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Of Velcro and zippers, which do you prefer?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

IQuarent wrote:
Of Velcro and zippers, which do you prefer?


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
IQuarent wrote:
Of Velcro and zippers, which do you prefer?

Do I detect a bit of Anti-Vulcan bias there? :)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Paper or plastic? (Bags)

Paper or plastic? (Money)

Soup or salad?

Apple or orange?

Beer or wine?

Hey JJ,

This came up recently and we're stumped.

Can a Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier negate a vorpal?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
IQuarent wrote:
Of Velcro and zippers, which do you prefer?
Do I detect a bit of Anti-Vulcan bias there? :)

Ummm... huh?

Not sure what you're talking about, so I'd guess "no."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ross Byers wrote:

Paper or plastic? (Bags)

Paper or plastic? (Money)

Soup or salad?

Apple or orange?

Beer or wine?

Paper, plastic, soup, orange, neither.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Absynthyne wrote:

Hey JJ,

This came up recently and we're stumped.

Can a Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier negate a vorpal?

Absolutely. It negates the critical hit, and the vorpal weapon's power only activates on a critical hit, so absolutely the jingasa can negate getting your head chopped off.

With the release of the Inner Sea Gods Hardcover will future deity articles change in anyway? will they have more information about planer realms and divine minions ?

Will future deity articles cover more Demigods like the(Archdevils/Infernal Dukes) and (Eldest or Elemental Lords) and unknown Deities like Namzaruum and Vineshvakhi or Brigh and Camazotz?

Will the Empyreal Lords get deity articles?

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

How would feel about a Paizo version of Touched by an Angel? One featuring the angelic empyreal lords?

(I've been meaning to start a thread about that. Best get to finishing it up.)

I'd like to think that the first Paizo TV show would be more like Game of Thrones and less like Touched by an Angel.

Have you no faith in Paizo's IP?

This isn't Tess&Monica nagging some hapless yuppie into forgetting all about critical thinking and instead making nice-nice with her toxic relatives. I'm talking about things like Ragathiel teaching a girl how to use a sniper rifle, or Arshea teaching a boy how to accessorize and apply makeup, or Immonhiel helping mothers legalize medicinal marijuana. Good-aligned activities that'll scandalize Tess&Monica (and the typical audience of network TV).

Are the Iron Gods Demigods or Deities?

Do you have a favorite episode of Game of Thrones?

Who are your top 5 favorite characters?

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

How would feel about a Paizo version of Touched by an Angel? One featuring the angelic empyreal lords?

(I've been meaning to start a thread about that. Best get to finishing it up.)

I'd like to think that the first Paizo TV show would be more like Game of Thrones and less like Touched by an Angel.

So it would be way faster to list the good guys (and girls) than the douchebags?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AlgaeNymph wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

How would feel about a Paizo version of Touched by an Angel? One featuring the angelic empyreal lords?

(I've been meaning to start a thread about that. Best get to finishing it up.)

I'd like to think that the first Paizo TV show would be more like Game of Thrones and less like Touched by an Angel.

Have you no faith in Paizo's IP?

This isn't Tess&Monica nagging some hapless yuppie into forgetting all about critical thinking and instead making nice-nice with her toxic relatives. I'm talking about things like Ragathiel teaching a girl how to use a sniper rifle, or Arshea teaching a boy how to accessorize and apply makeup, or Immonhiel helping mothers legalize medicinal marijuana. Good-aligned activities that'll scandalize Tess&Monica (and the typical audience of network TV).

No... more like no interest in a show like "Touched by an Angel."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:

With the release of the Inner Sea Gods Hardcover will future deity articles change in anyway? will they have more information about planer realms and divine minions ?

Will future deity articles cover more Demigods like the(Archdevils/Infernal Dukes) and (Eldest or Elemental Lords) and unknown Deities like Namzaruum and Vineshvakhi or Brigh and Camazotz?

Will the Empyreal Lords get deity articles?

Not sure, but I doubt it. The deity articles will likely stay more or less the same as they have been, and will continue to cover all sorts of different deities and demigods. Iron Gods, for example, will cover Brigh and one more. When it makes sense, these articles will include things like demon lords, arch devils, empyreal lords, and the like.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
Are the Iron Gods Demigods or Deities?

