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Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Before you put a bunch of ranks in the Sniping skill did you sing "Awimbawe" while lining up a shot?
Heh... no. I did not.


I actually made myself sad when I maxed out that skill, since it meant I couldn't play the sniping "minigame" anymore...

Question! How much farther have you gotten in Dark Souls 3?

I'm a fair bit in. Last boss I defeated was the deacon mob group in the cathedral. I'm on to the skeleton crypts now.

Ooooo that's where I'm at.

What did you think of the Abyss Watchers?

Fun fight, but I prefer the bosses who are more monstrous and unusual in shape.

Like the second stage of the first boss?

Also what sword did you pick with the Abyss Watchers soul? Probably the hardest decision I've made in the game thus far.


I'm not sure I made that sword decision yet for the Abyss Watchers; neither of the sword options particularly appeals to me so I'm just holding on to the soul and might just use it for its souls in the end.

What was your reaction when that happened?

If it helps both swords are fun to use due to the special acrobatic abilities they give :3

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Before you put a bunch of ranks in the Sniping skill did you sing "Awimbawe" while lining up a shot?
Heh... no. I did not.


I actually made myself sad when I maxed out that skill, since it meant I couldn't play the sniping "minigame" anymore...

Question! How much farther have you gotten in Dark Souls 3?

I'm a fair bit in. Last boss I defeated was the deacon mob group in the cathedral. I'm on to the skeleton crypts now.

Ooooo that's where I'm at.

What did you think of the Abyss Watchers?

Fun fight, but I prefer the bosses who are more monstrous and unusual in shape.

Like the second stage of the first boss?

Also what sword did you pick with the Abyss Watchers soul? Probably the hardest decision I've made in the game thus far.


I'm not sure I made that sword decision yet for the Abyss Watchers; neither of the sword options particularly appeals to me so I'm just holding on to the soul and might just use it for its souls in the end.

What was your reaction when that happened?

If it helps both swords are fun to use due to the special acrobatic abilities they give :3

When the first boss monstered out? Panic, followed by fear and delight, followed by YOU DIED.

Silver Crusade

Glad you're enjoying it ^w^

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm wondering if my thought process regarding dwarf and elf psychology is accurate:

Both elves and dwarves take a long time to do stuff, but for different reasons. A dwarf will work on one project, to the exclusion of all others, laboring over every detail of it, until it's done. An elf, on the other hand, tends to have multiple projects going at the same time that they switch between when they feel the need a break or to come at it with a fresh perspective. Thus the inherent disconnect between dwarven and elven perspectives, despite having similar lifespans, is that elves find the dwarven propensity to obsessively focus on one thing at a time, sometimes for years, unhealthy, while dwarves don't get why and elf would just leave something unfinished for ANY length of time, only to return to it later, finding it irresponsible or believing elves to be easily distracted.

Would this be an accurate assessment?

James Jacobs wrote:
TMP wrote:

Hello James,

I'm running Kingmaker, and one of my players is a Fighter (Swordlord archetype). For his next level, he intends to take the Aldori prestige class, and is doing so for "fluff" reasons rather than "crunch." He is from Brevoy, and has trained in Restov with the swordlords as part of his backstory. I would like to make his advancement meaningful for him and feel, well, "prestigious!"

If it were your campaign, how would you handle the official advancement to a full Aldori Swordlord? Would it be a casual "you have earned the name Aldori" from his sponsor? Would you run a series of trials, some sort of "circle of death" marathon of duels? A complicated ritual brimming with tradition and symbolism? I'm not asking for the "official" description, of course--just what you might do in your campaign, if it came up.

Thanks in advance!

I'd probably do some sort of event where a bunch of new swordlords got together to show off their skills in a display type festival and then have some sort of scandal or tragedy break out that involved the PC and the rest of the party in some sort of intriguing encounter.

