>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
zergtitan wrote:

Actually he may be referring to an upcoming module considering that his time estimate places it in September/October which would be in the middle of Iron Gods.

Or referring to nothing at all, as in "We have products planned for the next six months, and the eyeless kraken feature in none of them, so at the very least you have six months to wait."

But I can hope.

I have a mildly urgent question for you, sir.

How do you pronounce Kenabres?

We've had Keh-NAH-bres, Ken-AHBS and my favorite, Ken-AHB-Wah.

I'm pretty sure those aren't how you're supposed to break up the word...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kaushal Avan Spellfire wrote:

My crude attempt at a literature search unsuccessfully, I feel the compulsion to ask a question about Ameiko's back story as presented in Jade Regent. I'm curious as to how much, if any of it, came from the actual PC history of Ameiko (if my understanding that Ameiko was once a JJ character is correct)?

** spoiler omitted **

The name "Ameiko" was one of my characters, yes, and some aspects (the swasbucklery parts, for the most) are shared between my Planescape Ameiko and Sandpoint's Ameiko... but pretty much ALL of her backstory is stuff I made up for the Sandpoint Ameiko.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Generic Villain wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
donato wrote:
How far are we from learning more about the 13 eyeless kraken?
More than 6 months away.

As in, after Iron Gods? As in, the much-awaited (by me at least) aboleth AP is nigh?! As in, learning about the veiled masters in Occult Mysteries wasn't just a one-off fluke, but in fact a preface to far greater things just a bit down the road, something I scarcely dared hope, but did nonetheless?

I guess there isn't any question in there that you can answer, so I've violated the tenants of this highly useful thread, and I'm sorry for that, but...


As in, we haven't announced anything about it yet, and our announcements are more or less only 6 months into the future.

I do intend to some day follow up on those eyeless krakens. I won't announce that early, though, and by saying "More than 6 months away" I'm saying it could be seven months away, or seven years away, or seven decades away.

Someday, yes. Which is what I should have said at the start, because it's too easy for folks to read too much into anything concrete like an actual number.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
Is Kitumu in the Inner Sea Gods book?
I doubt it. That one is so obscure that I didn't recognize it, but neither have I read all of Inner Sea Gods yet. No... I'm 99.999999995% sure Kitumu isn't in there.
what are some of the obscure gods that will be in the book?

The book's only a few weeks away... folks will see soon enough.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

zergtitan wrote:
Generic Villain wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
donato wrote:
How far are we from learning more about the 13 eyeless kraken?
More than 6 months away.

As in, after Iron Gods? As in, the much-awaited (by me at least) aboleth AP is nigh?! As in, learning about the veiled masters in Occult Mysteries wasn't just a one-off fluke, but in fact a preface to far greater things just a bit down the road, something I scarcely dared hope, but did nonetheless?

I guess there isn't any question in there that you can answer, so I've violated the tenants of this highly useful thread, and I'm sorry for that, but...


Actually he may be referring to an upcoming module considering that his time estimate places it in September/October which would be in the middle of Iron Gods.

Or (more likely) he's referring to vague future plans that haven't changed schedule much at all since he first put "Eyeless Krakens" in the ISWG... ;-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kairos Dawnfury wrote:

I have a mildly urgent question for you, sir.

How do you pronounce Kenabres?

We've had Keh-NAH-bres, Ken-AHBS and my favorite, Ken-AHB-Wah.

I'm pretty sure those aren't how you're supposed to break up the word...


Its cadence sounds a little bit like Canaveral, as in Cape Canaveral.

Does a Paladin gain all of the bonus Domain Spells of a Domain or Subdomain?

When a Sacred Servant uses there Call Celestial Ally to use planar ally for free what are the limits of the request the Sacred Servant can make to the Outsider and how long can Sacred Servant request Outsider to serve him?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
Does a Paladin gain all of the bonus Domain Spells of a Domain or Subdomain?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
When a Sacred Servant uses there Call Celestial Ally to use planar ally for free what are the limits of the request the Sacred Servant can make to the Outsider and how long can Sacred Servant request Outsider to serve him?

Please cite the places non-core content comes from, so I know what you're talking about. Or even better... when it comes to questions about the rulebooks... the questions should be asked in the rules forums so the design team can see them and folks can tag them with FAQ requests.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
donato wrote:
How far are we from learning more about the 13 eyeless kraken?
More than 6 months away.

So it will not be announced as an AP at PaizoCon or GenCon? Interesting....

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

As in, we haven't announced anything about it yet, and our announcements are more or less only 6 months into the future.

