
543Tanuki'sAllSmushedTogether's page

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Mr. Sutter,

#the1st. Who made the Shirren?

#two. Will the Kalo ever come to Starfinder? (P.S I understand if you can't reveal that info at the moment.)

#trois. I... I can't think of any other questions, so I guess I will just say thank you for expanding the Path/Starfinder universe so much and making it better by the sweat off your brow.

Hmm... not sure i'm too into the name for the zerg in Starfinder being the "Swarm". Could maybe one of their developers tell me what other defining traits the Swarm had before the Shirren were a thing? I might want to call them something different like maybe "The Grating Swarm" or "The Mindless Swarm".

Mr. Jacobs, I was reading through In Search of Sanity recently and I have a couple of questions regarding The Pathfinder Mythos:

1. I noticed that Nhimbaloth has five domains and six subdomains, but Cthulhu only has four each, does this mean that Nhimbaloth is more powerful than Cthulhu or more well defined or something?

2. If there were an Outer Goddess of bones and destiny, what do you think her name would be?

3. Does the Dominion of The Black have a presence in Tian Xia?

Hello James, I was reading through Valley of the Brain Collecters for the 4th time and after that I read Lands of The Linnorm Kings, and came across an interesting passage and so I was wondering, is there a Darklands Dominion of the Black stronghold located beneath the Ice Spire?

Lately I have been wondering about the city-states of Iblydos, and if a small Ptolemaic-esque (it was founded by osirion refugees) city-state would fit in there?