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An "Ask James Sutter" thread recently popped up on these boards. Could ask him directly, Secane.

James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

How would Mengkare react to one of his "Citizens" or their children manifesting gold dragon blooded sorcery? What about one of the less pretty bloodlines?

Scandalized. Those defective citizens would be processed. As might be their parents.

Mengkare? As in that Gold Dragon on the island experiment?

What is Mengkare's alignment?
(Can't say?)

I can absolutely say, but I won't right now, because doing so would probably involve me pulling rank over James Sutter and that COULD end up with arguments and hurt feelings I don't want to deal with at this point. ;-P

Who would win in a metaphorical fight to the death James Jacobs or James Sutter?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

PVP is strongly discouraged at Paizo, I'd suspect :P

James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

How would Mengkare react to one of his "Citizens" or their children manifesting gold dragon blooded sorcery? What about one of the less pretty bloodlines?

Scandalized. Those defective citizens would be processed. As might be their parents.
Processed? AS in kicked off the island or one of those mysteriously charred corpses that washes up on the coast?
The method by which undesirables are processed off of Hermea has not yet been revealed.

O.k. It was the lack of "Off the Island" that threw me off. Thank you.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steve Geddes wrote:
Do you have some more "traditional" APs in the queue as well? (Shattered Star seems the most 'normal' we've seen for a while - although perhaps Wrath of the Righteous will be another?)

Yes. Lots of stuff I can't mention yet because they're gonna happen.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JMD031 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

How would Mengkare react to one of his "Citizens" or their children manifesting gold dragon blooded sorcery? What about one of the less pretty bloodlines?

Scandalized. Those defective citizens would be processed. As might be their parents.

Mengkare? As in that Gold Dragon on the island experiment?

What is Mengkare's alignment?
(Can't say?)

I can absolutely say, but I won't right now, because doing so would probably involve me pulling rank over James Sutter and that COULD end up with arguments and hurt feelings I don't want to deal with at this point. ;-P
Who would win in a metaphorical fight to the death James Jacobs or James Sutter?

Depends if age or youth were the tie-breaking qualifier, but I suspect the two sovereigns of Jameslandia would be more likely to team up against anyone who tried to cause that kind of trouble.

James Jacobs wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Do you have some more "traditional" APs in the queue as well? (Shattered Star seems the most 'normal' we've seen for a while - although perhaps Wrath of the Righteous will be another?)
Yes. Lots of stuff I can't mention yet because they're gonna happen.

Terrific, thanks. I like reading the more niche-y, envelope-pushing APs, but I'll always get more actual use out of the vanilla, traditional ones I suspect.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
So, there have been quite a few of these "going out on a limb" type APs, like Skull and Shackles, Jade Reagent, or Reign of Winter where Paizo seems to commit to stuff that is out of the typical D&D comfort zone. What other similar stuff do you want to/will you try in the future?
Lots of stuff I'm not ready to mention yet because they're gonna happen.
Do you have some more "traditional" APs in the queue as well? (Shattered Star seems the most 'normal' we've seen for a while - although perhaps Wrath of the Righteous will be another?)

As a note, the second adventure of Reign of Winter is surprisingly traditional while still feeling fresh.

The Shackled Hut:
There are various Grimm inspirations in this one. A damsel in distress captured by a dragon, a witch that cooks children, trolls and other fey, and a giant maze of thorns. It's seriously like I'm playing through a crazy Narnia/Grimm adventure.

James, is the eidolon's Pounce ability intentionally different than the Universal Monster ability Pounce?

They are worded differently and the eidolon's ability seems to indicate that its version of Pounce won't work in a a surprise round while the universal version seems to indicate it can. Was this done deliberately to keep the eidolon's power level in line?

Eidolon's Pounce- Pounce (Ex): "An eidolon gains quick reflexes, allowing it to make a full attack after a charge. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped base form."

Universal Monster Ability Pounce- Pounce (Ex) When a creature with this special attack makes a charge, it can make a full attack (including rake attacks if the creature also has the rake ability).

Hope you have the time to answer. Thanks in advance.