Thank you! That got my creative juices flowing. Much appreciated.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

I'm wondering if my thought process regarding dwarf and elf psychology is accurate:

Both elves and dwarves take a long time to do stuff, but for different reasons. A dwarf will work on one project, to the exclusion of all others, laboring over every detail of it, until it's done. An elf, on the other hand, tends to have multiple projects going at the same time that they switch between when they feel the need a break or to come at it with a fresh perspective. Thus the inherent disconnect between dwarven and elven perspectives, despite having similar lifespans, is that elves find the dwarven propensity to obsessively focus on one thing at a time, sometimes for years, unhealthy, while dwarves don't get why and elf would just leave something unfinished for ANY length of time, only to return to it later, finding it irresponsible or believing elves to be easily distracted.

Would this be an accurate assessment?

Not entirely accurate, no... in that I'm not sure dwarves and elves are particularly known for "taking a long time to do stuff."

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Both are renowned for superior individual craftsmanship as opposed to the human tendency towards cheap mass-production, aren't they?


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At the end of Age of Worms, there is an interesting little bit of info if the players fail to stop Kyuss.

If the PCs fail to slay Kyuss within a week (or worse; if they are themselves slain), nothing can be done to prevent the Age of Worms. Over the next several days, the world slips into an era of writhing doom... These events are not caused by Kyuss, but are in fact caused by something greater, something beyond even the gods themselves. Reclaiming the world from the Age of Worms and discovering what nameless threat is behind the apocalypse can be the foundation for an entire new campaign—one for epic-level heroes desperate to correct what they, in their failure, unleashed upon the world.

It seems like this is just a doozy of a GM seed, but was there anything you folks had in mind for this?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Both are renowned for superior individual craftsmanship as opposed to the human tendency towards cheap mass-production, aren't they?

Is that what we said in Inner Sea Races? That's the go-to source for dwarves and elves for Golarion. And humans tending toward cheap mass-production isn't exactly accurate either. And remember, Droskar, who's about cheap mass-production to a certain extent, is a dwarven deity.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

donato wrote:

At the end of Age of Worms, there is an interesting little bit of info if the players fail to stop Kyuss.

If the PCs fail to slay Kyuss within a week (or worse; if they are themselves slain), nothing can be done to prevent the Age of Worms. Over the next several days, the world slips into an era of writhing doom... These events are not caused by Kyuss, but are in fact caused by something greater, something beyond even the gods themselves. Reclaiming the world from the Age of Worms and discovering what nameless threat is behind the apocalypse can be the foundation for an entire new campaign—one for epic-level heroes desperate to correct what they, in their failure, unleashed upon the world.

It seems like this is just a doozy of a GM seed, but was there anything you folks had in mind for this?

Nope; nothing in mind at all other than what we put there. The expectation is that the PCs will win. If they lose, the world changes in a significant enough way that it kind of needs a new campaign setting, and that's not something we were interested in pursuing for Greyhawk.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*gasp* *wheeze* I FINALLY read though the whole thread (when I started reading there were only 59087 posts) and have a couple questions of my own to add to this fantastic monstrosity:
1) When making the transitition from 3.5 to Pathfinder, were there any naming conventions that you preferred with one of the systems over the other (eg. Monster Manual vs. Bestiary)?
2) What are your 5 favorite non-d20 TTRPGs?
3) Why do classical smileys have a nose while modern ones don't [ :-) vs :) ]? Also, what's up with Asia and their insane number of emoticons?
4) Do you think this thread will ever reach 100,000 posts?
5) Obviously you're aware of Archives of Nethys and d20pfsrd. Do you have a preference at all between the two? Do you like the fact that they try to be as up to date as possible or would you prefer if the PRD had a monopoly on the information for longer before the other sites got it?
6) With the internet community becoming increasingly vocal over anything that they deem offensive, have you ever felt the need to significantly adjust, or actually have significantly adjusted, an AP in order to receive less backlash?
7) You championed wanting to have a swashbuckler class for years before the one in the ACG came out. Did you have a significant hand in its development or was it mostly someone else's pet project?
8) How often on Golarion do people travel significant distances? Say from Varisia to the River Kingdoms for example.
9) Most importantly, what do I do with my life now that I've caught up with this thread?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
johnnythexxxiv wrote:

