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![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Wait, so does a creature get a +1 ability score only if he has 4 class levels, or any HD? So, for example, if you had a level 8 orc with only 4 levels in shaman (bringing in the class guide ;)), would he get +1 or +2 to one ability score? Also, if you had to live in one city/town in the Inner Sea, what would it be? Mine would be Ilsurian because then I could DESTOY KORVOSA! ![]()
![]() Alexander Augunas wrote:
Why should Mendev eat it's heart out? And also, how do you know that Tian Xia is going to be destroyed forever? That seems a little bit too extreme for Paizo to do, given that people are still going to want to go Tian Xia. I AM HORGUS GWERM, AND WHATEVER A GWERM SAYS, YOU OBEY!!!! ![]()
![]() Dear James Jacobs, When are you (paizo) going to make the Cheliax vs. Andoran adventure path? You said in this video I watched on youtube that once paizo makes mass combat rules they'd start making the Cheliax vs. Andoran adventure path, and since we have Ultimate Campaign, are you going to start making the Cheliax vs. Andoran adventure path? ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Do you just use table 1-1, or do you use table 2-1 too? I just don't get why you add hit points apart from the hit points gained by hit dice in that table. Can you explain why there's "hit point change" on that table if you can just add hit points with hit dice gained? ![]()
![]() Hi everyone! I'm SOOO confused by the "Adding Racial Hit Dice" section of the Bestiary. It says: "Determine how many Hit Points the base monster receives per Hit Die (see Table: Average Die Results for average results based on the die type). Using Table: Monster Advancement, add up all of the values in the Hit Point Change column for each increase using the Higher CR column. For example, if the base monster was CR 3 and the new monster is set to be CR 5, the total would be 25 hit points. Next, add additional Hit Dice to the monster to increase its hit points by the desired amount. Note that if the creature increases in size, its Constitution may also increase, as noted on Table: Size Changes, granting it additional hit points that might offset the need for additional Hit Dice (this also applies to any other Constitution increases)." I don't get this AT ALL! Why does the creature get extra hit points (not from hit dice) from the "monster advancement" table?! I thought monsters just got hit points from hit dice and constitution modifiers. Why does a CR 5 creature get 25 hit points PLUS the hit points from his hit dice? I would REALLY appreciate it if someone would explain all of the "Adding Racial Hit Dice" rules to me. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Dear James Jacobs, When I looked at the "adding racial hit dice" section in the appendices of the Bestiary, I got confused by two things: 1) What are "racial hit dice"? What's the difference between a normal hit die and a racial hit die? 2) Can you summarize how to add hit dice to monsters? I didn't really get the part where you add additional hit POINTS (not hit dice) to the monster with the monster advancement table (table 2-1). So, for example, if the base creature had a CR of 3, and you made it CR 5, the CR 3 monster would have 10 hit points according to the table (which doesn't make sense since CR 3 creatures should have more hit points), and the CR 5 creature would have 15 (which also doesn't make sense), so then it said that a CR 5 creature would have 25 hit points PLUS the hit dice!?! I don't get the rules AT ALL, so can you please explain them to me? (I really appreciate your answering of all my questions) :D! ![]()
![]() Dear James Jacobs, I really am sorry to bother you again but I have a game to run on friday and I need to get some rules straight: 1) How do you add class levels to monsters? For example, how would you make an orc shaman (druid) or gnoll slaver (ranger) or hill giant chieftan (barbarian)? There are no monster race templates to build on, so do you just make a whole new monster and just call it an orc, or are there rules for adding class levels on drow, gnolls, goblins,...ect? 2) What is a monster archetype? I saw it on pathfinderdb.com, but I don't see anything else on it in the Bestiary. 3) I know this is a completely random question, but in Giants Revisited, in the hill giant section, why does Urburg Armbreaker's greatclub do 2d8 damage? I thought greatclubs only did 1d8 damage and Urburg's greatclub is only a +2 Greatclub, but that wouldn't make it do 2d8 damage. ![]()
![]() Horgus Gwerm wrote:
And sorry to bother you again, but what is telepathy? I saw it in the diabolic harbinger ability for the hellknight signifer, and I can't find the rules for it anywhere. Also, can you tell me which book I could find the rules for telepathy in? ![]()