Odraude wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Do you have some more "traditional" APs in the queue as well? (Shattered Star seems the most 'normal' we've seen for a while - although perhaps Wrath of the Righteous will be another?)

As a note, the second adventure of Reign of Winter is surprisingly traditional while still feeling fresh.

** spoiler omitted **

Cheers. I've been taking a break from reading my subscriptions, but some of the Reign of Winter stuff is beginning to rekindle my enthusiasm. :)

Sadly, my copy is still making it's way over the Pacific. It might just make it on Saturday, but more likely not til the middle of next week based on past experience. :(

Lantern Lodge

Will we ever see a AP that is has a major "fairy tale" feel as its main theme?

Something, I can use to lure my Disney princess loving younger cousins to PFS?
Maybe something with lots of unicorns and pegasi? (You can't believe how much my younger cousins like to play with a pair of D&D unicorn and Pegasus miniatures that I have.)

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

How would Mengkare react to one of his "Citizens" or their children manifesting gold dragon blooded sorcery? What about one of the less pretty bloodlines?

Scandalized. Those defective citizens would be processed. As might be their parents.

Mengkare? As in that Gold Dragon on the island experiment?

What is Mengkare's alignment?
(Can't say?)

I can absolutely say, but I won't right now, because doing so would probably involve me pulling rank over James Sutter and that COULD end up with arguments and hurt feelings I don't want to deal with at this point. ;-P

When that time comes, can I watch?

James Jacobs wrote:
Shadowlord wrote:


Alas... those types of rules verification questions aren't the ones that I can really answer here without it causing ripple effects elsewhere on the boards. Rules questions from the rulebook lines need to be directed to the rules forums; sorry!

Not a problem, you're still awesome for having this thread.

I will try to get an answer from the Rules forums. I actually had a thread for question 1, but I only got the general information about teleportation, not specifics for Dimensional Dervish. The thread fizzled out and I don't think it got FAQ'd, maybe I will try to revive it.

Can you post a link for me? I have tried to find "the FAQ" where all the posts with FAQ pushes get answered, I have been unsuccessful. I'm not sure how I'm missing it, probably the same way I was missing this thread until someone posted a link.



Paizo Employee Creative Director

-Anvil- wrote:

James, is the eidolon's Pounce ability intentionally different than the Universal Monster ability Pounce?

They are worded differently and the eidolon's ability seems to indicate that its version of Pounce won't work in a a surprise round while the universal version seems to indicate it can. Was this done deliberately to keep the eidolon's power level in line?

Eidolon's Pounce- Pounce (Ex): "An eidolon gains quick reflexes, allowing it to make a full attack after a charge. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped base form."

Universal Monster Ability Pounce- Pounce (Ex) When a creature with this special attack makes a charge, it can make a full attack (including rake attacks if the creature also has the rake ability).

Hope you have the time to answer. Thanks in advance.

It is indeed intentionally different, hence the different name for the ability. That said... I'm not seeing anything at all in the above that says anything about surprise rounds.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Secane wrote:

Will we ever see a AP that is has a major "fairy tale" feel as its main theme?

Something, I can use to lure my Disney princess loving younger cousins to PFS?
Maybe something with lots of unicorns and pegasi? (You can't believe how much my younger cousins like to play with a pair of D&D unicorn and Pegasus miniatures that I have.)

Probably not. Golarion tends to be a darker, grittier world. Our take on "fairy tales" can be seen in Kingmaker and Reign of Winter.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Adam Daigle wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

How would Mengkare react to one of his "Citizens" or their children manifesting gold dragon blooded sorcery? What about one of the less pretty bloodlines?

Scandalized. Those defective citizens would be processed. As might be their parents.

Mengkare? As in that Gold Dragon on the island experiment?

What is Mengkare's alignment?
(Can't say?)

I can absolutely say, but I won't right now, because doing so would probably involve me pulling rank over James Sutter and that COULD end up with arguments and hurt feelings I don't want to deal with at this point. ;-P
When that time comes, can I watch?

You'll probably NOT be able to not watch.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Shadowlord wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Shadowlord wrote:


Alas... those types of rules verification questions aren't the ones that I can really answer here without it causing ripple effects elsewhere on the boards. Rules questions from the rulebook lines need to be directed to the rules forums; sorry!