*gasp* *wheeze* I FINALLY read though the whole thread (when I started reading there were only 59087 posts) and have a couple questions of my own to add to this fantastic monstrosity:

1) When making the transitition from 3.5 to Pathfinder, were there any naming conventions that you preferred with one of the systems over the other (eg. Monster Manual vs. Bestiary)?
2) What are your 5 favorite non-d20 TTRPGs?
3) Why do classical smileys have a nose while modern ones don't [ :-) vs :) ]? Also, what's up with Asia and their insane number of emoticons?
4) Do you think this thread will ever reach 100,000 posts?
5) Obviously you're aware of Archives of Nethys and d20pfsrd. Do you have a preference at all between the two? Do you like the fact that they try to be as up to date as possible or would you prefer if the PRD had a monopoly on the information for longer before the other sites got it?
6) With the internet community becoming increasingly vocal over anything that they deem offensive, have you ever felt the need to significantly adjust, or actually have significantly adjusted, an AP in order to receive less backlash?
7) You championed wanting to have a swashbuckler class for years before the one in the ACG came out. Did you have a significant hand in its development or was it mostly someone else's pet project?
8) How often on Golarion do people travel significant distances? Say from Varisia to the River Kingdoms for example.
9) Most importantly, what do I do with my life now that I've caught up with this thread?

Wow... well done! I think? Yeah! Well done!

1) I really REALLY wanted to completely ditch the "dire" bit from animals with the exception of the dire wolf, and just go with the prehistoric version of the animal in question. Dire wolves were real. Dire tigers were not. I wasn't able to get my way 100% but was able to get the real-world names in there where appropriate so that we can call them smilodons or daeodons or whatever and not confuse folks. As for book names, we deliberately did NOT want to ape D&D's names, and not just because that would of confused customers and probably gotten us sued by WotC. We wanted to build our OWN books, from the title on down.

2) Call of Cthulhu. Gamma World. Dread. Star Frontiers. Shadowrun.

3) No idea. Internet evolution is inscrutable, I guess.

4) Yes.

5) I personally prefer Archives of Nethys. I do like that they are up to date, but even more, I like that they include content from beyond the rulebooks. That's something I've always kinda regretted we don't do at the PRD.

6) Yes, and in all cases for the best of the product and to promote inclusivity and diversity and to fight against sexism and racism and homophobia and transphobia and other forms of hateful ignorance.

7) I didn't do the initial design of the swashbuckler (as I did for the alchemist and gunslinger), but it IS in the book because I pushed for it HARD (the design team was lukewarm on the idea initially), and I did have a pretty strong hand in giving the team feedback and advice on its design. Although it wasn't designed by me, I do feel that it was my pet project, since I'm 99.9% sure if I hadn't championed it, it would not have been in the book.

8) On average, not often at all. The bulk of Golarion's people are low level folks with 1 to 4 levels in an NPC class and don't travel much at all.

9) Keep up with the thread! It's a constantly growing leviathan! But if you have some free time... hmmm... plant a tree?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Both are renowned for superior individual craftsmanship as opposed to the human tendency towards cheap mass-production, aren't they?
Is that what we said in Inner Sea Races? That's the go-to source for dwarves and elves for Golarion. And humans tending toward cheap mass-production isn't exactly accurate either. And remember, Droskar, who's about cheap mass-production to a certain extent, is a dwarven deity.