I do intend to some day follow up on those eyeless krakens. I won't announce that early, though, and by saying "More than 6 months away" I'm saying it could be seven months away, or seven years away, or seven decades away.

Someday, yes. Which is what I should have said at the start, because it's too easy for folks to read too much into anything concrete like an actual number.

I resemble that remark! :)

James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
When a Sacred Servant uses there Call Celestial Ally to use planar ally for free what are the limits of the request the Sacred Servant can make to the Outsider and how long can Sacred Servant request Outsider to serve him?
Please cite the places non-core content comes from, so I know what you're talking about. Or even better... when it comes to questions about the rulebooks... the questions should be asked in the rules forums so the design team can see them and folks can tag them with FAQ requests.

It was the Advanced Player's Guide page 117

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
donato wrote:
How far are we from learning more about the 13 eyeless kraken?
More than 6 months away.
So it will not be announced as an AP at PaizoCon or GenCon? Interesting....

Since it's not even on any schedules yet and I have no idea what sort of product would be best to expand upon it... who can say? Until I actually start thinking about how to develop that plot element, I can't say when would be the best time to announce it would be. Even if I did know, though, I wouldn't say before the time was right.

Announcements of announcements are kinda silly, in other words.

Anyway... it, like all other tidbits in everything we produce, may or may not some day be expanded upon into a bigger thing. The vast majority of these tidbits are things we threw in just to seed future possibilities and without any actual plans for them at the time, in fact, and so there's no way of knowing for us if we want to develop it further later on.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
When a Sacred Servant uses there Call Celestial Ally to use planar ally for free what are the limits of the request the Sacred Servant can make to the Outsider and how long can Sacred Servant request Outsider to serve him?
Please cite the places non-core content comes from, so I know what you're talking about. Or even better... when it comes to questions about the rulebooks... the questions should be asked in the rules forums so the design team can see them and folks can tag them with FAQ requests.
It was the Advanced Player's Guide page 117

Ah; yeah, that's getting into territory better asked in the rules forums then.

When I answer raw rules questions here, some folks get weirded out or use the answers to fuel internet rage or flame wars or sow confusion or disrupt GM rulings, etc. It has been proven to me numerous times, alas, that answering pure rules questions from the rulebooks here on this particular thread tends to do more harm than good.

And so questions like that need to be asked in the proper threads over in the rules forums.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Is there a way to play a lowlife that ISN'T a rogue? When I say the word "lowlife" rogue seems to be the class that immediately comes to mind.
Any class can fit the role of a lowlife. It's easier for evil or chaotic characters, though, and a lot tougher for lawful or good ones, but with the right overarching society... what defines a "lowlife" changes.

I've been feeling very insecure about my reading tastes lately, especially in webcomics. Am I a bad person for liking webcomics like Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes?

James Jacobs wrote:
And we're about halfway through the 2nd adventure in Skull & Shackles. Progress slows down during convention prep season, with games getting cancelled more often than not, alas. My character in that game is indeed Sasha Dracktus, AKA Lady Vermillion, AKA Captain Firetop, AKA a few other nicknames my enemies or some chuckleheaded fellow players have come up for her. Jerks.

Are any of the nicknames particularly funny ones, to you or them? Do share!

Mr. James Jacobs,

If we take dwarven manners and culture as we know them and insert that line from Picard:"If we are going to be damned, let us be damned for what we really are" into the center of it what changes would happen to dwarven our culture or at least our perception of it if nothing functionally changed?

Or perhaps that's already a core component and nothing would change?

Grand Lodge

James, got a question from a player.

Under Bestiary 4, there is a new animal companion Tortoise. It's speed is 10. In it's 7th level advancement, it says speed 10 again. Usually when it says the speed under the advancement, it gains extra speed, it's not restated. Do you think it's an error? Maybe it's suppose to go up to 20?

Liberty's Edge

James, two questions:
i) Can you point me to some earlier books that got Sarenrae "wrong"?
ii) Would you like to develop new stuff for the Darkmoon Vale? Guide to the Darkmoon Vale was my first contact with PF, I think, and it remains a favorite to this day.

What's your favorite thing in an RPG to make? The monsters, world building, NPCs, new spells, magic items, etc.

Alleran wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
And we're about halfway through the 2nd adventure in Skull & Shackles. Progress slows down during convention prep season, with games getting cancelled more often than not, alas. My character in that game is indeed Sasha Dracktus, AKA Lady Vermillion, AKA Captain Firetop, AKA a few other nicknames my enemies or some chuckleheaded fellow players have come up for her. Jerks.
Are any of the nicknames particularly funny ones, to you or them? Do share!

I just call 'er cap'n.

