SnowJade |

Somewhat similar to previous inquiries on this thread, I noticed a spell in Ultimate Magic that I Really Liked, but that wasn't available for my class, although several other classes could use it. Is there a way to retool that spell for sorcerers/wizards, or do I have to construct something new (muttering imprecations at Paizo all the way)?

Luthorne |
why are there no Agathions on the Summon Monster spell list
I'm not James Jacobs, but I would speculate it was because that the Summon Monster spell was in the Core Rulebook, and as such it was published before there were any Agathions, who were not in the original Bestiary but showed up in Bestiary 2.
I like your suggestion of an archetype! Please could we have a paladin archetype that allows any good alignment, while leaving hardly anything changed but a tweaked spell list?
Again, not James Jacobs, but couldn't that easily be done as a house rule by your DM? I know I've had a friend who convinced their DM to allow them to play a CG paladin of Cayden Cailean, and it's generally easier to houserule something than to hope that a niche case archetype is published...
Anyways! Back to questions for James Jacobs!
1) What exactly is it that you like about horror games? Is it just that you like being frightened, or is it the sense of incomprehensible, inscrutable forces that are working against you to try and survive, sort of an air of mystery and the unknown? Something else altogether?
2) Are entities like the Great Old Ones outsiders? They seem native to the material plane, so aberrations might be more apt, but I could also imagine native outsiders, since humans can achieve that state in various ways, so I was curious when I thought about it...
3) It seems like the majority of mythic characters listed in Golarion are evil. Alaznist (CE), Arazni (NE), Baba Yaga (NE), Elvanna (NE), Geb (LE), Jakalyn (LE), Jarl Gnargorak (CE), Kortash Khain (CE), Raskineya the Dark Comet (CE), Sorshen (CE), Tar-Baphon (NE), Xanderghul (LE), though we do have Artokus Kirran (N), Nex (N), and of course Old-Mage Jatambe (NG)...of course, that's understandable, since most parties tend to be good or at least opposed to evil, but any thoughts on existing mythic good figures in Golarion that might oppose a party of evil mythic characters? Or would you generally be better served by just inventing your own?

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Pathfinder question:
1) In another thread, you mentioned a "reason that dire animal is not a template". What is that reason?
F Paul Wilson question:
1) Earlier in the thread you advised me to read the Repairman Jack and Adversary cycle books in the order they were published, which of course makes sense. So I checked out the publication dates and saw the the entire Adversary Cycle came before even the second Repairman Jack story. So I began to read "The Touch", which I understood was published in 1982.
However... during the book, Harry Potter is mentioned. That puzzled me a lot, since of course Harry didn't exist yet in 1982.
So in what order did the books come out? did "The Touch" maybe had a recent rewrite to it to place it in more modern times? 0_0

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Quick question: I just got my copy of Sword of Valor, and I noticed something about Shax. It depicts Shax with the head of a stork, and says so in the text, but I distinctly remember the Book of the Damned 2 describing him as having a dove's head. Was this because of miscommunication, or is it a retcon? Either way, Shax is wonderfully scary!

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What and where is the tallest mountain in Golarion? What Paizo sources cover high-altitude environments, monsters that lurk at such altitudes, plot hooks for things or places that could be found on top high peaks, etc.? I have players that are asking to be able to go visit Golarian's version of Everest?
Any resources, ideas or suggestions you could provide would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.