I suppose not. I was just under the impression that elf and dwarf made stuff tends to be BETTER than anything humans can make (Tyrfing, Mjolnir, Glamdring, Sting, etc.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
johnnythexxxiv wrote:

*gasp* *wheeze* I FINALLY read though the whole thread (when I started reading there were only 59087 posts) and have a couple questions of my own to add to this fantastic monstrosity:

1) When making the transitition from 3.5 to Pathfinder, were there any naming conventions that you preferred with one of the systems over the other (eg. Monster Manual vs. Bestiary)?
2) What are your 5 favorite non-d20 TTRPGs?
3) Why do classical smileys have a nose while modern ones don't [ :-) vs :) ]? Also, what's up with Asia and their insane number of emoticons?
4) Do you think this thread will ever reach 100,000 posts?
5) Obviously you're aware of Archives of Nethys and d20pfsrd. Do you have a preference at all between the two? Do you like the fact that they try to be as up to date as possible or would you prefer if the PRD had a monopoly on the information for longer before the other sites got it?
6) With the internet community becoming increasingly vocal over anything that they deem offensive, have you ever felt the need to significantly adjust, or actually have significantly adjusted, an AP in order to receive less backlash?
7) You championed wanting to have a swashbuckler class for years before the one in the ACG came out. Did you have a significant hand in its development or was it mostly someone else's pet project?
8) How often on Golarion do people travel significant distances? Say from Varisia to the River Kingdoms for example.
9) Most importantly, what do I do with my life now that I've caught up with this thread?


You, sir, have my admiration, awe, and concern.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Both are renowned for superior individual craftsmanship as opposed to the human tendency towards cheap mass-production, aren't they?
Is that what we said in Inner Sea Races? That's the go-to source for dwarves and elves for Golarion. And humans tending toward cheap mass-production isn't exactly accurate either. And remember, Droskar, who's about cheap mass-production to a certain extent, is a dwarven deity.
I suppose not. I was just under the impression that elf and dwarf made stuff tends to be BETTER than anything humans can make (Tyrfing, Mjolnir, Glamdring, Sting, etc.)

Seeing a lot of non-Pathfinder examples there. Something to keep in mind, I guess.

Hello James, I was reading through Valley of the Brain Collecters for the 4th time and after that I read Lands of The Linnorm Kings, and came across an interesting passage and so I was wondering, is there a Darklands Dominion of the Black stronghold located beneath the Ice Spire?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Which deity who does not yet have a "full" Inner Sea Gods-style writeup (like the one Moloch just got in The Inferno Gate) are you most anxious to get out into the wild? With the core pantheon and a lot of the lesser-known deities already covered in either Inner Sea Gods, Inner Sea Faiths, or various AP volumes, just sorta curious.

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

Are there any Lava Gnomes on Golarion?

In the Advanced Player's Guide there's a Gnome subtype called Lava Gnomes. I know that not everything from the hardcover line is Golarion specific, but most of the other subtypes seemed to have equivalents, or at least reasonable guesses on where to put them throughout the world.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LookBehindYou543 wrote:
Hello James, I was reading through Valley of the Brain Collecters for the 4th time and after that I read Lands of The Linnorm Kings, and came across an interesting passage and so I was wondering, is there a Darklands Dominion of the Black stronghold located beneath the Ice Spire?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
Which deity who does not yet have a "full" Inner Sea Gods-style writeup (like the one Moloch just got in The Inferno Gate) are you most anxious to get out into the wild? With the core pantheon and a lot of the lesser-known deities already covered in either Inner Sea Gods, Inner Sea Faiths, or various AP volumes, just sorta curious.


Oh, no, wait. He's already written and coming soon in Strange Aeons.

Ashava, then. She's unlikely to get any full writeup love anytime soon, alas...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cwethan wrote:

Are there any Lava Gnomes on Golarion?

In the Advanced Player's Guide there's a Gnome subtype called Lava Gnomes. I know that not everything from the hardcover line is Golarion specific, but most of the other subtypes seemed to have equivalents, or at least reasonable guesses on where to put them throughout the world.

There are not. Mostly because I find the concept of a "lava gnome" to be silly.