Neither. Wait and see!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kairos Dawnfury wrote:

Do you have a favorite episode of Game of Thrones?

Who are your top 5 favorite characters?

Blackwater Keep.

Arya, Tyrion, Danyris, Jon, and Davos are my favorite characters.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Guy St-Amant wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

How would feel about a Paizo version of Touched by an Angel? One featuring the angelic empyreal lords?

(I've been meaning to start a thread about that. Best get to finishing it up.)

I'd like to think that the first Paizo TV show would be more like Game of Thrones and less like Touched by an Angel.

So it would be way faster to list the good guys (and girls) than the douchebags?


So it would be a way more interesting show.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Is it bad that I came up with a character who's whole concept is that he really, really hates doors for some vague reason and only adventures to smash any that he comes across?

I woke up 5.30 AM so I could have my breakfast before work and noticed there was a new Godzilla trailer out. I just saw it and it is AWESOME!
So here are some Godzilla questions:

1 What do you think is the biggest/most common misconception when it comes to Godzilla?

2 What made the 1998 (or any bad Godzilla movie) a bad movie?

3 What makes a good Godzilla Movie a Godzilla Movie?

I’ve been thinking about some of these questions, especially the first, for quite some time and I got some theories of my own, but I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject of Vampires vs Werewolves.

1) How come Vampires as a concept is far more successful, at least when it comes to movies and TV shows? I know the simple answer is that there have been more good Vampire movies made, but I wonder why? What makes vampires more interesting? Or actually, what makes werewolves less interesting?

2) It seems that one of the most popular Werewolf movies is “Underworld”, which is actually a Vampire Movie. Any idea what made the Underworld werewolves so popular?

3) A theme in the werewolf myth (that was also present in An American Werewolf in London) is the werewolf as a tragic victim, is this theme common in werewolf movies or werewolf literature?

4) Can you recommend any good werewolf movies? If not, can you recommend any decent ones?

5) Can you recommend any good werewolf novels?

6) What makes a good werewolf movie? Let’s say a famous director would make a werewolf movie and asked you for advice, what would you say?

7) Buffy, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Underworld Series and Twilight Series are all vampire Shows/series that also host werewolves. Who has the best werewolves?

8) Favorite Vampire movies, if any?

9) Favorite Vampire novels, if any?

10) Vampires or werewolves?

Silver Crusade

Since it's been awhile since I last asked:

1. Have you beaten Dark Souls 2 yet?

2. Favorite weapon/shield combo?

3. Favorite armor set/pieces?

4. Favorite magic?

5. Favorite area?

6. Favorite boss?

7. Favorite NPC?

1) As a question on Sorshen, or specifically the Sword of Lust, Asheia, is it a safe assumption that the Seven Swords of Sin module is more or less retconned at this point? Artifacts and Legends describes how the Swords don't and/or can't awaken unless the proper Runelord is also awake and alive, but the module antagonist (Tirana) has awakened Asheia on her own (presumably without Sorshen being awake, unless "Sorshen Lives" means she's awake already?) and being in the process of awakening the other six Swords of Sin.

2) Additionally, the Swords require the requisite Runelord to be active and alive in order to function. This doesn't impede lich/vampire/undead-whatever Runelords, does it? (Or even Alderpash, I suppose, since he was Runelord of Wrath and is now a lich...) It would be kind of ironic if the Sword of Gluttony couldn't be awakened because Zutha isn't technically alive, and is instead a lich.

3) Did the Runelords all take their Weapons of Rule into stasis with them? Or did some of them perhaps leave them out? It strikes me that an intelligent artifact weapon as loyal as a Runelord's weapon (such as Karzoug's) could well be a sneaky way of ensuring that plans are laid to allow their eventual resurrection, with the weapon as the chief agent bringing them about through the manipulation of unwitting pawns.

4) To what degree would you say Tar-Baphon's growth as a necromancer, mythic creature and empire-rise was owed to what went before him in Thassilon. He claimed mythic power from at least the Cenotaph, called his treasure city Xin-Grafar... but at the same time, this could be interpreted as him claiming it from Thassilon and making his own way rather than following in its footsteps.