Kairos Dawnfury |

I was thinking of my Blood Deathknight from WoW and the fun I had being an unkillable menace and all the neat toy abilities.
I was wondering, why did the Anti-Paladin go Chaotic Evil instead of Lawful Evil?
If you were creating a Dapper Former Noble Graveknight named Lord Percy Vadrohan, where would you have him hail from?
What was your opinion of how they handled Deathknights in WoW?
Did you follow Warcraft Lore closely?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:It may sound silly - what are the odds, that you gamedesigners inadvertently missed to declare intelligent undead immune to feint, although you intended them to be? Even if it is only mundane trickery. Hope you excuse my importunance, it preys on my mind.kortzen wrote:Can one feint intelligent undead at your table?
Feinting isn't mind-affecting. It's baseline trickery and misdirection. Anything that has a stimulus-response ability, which includes mindless creatures, should be able to be feinted.
One can feint any creature at my table as a result.
The odds of a game designer doing something like that are EXTREMELY high. For one example... just look at the undead creating death domain spells, and try to reconcile that with the fact that our world's death goddess hates undead.
Game designers are human, and they can make mistakes that create unintentional confusion.
The secret defense of the tabletop RPG is that the GM is one of the game designers, essentially, and he's the one at ground zero in the proverbial trenches to fix those errors as best makes sense for his particular game.
Personally... when I think of feinting in combat, I don't think of it as you using a creature's ability to logically reason and argue to trick them. You're not debating with the target. You're tricking them with a distraction to make them observe something other than the more dangerous attack your'e about to launch against them. You can do that to any creature capable of observing the world around them via stimulus/response, so in my mind, it makes sense that you could feint a mindless creature. It's TOUGHER, but the rules for feinting account for that with the penalties you take for trying to feint a nonhumanoid (–4 penalty).

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There are those of us who really, really want paladins (with the abilities they have now) to be 'any good'. It just doesn't make sense to us that the lawful part has any relevance for the 'Ultimate Warrior of Good'.
However, there is just as big a group that views non-LG paladins as an anathema. Fair enough. I don't think either group is going to change the opinion of the other.
That said, if half the people want something and half don't, then surely the best solution is to give the half that do what they want, because the other half don't have to play the non-LG paladins if they don't want to. It is not a good attitude to say 'I don't like it, so no-one can have it!'
I like your suggestion of an archetype! Please could we have a paladin archetype that allows any good alignment, while leaving hardly anything changed but a tweaked spell list?
And the fact that we've made Pathfinder completely open content allows those who want "any good" paladins the ability to do so with ease. In fact... you might want to check out an older 3.5 Green Ronin book called "The Book of the Righteous" which talks about building entire pantheons... but also includes a holy warrior class that works pretty well in the role of a non-lawful good paladin.
But for Pathfinder and for Golarion... the "branding" of the paladin being a paragon of law and good is too important to dilute.

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Hi James, do the drow noble houses of Zirnakaynin also rule the other drow settlements such as Blackstrand, Umberweb and Far Parathra, or do other lesser houses (presumably allied to the great houses of Zirnakaynin) rule those settlements?
The noble houses exist in most of the drow cities... but which ones are the most powerful in any given city depend on the city. Further... the balance of power changes over time.
Lesser houses in Zirnakaynin may well be greater houses in other drow settlements. There may also be brand new houses in other settlements.

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Somewhat similar to previous inquiries on this thread, I noticed a spell in Ultimate Magic that I Really Liked, but that wasn't available for my class, although several other classes could use it. Is there a way to retool that spell for sorcerers/wizards, or do I have to construct something new (muttering imprecations at Paizo all the way)?
This is exactly the type of thing that spell research excels at. Talk to your GM about having your character research a version of that spell for his class.
It's not something we're going to errata for you, though! ;-)

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Hey James! Wanted to share some artwork Carolina Eade did for an upcoming fan project of mine!
It's over at the fans of Paizo Facebook page and features Merisiel and Kyra! :D