So, is Earth's level of technology compared to Golarion's indicative of Earth's lack of magic forcing technological innovation?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So I just realized, I thought the Pathfinder Campaign Setting banner at the top of Inner Sea Gods was a onetime artistic design. But looking at later volumes in the series it's been applied to everyone of them. was this change in design decided upon recently? will the same thing happen to the player handbook line?


How do you pronounce the name of Cayden Cailean's herald, Thais? Thice? Tay-iss? Thy-iss?

Dear James Jacobs,

I have a couple of questions concerning spells and ranged weapons.

1) How do you measure range for a ranged weapon? Do you count grid intersections or do you count squares like you do when you move?

2) How do you measure (find out what squares are affected) line spells? When I looked at the example in the magic chapter, the third example of the line didn't make any sense because way too many squares were being affected.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Is there a way to play a lowlife that ISN'T a rogue? When I say the word "lowlife" rogue seems to be the class that immediately comes to mind.
Any class can fit the role of a lowlife. It's easier for evil or chaotic characters, though, and a lot tougher for lawful or good ones, but with the right overarching society... what defines a "lowlife" changes.
I've been feeling very insecure about my reading tastes lately, especially in webcomics. Am I a bad person for liking webcomics like Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes?

Haven't read it, so I can't say. ;-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alleran wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
And we're about halfway through the 2nd adventure in Skull & Shackles. Progress slows down during convention prep season, with games getting cancelled more often than not, alas. My character in that game is indeed Sasha Dracktus, AKA Lady Vermillion, AKA Captain Firetop, AKA a few other nicknames my enemies or some chuckleheaded fellow players have come up for her. Jerks.
Are any of the nicknames particularly funny ones, to you or them? Do share!

We're pirates. And so are the NPCs. And in Rob's game, we get to use words we'd never use in print. Or on this website.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

If we take dwarven manners and culture as we know them and insert that line from Picard:"If we are going to be damned, let us be damned for what we really are" into the center of it what changes would happen to dwarven our culture or at least our perception of it if nothing functionally changed?

Or perhaps that's already a core component and nothing would change?

Dwarves are so steeped in dwarven traditions and law that I'm pretty sure they are exactly who they really are already.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

kevin_video wrote:

James, got a question from a player.

Under Bestiary 4, there is a new animal companion Tortoise. It's speed is 10. In it's 7th level advancement, it says speed 10 again. Usually when it says the speed under the advancement, it gains extra speed, it's not restated. Do you think it's an error? Maybe it's suppose to go up to 20?

I think it's an error. Tortoises aren't particularly known for being speedy.

Do you watch game of thrones ?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Paladinosaur wrote:

James, two questions:

i) Can you point me to some earlier books that got Sarenrae "wrong"?
ii) Would you like to develop new stuff for the Darkmoon Vale? Guide to the Darkmoon Vale was my first contact with PF, I think, and it remains a favorite to this day.

i) Nope. I'd rather let the few errors that crept into print fade away rather than keep pointing them out.

ii) We just did a bit with it in "Towns of Golarion." We may do more in the future.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Odraude wrote:
What's your favorite thing in an RPG to make? The monsters, world building, NPCs, new spells, magic items, etc.


Three-Coppers Jules wrote:
Alleran wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
And we're about halfway through the 2nd adventure in Skull & Shackles. Progress slows down during convention prep season, with games getting cancelled more often than not, alas. My character in that game is indeed Sasha Dracktus, AKA Lady Vermillion, AKA Captain Firetop, AKA a few other nicknames my enemies or some chuckleheaded fellow players have come up for her. Jerks.
Are any of the nicknames particularly funny ones, to you or them? Do share!
I just call 'er cap'n.

Your respect has been noted!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Albatoonoe wrote:
So, is Earth's level of technology compared to Golarion's indicative of Earth's lack of magic forcing technological innovation?

That's certainly one way to look at it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

zergtitan wrote:
So I just realized, I thought the Pathfinder Campaign Setting banner at the top of Inner Sea Gods was a onetime artistic design. But looking at later volumes in the series it's been applied to everyone of them. was this change in design decided upon recently? will the same thing happen to the player handbook line?

We do now and then alter the logos a bit, yes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Golux wrote:


How do you pronounce the name of Cayden Cailean's herald, Thais? Thice? Tay-iss? Thy-iss?

I kind of prefer "THICE" so that it rhymes with "mice."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Horgus Gwerm wrote:

Dear James Jacobs,

I have a couple of questions concerning spells and ranged weapons.

1) How do you measure range for a ranged weapon? Do you count grid intersections or do you count squares like you do when you move?

