Alleran |
And I never did get a chance to play Birthright, but I always thought it looked cool and intriguing.
What did you think of the concept of Regents, "links to the land" (a la the Fisher King, I suppose), domains and so on?
Or more generally, what about it did you think was the most interesting stuff?

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James Jacobs wrote:And I never did get a chance to play Birthright, but I always thought it looked cool and intriguing.What did you think of the concept of Regents, "links to the land" (a la the Fisher King, I suppose), domains and so on?
Or more generally, what about it did you think was the most interesting stuff?
What I thought was interesting was the whole kingdom building aspect, and the idea that there were specific monsters rather than races of them.
I never really got into reading much about the setting though, so I never really learned TOO much about Regents. Not enough to form an opinion about them.

Alan_Beven |

Call of Cthulhu rules question (if that is allowed! no rules forum to reference!). If an investigator is wearing only helmet armor worth say 2 points of damage reduction, would you remove this from all firearm attacks against the investigator? (I am playing WWII Cthulhu) I am leaning towards calling for a luck roll on each hit myself.
Thanks for any help you can provide :-)

Analysis |

Thanks! :D
Analysis wrote:Some more questions, if you feel like answering. :)
1. There's an Archmage Mythic Path ability (Crafting Mastery) that lets you craft any magic item as though you had the appropriate crafting feat. Would you let this apply to any crafting which is tied off of Item Creation feats, including making constructs [Craft Construct], brewing oozes [Craft Ooze], or fleshwarping [Craft Universal Item + Brew Potion]?
2. At this point, for making a character (such as a Lashunta) that uses psychic magic, what class and/or class options would you suggest as a base?
3. Is there any Elder God, Outer God or Great Old One you would say is appropriate for a focus on storm, thunder, lightning?
4. Could someone at once practice druidism and advanced technology, without violating the tenets of either system?
5. Could someone at once practice druidism and alchemy, without violating the tenets of either system?
6. For quasi-divine creatures that on one hand can grant spells on their own, on the other, serves or worships some greater power, such as Arazni (while alive) relative to Aroden (while alive), or some spawn of Yog-Sothoth versus that deity itself, would it be appropriate to say that some of their power stems from themselves, and some from their patron? Or are they better understood as conduits for that patron? Basically I wonder what would happen if a creature like that fell out of favour with the greater deity it serves - would it retain its abilities, or would it first need to find a new patron?
7. Are there any must-see sites in California?
1) Probably not. I'd probably go with a new ability that augments the crafting of life for mythic characters.
2) Whatever you want. We don't have rules for psychic magic yet, so I'd either just not make a psychic character and just make a normal sorcerer or druid or bard or oracle or whatever. Or if you like Dreamscarred's rules for psionics, use those.
3) Maybe Ithaqua? That's the first one off the top of my head that's...

Dustin Ashe |

And a fire that size is likely to attract the attention of MULTIPLE archdruids...
Would druids try to put out a wildfire, merely make it a controlled burn, or let it burn unchecked? There's all sorts of evidence that wildfires are good for forests and that they become more uncontrollable the more we try to put them out.

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Call of Cthulhu rules question (if that is allowed! no rules forum to reference!). If an investigator is wearing only helmet armor worth say 2 points of damage reduction, would you remove this from all firearm attacks against the investigator? (I am playing WWII Cthulhu) I am leaning towards calling for a luck roll on each hit myself.
Thanks for any help you can provide :-)
Of course it's allowed!
Call of Cthulhu doesn't benefit from overcomplication. If something worn grants armor, it should always grant armor. If you think it's unrealistic for a helmet to protect the entire body (and I agree), I would rule that a helmet doesn't grant any armor at all.