MMCJawa |

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1) What exactly is it that you like about horror games? Is it just that you like being frightened, or is it the sense of incomprehensible, inscrutable forces that are working against you to try and survive, sort of an air of mystery and the unknown? Something else altogether?
2) Are entities like the Great Old Ones outsiders? They seem native to the material plane, so aberrations might be more apt, but I could also imagine native outsiders, since humans can achieve that state in various ways, so I was curious when I thought about it...
3) It seems like the majority of mythic characters listed in Golarion are evil. Alaznist (CE), Arazni (NE), Baba Yaga (NE), Elvanna (NE), Geb (LE), Jakalyn (LE), Jarl Gnargorak (CE), Kortash Khain (CE), Raskineya the Dark Comet (CE), Sorshen (CE), Tar-Baphon (NE), Xanderghul (LE), though we do have Artokus Kirran (N), Nex (N), and of course Old-Mage Jatambe (NG)...of course, that's understandable, since most parties tend to be good or at least opposed to evil, but any thoughts on existing mythic good figures in Golarion that might oppose a party of evil mythic characters? Or would you generally be better served by just inventing your own?
1) The same thing I like about horror movies, horror stories, horror comics, and horror in general. I like the thrill of fear and the exploration of taboo and dark and spooky and unknown topics. A combination of the delight you get in riding a roller coaster and the awe you get looking on a completely humbling vista of overwhelming beauty.
2) From the Great Old One subtype in Bestiary 4: "All Great Old Ones are chaotic, and most of them are evil. They can be any creature type, but most are aberrations or magical beasts."
3) The majority of ANY character we detail in Golarion is Evil. It's not something limited to mythic characters. There's basically two reasons why:
3A) Because we want Golarion to be a dark and dangerous place with lots of adventure opportunity for the PCs.
3B) Because we don't want to overshadow the PCs, who should be the "main stars" of any game, the role of "good guy" appears to be underpopulated in world. Because that's the niche of the one part of Golarion we don't and can't control—the PCs.

Therius silverleaf |

Can you explain exactly how the suffocate spell works?
When cast does the target make an immediate save? If successful are the next saves cancelled and the spell is over but the target is staggered or is the target staggered each round it makes its save? If there is a save on the casters turn does the target drop to 0 at that failed save or after the failed save on its turn? If the target goes after the caster does this in essence mean 2 saves in 1 round for a 3 round spell? How does healing effect the progress of the spell? If a failed save drops the victim to 0 and he gets a cure light wounds is he positive and concious, does the healing fail due to suffocation mechanics, if he fails another save does he again drop to 0 or immediately skip to -1 and dying because he has now failed another save and escalated along the spells path? How does the Heal spell interact with this spell?
Thank you in advance.

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Pathfinder question:
1) In another thread, you mentioned a "reason that dire animal is not a template". What is that reason?F Paul Wilson question:
1) Earlier in the thread you advised me to read the Repairman Jack and Adversary cycle books in the order they were published, which of course makes sense. So I checked out the publication dates and saw the the entire Adversary Cycle came before even the second Repairman Jack story. So I began to read "The Touch", which I understood was published in 1982.
However... during the book, Harry Potter is mentioned. That puzzled me a lot, since of course Harry didn't exist yet in 1982.
So in what order did the books come out? did "The Touch" maybe had a recent rewrite to it to place it in more modern times? 0_0
1) Because not every animal deserves to have a "tough primeval version." And because the variety of powers that we want our primeval animals to have is too wide to be simply summarized in a 1 or 2 page template entry.
1) F Paul Wilson went back and updated/revised "The Tomb" relatively recently. When he first wrote it in the early 80s, the idea of a Repairman Jack and Adversary Cycle alike were still being created. As such, there were certain things in "The Tomb" that didn't mesh well with the rest of the storyline... least of which was the fact that Jack would be like 50 or so by the time they hit the "modern" era. So Wilson bumped the timeline in "The Tomb" up by a few decades in the revision he did recently. He also updated "Nightworld" in the same way just a few years ago. I'm not certain... but it would absolutely make sense for him to have updated "The Touch" as well, which is what it sounds like happened.