Not a problem, you're still awesome for having this thread.

I will try to get an answer from the Rules forums. I actually had a thread for question 1, but I only got the general information about teleportation, not specifics for Dimensional Dervish. The thread fizzled out and I don't think it got FAQ'd, maybe I will try to revive it.

Can you post a link for me? I have tried to find "the FAQ" where all the posts with FAQ pushes get answered, I have been unsuccessful. I'm not sure how I'm missing it, probably the same way I was missing this thread until someone posted a link.



Here. Also, don't be afraid of our search window over to the right! :-)

James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:

Will we ever see a AP that is has a major "fairy tale" feel as its main theme?

Something, I can use to lure my Disney princess loving younger cousins to PFS?
Maybe something with lots of unicorns and pegasi? (You can't believe how much my younger cousins like to play with a pair of D&D unicorn and Pegasus miniatures that I have.)

Probably not. Golarion tends to be a darker, grittier world. Our take on "fairy tales" can be seen in Kingmaker and Reign of Winter.

So no original Grimm's Fairy Tale Style stories?

Lantern Lodge

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:

Will we ever see a AP that is has a major "fairy tale" feel as its main theme?

Something, I can use to lure my Disney princess loving younger cousins to PFS?
Maybe something with lots of unicorns and pegasi? (You can't believe how much my younger cousins like to play with a pair of D&D unicorn and Pegasus miniatures that I have.)

Probably not. Golarion tends to be a darker, grittier world. Our take on "fairy tales" can be seen in Kingmaker and Reign of Winter.
So no original Grimm's Fairy Tale Style stories?

Or Fairy Godmothers, princess/princes in distress and true love kisses breaking curses?


The Grimm Fairy Tales had that, but it also had darker elements as well.

How common are crews that run the long-con? Grifters who go for the big, long-term scams: selling a dud race horse, big-store investment con, the sort of thing that takes several days at least and a lot of setup. Basically the sort of thing you see in Hustle (a BBC series about a team of con-artists working in London).

Just to narrow the question down a bit; how common do you think they'd be in the more urban nations, say... Andoran, Absalom, Cheliax and Varisia?

Pathfinder: Leverage Edition.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Secane wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:

Will we ever see a AP that is has a major "fairy tale" feel as its main theme?

Something, I can use to lure my Disney princess loving younger cousins to PFS?
Maybe something with lots of unicorns and pegasi? (You can't believe how much my younger cousins like to play with a pair of D&D unicorn and Pegasus miniatures that I have.)

Probably not. Golarion tends to be a darker, grittier world. Our take on "fairy tales" can be seen in Kingmaker and Reign of Winter.
So no original Grimm's Fairy Tale Style stories?

Or Fairy Godmothers, princess/princes in distress and true love kisses breaking curses?


Second installment of Reign of Winter is very fairy tale like. Read my spoiler above.

More Spoilers:
In addition, there's a lighthearted scene where you all fight a wikkawak (ice bugbear) with kids cheering you on and throwing marbles at him.

Sweet! But I still want a full Fairy Tale AP.

Silver Crusade

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Sweet! But I still want a full Fairy Tale AP.

The Harrowing is a module with a sort of a storybook/Wonderland kind of feel going on. You might want to check that one out too.

Sending a PM for non-canon stuff too.

Ok this might be a weird question. Heck it might not be one anybody at Pazio have given serious thought to.

In Golarion do animals have souls?

I might have follow up questions depending on the answear.


Weird Question, James.

I was thinking about Mayan / Aztec religions the other day and here is my question: How can you justify having a non-Chaotic Evil religion that undergoes human sacrifice? It doesn't seem right to classify an entire civilization as Chaotic Evil based solely on their national religion ... does it? And if their religion states human sacrifice is necessary to stave off the end of the world, are they really being 'Chaotic' about it? Maybe Evil, sure, but Chaotic?

What's your take?

James Jacobs wrote:
-Anvil- wrote:

James, is the eidolon's Pounce ability intentionally different than the Universal Monster ability Pounce?