2) How do you measure (find out what squares are affected) line spells? When I looked at the example in the magic chapter, the third example of the line didn't make any sense because way too many squares were being affected.


1) I count squares like you do when you move. When you shoot a ranged weapon, you're generally shooting at things in the squares, after all.

2) The same way. Count up squares like you move in a straight line, and to do that, you just make sure that the pattern in which you shift to a new grid line is constant.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
Do you watch game of thrones ?

Absolutely. Best show on TV... and it might be my favorite show ever.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Is there a way to play a lowlife that ISN'T a rogue? When I say the word "lowlife" rogue seems to be the class that immediately comes to mind.
Any class can fit the role of a lowlife. It's easier for evil or chaotic characters, though, and a lot tougher for lawful or good ones, but with the right overarching society... what defines a "lowlife" changes.
I've been feeling very insecure about my reading tastes lately, especially in webcomics. Am I a bad person for liking webcomics like Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes?
Haven't read it, so I can't say. ;-)

The claim is that the art style's mediocre at best, and while it had a promising comedic start, riffing on D&D much in the way Order of the Stick does, it took a sharp turn down Dark-Mature-And-Serious-Lane with characters being tortured and mutilated for drama, started updating incredibly slowly, and allegedly the creator has become a money-grubbing scumbag. As Aesop said "You are judged by the company you keep." If I keep company with a scumbag, does that make me a scumbag?

And question regarding Second Darkness. The Player's Guide was written while you were still writing APs using 3.5, correct?

James Jacobs wrote:
The Golux wrote:


How do you pronounce the name of Cayden Cailean's herald, Thais? Thice? Tay-iss? Thy-iss?

I kind of prefer "THICE" so that it rhymes with "mice."

Besides, Tha-ees, should be spelled with two dots over the i (stupid darn phone that doesn't let me show it).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dear James,

Does fruit that has been the recipient of the Plant Growth spell taste different than normal fruit? If so, would it be positive or negative change?

Dark Archive

Hi James,

Are there any Gnome Circuses in golarion? Or Halfling Circuses?
Why do the Gnomes not go back to the First World.

Could there ever be a magical poison that acted as a spell? Such as a poison that caused you to attack everyone as if they had mirror images or displacement? If there could be would you consider it a potion or a wondrous item?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

The claim is that the art style's mediocre at best, and while it had a promising comedic start, riffing on D&D much in the way Order of the Stick does, it took a sharp turn down Dark-Mature-And-Serious-Lane with characters being tortured and mutilated for drama, started updating incredibly slowly, and allegedly the creator has become a money-grubbing scumbag. As Aesop said "You are judged by the company you keep." If I keep company with a scumbag, does that make me a scumbag?

And question regarding Second Darkness. The Player's Guide was written while you were still writing APs using 3.5, correct?

First off... art's subjective. What's pleasing to one person isn't to the next. That's what makes it art, and not math. It has different effects and influences.

As for whether or not enjoying a person's creative talents when the person is or isn't a jerk? That's not something that's really worth considering, I think... I prefer to let art stand on its own merits if possible. Only when someone uses that art to advance a reprehensible agenda or the like do I avoid art I'd otherwise like.

And yes; the Second Darkness player's guide was a 3.5 product. As was Legacy of Fire, which came after that one.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Squeakmaan wrote:

Dear James,

Does fruit that has been the recipient of the Plant Growth spell taste different than normal fruit? If so, would it be positive or negative change?

Nope; tastes the same.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
brad2411 wrote:

Hi James,

Are there any Gnome Circuses in golarion? Or Halfling Circuses?
Why do the Gnomes not go back to the First World.

Could there ever be a magical poison that acted as a spell? Such as a poison that caused you to attack everyone as if they had mirror images or displacement? If there could be would you consider it a potion or a wondrous item?

There could be, but there's not one in particular. There's no reason there couldn't be. Circuses in Golarion would generally tend to be a lot more varied in who works there though.

Gnomes don't go back to the first world for reasons we're not ready to explain but we are VERY CLOSE to talking more about... stay tuned!

There could absolutely be a magical poison like that. It'd technically be a wondrous item, I suppose. The game's robust enough that you can pretty much do whatever you want with it though... but getting the rules right to model things can be tricky.

Dark Archive

Thanks James!!!

I am so looking forward to reading more about the First World and Gnomes.

Shadow Lodge

Did you ever think this thread would get so big? I mean, it's (currently) 43,999 posts long!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Did you ever think this thread would get so big? I mean, it's (currently) 43,999 posts long!

Sure! We can hit 44,000! Oh! We did!

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