On a scale of one to horrible, how bad of an idea would it be to run a standalone module like Carrion Hill with the same players and characters that I plan on having when I DM Strange Aeons, then reverting them back to first level when we start the AP due to the amnesia? In order to get around the issue with broken immersion, I was thinking of maybe having the PCs not give any backstory to the other PCs during the module and maybe not even refer to each other by their names (maybe use ranks or something), so I'd be sacrificing immersion in the module in exchange for the possibility of a cool twist in the AP. I haven't really fleshed out the thought yet since I've just been tossing it around today but wanted some feedback.

How would you, as a GM, handle the results of a PC being stuck in the body of a monster via a poorly-worded wish, or malicious use of the parasitic soul spell?

More specifically mechanically?

I'm assuming the rules team wouldsay trade class levels out for CR or treat it as a permanent x-polymorph spell.

How would you as a GM handle it to make it more interesting assuming you have a group of mature individuals you can trust to play out the negative aspects of such a change?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:


Oh, no, wait. He's already written and coming soon in Strange Aeons.


Ashava, then. She's unlikely to get any full writeup love anytime soon, alas...

Poor Empyreal Lords... oh well. IA! IA! DESNA FTAGHN!

Dark Archive

Invisible character on the battlefield. How would you handle...

a) enemy moving through invisible character's square?
b) enemy moving into and stopping in invisible character's square?
c) either a or b when invisible character is flat-footed (such as surprise round)?

Note that the enemy cannot see the invisible character nor knows the location of the invisible character when this action occurs.

There has been quite some debate in the Rules Forum, so I wanted to get your opinion on the subject as an experienced fellow Game Master.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Captain Battletoad wrote:
On a scale of one to horrible, how bad of an idea would it be to run a standalone module like Carrion Hill with the same players and characters that I plan on having when I DM Strange Aeons, then reverting them back to first level when we start the AP due to the amnesia? In order to get around the issue with broken immersion, I was thinking of maybe having the PCs not give any backstory to the other PCs during the module and maybe not even refer to each other by their names (maybe use ranks or something), so I'd be sacrificing immersion in the module in exchange for the possibility of a cool twist in the AP. I haven't really fleshed out the thought yet since I've just been tossing it around today but wanted some feedback.

Horrible. What happened to the PCs in their amnesia period is in fact a key part of Strange Aeons.

At the very least, I'd wait till you at least had the first volume of the AP, and preferably the whole thing, before making a change like that.

Adding Carrion Hill in as a bonus adventure between parts 2 and 3 would make more sense, although making it fit the plot would be weird and tricky.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

BreakinStuff wrote:

How would you, as a GM, handle the results of a PC being stuck in the body of a monster via a poorly-worded wish, or malicious use of the parasitic soul spell?

More specifically mechanically?

I'm assuming the rules team wouldsay trade class levels out for CR or treat it as a permanent x-polymorph spell.

How would you as a GM handle it to make it more interesting assuming you have a group of mature individuals you can trust to play out the negative aspects of such a change?

First of all... CR should never be a measurement or tool used to handle a PC, first of all. CR is ONLY a tool to measure a monster's power level against other monsters, based on its interaction with a PC. It does not work to measure PC power levels at all.

How I'd handle it mechanically would be to have the PC use the monster's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores, and the PC's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. The PC would retain all their class levels, skill ranks, and feats, and would gain none of the monster's. They would use their own hp. Any physical attacks the monster has they'd keep, but purely mental ones they'd lose, and vice versa. Which more or less is how reincarnation works.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ckdragons wrote:

Invisible character on the battlefield. How would you handle...

a) enemy moving through invisible character's square?
b) enemy moving into and stopping in invisible character's square?
c) either a or b when invisible character is flat-footed (such as surprise round)?

Note that the enemy cannot see the invisible character nor knows the location of the invisible character when this action occurs.

There has been quite some debate in the Rules Forum, so I wanted to get your opinion on the subject as an experienced fellow Game Master.


A) the player of the invisible character would have to decide if he wants to let the enemy move through or not. If not, the enemy stops and knows there's an invisible person in that square.