![]() Dear James Jacobs, I have three questions about Chelish society and military: 1) I got my first level in Hellknight Signifer! I joined the Order of the Rack just because their favored weapon was longsword. All I know about the Order of the Rack is that they think that knowledge can be as harmful as violence and that they seek to eradicate it. I also know that they try to get rid of revolutionary idealisms in Westcrown and it's outskirts, but is there any more about the Order of the Rack that you can tell me? 2) Can you name some Chelish operas? The only one I know is "The Hellknights are Victorious" (or something like that), but are there any others that you know? 3) Can you (Paizo) PLEASE make some Chelish opera sheet music for violin and voice?! It would be SOOO cool to be able to play a Chelish opera on my violin and say that that's the music from the infernal nation of Cheliax! ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Sorry to bother you again, but what's a caster level requirement, I don't see any rules in the core rule book regarding it. Do you have to be that level to be able to create that item, and also, could you tell me where all these rules are because in the magic item creation section it only talks about material costs, time, and spells you have to know to be able to make it, it doesn't say anything about caster level requirement. ![]()
![]() Dear James Jacobs, So I have four questions about magic items: 1) In the weapons section it says "If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met." what does "the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met" mean? 2) How do you choose which mundane weapon to build upon with magical attributes? So, for example, let's say I rolled on the chart a +1 enhancement bonus and the flaming special ability, how do I know if it's a +1 flaming longsword or a +1 flaming battleaxe? 3) Do the prices from all the attributes of the weapon add up? Let's take the +1 flaming longsword for our example again, do I add 15 gp (from the longsword), 300 gp (from the masterwork quality), 2000 gp (from the +1 enhancement bonus), and 2000 gp (from the flaming special ability) to get a total of 4315 gp for a +1 flaming longsword? 4) When you get a caster level from the enhancement bonus and special ability, do you add the caster levels together, or take the highest one? Thanks a ton! ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, So I have four questions about magic items: 1) In the weapons section it says "If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met." what does "the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met" mean? 2) How do you choose which mundane weapon to build upon with magical attributes? So, for example, let's say I rolled on the chart a +1 enhancement bonus and the flaming special ability, how do I know if it's a +1 flaming longsword or a +1 flaming battleaxe? 3) Do the prices from all the attributes of the weapon add up? Let's take the +1 flaming longsword for our example again, do I add 15 gp (from the longsword), 300 gp (from the masterwork quality), 2000 gp (from the +1 enhancement bonus), and 2000 gp (from the flaming special ability) to get a total of 4315 gp for a +1 flaming longsword? 4) When you get a caster level from the enhancement bonus and special ability, do you add the caster levels together, or take the highest one? Thanks a ton! ![]()
![]() Shadowlord wrote:
Okay, so does that mean that you have what the book says as concealment, or is it just saying you have concealment as a way of saying people can't see you. And also, if you're in stealth and you have concealment, could people attack you with a 20% miss chance, and if not, why would they say you have concealment if no one can attack you, so do you just ignore the 20% miss chance when you're in stealth? ![]()
![]() Hello everyone, When I was looking at my character sheet I didn't really understand 2 things: 1) Under the Domain/Arcane School section, why are there 9 spaces with 9 boxes in them and lines that are too small to write in, because let's say I was a cleric with the war and honor domains, where would I put my domain spell slot spell and where would I put my domain powers, and again, what are the tiny lines and 9 boxes for? 2) Where do I put my list of spells for the day and where do I write what spells are in my wizard's spellbook. In the beginner box there was a list for the spells that you prepared for the day that you cross off and there was a wizard's spellbook section where you write what spells you have in your spellbook, but where is all of that in the normal character sheet (and also, where do you write what spells your sorcerer KNOWS)? ![]()
![]() Bizbag wrote:
1) If that someone comes by, and they already made a perception check before when they didn't have line of sight, but just to see if they could hear you, do they make a new perception check, since now they have a better chance of seeing you? 2) Do they gain the benefits of concealment or only you, and if you attack them do you get a surprise round? 3) When they do chase you down, can they make a new perception check every turn. This is actually a general question, can you make a perception check every turn if you know someone if there? And finally, (I know this is a bit off topic) how far can some one see in bright, normal, and dim light, I know you get concealment in dim light, but how far can you actually see? ![]()