They are worded differently and the eidolon's ability seems to indicate that its version of Pounce won't work in a a surprise round while the universal version seems to indicate it can. Was this done deliberately to keep the eidolon's power level in line?

Eidolon's Pounce- Pounce (Ex): "An eidolon gains quick reflexes, allowing it to make a full attack after a charge. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped base form."

Universal Monster Ability Pounce- Pounce (Ex) When a creature with this special attack makes a charge, it can make a full attack (including rake attacks if the creature also has the rake ability).

Hope you have the time to answer. Thanks in advance.

It is indeed intentionally different, hence the different name for the ability. That said... I'm not seeing anything at all in the above that says anything about surprise rounds.

Thank you for responding. Sorry I wasn't clearer about the surprise round angle.

Since you can charge in a surprise round it would seem a monster with Pounce can indeed, Pounce in a surprise round.

But the wording for the eidolon's ability specifically says "full attack after a charge". So I'm thinking based on that wording it can't? Or maybe I'm just splitting hairs here.

So.. can an eidolon with the Pounce evolution Pounce in a surprise round?

Thanks again.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Secane wrote:

Will we ever see a AP that is has a major "fairy tale" feel as its main theme?

Something, I can use to lure my Disney princess loving younger cousins to PFS?
Maybe something with lots of unicorns and pegasi? (You can't believe how much my younger cousins like to play with a pair of D&D unicorn and Pegasus miniatures that I have.)

Probably not. Golarion tends to be a darker, grittier world. Our take on "fairy tales" can be seen in Kingmaker and Reign of Winter.
So no original Grimm's Fairy Tale Style stories?

That's exactly what I'm talking about with darker and grittier fairy tales, actually.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ShadowFighter88 wrote:

How common are crews that run the long-con? Grifters who go for the big, long-term scams: selling a dud race horse, big-store investment con, the sort of thing that takes several days at least and a lot of setup. Basically the sort of thing you see in Hustle (a BBC series about a team of con-artists working in London).

Just to narrow the question down a bit; how common do you think they'd be in the more urban nations, say... Andoran, Absalom, Cheliax and Varisia?

About as common as they are in the real world, I guess.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:

Ok this might be a weird question. Heck it might not be one anybody at Pazio have given serious thought to.

In Golarion do animals have souls?

I might have follow up questions depending on the answear.

All living creatures have souls in Pathfinder.

For outsiders, the soul is inexorably entwined with the body and the two are the same thing (except for native outsiders, which have normal souls).

Souls from sentient creatures (aka creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or higher) are much more valuable to those who traffic in souls.

Silver Crusade

Had a thought occur to me earlier : Demons were originally made from the mixing of Qlippoth and Sinful mortal souls correct? In that case what would happen if a Qlippoth and a virtuous soul were mixed?

1) Does Gozreh have any artifacts associated with him/her?

2) If you could have any [real] object in your office that isn't currently there, what would it be?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Weird Question, James.

I was thinking about Mayan / Aztec religions the other day and here is my question: How can you justify having a non-Chaotic Evil religion that undergoes human sacrifice? It doesn't seem right to classify an entire civilization as Chaotic Evil based solely on their national religion ... does it? And if their religion states human sacrifice is necessary to stave off the end of the world, are they really being 'Chaotic' about it? Maybe Evil, sure, but Chaotic?

What's your take?

I don't.

A religion that has human sacrifice is evil. Not necessarily chaotic. But it's still evil.

Alignments don't always map perfectly to the real world... but then again, if the Aztecs were alive and sacrificing people today on the scale they did back then, I'm certain they would be regarded as evil by pretty much everyone.

Note that a religion being evil does not mean that the society itself is evil.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
-Anvil- wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
-Anvil- wrote:

James, is the eidolon's Pounce ability intentionally different than the Universal Monster ability Pounce?

They are worded differently and the eidolon's ability seems to indicate that its version of Pounce won't work in a a surprise round while the universal version seems to indicate it can. Was this done deliberately to keep the eidolon's power level in line?

Eidolon's Pounce- Pounce (Ex): "An eidolon gains quick reflexes, allowing it to make a full attack after a charge. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped base form."

