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Hi James, I was wondering if elementals can use manufactured weapons or not. Say a druid wildshapes into an air elemental, would said druid be able to use a longbow of the appropriate size without penalty as long as they had proficiency?
They do not. That's kinda the role and niche of genies for one thing.

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James, you have spoken a number of times how you feel that the usage of prophecy can result in lazy storytelling. Do you feel the same way about the excessive use of good vs evil in adventure design? I personally strive to achieve complex morality in my games, but I do find it very tough to pull off. It seems the goodies vs baddies trope is very heavily embedded.
I don't think that the "good vs. evil" trope is lazy storytelling, but it does tend toward cliche. As with ANY trope, a great writer can work miracles with it. And the good vs. evil thing isn't something that PCs fundamentally break or ruin just by playing a game, which is very much the case of prophecies.
Complex morality in RPGs is easier the fewer players you have in your group; the more players you have, the more interpretations and opinions get involved, and the more complex things get.
My preference for fantasy is shades of gray, like you see in Game of Thrones. There's some obvious good and obvious evil, but in most cases, it's a lot more complex than that.

Gregory Clark |

Question about Gen Con and autographs-If I brought some materials authored by you to GenCon, could you sign them while walking around the Paizo area of the Exhibitor's Hall or is there a specific 'signing event' I need to attend to get your autograph? I ask only because I've talked shop with you every time I strolled the Paizo booth over the past few years, but didn't know if that was an appropriate time to ask for your 'James Jacobs' on my copies of things like 'Red Hand of Doom' or Dungeon #85-'Lord of the Scarlet Tide'.
Speaking of which, 'Lord' is by far one of the coolest adventures I've run. Thank you for taking the Underdark and turning it on its head.

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Question about Gen Con and autographs-If I brought some materials authored by you to GenCon, could you sign them while walking around the Paizo area of the Exhibitor's Hall or is there a specific 'signing event' I need to attend to get your autograph? I ask only because I've talked shop with you every time I strolled the Paizo booth over the past few years, but didn't know if that was an appropriate time to ask for your 'James Jacobs' on my copies of things like 'Red Hand of Doom' or Dungeon #85-'Lord of the Scarlet Tide'.
Speaking of which, 'Lord' is by far one of the coolest adventures I've run. Thank you for taking the Underdark and turning it on its head.
I can sign things more or less whenever at Gen Con. I won't sign them in the middle of a seminar, of course, but if you catch me at the end of a seminar or while I'm in the booth in the dealer hall, I'd be happy to sign anything. We've never had an actual dedicated "signing event" for Paizo employees.
So yeah... if you see me and are talking to me I can pretty much sign stuff.
And thanks for enjoying Lord of the Scarlet Tide!

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Hey James,
If you guys had been able to nab it for Pathfinder, would it be safe to assume that mind flayers would be part of the Dominion of the Black? I think it be too easy for them to serve the Outer Gods or Old Ones thanks to their uncanny resemblance to a certain Old One.
I suspect it would be safe to assume we'd have mind flayers, yes.
They might well have worked with the Dominion of the Black, yes, but I think we would have searched for a non-traditional role for them in Golarion—they've been space aliens before, and I'm not sure I'd have wanted to keep that going.
They wouldn't be involved with Cthulhu though. Their flavor is too different. Note also that Cthulhu isn't involved with the Dominion of the Black either.

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1)what Are some Of the morally questionable things depicted in Game of Thrones can a character do and still be good
2) do you think the divine source Mythic path ability could have been expanded if you could redo it today what would you change
1) Jon Snow...
2) I think it does exactly what it needs to do. No changes needed.