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Quick question: I just got my copy of Sword of Valor, and I noticed something about Shax. It depicts Shax with the head of a stork, and says so in the text, but I distinctly remember the Book of the Damned 2 describing him as having a dove's head. Was this because of miscommunication, or is it a retcon? Either way, Shax is wonderfully scary!
It's a retcon.
When I described Shax in Book of the Damned 2, I was pretty much using him EXACTLY as he was depicted and shown in Green Ronin's Book of Fiends. When I was statting him up in Pathfinder #74, though, I realized that was, technically, a breech of the OGL. We can use all of Shax's statistics from the Book of Fiends, but the artwork is NOT open content, nor is the flavor text, which is the only two places he's described as having a dove's head.
So in order to bring Shax in line with the OGL and to honor Green Ronin's decision to make their flavor text for him not open content, I changed Shax's head into a stork's head. Why a stork? Because that's what the real-world mythological Shax's head was.

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What and where is the tallest mountain in Golarion? What Paizo sources cover high-altitude environments, monsters that lurk at such altitudes, plot hooks for things or places that could be found on top high peaks, etc.? I have players that are asking to be able to go visit Golarian's version of Everest?
Any resources, ideas or suggestions you could provide would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.
The tallest mountain in the Inner Sea region is Mhar Massif in the Kodar Mountains, which is 31,565 feet tall.
The tallest mountain on all of Golarion, though, is Himcho (aka: "Mother of the World") in the Wall of Heaven in Tian Xia. This mountain is 37,400 feet tall.
At this point, the best book to go to that talks about adventuring in such high mountain areas is Rise of the Runelords—specifically the 6th part of that AP, "Spires of Xin-Shalast."
We've not said much more about Himcho; what we have said is in "Dragon Empires Gazetteer."

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I was thinking of my Blood Deathknight from WoW and the fun I had being an unkillable menace and all the neat toy abilities.
I was wondering, why did the Anti-Paladin go Chaotic Evil instead of Lawful Evil?
If you were creating a Dapper Former Noble Graveknight named Lord Percy Vadrohan, where would you have him hail from?
What was your opinion of how they handled Deathknights in WoW?
Did you follow Warcraft Lore closely?
Because the point of the antipaladin is that it's the OPPOSITE of a paladin. That means that since the paladin is lawful and good, the antipaladin had to be chaotic and evil.
I'd have Lord Percy come from Galt or Taldor.
I loved the way death knights were handled, flavor-wise, in WoW. I hated the way they were implemented; their appearance and proliferation made several other classes, (particularly DPS classes like my favorite, the hunter) increasingly unwanted on dungeon raids, since a death knight could do as much or more damage than a hunter while still being able to tank and heal.
Yup! Quite closely, ranging from when I was helping to write the D&D version of the game back in 2001 or thereabouts up to about the point Cataclysm came out, at which point I found myself playing WoW less and less.

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Why is it whenever a Paizo Employee talks about Smurfs, they get a Smurf avatar?
Edit: Oh... why is it when ANYONE says Smurf it happens?
I dont' see any smurfs here. Not sure what you're talking about!
(HA! It's fallout from an early April Fools joke the tech team pulled many many many years ago.)

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Hey James! Wanted to share some artwork Carolina Eade did for an upcoming fan project of mine!
It's over at the fans of Paizo Facebook page and features Merisiel and Kyra! :D
WOW! Super awesome!
I should do something like this! Commission a piece of awesome art for Merisiel!
Ahem. By which I mean do something like this as a comlete and total vanity project, rather than as part of my job.
Spend my OWN money instead of Paizo's! YEAH!

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Robert Brookes wrote:Hey James! Wanted to share some artwork Carolina Eade did for an upcoming fan project of mine!
It's over at the fans of Paizo Facebook page and features Merisiel and Kyra! :D
WOW! Super awesome!
I should do something like this! Commission a piece of awesome art for Merisiel!
Ahem. By which I mean do something like this as a comlete and total vanity project, rather than as part of my job.
Spend my OWN money instead of Paizo's! YEAH!
Hahaha! Glad you like it, Carolina and I are both really pleased with how it came out.