Universal Monster Ability Pounce- Pounce (Ex) When a creature with this special attack makes a charge, it can make a full attack (including rake attacks if the creature also has the rake ability).

Hope you have the time to answer. Thanks in advance.

It is indeed intentionally different, hence the different name for the ability. That said... I'm not seeing anything at all in the above that says anything about surprise rounds.

Thank you for responding. Sorry I wasn't clearer about the surprise round angle.

Since you can charge in a surprise round it would seem a monster with Pounce can indeed, Pounce in a surprise round.

But the wording for the eidolon's ability specifically says "full attack after a charge". So I'm thinking based on that wording it can't? Or maybe I'm just splitting hairs here.

So.. can an eidolon with the Pounce evolution Pounce in a surprise round?

Thanks again.

I would say no, pretty much because I think eidolons are already too good. The rules don't look any different to me though, so I could certainly see someone saying it CAN be done. In my game, IF I allowed summoners (which I don't), I would just ban this evolution entirely rather than tinker.

But in the end, this is a question for the rules team.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

drumlord wrote:

1) Does Gozreh have any artifacts associated with him/her?

2) If you could have any [real] object in your office that isn't currently there, what would it be?

1) Certainly, but I can't think of one off the top of my head.

2) A Kurig coffee machine.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Had a thought occur to me earlier : Demons were originally made from the mixing of Qlippoth and Sinful mortal souls correct? In that case what would happen if a Qlippoth and a virtuous soul were mixed?

Nothing. Although the qlippoth might get a rash.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Had a thought occur to me earlier : Demons were originally made from the mixing of Qlippoth and Sinful mortal souls correct? In that case what would happen if a Qlippoth and a virtuous soul were mixed?
Nothing. Although the qlippoth might get a rash.

Aww poor Qlippoth

Are Gunslingers meant to be able to shoot twice as many times with double fire arms.

And what's your favourite class ?

James Jacobs wrote:

I would say no, pretty much because I think eidolons are already too good. The rules don't look any different to me though, so I could certainly see someone saying it CAN be done. In my game, IF I allowed summoners (which I don't), I would just ban this evolution entirely rather than tinker.

But in the end, this is a question for the rules team.

That's pretty much how I feel as a GM also. Thanks this will help me moderate it at my table

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Wind Chime wrote:

Are Gunslingers meant to be able to shoot twice as many times with double fire arms.

And what's your favourite class ?

If they load up with the right combination of feats and abilities and gear, they can shoot more often, but not necessarily twice as many times.


James Jacobs wrote:
Here. Also, don't be afraid of our search window over to the right! :-)


Sovereign Court Contributor

When you mentioned Liszt's Mazeppa did you mean the Symphonic Poem or the Transcendental Etude?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeff Erwin wrote:
When you mentioned Liszt's Mazeppa did you mean the Symphonic Poem or the Transcendental Etude?

They're both awesome.

Silver Crusade

If the Neh-thalggu do get a big boost related to the Dominion of the Black, will they look like the version shown in the Bestiary or do you see them having a different look?

I search the messageboards frequently so that I can glean more information about Numeria and what kinds of things are going on there. Is there an AP, module, or player companion in the works that will show us what Numeria has to offer?

If so, when do you think it will be available for eager gamers like me?

Silver Crusade

Oh, and what did you imagine the fungal-infected victims of Inner Sea Bestiary's Fungal Queens looking like?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:
If the Neh-thalggu do get a big boost related to the Dominion of the Black, will they look like the version shown in the Bestiary or do you see them having a different look?

Why would they need a "boost" or appearance change at all?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
baronbloodbath wrote:

I search the messageboards frequently so that I can glean more information about Numeria and what kinds of things are going on there. Is there an AP, module, or player companion in the works that will show us what Numeria has to offer?

If so, when do you think it will be available for eager gamers like me?

No such AP or module or player companion is available at this point, nor have we announced anything of that nature for 2013.


Stay tuned.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:
Oh, and what did you imagine the fungal-infected victims of Inner Sea Bestiary's Fungal Queens looking like?

Like fungus-encrusted versions of their own self.

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