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James Jacobs wrote:And a fire that size is likely to attract the attention of MULTIPLE archdruids...Would druids try to put out a wildfire, merely make it a controlled burn, or let it burn unchecked? There's all sorts of evidence that wildfires are good for forests and that they become more uncontrollable the more we try to put them out.
Those are all good options, and the right answer would change based on the circumstances, and druids would be much more qualified than you or I to make those choices in world. Out of world? The right choice is the one that enables the story you as the GM want to tell.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:In casual conversation they'd use shorter names. So in the case you mention, it'd be "Krojun."When Shoanti give their names in casual conversation, do they use their tribal honorific or their birth name? For example, when talking to a guy named Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills, do you call him "Krojun" or "Eats-What-He-Kills" if you're not using his full name? Which is the first name in a "first name basis" for Shoanti? Which name is their "given name?"
Have I asked this question in a way that makes it clear? Sometimes I worry when I ask these questions I can be hard to understand.
Cool, thank you!
I'm looking for some of the best military leaders in Inner Sea history. Inner Sea Combat filled in some of the blanks, but its contents were more about capable warriors than strategists and commanders. Who are guys (and girls) in the Inner Sea famous not so much for individual success in personal combat, but for winning wars and conquering kingdoms? Who are the Hannibal Barcas or Napoleon Bonapartes of Golarion? The Julius Caesars or Robert E. Lees?
Iomedae and Arnisant are definitely on the list, and Galfrey definitely counts as a modern such person. So does Soivoida Ustav, who founded Ustalav. Other than that, I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance!

Jeffrey 'Zerzix' Swank |

Not sure if this has been asked before, I apologize if it has, but
1. In your home campaigns if you have a TPK what do you normally do?
1a. Do you scrap the adventure and reboot a different one with new PC's at 1st level?
1b. Start with new PC's at same level they died?
2. If a PC's dies?
2a. Start PC's at same level as party/lower level/1st level?
2b. What do you do with dead PC's items? Allow party to have at it or have it buried with dead PC?
3. How does your party divvy up loot? Roll-off/ person picks and go round robin?

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Kytons are probably my favorite evil outsider race (does that make me weird?). I loved the full writeup for the Ostiarius Kytons in Shattered Star, and I want to see more stuff like that. What are your thoughts on a campaign setting book about Kytons?
I think that we could very easily create multiple campaign books about kytons. Whether or not we will... only time can tell.

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James Jacobs wrote:Archpaladin Zousha wrote:In casual conversation they'd use shorter names. So in the case you mention, it'd be "Krojun."When Shoanti give their names in casual conversation, do they use their tribal honorific or their birth name? For example, when talking to a guy named Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills, do you call him "Krojun" or "Eats-What-He-Kills" if you're not using his full name? Which is the first name in a "first name basis" for Shoanti? Which name is their "given name?"
Have I asked this question in a way that makes it clear? Sometimes I worry when I ask these questions I can be hard to understand.
Cool, thank you!
I'm looking for some of the best military leaders in Inner Sea history. Inner Sea Combat filled in some of the blanks, but its contents were more about capable warriors than strategists and commanders. Who are guys (and girls) in the Inner Sea famous not so much for individual success in personal combat, but for winning wars and conquering kingdoms? Who are the Hannibal Barcas or Napoleon Bonapartes of Golarion? The Julius Caesars or Robert E. Lees?
Iomedae and Arnisant are definitely on the list, and Galfrey definitely counts as a modern such person. So does Soivoida Ustav, who founded Ustalav. Other than that, I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance!
Until we need to come up with more of these famous military commanders... we won't. We've mentioned some of them, and you've called them out above, but for now... that's really all we've done.

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With the increase of new Warlock base classes from various companies, would there be any chance of a official pathfinder warlock ?
or any adventure module that uses a 3PP Warlock ?
The 3.5 warlock wasn't open content, and as such, we aren't comfortable expanding on its options. There's a lot that smaller 3rd party publishers can get away with because they're not as much in the spotlight as we are... and there's a lot that some publishers do that we simply wouldn't do due to philosophical differences in publishing choices and business practices.
So... no. You won't be seeing warlock support from Paizo.
The alchemist is in a lot of ways our response to the niche of "class that uses arcane magic in a way that doesn't really utilize spells and is focused on making ranged attacks with magical energy" though.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Not sure if this has been asked before, I apologize if it has, but
1. In your home campaigns if you have a TPK what do you normally do?
1a. Do you scrap the adventure and reboot a different one with new PC's at 1st level?
1b. Start with new PC's at same level they died?2. If a PC's dies?
2a. Start PC's at same level as party/lower level/1st level?
2b. What do you do with dead PC's items? Allow party to have at it or have it buried with dead PC?3. How does your party divvy up loot? Roll-off/ person picks and go round robin?
1) Depends on the game and the players. Sometimes I turn it into a "You weren't all killed, but now you're all captured and must escape" or "You weren't all killed but you were forced into doing quests for the bad guys" or things like that. And sometimes I say, "Well then, that's that. Next campaign!"
2) Again, depends on the player. If the player wants to build a new PC, I let them and they generally start at a level equal to the average party level. As a general rule, all of the dead PC's gear goes away, but key plot items stay in the group.
3) Usually, one player keeps track of all the loot, and when there's a down time moment, the party goes through the list and assigns the stuff worth keeping to player characters and then sells the rest and divides it equally among the party. I've done the "roll-off round-robin" method before as well, but I generally prefer a more cooperative "it's good for us all if this character gets this item" approach, with a dash of "this is an AC boosting item and as such should go to the character with the current lowest AC."