The NPC |

Mr. James Jacobs,
Do you remember the Fleshcrafter from Lords of Madness! If so how would you translate his graft reserve? My guess would be to take the amount of XP presented times it by 25 and convert it into gold.
Also, re-posted from earlier:
Besides adding more gear beyond the WBL how would you god about increasing the CR of a PC? Templates or some kind of hit dice increase?
What means would you suggest for a PC to transform into a unique outsider or some other monster?
Did you have any input on the Sorcerer King epic prestige class for Dark Sun?

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Can you explain exactly how the suffocate spell works?
When cast does the target make an immediate save? If successful are the next saves cancelled and the spell is over but the target is staggered or is the target staggered each round it makes its save? If there is a save on the casters turn does the target drop to 0 at that failed save or after the failed save on its turn? If the target goes after the caster does this in essence mean 2 saves in 1 round for a 3 round spell? How does healing effect the progress of the spell? If a failed save drops the victim to 0 and he gets a cure light wounds is he positive and concious, does the healing fail due to suffocation mechanics, if he fails another save does he again drop to 0 or immediately skip to -1 and dying because he has now failed another save and escalated along the spells path? How does the Heal spell interact with this spell?Thank you in advance.
Suffocation spell is cast: You are targeted by the spell, and must attempt a Fortitude save. If you succeed, you're staggered for 1 round but that's it; spell effect ends. If you fail the save, you start to suffocate.
First target's turn after spell is cast and target fails the initial save: When it gets to your turn, be that later in this round or in the next, you must make a second Fortitude save. Succeed and nothing happens, but the spell is still in effect on you. Fail and you drop to 0 hp and fall unconsious.
Second turn for target after spell is cast and the target has failed the initial save: If you haven't yet fallen unconscious at 0 hp, make a 2nd Fort save now or that happens. If you HAVE fallen unconsious at 0 hp, make a Fort save or drop to –1 hp.
Third turn for target after spell is cast and the target has failed the initial save: If you haven't yet fallen unconscious at 0 hp, make a 2nd Fort save now or that happens. If you just went to 0 hp and fell unconscious in the 2nd turn, make another Fort save to resist dropping to –1 hp. If you're at -1 hp because you've failed every single saving throw so far, you must make one last Fortitude save; fail this one and you die.
On your fourth turn, the spell effect ends and you're left fine, at 0 hp and unconscious, at –1 hp and unconscious and dying, or dead. Depending on how many Fort saves you failed along the way.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Which strategy game franchise(s) is for you?
Age of Empires
Total War
Command and Conquer
StarcraftI chose all of them :P
I played a LOT of Warcraft in its RTS incarnation, and quite enjoyed it.
I eagerly started playing Starcraft when it first came out, and found the experience to be so frustrating, aggravating, unfair, and all around unpleasant to play that it more or less cured me of any interest whatsoever for the entire RTS genre. Haven't really played one since. If it's turn-based, I'm okay with it. If it's real-time? Pass.

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Mr. James Jacobs,
Do you remember the Fleshcrafter from Lords of Madness! If so how would you translate his graft reserve? My guess would be to take the amount of XP presented times it by 25 and convert it into gold.
Also, re-posted from earlier:
Besides adding more gear beyond the WBL how would you god about increasing the CR of a PC? Templates or some kind of hit dice increase?What means would you suggest for a PC to transform into a unique outsider or some other monster?
Did you have any input on the Sorcerer King epic prestige class for Dark Sun?
That'd actually have been the fleshwarper, yeah? In Pathfinder, you don't use XP to build magic items, so I'd just say that the fleshwarper's graft reserve would either let him spend those instead of GP or instead of time to graft.
I answered the rest of the questions upstream in this thread, I thought...