![]() Hello everyone! I have three questions about making stealth and perception checks: 1) When you stealth for the first time, how many times after that do you need to make the check until you jump out of your hiding place? So, for example, if I was hiding behind a corner (cover) and I was in dim light (concealment), and an enemy walked up behind the corner, would I have to make another stealth check? 2) When it says in the stealth description: Creatures that fail to beat your Stealth check are not aware of you and treat you as if you had concealment. What does that mean? You can stealth when you have concealment, but why do you have concealment when you stealth? 3) Can you stealth in the middle of combat? ![]()
![]() When you multiclass spellcasters, do you get additional spells from having a high ability score from all of the classes? So, for example, let's say I have a cleric 1/druid 1/wizard 1, and I have a 16 wisdom and a 15 intelligence, do I get 2 wizard spells, 2 druid spells, and 2 cleric spells (plus the domain spell) for a total of 6 (7) 1st level spells? ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
So, if you have 2d4 minor items that are all specific items that you picked out from the book, could someone also buy an item not specifically picked out if you rolled a 1 -75? ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
So then what is the point of the minor, medium, and major items if you can only get items under the base value ![]()
![]() Dear James Jacobs,
1) In a settlement's marketplace section, are the minor, medium, and major items all supposed to be worth more gp than the base value, and if so, if the base value is 12,000 gp and the minor items are 4d4, how am I supposed to find a minor item worth more than 12,000 gp? So, for example, let's say I had a large city with a base value of 9,000 gp, and 3d4 minor items, are the 3d4 minor items supposed to all be under the value of 9,000 gp, or are they all supposed to be above the value of 9,000 gp, and if so, how am I going to find a minor item worth more than 9,000 gp? 2.) When you multiclass a new class, do you get maximum hit points, just as if you had made a new character? When you multiclass spellcasters, do you get bonus spells from having a high ability score for both classes? So, for example, if I have a cleric 1/druid 1/wizard 1 and I have a 16 wisdom and 15 intelligence, do I get 6 1st level spells from all the classes together? (plus the domain spells) Thanks for answering all my questions, I know it's probably annoying for you! ![]()
![]() Dear James Jacobs,
1. If you have a really big adventure area (complex of winding tunnels, huge forest, ect.), do you need to map out every single encounter? I ask this because I want to make an adventure in the forest, and you can't just map out a whole forest on just one flip-mat, so how do you do it? Do you just improvise every encounter after the first one so you only have to draw the first encounter (and if so, how would you do combat with no grid), or do you map out every encounter (and if so, wouldn't it be annoying for the players if you have to erase and draw a new map every encounter)? An example of this is in Wrath of the Righteous: the Worldwound Incursion, in the Kenabres underground, there are so many encounters that you can't just draw it out on one mat, first there's the dead spider, then there's the shrine, then the mongrelmen ect., so should I just improvise with everything after the spider so I don't have to pause the game to draw more encounters? 2. Once the PC's kill a monster in one room, can they move as fast as they want until they encounter another monster? So, for example, if the PC's kill the serpentfolk in the first room can they just take their pawns and jump automatically to the next doorway leading to the next room without even stepping in the rest of the room? 3. How would you make a wilderness adventure? In dungeons, the encounters are separated by rooms, so you can't see what's going to be in the next room, but in an empty field, how would you separate the encounters, once you kill the first monsters, you can see everything around you, so you can't just have another monster encounter right after that, because they would come and start fighting right away in the first encounter (unless of course, they were stealthing behind a rock, waiting for the PC's to finish fighting the first people). ![]()
![]() 1.
Speed 30 ft.
First of all, when it says "claw +2 (1d4+2) or bite +7 (1d6+4)", is that a full round action like the 2 claws +7 (just you can only use one of the attacks), or is it just two normal attacks (and if so, why isn't there a comma in between them). Secondly, what is rend? Does rend have a +7 or +2 attack bonus, and why does rend do so much more damage than all the other attacks, wouldn't the troll never use the bite +2 if he could use the bite +7, or the regular two claws if he could use rend? 2. This is a simple question: What is a readied action? ![]()
![]() Tels wrote:
No! I will never accept Numerian scum!!! ![]()
![]() Odraude wrote:
Maybe Dungeons and Dragons has some robots, but at least they have spears and swords, I just can't stand looking at that annihilator robot on the numeria picture in the inner sea world guide, it has lasers and machine guns and everything is sci fi, whereas the warforged in d&d have swords and spears ![]()
![]() Hello everyone,
Thank for the help?