1)Will the Kasatha get any articles in the Iron Gods AP or any of the supplement books?

2)Will the Technology book cover radiation? If so will there be any spells that protect against radiation?

3)Will any 0HD alien races other then the Kasatha and Androids get any love in Iron Gods?

4)Will Iron Gods AP get a new robot in each volume?

5)Any chance of the "Greys" showing up in the Iron Gods bestiary?

6)Will the People of the Stars book have anything for alien 0HD races or will it be for just the core races?

7)How many Iron Gods are there?

Good Morning James!

1. Reading about new releases this morning, I was wondering: Was District 9 part of the set of inspirations behind Iron Gods and some of the support books being released this fall/summer? Somehow the whole "alien tech in the hands of people who don't fully understand it or can replicate it", along with all the various factions that want ahold of it, seemed very similar to some of the ideas explored in Iron Gods.

2. I read you recent interview where you talk about Unspeakable futures, and the half-ghouls and Deep One Hybrids as races. Are these beings you would prefer not to work up for Pathfinder, and what are the odds we might someday see these races featured in Golarion?

Silver Crusade

Any chance in the future we could see a Golarion/Pathfinder Anime? I honestly think there is a huge audience for this if it's done right.

Scarab Sages

Danubus wrote:
Any chance in the future we could see a Golarion/Pathfinder Anime? I honestly think there is a huge audience for this if it's done right.

Or a western style, non-anime, cartoon film? I'd go for that too.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Is it bad that I came up with a character who's whole concept is that he really, really hates doors for some vague reason and only adventures to smash any that he comes across?

I suspect that it won't be long before that character trait really starts to annoy your fellow PCs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zark wrote:

I woke up 5.30 AM so I could have my breakfast before work and noticed there was a new Godzilla trailer out. I just saw it and it is AWESOME!

So here are some Godzilla questions:

1 What do you think is the biggest/most common misconception when it comes to Godzilla?

2 What made the 1998 (or any bad Godzilla movie) a bad movie?

3 What makes a good Godzilla Movie a Godzilla Movie?

1) That he was always a goofy kid-friendly buffoon.

2) The fact that it had no redeeming qualities. Immediately coming to mind... Godzilla didn't have a breath weapon; the continuity of his size changed drastically and randomly; and the plot was stolen from a missmash between Jurassic Park and The Creature from 20,000 Fathoms; the fact that the military does more property damage to New York than Godzilla does; the fact that not a single building is knocked down; the end is a rip off of the 70s remake of King Kong which was a terrible remake; the acting sucked; the casting sucked; the writing sucked; there were mean-spirited snipes at movie critics; the design for Godzilla was kind of silly with its giant chin; it was lazy in the way it portrayed Godzilla's mass and the impact of his footsteps... I could go on, but that should be good for a start.

3) Respect for the character by the filmmakers.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zark wrote:

I’ve been thinking about some of these questions, especially the first, for quite some time and I got some theories of my own, but I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject of Vampires vs Werewolves.

1) How come Vampires as a concept is far more successful, at least when it comes to movies and TV shows? I know the simple answer is that there have been more good Vampire movies made, but I wonder why? What makes vampires more interesting? Or actually, what makes werewolves less interesting?

2) It seems that one of the most popular Werewolf movies is “Underworld”, which is actually a Vampire Movie. Any idea what made the Underworld werewolves so popular?

3) A theme in the werewolf myth (that was also present in An American Werewolf in London) is the werewolf as a tragic victim, is this theme common in werewolf movies or werewolf literature?

4) Can you recommend any good werewolf movies? If not, can you recommend any decent ones?

5) Can you recommend any good werewolf novels?

6) What makes a good werewolf movie? Let’s say a famous director would make a werewolf movie and asked you for advice, what would you say?

7) Buffy, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Underworld Series and Twilight Series are all vampire Shows/series that also host werewolves. Who has the best werewolves?

8) Favorite Vampire movies, if any?

9) Favorite Vampire novels, if any?

10) Vampires or werewolves?

1) Because vampires are sexier than werewolves, and because vampires are easier to pull off realistically. Easier makeup.