B) Same as above; so if the PC allowed the enemy to enter their square, I'd probably have the PC shift to an adjacent square and then give the monster a Perception check to notice.

C) The invisible character wouldn't get a choice and the enemy would notice someone was in the square. Depending on body shape and whatnot, I might relent on this a little.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Both are renowned for superior individual craftsmanship as opposed to the human tendency towards cheap mass-production, aren't they?
Is that what we said in Inner Sea Races? That's the go-to source for dwarves and elves for Golarion. And humans tending toward cheap mass-production isn't exactly accurate either. And remember, Droskar, who's about cheap mass-production to a certain extent, is a dwarven deity.
I suppose not. I was just under the impression that elf and dwarf made stuff tends to be BETTER than anything humans can make (Tyrfing, Mjolnir, Glamdring, Sting, etc.)
Seeing a lot of non-Pathfinder examples there. Something to keep in mind, I guess.

I can't really think of any special weapons in the APs that are characterized as "of dwarven make" or "of elven make." Most of what I can remember seems to have otherworldly origins (Serithtial and Briar, for example). Are there any examples of human craftsmanship being better than those of dwarves or elves?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I didn't see a thread in the PaizoCon forum created for your game yet, so I hope it's okay to ask this here. For Night of the Crimson Moon, experience requirement is listed as veteran.

Is that RPG experience, or Call of Cthulhu experience? I've always wanted to play this game since I bought the first edition set way, way back but I've never had the chance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
johnnythexxxiv wrote:

*gasp* *wheeze* I FINALLY read though the whole thread (when I started reading there were only 59087 posts) and have a couple questions of my own to add to this fantastic monstrosity:

1) When making the transitition from 3.5 to Pathfinder, were there any naming conventions that you preferred with one of the systems over the other (eg. Monster Manual vs. Bestiary)?
2) What are your 5 favorite non-d20 TTRPGs?
3) Why do classical smileys have a nose while modern ones don't [ :-) vs :) ]? Also, what's up with Asia and their insane number of emoticons?
4) Do you think this thread will ever reach 100,000 posts?
5) Obviously you're aware of Archives of Nethys and d20pfsrd. Do you have a preference at all between the two? Do you like the fact that they try to be as up to date as possible or would you prefer if the PRD had a monopoly on the information for longer before the other sites got it?
6) With the internet community becoming increasingly vocal over anything that they deem offensive, have you ever felt the need to significantly adjust, or actually have significantly adjusted, an AP in order to receive less backlash?
7) You championed wanting to have a swashbuckler class for years before the one in the ACG came out. Did you have a significant hand in its development or was it mostly someone else's pet project?
8) How often on Golarion do people travel significant distances? Say from Varisia to the River Kingdoms for example.
9) Most importantly, what do I do with my life now that I've caught up with this thread?


You, sir, have my admiration, awe, and concern.

It honestly wasn't that bad, I just did 10 pages a day for like 4 months. Tacked it onto my daily reading ritual and powered through it bit by bit.

James, do you try to keep a semi-regular intake of other people's creative work or do you usually end up cramming a lot in over a short period of time followed by a substantial break?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Who came up with grindylows?

And why?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Both are renowned for superior individual craftsmanship as opposed to the human tendency towards cheap mass-production, aren't they?
Is that what we said in Inner Sea Races? That's the go-to source for dwarves and elves for Golarion. And humans tending toward cheap mass-production isn't exactly accurate either. And remember, Droskar, who's about cheap mass-production to a certain extent, is a dwarven deity.
I suppose not. I was just under the impression that elf and dwarf made stuff tends to be BETTER than anything humans can make (Tyrfing, Mjolnir, Glamdring, Sting, etc.)
Seeing a lot of non-Pathfinder examples there. Something to keep in mind, I guess.
I can't really think of any special weapons in the APs that are characterized as "of dwarven make" or "of elven make." Most of what I can remember seems to have otherworldly origins (Serithtial and Briar, for example). Are there any examples of human craftsmanship being better than those of dwarves or elves?