Neongelion |

Neongelion wrote:Hey James,
If you guys had been able to nab it for Pathfinder, would it be safe to assume that mind flayers would be part of the Dominion of the Black? I think it be too easy for them to serve the Outer Gods or Old Ones thanks to their uncanny resemblance to a certain Old One.
I suspect it would be safe to assume we'd have mind flayers, yes.
They might well have worked with the Dominion of the Black, yes, but I think we would have searched for a non-traditional role for them in Golarion—they've been space aliens before, and I'm not sure I'd have wanted to keep that going.
They wouldn't be involved with Cthulhu though. Their flavor is too different. Note also that Cthulhu isn't involved with the Dominion of the Black either.
Yeah, I liked how it was hinted in Dragon's Demand that the Dominion and Outer Gods/Old Ones were actually enemies. Kinda breaks the whole "all alien-looking monstrosities from deep space are in cahoots with each other" trope.
Another question while I'm at it: sorry if this is an obvious question but I swear I can't find the answer anywhere, but I'm just starting to get into PFS, and I noticed that the Lantern Lodge was retired. Why is that? Are they coming back?

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I'm starting to wonder if I'm insane. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, and I keep asking you the same kinds of questions over and over and expect different answers. Am I insane, James?

JaC381 |
JaC381 wrote:If Nethys is omniscient, what does he use burleevs (from ISG) for?
How far does Nethys' "all seeing eye" go towards seeing the secrets of other gods, like Asmodeus' Catafalque and Norgorber's true identity?
As for Norgorber, has he really "wiped knowledge of his past from even the memories of the other gods, becoming an enigma to all"? It seems like affecting the older gods of the multiverse would be beyond a newly ascended god.
ISG says "Iomedae steadfastly believes Norgorber has evaded justice for far too long, and thinks the dark god was somehow involved in the death of Aroden." What reason does she have to think this? Is she planning on acting on this at some point?
The deities are not omniscient. They're powerful, but not all-powerful. And the minions in Inner Sea Gods aren't so much for the deities to use as much as they are for worshipers to use via lesser planar ally spells.
His "all seeing eye" doesn't see all when it comes to other deities, but sees a lot. What it sees we'll reveal if and when the time is right.
And as god of secrets, Norgorber's power in that realm IS quite potent, despite the fact that he's newly ascended. Divine power is more complex than that.
As for Iomedae's reasons for believing Norgorber had something to do with Aroden's death... she hasn't revealed what she knows, which means she knows it's circumstantial at best, probably not much more than a guess or a hunch. Things like that are great elements to tie into huge campaigns or adventure path plots... for now, she's biding her time.
Oooh, are you planning on doing a campaign like this? :) Or is it just a seed for GMs to homebrew? Sounds like something that could start a divine war if its proven - fun!

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James Jacobs wrote:Oooh, are you planning on doing a campaign like this? :) Or is it just a seed for GMs to homebrew? Sounds like something that could start a divine war if its proven - fun!JaC381 wrote:If Nethys is omniscient, what does he use burleevs (from ISG) for?
How far does Nethys' "all seeing eye" go towards seeing the secrets of other gods, like Asmodeus' Catafalque and Norgorber's true identity?
As for Norgorber, has he really "wiped knowledge of his past from even the memories of the other gods, becoming an enigma to all"? It seems like affecting the older gods of the multiverse would be beyond a newly ascended god.
ISG says "Iomedae steadfastly believes Norgorber has evaded justice for far too long, and thinks the dark god was somehow involved in the death of Aroden." What reason does she have to think this? Is she planning on acting on this at some point?
The deities are not omniscient. They're powerful, but not all-powerful. And the minions in Inner Sea Gods aren't so much for the deities to use as much as they are for worshipers to use via lesser planar ally spells.
His "all seeing eye" doesn't see all when it comes to other deities, but sees a lot. What it sees we'll reveal if and when the time is right.
And as god of secrets, Norgorber's power in that realm IS quite potent, despite the fact that he's newly ascended. Divine power is more complex than that.
As for Iomedae's reasons for believing Norgorber had something to do with Aroden's death... she hasn't revealed what she knows, which means she knows it's circumstantial at best, probably not much more than a guess or a hunch. Things like that are great elements to tie into huge campaigns or adventure path plots... for now, she's biding her time.
One thing to be taken into consideration, Norgorber is the God of Secrets, I highly doubt he will be willing to give up said information.