The NPC |

The NPC wrote:Mr. James Jacobs,
Do you remember the Fleshcrafter from Lords of Madness! If so how would you translate his graft reserve? My guess would be to take the amount of XP presented times it by 25 and convert it into gold.
Also, re-posted from earlier:
Besides adding more gear beyond the WBL how would you god about increasing the CR of a PC? Templates or some kind of hit dice increase?What means would you suggest for a PC to transform into a unique outsider or some other monster?
Did you have any input on the Sorcerer King epic prestige class for Dark Sun?
That'd actually have been the fleshwarper, yeah? In Pathfinder, you don't use XP to build magic items, so I'd just say that the fleshwarper's graft reserve would either let him spend those instead of GP or instead of time to graft.
I answered the rest of the questions upstream in this thread, I thought...
Oh, wait you're right it was Fleshwarper. *Doubles checks posts* Nope, the questions seem to have been lostin the shuffle.

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1) Besides adding more gear beyond the WBL how would you god about increasing the CR of a PC? Templates or some kind of hit dice increase?
2) What means would you suggest for a PC to transform into a unique outsider or some other monster?
3) Did you have any input on the Sorcerer King epic prestige class for Dark Sun?
Well then!
1) CR is not a value that should be used to refer to a PC's power. CR is ONLY a number to estimate the relative power of an encounter or a monster or trap or foe so that you know how much XP to hand out and have a numerical representation of how tough that encounter is compared to other encounters.
2) We've done a few ways already—Lords of Chaos has rules on a ritual to transform into a demon, for example, and at 20ht level a monk turns into an outsider. And the dragon disciple kinda turns you into a sort of half dragon. Other examples are out there as well; those are the 1st 3 I thought of.
3) Nope.

Dustin Ashe |

Nope; the amount of worshipers a deity has does not influence that deity's power.
Mind blowing! I always assumed it did. The more worshippers, the greater your power. Kind of like feeding off faith.
This leads to another question. Why do deities grant spells to their clerics then? Why do they look after their worshippers at all? Wouldn't we all be a bit like insects to them? What are the perks for a deity of having worshippers, a clergy, and in many cases an organized church?

Kairos Dawnfury |

Yup! Quite closely, ranging from when I was helping to write the D&D version of the game back in 2001 or thereabouts up to about the point Cataclysm came out, at which point I found myself playing WoW less and less.
Ooo, my group kept wanting to play that game, but we were so addicted to WoW at the time, RPing never got a chance to happen.
Who were your favorite NPCs?
Did you prefer Thrall or Garrosh Hellscream?
Opinion of Taurens?
Do you miss Bolvar?
What was your favorite expansion?

Kairos Dawnfury |

I played a LOT of Warcraft in its RTS incarnation, and quite enjoyed it.
I eagerly started playing Starcraft when it first came out, and found the experience to be so frustrating, aggravating, unfair, and all around unpleasant to play that it more or less cured me of any interest whatsoever for the entire RTS genre. Haven't really played one since. If it's turn-based, I'm okay with it. If it's real-time? Pass.
Did you ever play any of the Fire Emblem games? Easily one of my favorites series.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:Nope; the amount of worshipers a deity has does not influence that deity's power.Mind blowing! I always assumed it did. The more worshippers, the greater your power. Kind of like feeding off faith.
This leads to another question. Why do deities grant spells to their clerics then? Why do they look after their worshippers at all? Wouldn't we all be a bit like insects to them? What are the perks for a deity of having worshippers, a clergy, and in many cases an organized church?
In the Forgotten Realms, this is exactly how faith worked. The more worshipers you had there, the more powerful a deity was. I believe that holds true for all D&D settings... at least up to 4th edition as far as I know.
We decided NOT to do this for Pathfinder, because the idea of a super powerful forgotten deity is too cool
Deities grant spells to clerics as rewards for faith. And to empower their followers with magical support and tools they need to get things done. We're not like insects to the gods, but more like children who never grow up.
In any event, since we do not yet have rules for how deities work and have no plans to do those rules, we don't have a need to set in stone what the benefits are for a deity with worshipers. That also helps to keep them mysterious and unknowable, which is also valuable—the more we know about how deities work in the game, the less they feel like, well, deities.