2) Kate Beckinsale. That's my reason, at least.

3) It's pretty much the primary werewolf theme in most werewolf fiction I've seen and read.

4) Dog Soldiers. Ginger Snaps. American Werewolf in London. The Howling. The Company of Wolves. The Wolfman (the original). Good werewolf movies are actually really pretty rare, for whatever reason.

5) The Skin Trade. It's a novella, not a novel, but it's by George R. R. Martin. Cycle of the Werewolf (also a novella).

6) The transformations are key, but so is treating it pretty serious. It's also important to do something new with the story.

7) Of the shows you list, I'd say Underworld does.

8) Underworld. Underworld 2. Let The Right One In. Let Me In. Near Dark. Lifeforce. Nosferatu (the Murnau and the Herzog ones). Shadow of the Vampire. Blade 2. Thirst.

9) Dracula. Salem's Lot. The Passage. The Twelve. The Strain trilogy. I Am Legend.

10) Vampires.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:

Since it's been awhile since I last asked:

1. Have you beaten Dark Souls 2 yet?

2. Favorite weapon/shield combo?

3. Favorite armor set/pieces?

4. Favorite magic?

5. Favorite area?

6. Favorite boss?

7. Favorite NPC?

1) Yes.

2) +10 Lightning Uchigatana (or however it's spelled) and the shield/catalyst combo for miracles.

3) Jester's set.

4) Miracles

5) Dragon Aerie

6) The Rotten.

7) Emerald Herald! Or Gilligan.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alleran wrote:

1) As a question on Sorshen, or specifically the Sword of Lust, Asheia, is it a safe assumption that the Seven Swords of Sin module is more or less retconned at this point? Artifacts and Legends describes how the Swords don't and/or can't awaken unless the proper Runelord is also awake and alive, but the module antagonist (Tirana) has awakened Asheia on her own (presumably without Sorshen being awake, unless "Sorshen Lives" means she's awake already?) and being in the process of awakening the other six Swords of Sin.

2) Additionally, the Swords require the requisite Runelord to be active and alive in order to function. This doesn't impede lich/vampire/undead-whatever Runelords, does it? (Or even Alderpash, I suppose, since he was Runelord of Wrath and is now a lich...) It would be kind of ironic if the Sword of Gluttony couldn't be awakened because Zutha isn't technically alive, and is instead a lich.

3) Did the Runelords all take their Weapons of Rule into stasis with them? Or did some of them perhaps leave them out? It strikes me that an intelligent artifact weapon as loyal as a Runelord's weapon (such as Karzoug's) could well be a sneaky way of ensuring that plans are laid to allow their eventual resurrection, with the weapon as the chief agent bringing them about through the manipulation of unwitting pawns.

4) To what degree would you say Tar-Baphon's growth as a necromancer, mythic creature and empire-rise was owed to what went before him in Thassilon. He claimed mythic power from at least the Cenotaph, called his treasure city Xin-Grafar... but at the same time, this could be interpreted as him claiming it from Thassilon and making his own way rather than following in its footsteps.

1) Sorshen Lives, as you note. Make of that what you will.

2) Active and undead is the same as active and alive in this case.

3) Nope, not all of them.

4) Pretty much all of it. Without his power boost from Thassilon, he wouldn't have become the powerful lich he is today.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

The Doctor or Captain Jack?
Amy Pond or Rose Tyler?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)Will the Kasatha get any articles in the Iron Gods AP or any of the supplement books?

2)Will the Technology book cover radiation? If so will there be any spells that protect against radiation?

3)Will any 0HD alien races other then the Kasatha and Androids get any love in Iron Gods?

4)Will Iron Gods AP get a new robot in each volume?

5)Any chance of the "Greys" showing up in the Iron Gods bestiary?

6)Will the People of the Stars book have anything for alien 0HD races or will it be for just the core races?

7)How many Iron Gods are there?

1) We'll talk about them a little bit here and there, but there's no full-length article in the works for them. They're not THAT important to Iron Gods, and they're not really appropriate for PCs either.

2) Yes.

3) Not really.

4) That's the plan. Some may have more than one new robot, in fact. Mabye.

5) Nope.

6) The core races are not "People of the Stars." Well... maybe the elves are.