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Another question while I'm at it: sorry if this is an obvious question but I swear I can't find the answer anywhere, but I'm just starting to get into PFS, and I noticed that the Lantern Lodge was retired. Why is that? Are they coming back?
We periodically retire factions as their stories wind up, and as we realize we can't properly support that many factions as well as we want if we had a few fewer factions. They aren't coming back as a PFS faction, but remain a part of the world.

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How rare are wizards and sorcerers in Golarion? Would the average bandit be able to ID one at sight?
Can you tell a spell component pouch from a belt pouch at sight?
Identifying the difference between a sorcerer and a wizard is more or less a Knowledge (arcana) or a Spellcraft check. Probably a simple one. DC 11 or maybe even DC 10. Wizards tend to look less impressive than sorcerers, so the more impressive and the more powerful the spellcaster's personality, the better the chance that it's a sorcerer.
Yes, a spell component pouch looks different (it's bigger and smells more aromatic) than a belt pouch.

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I'm starting to wonder if I'm insane. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, and I keep asking you the same kinds of questions over and over and expect different answers. Am I insane, James?
By that definition... perhaps.

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Are all 4-domain gods like Gyronna and Alazhra really "just" demigods, on about the same level as demon lords/empyreal lords, like Ahriman is? Or is it more complicated than that and some of them are still unstatable/unfightable?
They grant 4 domains. Therefore they are "just" demigods, on the same level as demon lords and the like. They have stat blocks, and fall somewhere in the range of CR 26 to CR 30.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hi James, how would you feel about PCs customizing the look of their spells within the parameters of the spell?
For instance a devotee of Desna could have a fireball that explodes into a burst of flaming butterflies while an acolyte of Zon-Kuthon would have one that explodes into a blast of dark purple/ blue flame.
Or would this alter a spell's DC to recognize it and, thus, require some kind of rules implementation like a feat or class feature?

DrDeth |

DrDeth wrote:How rare are wizards and sorcerers in Golarion? Would the average bandit be able to ID one at sight?
Can you tell a spell component pouch from a belt pouch at sight?
Identifying the difference between a sorcerer and a wizard is more or less a Knowledge (arcana) or a Spellcraft check. Probably a simple one. DC 11 or maybe even DC 10. Wizards tend to look less impressive than sorcerers, so the more impressive and the more powerful the spellcaster's personality, the better the chance that it's a sorcerer.
Yes, a spell component pouch looks different (it's bigger and smells more aromatic) than a belt pouch.
Good, thanks.
How about Iding that a guy *IS* a spellcaster, instead of just a guy in a robe? (Before he casts a spell, of course!)
Would telling the two pouches apart from say 40' or so take a check?

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Hi James, how would you feel about PCs customizing the look of their spells within the parameters of the spell?
For instance a devotee of Desna could have a fireball that explodes into a burst of flaming butterflies while an acolyte of Zon-Kuthon would have one that explodes into a blast of dark purple/ blue flame.
Or would this alter a spell's DC to recognize it and, thus, require some kind of rules implementation like a feat or class feature?
I think that's really cool. There was a feat in a Forgotten Realms book that did that exact thing. Spell Thematics? It made your magic harder to identify and, I believe, was a gateway feat for other more powerful feats.
I always describe spells like unholy blight or the like differently, depending on who the spellcaster worships.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good, thanks.How about Iding that a guy *IS* a spellcaster, instead of just a guy in a robe? (Before he casts a spell, of course!)
Would telling the two pouches apart from say 40' or so take a check?
Until someone does something specific to the class... how would you even know? How can you tell a fighter apart from a warrior apart from a ranger, if they're all wearing leather armor and carry a bow? I'd say that the class needs to actaully do something first, and then would assign a Knowledge check (probalby low, between DC 11 and 15) to identify the class unless the character was taking pains to disguise themselves, at which point it adds a Disguise vs. Perception check element.
Telling the two pouches apart from a distance would absolutely require a check, especially if you're doing this because you're trying to blow up or destroy the spell component pouch to neutralize the spellcaster.