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"James Jacobs wrote:Yup! Quite closely, ranging from when I was helping to write the D&D version of the game back in 2001 or thereabouts up to about the point Cataclysm came out, at which point I found myself playing WoW less and less.
Ooo, my group kept wanting to play that game, but we were so addicted to WoW at the time, RPing never got a chance to happen.
Who were your favorite NPCs?
Did you prefer Thrall or Garrosh Hellscream?
Opinion of Taurens?
Do you miss Bolvar?
What was your favorite expansion?
My favorite NPC from World of Warcraft is King Mosh.
No preference on Thrall or Hellscream, since I've never bothered playing a character on that side of things long enough to develop an interest.
Burning Crusade.

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James Jacobs wrote:Did you ever play any of the Fire Emblem games? Easily one of my favorites series.I played a LOT of Warcraft in its RTS incarnation, and quite enjoyed it.
I eagerly started playing Starcraft when it first came out, and found the experience to be so frustrating, aggravating, unfair, and all around unpleasant to play that it more or less cured me of any interest whatsoever for the entire RTS genre. Haven't really played one since. If it's turn-based, I'm okay with it. If it's real-time? Pass.
Nope; never did.

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Totally didn't see Burning Crusade coming. Is that because during BC, hunters were the undisputed champion of killing my rogue all the time?
Or did it have something to do with Illidan and all his demons in Black Temple?
Hunters were indeed quite strong in that one... but the main reason was that Burning Crusade felt the most like it was doing something new, and had some cool lore expansions that expanded Warcraft's world quite well. It also had some significantly new world design stuff that was really impressive. And the fact that there's LOTS of demon stuff in this one = Awesome!
Lich King was pretty nice as well, but a fair amount of it felt too much like it was copying Lord of the Rings in look and feel. Plus... undead > demons for me.
Cataclysm was fine, for the most part... but a fair number of the changes they made to the base world kinda annoyed me. I understand why they did it... just would have made some different choices. By this point I'd been playing the game for a LONG time, too, so I was starting to get tired of it.
Pandaland certainly LOOKS pretty... it's easily the most beautiful of the expansions. But if instead of having anthropomrophic animals ruling the continent and having the region be humanocentric, that would have been a big bonus for me. It's probably my 2nd favorite expansion though... if ONLY because it took them this long to get rid of the hunter minimum range crap.

Kairos Dawnfury |

Kairos Dawnfury wrote:Totally didn't see Burning Crusade coming. Is that because during BC, hunters were the undisputed champion of killing my rogue all the time?
Or did it have something to do with Illidan and all his demons in Black Temple?
Hunters were indeed quite strong in that one... but the main reason was that Burning Crusade felt the most like it was doing something new, and had some cool lore expansions that expanded Warcraft's world quite well. It also had some significantly new world design stuff that was really impressive. And the fact that there's LOTS of demon stuff in this one = Awesome!
Lich King was pretty nice as well, but a fair amount of it felt too much like it was copying Lord of the Rings in look and feel. Plus... undead > demons for me.
Cataclysm was fine, for the most part... but a fair number of the changes they made to the base world kinda annoyed me. I understand why they did it... just would have made some different choices. By this point I'd been playing the game for a LONG time, too, so I was starting to get tired of it.
Pandaland certainly LOOKS pretty... it's easily the most beautiful of the expansions. But if instead of having anthropomrophic animals ruling the continent and having the region be humanocentric, that would have been a big bonus for me. It's probably my 2nd favorite expansion though... if ONLY because it took them this long to get rid of the hunter minimum range crap.
I forgot how much I really loved playing through BC the first time. After getting through Hellfire, the world has so many interesting different areas.
I loved Lich King because I like sieging castles and knights (which they had amazing amounts of!)
Pandaland cured me of WoW fever forever.
What was your favorite BC zone?
Did you ever get a netherdrake?
I also wanted to comment that I love how you guys made Golarion Humanocentric. I like other races, but the weirder races get, the less inclined I am to play them. Thank you and all of Paizo for an amazing product!