First three that come to mind: Absaom/Starstone Cathedral; the monuments of Thassilon; Shory flying cities.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

TomParker wrote:

I didn't see a thread in the PaizoCon forum created for your game yet, so I hope it's okay to ask this here. For Night of the Crimson Moon, experience requirement is listed as veteran.

Is that RPG experience, or Call of Cthulhu experience? I've always wanted to play this game since I bought the first edition set way, way back but I've never had the chance.

RPG experience. I want excellent roleplayers, basically, for my Cthulhu games. Experience with the rules themselves is not as necessary since the game is actually quite simple, mechanics-wise.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zhangar wrote:

Who came up with grindylows?

And why?

English mythology/folklore came up with them. We put them into the game because we like putting in monsters from folklore into the game.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

johnnythexxxiv wrote:

James, do you try to keep a semi-regular intake of other people's creative work or do you usually end up cramming a lot in over a short period of time followed by a substantial break?

I keep a regular intake of other people's creative work, typically in the form of movies, video games, novels, short stories, comics, and TV shows.

Great dinosaur,

Are you familiar with Miracle of Sound?

Lantern Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:

Thank you for your answers. They have been is really helpful.

I discussed with the catfolk player and we agree to go with catfolks being more common, around level of gnomes. Unusual, but not unheard of.
It would make it easier for her to equip her character, without spending most of her gp on a hat of disguise.

Just 1 more quick question; How common are catfolks in Tian Xia? That was where we assumed they were from originally. (Mainly due to the large number of animal-humanoids races from that region.)

Catfolk are very uncommon in Tian-xia. The cat people there are likely more akin to much more humanoid with a few cat features (ears, tail and that's about it) if there are any at all, and they're more tied in to the spirit world a la kami or kitsune. In short, they'd be an entirely different race.

Thanks for this info! It really helped a lot!

So in terms of appearance, the Catfolk of Tian-xia would look a lot more like the cat girls/guys portrayed in anime or manga?

I had a chat with my player and once she realizes she can play a cat girl looking catfolk, she went straight for it. It really does fit her character concept better, especially now that she does not need to actively hid her appearance.

From a roleplay perspective, I find the ideal of human looking animal races really fits with the theme of animals that can change into humans found in many chinese legends and myths. Like the story of Madame White Snake.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Doomkitten wrote:

Great dinosaur,

Are you familiar with Miracle of Sound?

I am not.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Secane wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:

Thank you for your answers. They have been is really helpful.

I discussed with the catfolk player and we agree to go with catfolks being more common, around level of gnomes. Unusual, but not unheard of.
It would make it easier for her to equip her character, without spending most of her gp on a hat of disguise.

Just 1 more quick question; How common are catfolks in Tian Xia? That was where we assumed they were from originally. (Mainly due to the large number of animal-humanoids races from that region.)

Catfolk are very uncommon in Tian-xia. The cat people there are likely more akin to much more humanoid with a few cat features (ears, tail and that's about it) if there are any at all, and they're more tied in to the spirit world a la kami or kitsune. In short, they'd be an entirely different race.

Thanks for this info! It really helped a lot!

So in terms of appearance, the Catfolk of Tian-xia would look a lot more like the cat girls/guys portrayed in anime or manga?

I had a chat with my player and once she realizes she can play a cat girl looking catfolk, she went straight for it. It really does fit her character concept better, especially now that she does not need to actively hid her appearance.

From a roleplay perspective, I find the ideal of human looking animal races really fits with the theme of animals that can change into humans found in many chinese legends and myths. Like the story of Madame White Snake.

The catfolk in Valashmai are catfolk; they look like the catfolk we've established. The creatures you're talking about would be a different race entirely (something more akin to a kitsune), but feel free to use the stats for catfolk for them if you wish.