7) Wait and see.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MMCJawa wrote:

Good Morning James!

1. Reading about new releases this morning, I was wondering: Was District 9 part of the set of inspirations behind Iron Gods and some of the support books being released this fall/summer? Somehow the whole "alien tech in the hands of people who don't fully understand it or can replicate it", along with all the various factions that want ahold of it, seemed very similar to some of the ideas explored in Iron Gods.

2. I read you recent interview where you talk about Unspeakable futures, and the half-ghouls and Deep One Hybrids as races. Are these beings you would prefer not to work up for Pathfinder, and what are the odds we might someday see these races featured in Golarion?

1) District 9 is a brilliant movie, and nothing I do involving Science Fiction can NOT be inspired on at least one level by it. It's not a primary source of inspiration though at all.

2) They're not appropriate for Pathfinder, since ghouls are different creatures in Unspeakable Futures and we don't have Deep Ones in Pathfinder. Furthermore... I want SOME things to remain Unspeakable Futures things and not Pathfinder things.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Danubus wrote:
Any chance in the future we could see a Golarion/Pathfinder Anime? I honestly think there is a huge audience for this if it's done right.

There's certainly a chance.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

archmagi1 wrote:
Danubus wrote:
Any chance in the future we could see a Golarion/Pathfinder Anime? I honestly think there is a huge audience for this if it's done right.
Or a western style, non-anime, cartoon film? I'd go for that too.

There's certainly a chance.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ross Byers wrote:

The Doctor or Captain Jack?

Amy Pond or Rose Tyler?

Not a Doctor Who fan. At all.

James Jacobs wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

How would feel about a Paizo version of Touched by an Angel? One featuring the angelic empyreal lords?

(I've been meaning to start a thread about that. Best get to finishing it up.)

I'd like to think that the first Paizo TV show would be more like Game of Thrones and less like Touched by an Angel.

So it would be way faster to list the good guys (and girls) than the douchebags?


So it would be a way more interesting show.

"We are the good guys, not the nice guys." ?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Since it's been awhile since I last asked:

1. Have you beaten Dark Souls 2 yet?

2. Favorite weapon/shield combo?

3. Favorite armor set/pieces?

4. Favorite magic?

5. Favorite area?

6. Favorite boss?

7. Favorite NPC?

1) Yes.

2) +10 Lightning Uchigatana (or however it's spelled) and the shield/catalyst combo for miracles.

3) Jester's set.

4) Miracles

5) Dragon Aerie

6) The Rotten.

7) Emerald Herald! Or Gilligan.

1. What did you think of the ending compared to the ending from the first game?

2. Concerning 5, is this influenced by the bridge right before the Dragon Shrine?

3. What are your favorite pieces of lore from the series?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:

1. What did you think of the ending compared to the ending from the first game?

2. Concerning 5, is this influenced by the bridge right before the Dragon Shrine?

3. What are your favorite pieces of lore from the series?

1) It was equally underwhelming. The draw of both games is the play, not the ending.

2) Not really. It's mostly due to the expansiveness and beauty of the region combined with how epic it feels to fight so many dragons

3) The whole idea of the giants vs. human war that you get to see in the memories levels is quite cool.

Silver Crusade

Speaking of, what did you think of the design for the giants in this game?

James Jacobs wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:

Good Morning James!

1. Reading about new releases this morning, I was wondering: Was District 9 part of the set of inspirations behind Iron Gods and some of the support books being released this fall/summer? Somehow the whole "alien tech in the hands of people who don't fully understand it or can replicate it", along with all the various factions that want ahold of it, seemed very similar to some of the ideas explored in Iron Gods.

2. I read you recent interview where you talk about Unspeakable futures, and the half-ghouls and Deep One Hybrids as races. Are these beings you would prefer not to work up for Pathfinder, and what are the odds we might someday see these races featured in Golarion?

1) District 9 is a brilliant movie, and nothing I do involving Science Fiction can NOT be inspired on at least one level by it. It's not a primary source of inspiration though at all.

2) They're not appropriate for Pathfinder, since ghouls are different creatures in Unspeakable Futures and we don't have Deep Ones in Pathfinder. Furthermore... I want SOME things to remain Unspeakable Futures things and not Pathfinder things.