Abrir |
is it possible to buy, or get a mithral tower shield(PFS) other then hoping to find a Force Tower" on a cronical sheet or is it the only way to get one. Tower shields as described are made of wood, however this has: "This +1 arrow deflection ghost-touch mithral tower shield glows..."
is this an exception to the notion that tower shields can't be made of metal or other special matalic materials?

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is it possible to buy, or get a mithral tower shield(PFS) other then hoping to find a Force Tower" on a cronical sheet or is it the only way to get one. Tower shields as described are made of wood, however this has: "This +1 arrow deflection ghost-touch mithral tower shield glows..."
is this an exception to the notion that tower shields can't be made of metal or other special matalic materials?
Once you invoke the three letters "PFS" I get nervous that ANYTHING I might say might spark a flame war.
AKA: PFS related questions need to be directed to the proper forums or to John or Mike.

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how do you feel about Reading Rainbow and how do you feel about it coming back?
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/readingrainbow/bring-reading-rainbow-b ack-for-every-child-everywh
Ambivalent. I applaud its goals and am happy for its success, but I never had access to PBS growing up and have never seen the show and thus have no nostalgic interest in it.

xavier c |
xavier c wrote:1)Do the Empyreal Lords ever argue with one another?
2)If you had to guess how big is Ragathiel's realm(Ragathiel's Fortress on the 1st tier of Heaven)?
1) Yes.
2) The size of a small city, I guess?
Is Ragathiel's Fortress Ragathiel's entire planar realm or just part of it

xavier c |
xavier c wrote:Why does Sarenrae keep her realm closed off?Where does it say that?
From Inner sea gods
-Sarenrae's domain within Nirvana stands on the far side of the Sea of No Shadows, Sarenrae's personal holdings are largely sealed except to petitioners and her divine servants and To all others, her seat of power is simply an outline of golden watchtowers visible on the horizon, a sight tantalizingly out of reach to ships on the sea regardless of how far they sail.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:How are Nocticula and Socothbenoth different Sexually?xavier c wrote:After reading up on Calistria some more and her Antipaladin code i want to ask is Calistria as Sexually open minded as Socothbenoth and Nocticula?As Nocticula, probably. As Socothbenoth, probably not.
Nocticula's more of a seducer and manipulator, while Socothbenoth is more of a forceful rapist type. There's crossover between the two, but as a general rule Socothbenoth is just less subtle and more physically violent.

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James Jacobs wrote:Is Ragathiel's Fortress Ragathiel's entire planar realm or just part of itxavier c wrote:1)Do the Empyreal Lords ever argue with one another?
2)If you had to guess how big is Ragathiel's realm(Ragathiel's Fortress on the 1st tier of Heaven)?
1) Yes.
2) The size of a small city, I guess?
Unrevealed, although I suspect just part of it.