In broad terms, what happened to Dou-Bral to make him into Zon-Kuthon? Was he possessed, driven insane, perhaps forcibly mutated? Or is it one of those mysteries of the setting like "What happened to Aroden" and nobody really knows for sure?

(And if the question is answered in a book somewhere and I've missed it, which one was it?)

Grand Lodge

Hey James I am going to run an adventure path for a bunch of people with little to no experience with roleplaying games. Which adventure path or paths would you recommend?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MythicFox wrote:

In broad terms, what happened to Dou-Bral to make him into Zon-Kuthon? Was he possessed, driven insane, perhaps forcibly mutated? Or is it one of those mysteries of the setting like "What happened to Aroden" and nobody really knows for sure?

(And if the question is answered in a book somewhere and I've missed it, which one was it?)

What happened to him is a mystery and will likely remain one for a long time. It's not in the same category as what happened to Aroden. We MAY some day reveal what happened to Dou-Bral to turn him into Zon-Kuthon. But we haven't made plans to do so yet.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Therrux wrote:
Hey James I am going to run an adventure path for a bunch of people with little to no experience with roleplaying games. Which adventure path or paths would you recommend?

I'd suggest not starting with an adventure path. Consider either the adventure in the Beginner Box or the module "Crypt of the Everflame." Both of those were built as introductions to the game. If folks enjoy it, then I'd move on with Rise of the Runelords; that's a classic you can get in one single book and doesn't have anything particularly unusual or complex in it.

Dark Archive

James, have you (Paizo) considered adding feats that can only be taken at level one like we had back in 3.5? I know traits fill this niche to an extent, but it's not really the same.

An old favorite of mine was "Spellcasting Prodigy", would you consider this feat too powerful for Pathfinder? It treats your primary statistic as 2 points higher for the purpose of determining bonus spells.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Going back in time for a moment...

Are the prices in the Technology Guide artificially inflated?

For example, comparing a Revolver (4,000gp from Ultimate Equipment) to a laser pistol (10,000gp from the Technology Guide) would indicate that the laser weapon's price is double what it should be.

Are other technological equipment prices likewise inflated?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Atrocious wrote:

James, have you (Paizo) considered adding feats that can only be taken at level one like we had back in 3.5? I know traits fill this niche to an extent, but it's not really the same.

An old favorite of mine was "Spellcasting Prodigy", would you consider this feat too powerful for Pathfinder? It treats your primary statistic as 2 points higher for the purpose of determining bonus spells.

I don't do much in the way of feat design these days, although did just develop several for a few Player Companions I developed. The rules team would be a better group to ask... but as a general rule, while we do plenty of feats that can be taken at 1st level, locking a feat into something you can ONLY choose at 1st level (or at any specific level) is extremely limiting to that feat's versatility and use, and so we tend to avoid it.

This is also kind of the realm of traits.

I don' think Spellcasting Prodigy is too powerful at all, although I'd prefer to give it a Spellcraft prerequisite or something (NOT a minimum ability score prereq). It's certainly not a feat that's only good to take at 1st level though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lord Fyre wrote:

Going back in time for a moment...

Are the prices in the Technology Guide artificially inflated?

For example, comparing a Revolver (4,000gp from Ultimate Equipment) to a laser pistol (10,000gp from the Technology Guide) would indicate that the laser weapon's price is double what it should be.

Are other technological equipment prices likewise inflated?

They are not. The prices in the tech guide use the basic magic item design rules to price them. For something like a laser pistol, it costs more than a revolver because it does fire damage and has better range and fires faster and so on; it's much better than a gun in a LOT of ways, and is more like a wand of scorching ray (sort of) than a pistol.

The prices are correct and are not "artificially inflated."

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kevin Mack wrote:
So now that the first of the two secret projects you are working on has been revealed I'm wondering if the second one has any connection to whats just happend in the final part of the pathfinder hollow mountains comic?

Wait, they were revealed? Oh great Jacobs, what were the two projects that were revealed?

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