Thanks for the answers.

So correct me if I am wrong, but ghouls in Mythos fiction are less undead than they are a separate race. At least that is my reading on things. I know one of Caitlin Kiernan's books have a half-ghoul character. Is that sort of what you had in mind for a half-ghoul, or is this something completely novel or based on some other work.

Incidentally, what is your opinion ion Caitlin Kiernan? I love her short fiction, and in some ways she is kind of a hero to me, since she is a sucessful genre writer who did a paleontology-based PhD (Mosasaurs!)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:
Speaking of, what did you think of the design for the giants in this game?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

MMCJawa wrote:

So correct me if I am wrong, but ghouls in Mythos fiction are less undead than they are a separate race. At least that is my reading on things. I know one of Caitlin Kiernan's books have a half-ghoul character. Is that sort of what you had in mind for a half-ghoul, or is this something completely novel or based on some other work.

Incidentally, what is your opinion ion Caitlin Kiernan? I love her short fiction, and in some ways she is kind of a hero to me, since she is a sucessful genre writer who did a paleontology-based PhD (Mosasaurs!)

It's unclear if they're alive or undead, a separate race or degenerate humans. Depends on the story. In Unspeakable Futures, ghouls are living creatures. My take on the half-ghoul is someone who had a ghoul parent and a human parent OR someone who went partially through the ghoul transformation and halted it somehow.

And as for Caitlin Kiernan, I haven't read enough of her work to have an opinion yet, really.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Will the tech guide/Iron Gods be dealing with "realistic" radiation or comic book radiation?

Basically should my characters prepare Remove Disease to her rid of radiation sickness/cancer or should they adjust their tunics to make room for mutated tentacles?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Will the tech guide/Iron Gods be dealing with "realistic" radiation or comic book radiation?

Basically should my characters prepare Remove Disease to her rid of radiation sickness/cancer or should they adjust their tunics to make room for mutated tentacles?

Mostly realistic. There will be ways to get mutations, but standard radiation exposure won't do it on its own.

It's not a disease effect, though. It's a poison effect.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Alleran wrote:

1) As a question on Sorshen, or specifically the Sword of Lust, Asheia, is it a safe assumption that the Seven Swords of Sin module is more or less retconned at this point? Artifacts and Legends describes how the Swords don't and/or can't awaken unless the proper Runelord is also awake and alive, but the module antagonist (Tirana) has awakened Asheia on her own (presumably without Sorshen being awake, unless "Sorshen Lives" means she's awake already?) and being in the process of awakening the other six Swords of Sin.

2) Additionally, the Swords require the requisite Runelord to be active and alive in order to function. This doesn't impede lich/vampire/undead-whatever Runelords, does it? (Or even Alderpash, I suppose, since he was Runelord of Wrath and is now a lich...) It would be kind of ironic if the Sword of Gluttony couldn't be awakened because Zutha isn't technically alive, and is instead a lich.

3) Did the Runelords all take their Weapons of Rule into stasis with them? Or did some of them perhaps leave them out? It strikes me that an intelligent artifact weapon as loyal as a Runelord's weapon (such as Karzoug's) could well be a sneaky way of ensuring that plans are laid to allow their eventual resurrection, with the weapon as the chief agent bringing them about through the manipulation of unwitting pawns.

4) To what degree would you say Tar-Baphon's growth as a necromancer, mythic creature and empire-rise was owed to what went before him in Thassilon. He claimed mythic power from at least the Cenotaph, called his treasure city Xin-Grafar... but at the same time, this could be interpreted as him claiming it from Thassilon and making his own way rather than following in its footsteps.

1) Sorshen Lives, as you note. Make of that what you will.

2) Active and undead is the same as active and alive in this case.

3) Nope, not all of them.

4) Pretty much all of it. Without his power boost from Thassilon, he wouldn't have...

It all comes back to Thassilon, doesn't it?

I was wondering if there was any reason that a character couldn't have a pearl of power embedded into their flesh and then use it like normal?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

It all comes back to Thassilon, doesn't it?

Turns out, Thassilon is pretty important to Avistan's history.

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