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What deity does Terendelev, the silver dragon in Kenabres, venerate, if any at all? Apsu, because she's a metallic dragon? Iomedae, as she's the patron deity of Mendev and the Crusades? Wondering what deity a crusader who admired Terendelev and wanted to emulate silver dragons would pick...

Alleran |
As a question on gods, if a god chooses to adopt a new/extra portfolio (I use portfolio as a somewhat general term), does that portfolio have a chance to change the nature of the god and how they look/act?
For example, if Abadar were to (for whatever reason) take up a portfolio relating to dragons, would he change in nature? Would the nature of dragons change as a result?
Or Shelyn were to take up the portfolio of lust, for another example?
Additionally, what happens when a demigod and a god have the same portfolio? Can they have the same portfolio?

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I've been considering a Wayang character recently, and I had to wonder: given their outlook and self-mortification practices, how likely would it be for a small wayang presence to have moved into Nidal and taken up the faith there? Would they be taken for training? Ignored? Used as agents/spies for their natural stealth and magic?
I need to read Night glass again.:)

Kairos Dawnfury |

Has anything more been written on the Forever Man from Magnimar? I loved that write up and would love to have an AP based around him.
Is he your personal creation?
On a tangent, in a hypothetical War started between followers of Iomedae and Norgorber, would Iomedae's followers be as disadvantaged as I imagine? I see a bit of a American Guerrilla warfare vs British lines and Iomedae not being fully prepared for what it would entail.

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Hello James,
So now we have Skald and bloodrager to add to our Norse themed toolbox. We've had a Land of the Linnorm Kings campaign guide, and touched on the region briefly in a few AP's, and 1 novel (skinwalkers). I was wondering, is there anyone in-house working on some more Ulfen goodness? Perhaps another novel or one of those nice stand alone adventures?
Or perhaps a better question is, who among the Paizo staff (if any) is the largest proponent of a Land of the Linnorm-centric Adventure path, and what gods do I have to appease to grant him/her thier wish?

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Hello James
I have a couple of questions
What is your favorite city and/or country on Golarion?
And does the Worldwound have a counterpart in the shadow plane?=)
Favorite city = Sandpoint
Favorite country = VarisiaThere is no shadow plane counterpart of significance of the Worldwound... if there were, we would have done something with it in Wrath of the Righteous. Maybe if the Worldwound stays around for another few hundred years it'll start casting a shadow there... but for now, it does not.

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What deity does Terendelev, the silver dragon in Kenabres, venerate, if any at all? Apsu, because she's a metallic dragon? Iomedae, as she's the patron deity of Mendev and the Crusades? Wondering what deity a crusader who admired Terendelev and wanted to emulate silver dragons would pick...
Spoiler:...and who takes her death in the opening of Wrath of the Righteous hard and dedicates his crusading to her memory.
Terendelev doesn't really worship a deity much at all; she's not that religious. She respects Iomedae and Apsu and Torag, but not enough to carry holy symbols or pray much at all. A crusader who admires Terendelev and wants to emulate silver dragons would most likely worship Apsu.

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Are you ever going to fix allowing druids to have a large bear companion? The bear is literally the worst to pick, while the cat is objectively better at everything. People simply go with the cat, since it's the best. The bear needs love.
Me? No. "Fixing the rules" isn't part of my job. I take the rules the design team makes and build worlds with them. And if I wanted to have a druid with a Large bear companion show up as an NPC in an adventure, my solution would be to build a feat or something like that for that druid to take... but it would be unlikely to be a feat that a player would want since it'd be SO super-specialized.
If it's that big of a deal, talk to your GM about perhaps doing a house rule. Or... just take a bear and use the rules for a cat or something bear-identical. With your GM's permission, you can fake a bear this way without changing a single rule other than a single word.
That said... if what you're actually asking for is an animal companion that compares in power to an actual monster bear from the Bestiary... that's simply not the point of the animal companion.

