banned for taking gran rey de los everything's everything. He's allowed to keep it everywhere.

DJED is banned for enabling Gran.

Liberty's Edge

DJ-Bogie is banned for not eating enough bran.

Lady Pood Pood is banned for not being a delectible duck.

The Exchange

Midgard Serpent is banned for wanting those ducks.

Tirq is banned because we all know he likes ducks more than turkeys.

gran rey de los paparazzi is banned for overlooking chickens.

The VCoB is banned for allowing itself to get looked over

Mark Hoover is banned for being gone for a week and not bringing us anything nice.

The chicken is banned for being on Mark Hoover's naughty list.

Goat Toucher is banned for getting removed from the Naughty List and being put on the Perverted List.

DJ-Bogie is banned for being the living reason why the Perverted List was created in the first place.

Midnight_Angel is banned for being jealous that Bogie made the list first.

gran is banned for listing to port

Mark Hoover is banned for confusing a 15 degree starboard roll with "listing to port".

Gran Rey de Los X is jealously banned for learned humor.

Quiche Lisp is banned for frightening Sherman so badly he won't touch scrambled eggs anymore.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Mr Peabody is banned for messing with history.

Charles Scholz is banned for thinking history couldn't use a good messing.

gran rey de los 20XX is banned for liking Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol is banned for thinking I would pay money to see that.

Gran is banned for sneaking into that movie by the back door.

DJ Bogie is banned for emerging from Skrillex's nose.

Spanky is banned for dropping the bass when Skrillex can't.

YAAR, tha Vicious Chicken o' Bristol be banned fer that were a trout, nay a bass.

Yarr! Is banned for washing out of ninja skewl.

Shadow Lodge

Spanky is banned for mis-spelling Ninja Skewl. It has capitol letters.

Ninjaotic is banned for being abnormally conspicuous.

The Elusive Trout is banned for not having a rainbow.

Tater Slaad is banned for ripping off Ron White's shtick.

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol is banned because I don't remember Ron White having a rainbow.

Gran is banned because he couldn't Git er Done.

The eye is banned for not willing to be my plaything.

The Exchange

Kat's Eye is banned for secretly being DJ's other eye-brother.

Tirq is banned. Here's your sign.

The Exchange

Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King, Esquire, is banned for giving me the wrong sign.

The Turnip King is banned because he might be a redneck.

Tirq is banned because he might be a ninja.

Shadow Lodge

DJ is banned for not knowing.

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