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James Jacobs wrote:xavier c wrote:Why does Sarenrae keep her realm closed off?Where does it say that?From Inner sea gods
-Sarenrae's domain within Nirvana stands on the far side of the Sea of No Shadows, Sarenrae's personal holdings are largely sealed except to petitioners and her divine servants and To all others, her seat of power is simply an outline of golden watchtowers visible on the horizon, a sight tantalizingly out of reach to ships on the sea regardless of how far they sail.
That's not how I would have set it up, but it is what it is I suppose. Not sure why she'd do this but if I had to come up with a reason (and now, I guess, I have to), it's because she wants to protect her realm from undesirables AND to protect those she's given shelter as part of her role as a deity of forgiveness and redemption from well-meaning non-evil folks eager to punish evil.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I just got home from seeing Godzilla, James.
I haven't cried that much in a long time.
It was wonderful.
What was your favorite thing about it?
There was a lot about it that would qualify as my favorite... but I suspect my top 20 would be, in order counting down to my favorite part...
19) Bryan Cranston is a powerhouse awesome actor.
18) The entire halo jump sequence.
17) The MUTO designs.
16) The fact that a significant portion of the movie took place in Japan, and the fact that a significant portion took place in what's pretty close to where I grew up (San Francisco).
15) That the director, Gareth Edwards, lets us actually see things and catch our breath rather than overwhelm us with rapid fire edits.
14) The slow burn; that Godzilla's appearance takes so long to hit, and that it builds to a crescendo rather than being all noise all the time.
13) The MUTO getting tail slammed.
12) The tsunami, up to the flare reveal of Godzilla's leg.
11) Godzilla's face fading into the smoke after he peers at Ford Brody.
10) Ken Watanabe saying "Gojira."
9) The fact that Godzilla didn't die; he was just catching his breath when he took a nap after that last fight.
8) Any of the shots of Godzilla looming in the smoke with very little sound, moving with an eerie silence.
7) The opening credit sequence's combination of redacting words to highlight names of cast and crew with "archival footage" of Godzilla.
6) The final shot of the movie as Godzilla slips into the Pacific Ocean and the music fades away to the sound of waves lapping on the shore.
5) The Golden Gate sequence.
4) Godzilla's roar, particularly the first time he roars in Honolulu.
3) The fact that Ken Watanabe's character is named after the director of the original Godzilla AND after the scientist in the original Godzilla who invents the oxygen destroyer.
2) The Mothra Easter egg.
1) The first scene where Godzilla breathes fire.

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What do you think of this critique of Cthulhu in games?
"H.P. Lovecraft and the Call of Cthulhu have inspired many horror games, but the power fantasy that drives most games conflicts with the unfathomable, unreachable terror of Cthulhu."

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Forgot where I read it but it was said that some temples of Calistria have various pieces of art depicting the Goddess in erotic situations with other Deities, which usually have to be covered up whenever a follower of said deity visits the temple.
So I was curious what all Deities would be offended and which ones wouldn't be by said erotic artistic depictions, fanfiction, etc. of them.

The Evil Queen |

Hi James, I hope all is well!
Do you know about the Delgeth from the bestiary of the Tears at Bitter Manor book?
Is there any chance the Delgeth can change in an upcoming bestiary 5/6/7 or later?
Cuz the Delgeth is suppose to be one of the most evil Native American creatures out there and its suppose to be the a rare Pronghorn/Antilope monster not a neutral stag monster that cares about nature...
Stags have the Paiyuk and Sianach, so turning an antilope monster into a neutral stag monster doesn't make sense when you have Paiyuk and Sianach instead for the Elk monster role.
Hope this Delgeth Monster gets fixed in a future bestiary! It would be a shame if the only Pronghorn monster from mythology is turned into a more commonly used beast as the Elk.

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Hi James,
I was flipping through the back of Inner Sea Gods and stumbled across a deity that I hadn't heard of and couldn't find much about. So, who is Feronia?
Dispater's ex-wife and Ragathiel's mother (see Kobold Quarterly 23.) (You'd probably get more info by asking Wes instead, since he's the Lord of Hell and James is more Prince of the Abyss.)

xavier c |
xavier c wrote:Unrevealed, although I suspect just part of it.James Jacobs wrote:Is Ragathiel's Fortress Ragathiel's entire planar realm or just part of itxavier c wrote:1)Do the Empyreal Lords ever argue with one another?
2)If you had to guess how big is Ragathiel's realm(Ragathiel's Fortress on the 1st tier of Heaven)?
1) Yes.
2) The size of a small city, I guess?
Will you did say a god's planar realm is the size of a world-is that still true?

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What do you think of this [uyrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DyRxlvM9VM]critique of Cthulhu in games[/url]?
"H.P. Lovecraft and the Call of Cthulhu have inspired many horror games, but the power fantasy that drives most games conflicts with the unfathomable, unreachable terror of Cthulhu."
I think that Lovecraft inspires far more than horror games. Obviously. Seeing as how much his work has inspired a fantasy game like Pathfinder. Or D&D, for that matter.

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Forgot where I read it but it was said that some temples of Calistria have various pieces of art depicting the Goddess in erotic situations with other Deities, which usually have to be covered up whenever a follower of said deity visits the temple.
So I was curious what all Deities would be offended and which ones wouldn't be by said erotic artistic depictions, fanfiction, etc. of them.
I think that might have been in her temple in Magnimar...
As for what deities would be offended and what ones wouldn't... I'm not gonna say. I will give you two who wouldn't be offended (Desna, Cayden Cailean), and two that would be (Abadar, Torag).