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How did you think of the names for various places such as Golarion, Cheliax, Molthune, Gallowspire, Yjae, etc.?
Decades of practice at naming things for games, combined with decades of reading and watching and playing fantasy games, books, and movies.
I sometimes make new names by spelling other words backwards and then jumbling the letters a little so they make phonetic sense. Other times I take a real world name that's obscure, or one that with a few letter changes and spelling alterations looks more "fantasy." And other times I just build "nonsense" words that follow the correct themes and phonetic rules for the region. Knowing how language works and how words are put together helps.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Terendelev doesn't really worship a deity much at all; she's not that religious. She respects Iomedae and Apsu and Torag, but not enough to carry holy symbols or pray much at all. A crusader who admires Terendelev and wants to emulate silver dragons would most likely worship Apsu.What deity does Terendelev, the silver dragon in Kenabres, venerate, if any at all? Apsu, because she's a metallic dragon? Iomedae, as she's the patron deity of Mendev and the Crusades? Wondering what deity a crusader who admired Terendelev and wanted to emulate silver dragons would pick...
** spoiler omitted **
Given the rarity of Apsu's faith, was he known in Sarkoris AT ALL?

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As a question on gods, if a god chooses to adopt a new/extra portfolio (I use portfolio as a somewhat general term), does that portfolio have a chance to change the nature of the god and how they look/act?
For example, if Abadar were to (for whatever reason) take up a portfolio relating to dragons, would he change in nature? Would the nature of dragons change as a result?
Or Shelyn were to take up the portfolio of lust, for another example?
Additionally, what happens when a demigod and a god have the same portfolio? Can they have the same portfolio?
Or does the god changing its nature and how they look/act change the portfolio? It's a chicken or the egg situation. Either is possible. But a god taking up a new area of concern is something that happens VERY rarely, and when it does, it needs to be the focus of an entire campaign. It's a fundamental change to a religion, after all. That's a huge shift.
Gods and other gods, be they both deities, both demigods, or whatever, can absolutely have the same areas of concern. It's how their personalities work and alignments map out and more that interacts with those areas of concern that make them unique. For example, Sarenrae has the sun as part of he area of concern, but she's also one of the biggest anti-demon deities out there. Yet the demon lord Nurgal also has the sun as an area of concern, and he's about as anti-Sarenrae as you can get.

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I've been considering a Wayang character recently, and I had to wonder: given their outlook and self-mortification practices, how likely would it be for a small wayang presence to have moved into Nidal and taken up the faith there? Would they be taken for training? Ignored? Used as agents/spies for their natural stealth and magic?
I need to read Night glass again.:)
A wayang who shows up in Nidal would likely be VERY well received. He/she would find a lot of opportunities to advance and excel if the wayang was willing to convert to Zon-Kuthon's worship.

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Is there a way to prevent Rakshasa souls from reincarnating, other than destroying the soul? Can a Rakshasa soul be destroyed in the same ways normal ones can be (the ways in the Book of the Damned, for example)? If so, is doing that still an evil act, and does Pharasma still care about it?
Trapping the soul can do the trick. Both trap the soul and soul bind are options here; neither of those spells are evil, but Pharasma wouldn't be a big fan of them...
Actually destroying a rakshasa soul is still an evil act.
Eventually a rakshasa stops reincarnating once it achieves perfection, but that's evil as well.
The way to break the cycle is to either redeem a rakshasa (a tough but not impossible stunt) or to defeat/kill one in a place that has properties that disrupt the reincarnation cycle (a tough but not impossible location to find).